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Good day, Dear Patrons!

Here is the update schedule for October:

Public release on Webtoon CANVAS and Tapas: Chapter 29.13 ~ Chapter 30.8

$3 Tier: Chapter 44 

Chapter 44.5 Extra 

$5 and $10 Tier: Chapter 49 

I think there will be a little extra before the end of the month (/◕ヮ◕)/
This month I made it in time, i'm so proud of myself TT TT Anyway, I will start making storyboard for next chapter after i finished taking my brother to a concert😂 i bought the ticket for his birthday present last august because he likes this small artist, but didn't think much about how should i go there and what mess i should handle. But he's happy so that's all that matter!
Look forward for chapter 50~~~

As always thank you very much for your support🥺🥺🙇‍♀️ I hope you are always healthy and safe wherever you are, and have good time with your friends and families. May your wallet be thick with money all year round🛐🛐



Hi author ! Thanks for the update. I can't get access though i am a 5$ tier. Is that normal?


hello! I just checked, in my system you're in $3 tier (Maybe that's why tthe post is not accessible), you can change the tier in your membership setting, please refer to this post : https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-Editing-your-membership#:~:text=To%20switch%20tiers%2C%20follow%20the%20steps%20below%3A%201,tier%20you%E2%80%99d%20like%20to%20switch%20to%20More%20items under "Switching your tier on the Patreon app" :"D I hope this help! If not, please do message me! Thanks a lot too💕