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Fear not! i’m still going to be around, creating cc and being active in the community! After a rough couple of months with a lot stress of keeping my quantity production up to par, i’m taking some months off of Patreon.


My billing cycle will be paused for at least 3 months. During this period pledged patrons will not be charged. At the end of March i will re-evaluate if i need more time or start up my page again. I will inform you ahead of time if/when i start up my page again! I will change the bio of my patreon page & tiers accordingly so people will know that there will be no early-access/pre-release items for 3 months.

Continuing your support

Pausing the billing cycle only pauses the monthly billing cycle, which is only at the start of the new month. So if you pledge, you get charged right away. If you’ve already pledged/are an active patron; you have to un-pledge and re-pledge to get charged. This way, i can still use Patreon as a donating system without enforcing anyone by keeping the payment cycle running. Please don’t feel obliged or anything! I love you regardless<333

I will however be posting WIP's over here. That's just going to be a perk for the peeps that keep lingering around ;)


I need to take a nice looong breather and i just want to play the freakin’ game for awhile haha! =) Also; update my CC on my slow-poke pace, experience what needs to be made bc i miss it in-game and... last but not least; make CC in peace!

First and foremost; thank you so much to everyone who ever supported me!
I cannot possibly put into words how this made a difference for me the  past 1,5 years i’ve been doing Patreon <333! Till this day, it paid for most of my creating expenses (software subscriptions, hosting fees). Please don’t take the below explanation as a insult or me being  ungrateful or anything. Its has nothing to do with that! Its just the reality of my current situation.

While i enjoyed and hopefully one day might enjoy Patreon again, it has also put a strain on me and my personal life. I know more creators struggle with ‘the pressure’ and i just want to share my side of it. To enlighten the other side of the coin (pun intended).

Creating  CC takes time, in my case a lot bc im a freak and tend to uphold myself  to absurd standards for some reason. bc of this i never learned how to  be more chill and just ‘let it go’. I sometimes have periods that every pixel needs to be right which is absurd. Its also takes inspo and sometimes... the juices just aren’t flowing. Now, there is not room for times like that.

There’s this certain expectation to get 3/4 items each month since that’s the unwritten  ‘rule’. If you look at most pages, that’s the unwritten (sometimes  written) ‘threshold’. I failed to deliver that, twice. ‘Only’ had 3  items for that month and immediately people un-pledged citing something “did not deliver what was promised”. Don’t get me wrong, it’s your right to do so! If you’re not satisfied than by all means, do what you have to do!

Hear me say this in the nicest way possible; just try to remember that at the other side of the screen there is a person working for 1-3$ a month (i get maybe $0,75-2,5 of it after conversion fees, Patreon fees, etc not to mention; taxes... which is at least a 3rd of the total amount here in the Netherlands) in my case at least 32 hours a month. In most months its more but im a bit embarrassed to reveal how slow i work. Being a "smaller" Patreon Creator (nothing wrong with that!) i don't make 'big money' with it. The biggest misconception of Patreon i think. It's super nice to earn anything with it! Don't get me wrong! but the hours never weigh in for the earned amount in my case unfortunately. And reading those exit-polls after those 2 incidents... I stopped reading them all together. It crushes someone’s soul who’s literally working her/his ass off to deliver you CC and only  came up 1 item short. bc of this i sometimes (in rare cases, thank god)  had to go for quantity instead of quality which is NOT for me.

Please know: most of you aren’t like that all! 95% are satisfied/understanding/loving and supporting all the way!!! I love you guys to the moon and back and thank you for being there this past 1,5 years! <333 I only experienced this twice in 2 years but still... it takes the pressure to a level that’s just not healthy (for me) to sustain.

A lot of creators seem to work the whole Patreon thing quite well. I really hope they do, I’m happy for them! and hope they can continue to grow healthily! Nevertheless, I can’t help but feel that i’m not alone in this. Being open about this is hard bc people think you’re making  ‘all this money’ and you don’t want to come off as ‘complaining’. I  totally understand, i had the same feelings. At the end of the day i chose to share my side bc i suspect there’s a lot more stress/pressure going on behind those pages than non-creating simmers could possibly comprehend. I rlly hope this can contribute to more knowledge and understanding what can be happening behind a Patreon Page.

Hopefully I can come back in a few months! I still wish I could create full time some day (putting in less hours at my normal job) and will actively keep this in mind but i might have to acknowledge/accept that it will never happen. I have to see if i can conquer my own insecurities and reshape that idea in order for it to work in a sustaining and healthy situation.

Lots of love,



True AI

Take care of yourself! We're here if you want to talk!


thank you sweetie! &lt;333 I'll keep lingering here too! Just in a different way =)


I am gonna miss you a lot. Happy New Year! Here's to good health and many blessings. Take that time to breathe and play. Much love, amy


ahhh dear i won;t be far! &lt;333 i feel like im still going to be here just not with any deadlines! =) and i'm also planning on being more on Twitter and Tumblr! Happy New Year to you as well! may it be filled with health and joy! &lt;333


Take your time, sweetie! I'll be here for you if you need it and I'm somewhat glad for your decision because I want you to be happy and do what's best for you. I hope you'll enjoy the game again and spend the time as you please. Sending lots of love and huggies!! 💕


you deserve a break after this whole year. sending you well wishes! 💙


thank you sweetie! Happy New Year! I hope it brings a lot of health and joy! &lt;333


Thank you so much! This super sweet message warms my heart so much. You have no idea what impact it has on my day! Wishing you a happy new year! Hope it brings you health and joy! &lt;333


Take your time, I have loved your content for years (it's why supporting you here was a great option). Do what's best for you, your health, your mental state and your future. Have fun and I hope 2021 brings you peace and joy &lt;3