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This turn out to be very late update, one month late /sobs

This month is a hard month for me, I got sick twice (even now, I just got back from rapid test because my coughing won't stop TTwTT) fortunately my rapid test is negative. I still afraid and quarantine myself though.

Chapter 7 should be up tomorrow. I have finished 70% of them since 20 July but the last part is still on my assistant's hand, who is suddenly busy orz If she don't answer me till tomorrow then I'll do the rest myself so I can finish the chapter.

This poster art turn out really good (in my eyes) I've been doing comic so much that I never make illustration anymore. I like the color and how it turns out sobs sobs;;; //let author admire her own art for a while// I always adore size difference /cough/ 

The lion sometimes won't listen to his little tamer, but always make sure he prepare him gently if he want to play( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)




Please please take care and thank you for blessing us with talent and content 💜


hohohooh good luck for Andra's peach :PPP