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Sorry for late post!

Chapter 8 for $3 tier will be scheduled next month.

Since I'll be chasing after my initial plan which is

$3 tier: 2 chapter ahead

$5 tier: 4 chapter ahead

$10 tier: 6 chapter ahead,

i'll schedule the chapter release for each tier starting next month after we reach 6 chapter ahead from published chapter (chapter 11)

It took a long time to censor :)))) When i was young i used to laugh and ridicule at my country's publishing house's attempt to censor nakedness with black undershirt, but here i am doing exact the same thing every month x"D

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Crispin Gram

I was really wondering what the SFW chapter was going to be like since the original was so explicit 🤣😂


I love the way this came out, even censored... the flow is still perfect and unlike how some other people do their censored posts you really don’t feel like you’re “missing out” on something...


yes, fortunately it can be cut off properly TTmTT though i still anxious it seems it's either i cut more when i publish to canvas or to completely mark it as mature(i dont actually want since i cant access it TTwTT)