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Sup fams. Very tired man here.

I got a part time job now so I've been more busy than usual and it'll probably stay that way for a long while. Now I can only make the game in my spare time instead of a majority of the day. Development might slow down but I'll do my best to keep adding the usual amount of content. As long as the quality of the game doesn't drop, I'll keep it up. If not, I'll have to start developing only on my days off work.

Basically, tired man Huli got a part time job. He now comes home tired so animation and game quality might drop. He'll keep going but if the quality drops, development might slow down.

I hope that didn't scare anybody. lol Especially for the patrons who've put money into me and the game. I really do appreciate you all! If you want to unpledge, I totally understand. My balls would retract back up into my body too if I've spent money on something and nothing comes out of it. Patreon is a gamble in and of itself but that's why trust between creators and patrons is even more important here. For those who stay, I'm coming over to give you a shoulder rub. I can't do that, but what I can do is just do what I always do and finish the game! Eventually.

Okay, that's all. Just wanna let you all know what's up. Now if I suddenly have less content in the monthly update, you know why.

See you next update.



I understand your reasons. As long you provide updates on development and an estimated timeline then it’s all good to go. Many Patreons go haywire because there isn’t enough communication and expectations are broken. Best of luck to you and hope everything turns out alright


Aw hell yeah. Tell people what's up is one of the things I'm good at! Thanks!