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Warning: NSFW. May accidentally have drawn yolka's dick too big but lazy to redraw so let it as big as it wants to be. Yolka being naughty in his parent's home and andra indulging him because he's a face-con and tits-con, also yolka-con.

Yolka: Wife in the day, Husband in the night(๑´ڡ`๑)💖

Yolka has found his future career!! //no

Finally this chapter is done! Hahahah o)-----( I'm just so happy this chapter is finally done. Thank you for waiting. I keep thinking why this chapter is not done but when I count panels : oh, i see. There's 75+ panels, no wonder it never ends😵‍💫
The perpetrator is of course. ME!!!

I'm too horny while drawing the storyboard and made the chapter messed up like this!!

"okay part c"
"oh they are still doing it." //add another page

"they are not done yet gdi!!" //add another page

this doesn't count the next part where yolka talked to his mom. GOODDD hahahaha but yeah whatever, I enjoyed making this😂😂 Hahahahah!

There's a lot of part I like in this chapter. Yolka taking andra's photos enthusiacally. And him get soooooo damn hard and excited when andra tell him he will take him as his wife if yolka become a poor guy. My boy get freaking hard at the stability of the future, just like you and me. Stability-porn!

Andra is so brave even though he's talking like this to his own boss who paid him wages. Oh well. Yolka is so multitalented, he can be your boss, your wife, your husband, your personal living dildo, also unlimited protein support, though he's becoming more and more shameless by the day (and night), you will be happy, Andra! But it will be a hard fight because this shameless guy is not only crooked, but also handsome-crooked. He ask for your permission to be crooked and whip you with his silver, big, watery eyes, acting cute to get what he wants.
In Chinese novel I think people like yolka can be considered a "Green Tea" Man. Look pure and innocent, all green flag, but actually--actually...!
It's okay. Andra loves drinking his matcha latte. Green Tea is fine as long as you add "milk" to it //noooo

Though Yolka's relationship with his family is stiff right now, apparently uniform can solve everything. After this I bet yolka and his mom will bond over.. clothes.. certain clothes for certain person.. dealing it in back alley like some drug deal. And yolka's mom is happy to provide her support because she has access to A LOT of thing and want his son to be happier ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I think yolka is acting like this, naughty and roguish, aside because this old house reminded him of his young self, it's also because he wants to stain his room with andra.. and start a good memories again with his home. This is the place where he lost a lot of thing and experience painful times. Perhaps after this he will go home more often (•ө•)♡

Mr Beta is actually more Yolka-centric than the actual Main character, Andra. We don't know a lot of thing about andra. He's a regular guy, who finds love, but his life is so mundane and drama-less. Well, that's life of a Beta. Some readers want andra to be an omega but unfortunately no, if he's an omega he'd have been a father of 3 kids by now with how he fuck with yolka😂😂 They only baby he'd have is food baby!! One pack of food baby!!

Anyway, this is all. I will send the pdf to you--I don't know how many I will send? This has been long overdue. I'll just send it to September and October Patrons, please check your inbox in a day!

The chapter is proofed by Ayanna who recently moved to a new city and having better life now. Thank you so much for your speedy works!!

Thank you so much for you too, my dear patrons, who patiently wait for me to finish the chapter.  Look forward to the next one (though you already read the storyboard HAHAHAHA), it's getting near to the end of the year.. I hope your resolution in 2023 is mostly achieved if not all, and may you be happy and healthy wherever you are!


life update:

My chicken business is doing pretty well this round. I get some profit. All is good. Went to iceland and saw dancing northern light. Meet new people there. Enjoyed hot spring. I spend money! Next year my budget will be tighter so I'll just enjoy more this year.

I'll continue drawing next chapter and reply to the comments and message soon (tomorrow). I promised my bro to take him to burger king after finishing my chapter.

Look forward for more and I hope you are doing well too!

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Tapas updates are at the part where Yolka refuses to have sex with Andra because he's afraid of hurting him. This chapter update for us 3$ patrons was such a fun read after coming from anti-sex Yolka lol


Omg it all put together is so good! I love your writing and art style