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Hello, what up. Huli here.

Just wanna give you all an update. I've been busy with REAL LIFE stuffzzzz so things have been kinda slow lately. Normally I would have a scene ready by now by due to work and a day of power outage, I got fuck all done. Things are back to normal now... mostly. Still getting power outages in the morning for some reason so I don't know what's going on but there should be a preview for the new remake scene by the end of the week.

If you're wondering why there's no update this month, it's because I'm in the middle of doing the rest of Morgan's lust route remake scenes. I wanna release them all in one update because it just makes sense. The remake scenes should be done by the end of the month so there will be an update at the beginning of December.

Anyway, that's all. Just wanted you all to know what's up. Stay safe out there. Later.



I love your game man! The animations are great I also think the expressions are very good, I have not played anything of Morgan's trust route just to be able to play it when it is complete to enjoy it all, I would love more scenes of Sazu but everything you advance is always good, keep it up you do great bro