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Hello, Author's Dear Patrons!

Thank you for always supporting me.
You may notice that I have been... very late at delivering chapters recently (by recent i mean the past few months or so..) and it gets worse and worse, so this month I decided to take a little break.

This month all tiers will only get one update, I apologize ;w;//
I will return with 2 chapters next month! Sorry for the trouble ;;--;; 

I got brain jam especially after the part where the main pair already dating-- I lost what to write (I still got tonssss of ideas, it's just harder to write) so expect more slice of life or general romance from here on until the end!

I think it's going to be more ✨slimy✨😂/no

So here's the publish schedule for this month:

Tier $3 : Chapter 25 SFW (15 Sept 2021)

Tier $5 : Chapter 30 NSFW (14 Sept 2021)

Tier $10: Chapter 34 (26 Sept 2021)

Also, i will fix the thing I've forgotten to draw since chapter 25.... That is, YOLKA'S SCAR!!!

I--I've been so focused on drawing dem nipples and S C H L O O O N G that i forgot.. even.. more.. crucial.. part o)-------------)
like seriously, that is important to the plot o)-------------)
instead, i work hard on highlighting those parts to make it look shiny and beautiful o)------)

really, really focusing on the wrong part o)--------)

//author's degeneracy is not only showing but embed in the bones and blood//

I count there are 5 whole ass chapters that need fixing. God damn, that's almost 300 panels;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`

Anyway, I hope can be lenient to me and wait for me to bring you more chapter and story ;w; 💕

Have a nice day!!


Kalamee El

Hello author, will chapter 34 be coming in October?


You already inow author so well o)-----) i'm guessing it's around 1st or 2nd, I'm already on coloring stage right now😭 I will send them to your inbox as usual TTwTT

Kalamee El

That’s fine. Thank you for responding. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss it. I love your story and art. It’s amazing!!!!