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Thank you for waiting~
Author has been late for like.. 10 days? 11 days? 14 days? It still feel like yesterday for author though o)----) I'm sorry, but here we go chapter 31!!

Andra is enjoying himself and yolka, too. You see yolka being more and more shameless the more he get intimate with andra u w u💕

Below is just author's rants.

This chapter is actually not hard, the plot point is just seggs and more talking, but even so author get ahead of herself and end up drawing cocks and ass instead of real talking, and then torture herself.

And yes as always the reason for late delivery is I got sick for about one week, that sick is from stress because of the writer block. 

Kind of circle of hell (stress->sick->can't work->stress->repeat) 

so I try to be easy on myself and recover before making it all over again (alt 5) but now I already know where i should bring this story for few episode ahead. Maybe i just need some rest because after i recover this alt5 really easily made.

Other thing that makes me slow to draw is: this is NSFW chapter.

I seems to treat my NSFW chapter special, because this silly author is full of horny energy, yet has no skill to draw, so I treat nsfw chapter very serious and very detailed, to the point I ACTUALLY FORGET THE READERS ONLY LOOK AT THAT ONE PANEL FOR ONE SECOND SOBS SOBS, and also after text and effect are added everything will be fine. Do I mention before I made one nipple for 30 minutes so it doesn't look like donut? I did it again, look:

and even after shading it for 30 minutes, in the end this part is not really visible because: it's upside down. Covered in marks. Has action lines on top of it. Also has dialogue balloon, reader's attention will be on the text instead of the picture.

//how to draw effectively and efficiently so you meet your deadline, asking online//

//you can scroll above and find this panel, i bet you didn't notice this donut I've been shading for 30 minutes//

god damn you nipples. I also shade the asshole beautifully only to be covered in cum. Drawing NSFW is really frustrating. My 5 stage when making this chapter:

-Storyboard: Stress, writer block, get sick from stress
-Sketch: Stress, how to draw this god damn it, yolka your cock is too small--i should resize it--NOW IT'S TOO BIG GDI YOU'RE THE SIZE OF ANDRA'S THIGH HE BE DIED AH return return GOD DAMN IT ANDRA STOP BREAKING YOUR BONES, shoulder should not be this way-
-Lineart: Hehe yas, nsfw yas
-Coloring: HSKJWHSFOHWSO FW FAWEFIWIRC CAN I GIVE UP PLS, CAN I BE RICH JUST BY LAYING DOWN AND SLEEP? UNIVERSE? GOD? GODS? BUDDHA? (<<author hearing heart sutra while coloring genital to make her stay kalm and not crying or screaming in agony)
-After done: HehHeh NSFW heheh stomach burst hhehehheh noice

actually this problem can be solved if you make more nsfw chapter. Get used to it, i guess.

Anyway. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Next chapter perhaps will also be NSFW (since they're still both naked) but only a little, they will talk and have fluffy moment too I guess. I have this scene I want to draw!

I will send the pdf shortly to July's Inbox. It's a bit messy because the file size is all different (but still readable) Thank you for waiting for me and be very kind, I will try hard fulfil my promise this month. I hope you're all well and safe!

Special thanks for Viktoria who proofread this chapter!

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I love every small detail. Yes sometime I'm reading & only look at the panel for a second but go back to enjoy the art one more time lol. Also I think this is my favorite chapter!💕💕 I love seeing Andra touching & enjoying Yolka. (Would love Andra to leave some love marks too!🤤) Its mainly always the only top leaving all the love marks on the bottoms body. 🥲🥲

Christie Schauer

I both notice and appreciate the detail on the nip nops and börthole.