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Hello! Long time no see.. I mean update. I'm still alive and working o)----(
The bad news is the chapter is still on typesetting stage and I will start the sketching/linearting after this.

This is the storyboard, very messy and full of bald figure. But I'll upload them so you know there's progress! This chapter's panel count is almost 100, so the finished version maybe will become chapter 59 and 60 (half-half)

Have not proofed yet. There's NSFW panels (15panel) in the middle which I didn't include here and will only added to the finished version (so you have something to look forward to... aside from the plot. I have to entice you to keep reading 😭) 

Even when making this i'm confused because there's slapping cheek along with family drama in one chapter. Eh, i'll make it to two. Anyway, here's some progress and spoiler of Chapter 59 of Mr Beta!

Hahahaha yes I'm just in this part o)----(
After this I'll upload them per page maybe. To show the progress. There's 6 pages including the NSFW part, which I hope to finish soon.

About the lateness..

To be honest with you, I recently hit my Lean FIRE number after saving 95% of patron money (and my other business as well) in the past 4 years and lived like a hobo. So I'm now traveling around resulting in me can't finish this chapter...
This month only. The last 2 or 3 months before this one is fully because my dumb head can't create anything. I'm at home full-time and still can't work😂 I had another trip in 22th so I had to finish this chapter before that. I can make up reason for lateness to you but no, I want you to know I'm doing well and stress-free recently. Knowing now I can actually spend what I earn 🫶
About FIRE if you don't know. YESS THAT'S RIGHT your support money will literally support me for life now I'm not even kidding😂 Thank you so much for the financial support, my dear sugar mommies and daddies. And maybe sugar siblings if you're younger than me. I'm literally patronized by you for my whole life. 

Therefore, I will be continuing Mr Beta until the end but at my own pace now. There won't be publish schedule, I'll upload when the chapter is ready. $3 patron's chapter will be updated after new chapter for $5 and $10 patron are published.
Sorry for the trouble and if I disappoint you but also thank you very much!

The full commentary about the chapter will be after the finished version is up.
Yolka's mom always feel guilty about yolka and rarely talk with just two of them, yolka also refused to go to his parent's home because of his condition. But their relationship will improve from now on. Yolkamama used to cry whenever she saw yolka out of guilt-- that scene is from when she put yolka in a 'home' aka the sanatorium when his condition escalated out of control. Ohhhh o)----(

Thought you'd see smut but seeing family drama instead.

Hope the bald figure isn't that confusing and you still can see who is who 🫶🫶



you're going to have me crying with that yolka memory. I look forward to the finished chapter 😀

Dana Sydnor

Why did Yolka not mention his cousin. Is he like the invisible man or better yet the elves that make shoes while you sleeping Lol. As always I will be waiting patiently for anything you put up. I am a big simp that way. Hope you and your family are doing well and I will always be praying for you and your mom.