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Valla Valhalla

As always being honest, I don't like this one. if you continue disappointing I will be gone for sure.

Valla Valhalla

We don't seem to understand each other, which is sad. You draw Pharah from OverWatch there is no need to spam draw her, it's something I don't like to pay for. I asked for a Miss Fortune artwork 10 months ago and it still didn't come, instead you spam draw the same characters, 25 USD/month is not a low amount of money in comparison to other artists.


Some character I like and prefer to draw more than other. Sometimes I think I need to draw few pictures to show character better. Also I've added picture set to my batches recently as you may noticed. It's like a sex scene. That's why I've drawn few Pharah pictures for example. You can commission me if you want me to draw exact character. By the way these Nessa dakimakura pics were commissions. All the rest is just my choice of characters. You may want me to draw this character, someone - another etc. I can't please everyone 25 USD/month, yes. But I do about 20 images for this price. How many pictures do other artists per month? 4? 5? Anyway, it's about 1,25$ per picture. I don't think it's a big price.