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Warning: As the title said.
Pseudo(?) rape, THEFT, absurdity BASED ON REAL LIFE MYTH. It is advised to turn off your brain cells before reading.
This comic is not proofed so please ignore grammatical errors🙇‍♀️ Enjoy~!

Actually this one has been finished for about two weeks or so but I didn't dare upload it over Mr. Beta chapter 😭😭😭

So another storystock of mine. This one I draw the storyboard so it's of course absurd. I'm someone who lives in SEA, so this thing about "a spell/magic that can detach/take away male genital" is an actual thing here. IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED 😭😭😭😂😂😂😂 in modern times even, not old time.
i don't know if you can search it on google but it's a very famous myth (that everyone believed because magic/spell is our thing here) that a playboy from capital city play to a certain small city, play with a village head's daughter and broke her heart, the next day that playboy found his genital gone and so he has to come back to the girl's house to apologize to her and her father. The village head/father is the one who put spell on him of course😂

Anyway, the story is inspired from that myth and also because I often read dog blood novel with this premise :"Running away with balls (children/pregnancy) from my ceo/boss/husband after finding they didn't love them/using them/love someone else"  and think: why should you run with his baby? Why don't you just run with his babymaker?

TADA~~*this story*

You ought to be thorough when doing thing, honey(・∀・)

Basically it's a parody.
It's kinda braindead how they still end up together but basically the MC is very in love with his virgin (not anymore) and jerk husband even after the betrayal, and keep thinking of him and worrying about him. The ML was occupied in getting his dick back and can't romance his white moonlight Nathan, but in the way he keep getting harrassed (raped? TTATT) by MC and can listen to his sincere thought. He listen about MC recounting everything he did to him and feel touched (lol jerk) and fell in love with him. ML/the husband is the kind of wattpad male lead who is cold to everyone but his beloved, and stay virgin for 'the owner of his heart' despite being married to other. You can say he's devoted and an idiot.

My assistant said "The ending doesn't make any sense" GURL the whole story doesn't make any sense so it's only right to make the ending nonsensical too (/◕ヮ◕)/ She does love the story tho 😂😂😂

MC made his buddy (dick) wear all sort of clothes and take him everywhere, doing things he couldn't do with his husband. 

Cruise with husband's dick!

Hiking with husband's dick!

Watching sunset with husband's dick!

Enjoying tropical paradise with husband's dick!!!

He's very attached to it.

The artist is my friend, Shiba, and done a very very good job. All the expression is on point!!!!!! Please check her out on twitter or fiverr if you're interested in commissioning~ My requirement when looking for this storystock artist is: You must be able to draw dick.

I feel soooo bad receiving the file because I made her draw dicks with clothes and dresses😂😂😂😂 hope you're not distressed reading this story. It's just absurd gag/parody story that somehow created in my head.

Thanks for reading!!! 


Thana Silva

that was so funny I love it 😭😭

Hannah Tennyson

This was the best!!! 🤣🤣 Now I want a friend who will appreciate me getting them a dildo and some clothes to put on it 🤣