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OKAY YALL it’s been read through and I’m on the final legs of editing this document. This project has been such a dream, and it means the world that you guys have been looking forward to it!

I’m thinking the limited tier that I mentioned before will be the first tier to get access! That tier will get a little bit of early content like artwork I’ve been making, links to the soundtrack playlist on Spotify, and the first reads! This tier is gonna drop VERY soon so stay tuned!

The next step would be releasing it to all tiers which I’m thinking I’d put about a week of difference between! The link would be posted again for all tiers about 7 days following the early release!, as well as a couple of my favourite art pieces & such :)

Finally, on the release date (which will be announced very soon!) I’ll be making the document public, with some final additions like adding the art that I’ll have shown you all into the story itself :) so if you can’t support here when release time comes, or aren’t able to get the early release, don’t worry, it will come out in full once I’ve completed melding the art and story!

I THINK THIS IS IT! I think this is my solid plan and I doubt it’ll deviate much, so I’ll see you guys soon with this content!!!

I do have two polls this evening though, relating to the book! So stay tuned for that :) also huge thank you to everyone who wished me well at urgent care today, I’m feeling better while I am fighting an infection :,) I got antibiotics and all in all it was an awful day. But this is all very exciting so I’m choosing to focus on the upcoming good things :) i should be up and running and making content in a week or two! See y’all soon!!

P.s some pics from when I felt cute cause I am in hell rn <3




Take care, hope you have a smooth recovery 😊😊


Can't wait!:)