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Thank you for waiting!
Author already stop saying "sorry for being late" because she's late everytime. I will reply all comment and message after this ;w;// Sorry for inactiveness, my cowardly heart scared of being scolded so when the deadline is tight i don't... reply.. messages //slap
another apology is for: EVEN THOUGH I SAID I WILL MAKE AHA-AHA IN THIS CHAPTER, IT TURNS OUT WE CAN'T. But next chapter definitely have some (the storyboard is already done..... except for the smutty part!!!!!!!!! Must meditate in horny mountain to get an enlightment to make mr yolka's and andra's schlong //cough//
there's nothing much happening in this chapter: andra still inappropriately being horny in wrong PDA, and mr yolka become angry. I actually didn't like making the uke/bottom crying but if i imagine being in andra's place i'd cry too from pressure and guilt.
Answer for last chapter's comments: Yolka did let andra have 3 days to confess, he ask again and again to encourage honesty 🤣 but andra is being dense or 'nah bro imma take this secret to my grave' attitude. So yolka trap him here, after reading 547 chapters of andra's degenerate novel with him as model and marking every suspicious part so he got a  full [Table of Content of Andra's Sin]. We'll have a little POV from yolka in next chapter~
the pdf version will be sent to inbox, but author will cut the last part to make a greater cliffhanger in pdf version u w u/
Once again thank you for waiting!!!🥰🥰😭
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I'm laughing my ass off right now this is hilarious TToTT


Hi! I just subscribed a few days ago from this posting date. I'm also rereading this series for the second time. I am really envious that a fictional character was so infatuated that 50 pages were written in one night, then the overall story grew to 547 chapters! I know that can't be that many days with Yolka, did he like posted more than 3 chapters a night or just throughout the day? Then the last comment is : will 99 kisses become a real written story? Rather than just spoken about as a fictional series in a fictional series? Thank you for this story and all the artwork with it. I really like the shading that looks like gauche.