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Hey yall!! So recently Patreon offered that for an extra percentage of my income (totalling it to ab 11%) I could start selling merch to tiers! Is this something y’all would be interested in? What would you like to see if so?

Would you prefer fox like logos or personas of my cosplays?

Merch with my username or my own name?

Please share your thoughts as y’all’s opinion will help me decide more on how I want to go about maybe getting some merch out to you guys :))

I’m hoping to update all of my platforms as of October 1st including refining the benefits of each tier and adding some stuff in there!!

Birb photos of a hawk that did a woosh over my supergirl shoot for your troubles🫶



Gilbert Creemers

Merch would be pretty cool! Just be careful about international shipping. I’m from Europe, and I’ve seen from other creators that shipping to here can get pretty messy, both with cost, but also paperwork. One creator I follow recently had to up the required tier for prints for international patrons only because of shipping costs.


Fox logo would be cool