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Yolka has released his inner perviness!! How dare he peeks on mr. beta 😤  😤 

Sorry for late update (as usual author overestimate herself...TT TT) Author just finished this chapter and will reply chapter 10 comment soon 😭 

Andra's reaction to his novel being popular must be relatable to all authors out there. It's just soooo exciting and happy when your works is being loved by the readers. I also so happy when seeing the how active Mr beta's comment section is x"D

Yolka is being handsome as always while repressing thoughts such as "this guy is so cute".  Andra as crying loser doge is also cute. 

Author will try to update sooner in  October, also there's still one poster (debt) i haven't made.

Thank you for always supporting me!

*about ghost and horror stuff is not random. In few chapter, you will see why he liked it, also we'll see the "friend"~

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Yolka holding the back of the shirt all bunched up behind Andra was so adorable to me for some reason, just very gentlemanly ❤️ I won't tell on him peeking at that nip slip 😂


his mother hen side appeared! andra is proper in work mode but his off-work mode is sloppy and messy, he can't help but want to take care of him. maybe he's holding andra's shirt so only he can see the nip slip, us reader is not allowed to see anymore!🤣

Laura Castrillón

Yoka is definitely flirting and making a move on Andra !!! I love everything about this chapter! Literally everything! I hope you will one day do a Yolka and Andra chapter sightseeing in Andra village, when Andra introduces Yolka to his family<3<3<3<3.