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Thank you for waiting!!!! Chapter 38 is here!

Merry christmas and happy holiday!

Today is author's birthday. Author have a holy day as a birthday yet is a degenerate author with questionable fetishes. At least the laughing is the same, HO HO HO!

Chapter 38 is a filler chapter. Nothing much to see, just some silly stuff. Actually, I made storyboard for chapter 38, but it exceed 80 panels (I had to stop) so i decided to halved it into two and it become this short filler chapter.. why is the chapter so long, to exceed 80 panels initially?

Author has a confession.

You see, author is the type of author who is pretty good at making plot-driven stories, and this story's climax is when andra and yolka finally date. After this point I basically have no idea what to write (but I still have bunch of ideas) and just draw whatever I want, you know this.

So the chapters and the plot is build on "i want to draw this", and things i want to draw is..

a titfuck.


so, sooooooo, i'm thinking how to make this scene occur yeah? i'm thinking maybe yolka can give it to andra as a reward. But for what?

He must do something very guilty or andra doing something big so yolka use his bountiful asset to coax andra. How to make him guilty?

Yeah, yeah. He can meet with his ex omega and pick him. Oh yes, that would be so guilty. He would feel so bad. Yeahhhhhh this will do! But to make it more natural, he must tell-tale his past also so andra won't run away. And then reward him or coaxing him with titfuck since andra loves tits. Perfect!

This is my creative writing process༼ಢ_ಢ༽

So, the past few chapters where you guys and me myself, suffer from angsty backstory... is just because this author want to draw some titfuck. The initial plot planning is rut episode before meeting yolka's omega and his backstory, but they got forwarded because I want to draw some titfuck.


Then about the chapter, Look how happy andra is when delicacies is served to him! His expression become more abstract in front of man-tiddies😂 when i was in lineart stage, i revised yolka's chest many times "it's not big enough! still flat!" and then when I color it, I was like ????? so big??? twice as big as mine, a 3D woman?!?!?!

an niel.. ah.. niel. This silly thing. He is actually not silly, it's just he is too smart so he can see every possibilities. He thought yolka is the bottom (though it's possible but andra is actually the type who enjoyed being tossed around, so there won't be any reverse) and very quickly accepted it. You can already imagine he giving yolka lubricants and stuff in concern and care. Such a good brother..

Anyway, ven though this is absurd, i hope you can still enjoy this chapter and look forward for the next one, and look forward for knotting scene since it is the next thing I want to draw!😂

I hope you enjoyed your christmas and holiday, and thank you for the birthday wishes, I'll reply them slowly when my deadline is done. Just hope chapter 39 will be done before new year (I hope so too, made promise to myself I would upgrade my laptop if I made the deadline) 😭 very small chance, just enjoy your year end and wait for the new chapter in your inbox (sending late signal)

Special thanks for Viktoria who edit the chapter very quickly!!!💕

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Megan Pawlak Arts

I will never think of Little Foot the same again…


What a beautifull day to be alive and being part of the patreon team