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Hey, y'all! How's it going? I should've posted this last week but I was busy animating and forgot.

I hope you guys enjoyed Suzy's ending. Obviously, there are still the remake scenes coming so it's not the end content-wise for Suzy. Story-wise, that was the end for Suzy. I hope you liked her as a character. This is my first attempt at writing so feedback is appreciated. Even though I can't add anymore content, I can go back and rewrite the dialogue and story so if you have any suggestions on how to make it better, that would be great!

Anyway, I've been drawing some pics and redoing character sprites. I'm trying to change my workflow a bit, testing different ways of doing things. It's going alright. I just wish RPG Maker has hi-res sprites because DAYUM BOIII11!!!1!!!111!one!111! Shit gets compressed so hard when sprites get put into RPG Maker that if you told me that a BBW flattened her ass on it I would believe you! It just takes a bit of my soul out of me when shit like this happens. There's another week of this so I better get back to it.

Ok. That's all. Stay safe and clean. Bye.



Appreciate your work, if you don't mind me asking what's next?


Thanks for being here! I'm gonna start Diana's route after this.