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Sorry it took so long, and even the unedited version 😭 I already sent it to my proofreader but she suddenly pushes the deadline back o)----) I'll try to upload the proofed one tomorrow.

This chapter is painful to make, author does and redo the storyboard for a week and discard the initial storyboard. Because it's not fun. This one turns out a bit good even though there's a filler feeling, but I really like the part where andra admits his feeling. It's just a romanticized eureka moment 🤣

Andra is actually a bit exaggerating.. it's not like he put down real yolka on his writing, it's just inspired (heavily cough cough//denial) by him. The story is different. But maybe his feeling and his fear of being fired that makes his guilty conscience a bit high.
If you're on long-term mortgage, you will find yourself being hardworking so you can pay off your mortgage. When author in 3-year land mortgage (it's a watermelon field) she made 6~7 chapters a month (in company) to pay the mortgage. But the job I do is not fun at all, mainly become little assistant and ghost artists, for comics that is not BL. Stuff you do for money. I'm very thankful now that I can create what I like with your support TTwTT

((though I'm still being ungrateful by being late every month like this orz)))

Mr yolka is adoring his little beta's cute smile. They are both big boye but still get flustered by a little touch and rub (but that's what make them cute...)

New character is here! Now is the time for you to guess who he is---and how will andra got found out! Next chapter--Chapter 17, author won't be able to finish it but you will get the Half-done version (Basecolored) at 31 December. I'll finish it at 2 January!

nb. the social media ads that makes andra shocked is based on a real novel-app ads, they actually put the novel's sex scene on video ads on youtube. When I first see it, even though it's someone else, it's really shocking!😂 Maybe you also encounter one already!

Edit: Now it's been proofed and updated along with the extra. These two panels should be inside of main story but it disrupts the flow but I still want to draw it 😂 they witness the 'exchange' between yolka and taira! Andra wasn't as careful as he think he is.

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Mwahahahaha Andra, the Peternak Lele. Thats gonna be hella crazy. Wearing a white wifebeater (singlet) with pinky short. And probably soaking wet towel covering his neck. I just cant.


Yolka blushing is everything!!!!!