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Warning: Violence

Thank you for waiting! PArt 2 is finally here.
How long did i late..? 10 days from scheduled time? One week after re-schedule time?

I've been sinned. ;---; Actually it really can finish at 18 or 19th, but suddenly i must go to another city to accompany my mom for family stuff and just go back at 24th. I did bring my iPad but its storage is too small (32 gb) and when i tried coloring it just force closed. I can only do some lineart work and making balloon dialogue. Damn, I want to be cool like my other friend, can work on their comic just with their iPad instead of carrying 6kgs, laptop+tablet+metal stand+cable+pen+other stuff like I usually do ;--; but it's no good.

Anyway enough with my thing, so here we go the second part of chapter 35, it took longer because I LIKE THIS CHAPTER. I like any chapter that can make me laugh at my own joke and cry at the angsty scene i made myself (・∀・)

Such a dark chapter. Andra keep his words on chaining and slapping yolka!!

--World building rant starts here--

There are some ways to calm down a rut:
-submit to it (mating, having sex)
-suppress it (by medicine)

there are also some way that are unique, called 'treatment' that is more physical and less exercised because some of it was frowned upon:
-fooling it (mock bonding)
-forcefully put an end to it (scaring)
The method of scaring is to force the instinct to switch from breeding to surviving. It's like when you throw a bucket of cold water on mating cat in front of your window, or to flee for your life when you experienced earthquake in middle of having sex.

Survival instinct has higher hierarchy than breeding instinct, so using fear can forcefully trigger the survival instinct to replace the breeding instinct on driving the body. But this method is like, the least method used because it is usually violent (lol)

"author, your bullshiting skill is not bad. But just say you want to make andra slap yolka."

That is not wrong. Here's another bullshit:

This is 5 elements emotional chart that was taught in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) class. Water can beat/suppress Fire, so using fear to control manic/over-stimulated (like yolka's rut, is because the instinct is too happy finally finding its mate..) can be used.

(If you're interested you can read more on google about this^^)

Anyway, there are 4 scare yolka received from andra here, though andra himself maybe not noticing it:
-being slapped
-andra getting hurt
-andra said he want to give up
-andra pretend he is driving car and yolka's cock is the accelerator pedal//no

The one waking yolka up is when andra get hurt and then said he is going to give up. You know from here yolka's greatest fear is.. perhaps, to be abandoned ;w; and second is hurting someone dear to him(ಥ﹏ಥ)

Other thing is..

andra did not feel pain from the headbutt but felt heartache. He may experience it as stuffiness, unable to breathe, tight chest, tense facial muscle, it was uncomfortable. Author's limited vocabulary doesn't know other word than [painful], just ignore it okay ;--;

Once again sorry to be so late, I think it's safe to think author is a jerk play-author who always promise sweet things but never did it. Okay you can hit author virtually...

Special thanks for viktoria for editing the chapter~~
I will upload the edited version of part 1 tomorrow. Replying comments and messages too.  I'm not too active past 2 weeks because of the trip and the deadline, thank you for bearing with me (ಥwಥ)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
What? chapter 36? Author also wonder if I can finish.. I'll send them to your inbox like always I think, there's no way to finish in 5 days unless I really dislike the chapter. More hate more speed to finish. Author's currency is weird.

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I have one innocent question: why are tranquilizers not used? Also, Andra has so many attributes that makes him the perfect person to handle this situation, not just because he's beta and all the education and job experience he has, but because he's invested in Yolka.


this scene supposed to be heartbreaking but im laughing im sorry but it's so funny seeing andra slaps him 😭


If I had to guess it's that in this moment his body is so pumped with adrenaline/some other alpha hormones that they'd have to OD him before a sedative would take effect.