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What up. Huli here.

Got a couple more scene done with only one more left. No preview this week. I'll just let you guys see it in the final version next month. For the grind poll (patreon and subscribestar combined)... Damn... Didn't expect the results to be so split. Well, there are still a lot of you guys who want to reduce the grind so I'll do it just a bit. There are so many factors for why someone might find it grindy like maybe they didn't get the highest yoga level but yeah, guess I'll just make it more simple. Unfortunately, grind is a part of these kinds of renpy games. There's not too much you can do in terms of gameplay besides clicking on shit for whatever amount of times, or like shitty puzzles and I'm not a fan of the latter. Though, that's just from what I've seen personally. Let me know any gameplay ideas that's fun and doesn't take up too much time to fuck around with so you can get to the fucking. Anyway, things are going well. Plastic Soul is still on course for next month.

Alright. That's all for now. Stay safe out there. Later.


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