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Warning: Forced Cliffhanger (?), !!!Unproofed!!!, angery andra and yolka...

being silly.. millenial…

Now proofed.

Thank you for waiting!

I want to make it quick, like, this is the flash back before the fighting in the plane, but why it's already one chapter yet nothing is happening???

But one thing for sure next chapter is NSFW😂😂😂 Please don't get bored with my NSFW chap--

Yolka, you idiot, why would you said that????

Basically yolka, he know andra's mentality; though he himself is pleased when andra get jealous for him, but it slowly makes him understand how andra is thinking and acting. He thought andra has something like, 'avoidant attachment style' which he keep putting himself in place and make sure he won't get hurt, though in reality andra maybe not think that deep👁️🫦👁️

But he's not completely wrong either. Meanwhile, yolka is so scared of being abandoned and dumped. It's not even 3 hours before he posted a post in r**dit🤣🤣🤣 he's so, so silly.

I wanted to draw andra doing a cold war with yolka since before and finally get to draw it in this chapter. When I finish until the last panel where it is suddenly finish ???? "the f?? this is the cliffhanger???"--panel, I just realize the good moment of ✨chance of drawing angry segss✨ has finally come. Isn't it perfect setting?! I didn't even thought about it. I initially wanted to draw them screwing each other in vacation, but the chance to draw it happen faster than I expected?!

Anyway, you've been waiting for so long yet this is all I can produce o)----( I have made it since.. early this month, yet it's just done now🥲🥲 I will continue though. Thank you for being kind to me🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

My anxiety comes again while drawing this (because it won't finish) so I haven't had courage to reply the comments and messages, and I just message my editor after the chapter is done but she seems to be busy as the last time she's online is last sunday. Please wait for a while for the pdf, but hopefully the chapter is clear enough to read.

Thank you for your support and your patience for me to finish this chapter😭😭🙇‍♀️

Look forward to the next chapter!!

I hope you a good day and night. It's been raining everyday in my place, if it's also raining in yours, please bring umbrella and protect your head so you won't get sick. I hope you a sweet dream when you sleep, or a dreamless, peaceful sleep like I preferred, hoping everything good happen to you, your home and places you are going all safe and peaceful. I wish you a good health and excellent income $$$$$ so you can always support yourself, your hobby, your loved ones, and (((me possibly)))//no

Wishing good readers and person like you a happy and joyful days to come. If you have problem right now, I wish it will be solved soon in your favor🫶

I will send the pdf after the proofed chapter is done. Thank you very muchhhhh 💕💕💕

p.s Papa yolka scene.. viva nepotism!! //no

P.s For dear readers who already read the unproofed version.. is this proofed version quality the same or blurrier? I mistakenly use 300dpi to draw this chapter, causing the pdf converter I use become blurry af. To make it right, I converted the file into 72dpi, but I think the quality become worse? When i look using the phone it didn’t look much different but with browser the drawing is a bit blurrier?

I’ll upload the original 300dpi one tonight i guess;;

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Alyssa Eidem

I don't know if this is common everywhere but when I was in college there was a website called rate my professor and I was just thinking about how confusing Yolka's page would be. Like 'he's terrifying and his assistant is a saint.' Next to 'he's so handsome but his assistant is evil.' And then 'don't mess with the beta you'll get expelled.' Someone who checked it would have no idea what to expect.

Yue Sama

I'm hurting for Andra. People just keep giving him trouble simply for being a Beta. And Yolka wishing for Andra to be an Omega so he can mark him. I mean, I understand Yolka, but it was really wrong of him. Poor Andra. He has to hear all that bull even from he boyfriend. When is he gonna have a happy ending?

rae of sunshine

i get where yolka is coming from. at the same time, he's speaking from a position of privilege. yeah, it would be easier if andra was an omega. it would also be easier if yolka was a beta. or if society was more accepting of all relationships, regardless of gender. why is andra the factor that has to change in this situation? also, even if you believe that, what's the point of voicing that thought? there isn't a way for andra to change his gender, so why even dwell on it? you decided to date him. that means that you accept the difficulties of being in an alpha-beta relationship. you don't get to just wish he was an omega when it gets a little bit hard. i love yolka but jfc, he needs to shut up.

Andrea Serrano

I knew It, I wasn't ready for this drama, I totally hate this kind of silly fights, I need them to be fine (after Andra punch that beauty out of Yolka's face, of course) 😭😭💔 Can't wait to see whats coming 😭