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Good day, Dear Patrons!

So as I mentioned before, we will have some changes from March 2022, that is:

I will cut the price of current tiers in half. Here's how new Tiers look:

So starting March 2022 you would be able to access up to the latest chapter with $5 Tier pledge! And the Old SFW $3 Tier is gone (・∀・) Author will no longer making SFW chapters because whyshouldicensormyowneffortonmakingbeautifulnipplescocksandlewdpose-/cough

Another change in benefit is Patron shoutout is now only for $5 Tier+ 🙇‍♀️
Thank you for your understanding!

You can change your tier (if you want to), please check this guide: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-Editing-your-membership

I'll put the GIF Guide (stolen from the link above) on how to edit your Tiers both on Patreon App and Web.

------------Rant starts here-------------

Anyway, the reason of the price change is because:

1. For a few months ahead, I'm going to have less productivity than before. I promised you 2 chapters every month but now I often only make 1. From now on I can only guarantee 1 new chapter every month for each tier, and maybe some extra or poster art as the Benefit. Aside from the advanced chapter that's already published here of course.

2. The reason for less chapter is because.. I mentioned before my dad passed away last month. This seriously brings a big change to my life. Our mourning period is 49 days, then 100 days, until 1 year anniversary. Aside from praying I'm now taking over my dad's job: a chicken farm.

Look how many chickens. My current job is making yolka's and andra's cock, and now I have thousands of big and small cocks at my disposal. Author is currently ascending into COCKMASTER69 /no/

The job is much like other farms, basically a chicken hotel, we feed them and give them a good environment to grow, and then the factory people will take them away. Promised Neverland but chicken (they listen to happy dance music every day, idk why). 

Aside from this farm I also have to accompany my mother to her own farm in the same area(she has watermelon, chili, papaya and some corn).

Actually the job isn't too hard, but this area is 150-200km round trip from our home, so once going we will always go 8AM - 8PM, when I get back home I have no energy to draw anymore ;--; My current schedule is 3x a week so I only have 4 days to draw every week and my working speed is 1 chapter = 15 days working.

I won't be able to draw 2 chapters like before sobs sobs. At least until my mourning period is over. That's why half the promised chapters, half the price.

3. This is an absurd reason, but.. Because my dad died, I no longer have a financial goal.
I love money, really really do, so all this time I'm making Patreon is to buy my family a one-story house (both parents have weak legs because of aging, my brother broke his knees a few years ago and can no longer climb stairs easily as I do), currently we're living in 3-story shophouse(?) so it's inconvenient to them to go up and down stairs every day.

I then did buy the house. One wishlist done. Now my goal now changes to wanting to buy a good car for my dad. He's the kind of person who has the money but won't buy it because it's expensive, prefers to save it and give the money to us his children. I want to buy his dream car for him. I work hard and save money.. like 90-95% of my income every month, and then he just gone :")
I'm a lazy person who can only work hard if there's a goal I pursue. With him gone my goal is just.. gone. I have no other goal. I bought the house, there's no other wishlist. I thought of saving money to gather my retirement fund, but my dad has left enough for me. Hell, I can even live just with selling chicken shit (manure)😂😂 I only spend like 200$ every month so, I can live off these shit. From a cockmaster69 to shitseller88 😭😭//no

So with no goal in mind, I want to take this moment to slow things down and take it easier... while adapting to new things.

I can only wrong you and chop the 2 chapters into 1, and cut the price too because I think it makes sense to do so. I don't want to feel the guilt of receiving your money and then giving nothing (or less) back.
I know many of you support me wholeheartedly and is very, very generous and understanding, but I still feel bad :")

But don't worry, I will definitely draw Mr Beta to the end!


Also if you are a $10 Tier patron and still want to keep your tier, it's also okay. I never refuse more support🥰
I'm also keeping the $10 Tier but there will be no difference with $5 Tier
(at least for now, who knows if I want to make something in the future) 

Thank you so much for reading my rant and your support.. I really appreciate it(ಥ﹏ಥ) All the words I received are kind and caring, I can't thank you anymore. You see, you even bought me a house for my family. It's all from your support and nobody else.

I hope you understand my decision and reason🙇‍♀
And please look forward to future chapters, I'm on the sketching stage of chapter 41 currently!(/◕ヮ◕)/💕


Stolen guide from Patreon FAQ on How to Edit your Membership:

Patreon app:


Patreon Web:


*If you change the tier to lower tier now (for example, $10 to $5), you will not lose access to $10 tier content.


walter boyd

I got contacted by my banks fraud center about patron, I already fixed it on my end, but it's still says I can't subscribe. 😭


I’m so happy to hear you plan to write Mr Beta til the end. I don’t care if you post a chapter a year, as long as it’s making you happy, we are so happy with your content. TY dear author! I’m also happy to see you giving yourself a grieving period. Please take care of yourself.. and all your cocks!