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Hey all!! Apologies on the bit of radio silence here, it’s been so busy lately with the prep for 31 days and my impromptu con invite! We’re about a week off from being back to regularly scheduled content, and we are sooooo close to 31 Days of Cosplay!!! Oh my god guys the amount of hours I’ve put in this year, spirit Halloween has enough of my money that they owe me a kidney at this point, same goes for all my thrift shops and makeup stores 😭🤞 I’m determined to make this the best quality 31 days we’ve had so far and I’m SO excited to see that it’s around the corner!!!

In the meantime!!! VERY excitingly, I’ve now got the option to have a digital shop on my Patreon! So, as I open a tier that will get free access to some stuff, what are some digital items you’d like to see in the shop?? I’m thinking some voiced over writing pieces like Apocralypse and maybe some from my vault 👀, digitally signed prints, cameo-like video messages, etc, so I’d love to hear what you guys would like to receive!!



Definitely appreciate all the hard work you put into everything! Love all the content and can not wait to see what is in store 🥰🥰🥰


OMG YAAAAAY!!! I would love all that you’ve suggested! Some art that you’ve drawn would be a great addition to that list (maybe even some signed)!! Audio excerpts from your writing for sure!!!!