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After few days of travelling to Poznań to see my friends and attend a convention, I'm back and bringing you some fresh first attempts of recording my sketching process! I made some videos of digital sketching in the past, but traditional field is something completely new to me. From now on you'll have to bare with my phone camera quality, but when I'll reach my next goal I'll improve my hardware and step up the game!

Link to the video - https://youtu.be/W7g4ZB6qqsA

So far you guys get the early access to the video while it's not public, but in a week I'll change the accessibility so all the other folks can enjoy the content.

In the next few days after uploading the video, I'll put up a small poll about the angle of the camera while recording. It's really important to me to make you guys happy with the content, so if you have any suggestions for the future videos, please make sure to commend below this post ♥

Thank you so much!




10/10 uwu Question - how long do you normally warm up for before you start more detailed drawings?


It depends. Sometimes all i can do for the whole day is only warm up sketches. It usually looks like that when i don't feel the "flow". But when the day os good it takes about 30 minutes to an hour to get into the zone~ those two pages took me about 25 minutes to draw~