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Warning: This is a chapter with less yolka, just some filler and thing to start new arc. A little no brainer o)---(

Thank you for waiting!! Finally, this chapter is done. I don't fool you when I said i need one month to produce 1 chapter nowദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧

Not much happening in this chapter. This fixed version is actually.. I think after 5 or 7 unused version. So much. IDK why I keep revising it tho the end result is not much different, not that good either 🥲🥲🥲

But it's done, so whatever. Please hit me in storyboard phase who keep making hard for myself o)---(

This chapter is showing how things changed for andra after yolka's EPD. Actually this chapter supposed to tell about the possible reason yolka cured, which is another gloomy backstory. But I decided to move it to later because I'm bored drawing yolka's backstory. I want to draw a fighhhtttt aaaaaaaa when will I get to draw an angry sex? Will I get to even draw it? This andra and yolka talk all the time, how can make them fight?????( ꒦ິ ཀ ꒦ິ  )

So just make andra fight other people first 😘

Andra's bluffing skill is no joke. He can only be bullied by yolka😂 Who can bully him?
when making him intimidating the first year students I thought a little about how no-brainer he is to know his student's record/info. But then again he is a writer, and like me, a snoopy old lady, who like to google people based on their name (thus know my neighbor is divorcing her husband because I saw her divorce application in the civil/religion courts website, online) I thought maybe he also doing things like that. Reading his student's information and stuff. For creative writing purpose 😂 I thought it would still make sense.

There's also shared cloud contact number of students which he then used to call the boy's father. Too wicked. I just write brainless plot, don't think much about it ethically, I'm just having fun 😂😂

But canonically, andra did bring something around:

Just a small one though. Small enough it can't make someone faint but enough to give people a scare. Andra works in business major which holds a huge share of alpha students, so if an omega went into heat or an alpha rutting suddenly, he could use it as a scare tactic or hope the stun gun can make them a little awake.

Where is Yolka? Yolka, come save your baby!!!

I like to think andra having bluffing skill to keep himself safe, he couldn't have someone hit or hurt him to prevent unseen injury.

The start of an angsty time for andra!

In this world beta is the bottom of the society, so now there's a lot of people think andra is not well-fit to yolka and plan to take him from andra. How hard it is to fight a short beta, with plain face and nothing special about him? It's better to fight him than to fight a lot of people who also want this perfect specimen of an alpha! Now that he's not stinky anymore!!

((((Sobs I had to make plot even though all I want now is to draw smut))))

Andra and the neutralizer. Don't think too much, andra :)

Anyway, since there's nothing much happening in this chap, there's also nothing much to comment. In this chapter though, I have fun (((finally))) coloring it, though still can't get any faster. At least it was enjoyable to make.

I'm going to have Lunar New Year at 10th this year, still not married so I still hope to receive red packet😂😂😂 Last year's business is not too good though for me and my mom so we just plan to solemnly celebrate the new year. If you're celebrating it too, Happy new year! May the year of the dragon is prosperous and safe for all of us~

I will update this post with the proofed version once it's done, then send the pdf to January's patron. It's already February? Author think it's still in January (╥﹏╥)

Thank you for reading and waiting for me! I thank you for your generosity🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Wishing you a good February, and soon there's Valentine (I hope to draw some extra because I missed last year's valentine, I think TT) so May your life full of love and money. If no love like author, then full of money and money. Can't buy love but can buy handsome 2D boys and beautiful 2D girls, I have no protest🫶🫶🫶
It's still cold and rainy outside, please keep yourself warm. I hope you will be happy and healthy wherever you are. Drink a lot of water and eat delicious food, have plenty of rest!!

Author is 30 this year. Age is not lying. Now I can barely sleep at 2AM before my stomach acid climb to my throat, so you too---sleep early, drink a lot, shit enough so there's no constipation, if there's sun outside please go get some so mood will be brighter!! Wishing your wallet to be full of money and all bills paid, saving aplenty, good opportunities come to you.

Have a nice day!!

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Andra used: Call the parents! It’s super effective! Awwww Yolka’s parents 😭😭 they really missed their son like that huh


Love this so much 😭 I was still half asleep when this was posted and I woke up so quickly to read this haha

Kait Kimishi

Omg wow Andra now you will have lots of problems! I feel for you! Make sure to fight for him.

Fatihah Fatinah

I think if yolka knows that his beloved being bullied like this, it will be war with those students😂👌

Aisyah Xaviera

hmmmm i kinda think that yolka's epd is better because his body is slowly acclimatising with his mate that he himself chose.


Are they going to be okay???? 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Hannah S

I should have known Andra could handle himself though I was secretly hoping to see one of the students try to complain to Yolka's dad about it and see him instantly expel them 😏

Aleksandra Lopez



Yessss yolka's parents, they are so happy 😭😭😭😭 both missing yolka so much, all this time want to hug but can not, want to get close it's hurting. Miracle is happening✨️✨️


So happy for Yolka but I’m have this aching feeling something is gonna go wrong 😥


What time is there right now? I think we differ 12 hour😂 it's noon already. But reading new chap after wake up is pretty good right😂


Good for yolka but not good for andra😭😭 boy get disrespected like that, they don't see andra as yolka's boyfriend tbh "if he can do it so do I" broooo

Uien None



He gonna "you wanna play? I'l play." And scare those student to death😂😂 yolka is not chill with possible threat to his and andra's relationship🫵🫵


Yup it's something like that, but I'm going to make everyone think otherwise too first😎😎


Lmaooooo let's do it then, I'm thinking I'm going to use nepotism against those student to let them know world is cold and unforgiving for extras🤣


Hope you enjoyed the chappp!!🥰🥰🥰 thank you so muchhhh


7am in the morning here now! Might go back to sleep 😴 thanks again for the chapter! I'm so hyped for the next one - can't wait to see how andra and yolka resolve the new situation they're facing 😭😂💜


Ohhh so early! Go to sleep, go to sleep~ hope you enjoyed the chap! Ayee, look forward for more. But now i'm being pretty chill so maybe the art won't be as smooth as before, but I'll try to finish faster >w</


I love Yolka's parents! 💕 Andra is just so cute with the way he fights off people 😆 I just hope all this doesn't get him too depressed!


The angst! The drama! Andra kicking ass! Also, yeah can't stay up late once you hit your 30s 😭🤣


It's so sweet and I'm glad for Yolka and his family that he is doing better, but he better not let anyone get inbetween them. Like we know strong Andra is, but the constant bullying can wear him out. Pls cherish your strong beta lover, Mr. Yolka! 😂 I wish you too a happy Lunar New year, even tho the business doesn't go too well, I hope new and better options are opening up for you. Pls take care of yourself, hope your family is doing well too! 💛💛


AHHHHH I am so excited for the angst I'm going insane for it hehe

Arely Gonzalez

"You are ugly" How could he say that?, Andra is so cute. 🥺❤️ Are they really thought they could intimidate Andra? 😂


Love the parents and older students! So precious 💜✨ And how dare the newcomers try to intimidate our poor bby? Hes ugly!?!?? 🔪🔪🔪🔪👿


And Yolka walking around oblivious with his head in the clouds. hahah Our poor Andra, he can't catch a break! And also, he is way better looking than those trolls.


Even if Yolka was not in a relationship, she's a student, he'd still reject her.... (if not then he should be fired) I'm glad the upperclassmen let Andra fend off the 1st years this time to show what he's capable of, though i hope he will allow them to help in the future if they bother him again. Dear author, no need to apologize about taking 1 month to make a long, colored chapter. As a solo author & artist, it should take you one month!


They only have internal conflict up until now because they live in the world of two because of yolka's condition, now yolka is fine and people start making trouble😭😭


Mom: want big party Dad: super big party. I want super big party Yolka: ????? He didn't even know any of the guest but yolka's parents just want to show him off to the world that he is cured now😭😭🫶 they are cute! Andra can't deal with this discriminatory shit, gotta protect his own man!


Damnnn right😭😭 I used to draw webtoon commercially and literally sleep 4AM 5AM everyday in my 20s, right now it's 1AM and body screaming HEY BTCH IT'S SLEEPIN' TIME, OR YOU GET FALSE HEART PROBLEM SYMPTOM BABYYYY yeah, we should sleep early😂 so we could stay young longer too


He's already so sad because up until now he's been respected and loved, then suddenly new people who don't come and bully him😭😭 i wonder if this is how it feel when non-celeb dating or marrying a celeb. They constantly get threats from haters :(((( Thank youuu! My mom's last watermelon farm cycle also get a loss so this new year will be spent humbly😂 but all is good! Happy lunar new year and I'm borrowing all the good wishes and words from you🫶🫶🫶✨️


This new way of life due to his cure is making me uneasy 😣 I can’t wait to see what happens but I’m nervous 😥


It's been a while since I making one. Hoping it would be good and still fun to read (and draw, of course) I want to draw them fightingggg and then cutely all over one another but still fighting lololol


For them andra is ugly and nothing special🤣 andra is cute for us and super cute for yolka. Man got worked up seeing the top of his head. He look like a docile rabbit, they don't find out until they are chewed clean by the man-eating blood rabbit🤣🤣


After this actually the first year get ambushed by the older students😂 you want to bully my teach, I can bully you too! Ohh i want to draw that scene in doodle hahahaha Right??? They know yolka later but have the audacity to intimidate andra who was with yolka since before🥲🥲 asking to be smacked


Yolka is having a great time, now catching up with the things he's been unable to do until now. But andra.. poor andra😭😭😭😭 Actually those troll is good looking. But they are just passing mobs and author have no mood to draw mobs beautifully, just let them drawn like that🤣 but still, the audacity of them!

Lucie Pichot

Thank you author ! Happy lunar year ! I want to see angry sexxxx ! With Andra on top and crying Yolka 🤣🤣🤣 or the contrary i don’t know 🤣🤣

Martina Menzies

NOOOOO ANGSY ANDRA WILL BE COMING SOON TO A THEATER NEAR MEEE!!!! Author please make the fight good and the sexy angy after party AWESOME 👌 👏 👍 😍 💖 I TRUST YOU AND I WILL WAIT!!!

Alyssa Eidem

If Andra's skill wasn't so good and he actually did get hit Yolka would get so mad, I imagine it would be like having his epd flare up. If that happened in his class it would cause a mass panic.


Yolka you have one job, one job! And you leave your darling alone! I love it, I really like how Andra is so strong.


haha They do look good! They are just trolls to me because of their personalities and I am a little biased because I love Andra so much. I will retract my statement if they come and beg at his feet for forgiveness. haha!

Valeria Miceli

Happy Year of the Dragon! I hope that all the wishes you have given us come true and I reciprocate with passion. The same passion as Yolka's mother in that wonderful hug 😘

Jessica Hale

Didn’t read through all the comments, but had a thought (maybe someone else did, too)… even after Yolka is fully cured, Andra should still carry neutralizer to help if a alpha or omega goes into breeding phase (heat/rut) - spray neutralizer, and then rush them out… the neutralizer would help prevent unwanted reaction/ attention from other gender for a little time to help them get to a safe location. Seems a good thing fora TA to have in an alpha-heavy field of study.


I love how Andra is smart enough to defend himself Ps: I would love to see an illustration of yolka wearing a crop top 🤤

Arely Gonzalez

Of curse, that's because, yolka and us have good taste 👌... Andra is really scary when he wants to hahaha 🤣 I can't wait for what's next! ❤️

Foxy Lady

As always Andra handled the situation beautifully I truly love that he gets himself out of situations instead of having to be saved by someone bigger and stronger


God I hope none of the students ever witness feral Andra. Gulla should warn them about how truely scary Andra is


Where are you when we need you, Yolka??😡 Luckily Andra has his own gang now!

☆ Upelkuchen ☆

I know maybe I'm being too overdramatic but tbh the fact that people are reproaching Andra and also trying to get closer to Yolka now is so annoying. Like "my friend is more suitable" your friend wasnt there for Yolka at his worst. What makes you think they're good for him now? Yolka had gone through so much and Andra was there for him, now u claim he's not worthy? Like wtf? Great episode/writing, its totally believable that this would happen


Oh no I’m worried Andra’s going to start feeling like he’s not necessary anymore. 🥺


But also, as nice as it is to see him have friends who want to stand up for him, I’m glad he was able to handle it himself. He shows that betas really aren’t weak and he can handle alphas and brats and all that.


Im sad for Andra, not only he’s poor, he’s also an ugly beta with a rare and dangerous disease, damn! Andra, don’t buy a lottery ticket!!! I want to know more about him, like, did he had an emo phase?🤣 I can see the vision.. 🐺🖤 lol Or maybe more about his old job, I’m very curious, how did he learn those pro techniques?!? What about his parents? Will they replace Andra with yolka?? How could Andra afford 2 phones? So many questionssaaahh… Anyway! I really enjoyed the chapter and of course, take the time you need, thank you!💕


I'm conflicted. I want Andra to be physically marked by yukas pheromones buuuut at the same time I want him to find a way to establish his rightful place with Yuka without it and have a genuine conversation with Yuka about his insecurities... Because non communication deteriorates even the best relation. 🥰 beautifully drawn, I love this comic so much


Right? She's way too young😭😭 and if not andra, his type is a cold beauty like gulla. He didn't like the meek or cute type. I imagine especially when he's young, he like the cold one because it's more fun to pursue and conquer, tickling his desire to dominate as an alpha. She's out 😂 The upperclassmen will ambush them back later to make them taste their own medicine. They're not the only alphas from good families in this school! Prepare to be bullied if you dare to bully! ayyyy thank you so muchhh aaa


As long as my dream of drawing angry sex happen, i can feel happy🤣🤣andra on top sounds good!!!

Jessica Hale

I am always amused by the fact that, when characters (even Andra himself) claim that he is, at best, average in looks, I can critically assess the more detailed panels near those comments and see that he is, indeed, drawn to not be as attractive as Yolka or Guilla… but that in episodes where Yolka can’t keep his hands off Andra, he’s drawn a little cuter (at least until the end where he’s a dried out husk). Maybe Andra is more attractive neekid? If it’s inherent in the ”nothing looks good on him”, then we are fortunate to see him wearing all that super-cute nothing. But if it’s just that he doesn’t know how to pick clothes that flatter him…maybe Yolka can help him pick out sexier things to wear?


Angsty andra is coming indeed!!! Lmaoo I really hope I can do it well😭😭 I want to draw roughhh sexy time!!


Sure it will!!! Imagine he's in front of the freshman class and just intimidating everyone with his pheromones and make them taste how it feel to be with yolka with epd before😂😂 actually this is a very exciting idea, i might use it!!! Will shut them up good!!!


Yolka should've glued himself to andra like always 👀 Andra is someone who is pretty tolerant if treated softly/kindly, but not roughly. He will fight back and decisive to those who is hard handed against him🤣


Happy new year!!! Yeahhhhh, i really hope so!🫶🫶🫶 wishing all the best for all of us✨️✨️ Yolkamama just want to hug and rub yolka's head all day, giving him the affection touch after decade of not being able to have it😭😭


Exactly but... He's a man at the end of the day 😂 Yup he's like "I treat you as you treat me"


I waited for this chapter!!!! The only complain that I have is that it ended like this too soon I want to read moreeee!!!


Thank you so much for bringing this chapter!!! ❤️ Happy new year!!!


Exactly!! He's mostly will act like a peace loving guy unless you annoy him😂 then he won't take any bullshit anymore!


That's true, it can be used that way! But i think in each room/class would have equipped this emergency medical box/case as a measure against this scenario, so there's a little reason why he should bring it personally everywhere. Andra bring it mostly as a habit, like he always use them before yolka exit his car/his office or use public facility like lift to make people around yolka feel better (yolka is conscious about his pheromones making other uncomfortable, so he appreciate it a lot when andra do this act😭) Andra is really a good assistant.


LMAOOO WHY SUDDENLY CROP TOP🤣🤣 Andra is the master of bluffing! He did lie quite a lot, though mostly a white lie😂


Because andra is a beta who is not a "main character" in omegaverse story, so no one would save him the way normal plot works😂😂 gotta learn how to protect himself and escape from peril without getting hurt! Andra is ✨️slimy✨️


Andra is a normal smol beta, he won't do anything harmful🥺🥺 but maybe he'll speak a word or two to yolka, and then to yolkapapa, and then they will take care of it for him🤣 I sometimes like to think andra is the type who will use all the card on his hand, even yolka's affection and his parent's support😂


Yolka is working now😭😭😭 He never thought or imagine his popularity can make people harm andra. Now i want to make the scene where he is super angry and intimidate whole class/school for andra🥺🫵🫵


Lmaoooo righttt so annoying!!!! But this happen 100% in real life too😂 if one see unmatched couple some idiot would think or say "i look better then him/her, why would he/she go with such ugly person?" Even though they don't know what this couple has gone through and how precious they treat each other. Some celeb spouse ask for divorce because they keep getting death threats and harrassment 😭😭😭 really no-brainer, but some people are weirdo sick bastard like that!


Poor andra. Author want him to cry so shall he😭🫵//no But yes andra feel happy some people did not change and still appreciate him, he truly feel grateful for that. Beta aren't actually weak, they are just normal, too normal that alphas and omegas (who now gain stronger physique comparable to beta and innate attractive appearance) look down on them🥲


HHAAHAHHAHAHA WHEN YOU PUT IT THIS WAY ANDRA IS REALLY UNLUCKY INDEED😂😂😂 Not only that, he also write smut for fun anonymously and get exposed by the very object of his fantasy. Truly bad bad luck, he should not buy lottery ticket in his whole life😂😂😂😂🫵 Yes!!!! Young andra has long hair and a little rebellious! I haven't had chance to draw this though. I imagine Andra is exploited in his last job by prof martin. He by chance get swept to patient-handling team(which is always feral alphas) and become instant favorite because he learn fast, quick witted, have high tolerance of pain and pheromones, with pretty good reflex too. He's favored and now has to learn some "skill" to handle strong feral alphas😂 poor guy, but this experience will make him a ✨️pro tamer✨️ for yolka later!


One phone for work, one phone for private matter😘 i think a lot of working adult have the same setup. At least in my place they did🤣


He can not unfortunately🥲 yolka bite him like crazy but his scent only last maybe two days before fading. I do too! I want andra to establish his rightful place even without that. I'm working on writing that hehehe. But yes they need to communicate, just love is never enough to maintain a relationship😭 Thank youu aaaaa🥺🥺🫶


Ayoooo thank you for waiting!! I will write the continuation soon~~~ look forward and wish my head to not be as perfectionist as this chap, literally playing around storyboard for like 2 weeks o)----(


Hahahahaha I was watching your illustrations of him in a tight shirt and it came to my mind an image of yolka with a tight crop top with all his abs on display


Ahhh I caught up to fasttttt lovely thank you for chapter


Omg !!!! Thak you for your reply, I would wait forever......... I really love this story, do not worry to much take your time I know is hard to focus on something when you overthink. I love your work!!! ❤️ Thank you again and I will be waiting for you

Ashley M Rench

Damn Andra. His skills are scary asf!! But I'm glad he stood his ground and didn't take their shit. And I'm happy for yolka. But this brings only good things for Andra and yolka.


Ayeee you caught up, hope you enjoyed the chapp✨️✨️ look forward to the next one!


Andra is well versed in the art of bluffing💖 i just want to draw a little angst and then lewd things again👀


As always an amazing chapter and I am always excited to see were you take us next!

Ashley M Rench

Oh and I forgot to mention I really enjoyed the family moment. It was cute and funny. The dad moment was great


Andra STAYS READY to go for the jugular every time lol He better not try to convince yolka he's better off with someone else who's not a beta I swear to glob Andra


Ruthless Galaxy brain Andra is so ✨👌✨ its nice to see that part of his personality peek through again I hope you can take some time for yourself and rest when you need it 🙏 i looove your work but also know well creator’s health comes first 💗


Yolka's dad: We must invite at least 3000 people!-- His doting parents are so happy for him. Also, the nerve of those students, I couldn't wait to see how Andra would set them straight and I wasn't disappointed. He would have made an excellent debt collector, indeed. Also after so many drafts! I feel your pain, BUT, I do the same with the chapters of my novel until it's complete, so...it's just what needs to be done to get to the version you want. Don't be so hard on yourself because the first draft of anything is always the worst one. I haven't even gotten to the storyboard of an already completed story about BL unicorns myself and I had five different versions of the intro which we just recently decided we're not even going to use -_-;; Anyway, I wish you a happy lunar new year and many red packets! I know it's been a rough time for you. Thanks again for another stellar chapter!


In my heart I choose to believe that's yolka's cure is andra until im proven otherwise 🙏


I’m pretty sure that one chapter where Yolka’s alpha recognized Andra as his mate is what did it.


Woah the audacity of other people to try and bully or disrespect Andra just because Yolka is cured now, doesn’t mean he will forgive anyone disrespecting his honey 😭😭😭 I love how competent Andra is it’s quite different from normal mcs in bl, he’s always able to control the situation and he’s quite cool despite how much the story laughs at his expense 😭😭😭 ALSO TAIRA APPEARANCE! My favourite character has finally made a small appearance once more 🥹🥹🥹 he’s so silly and cute and I like how he tries and fails to be like a cool f boy in his first appearance only to get immediately shut down 😭😭😭 I really love chapters with the side characters too cause they’re so funny like Yolka’s parents, though of course I adore the main two just as much! :D I hope your health has been well author and you have a wonderful day ! Thank you for an amazing chapter!


….where tf is yolka like him waiting for the confession to end is breaking my heart

Хельга Балбаюр

Andra is so cool, he doesn't need Yolka's protection, but wtf Yolka? I understand you're free now and all, but where are your personal boundaries? Making your mate wait while you're getting a confession is not cool and wise thing. Oh, I know they're gonna be okay in the end, but I feel bad for Andra. Now Yolka can have fun with anyone he wants, and Andra won't even know about this. At the same time, Yolka can smell his enemy even if he\she just stands next to Andra. It's not fair... 😣Sometimes I want Andra to dump this troublesome alpha and find himself a better one. At least Andra can stand up for himself with such elegant way. I love it! He reminded me of this old meme "He can hurt you in other way". I couldn't resist and draw this. I hope, author doesn't mind. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tWrbvGvnau3y1biANOpJ0UjjHmfylE4b/view?usp=sharing


My heart hurts so much for Andra like …. Mfs feeling entitled to yolka when they were the same ones so afraid of him is wild

Sayurii Hanazaki

It said they are first years so they weren't around when Yolka had his problem at least that is the jist I got of it