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If you're yet to listen to part one, please do before partaking in this experiment.

In this file you will be further subjected to tests. The results and purpose of these tests are classified. 

You will be returned to a state of trance, in which a truth serum will be administered to help you open up and be honest, so that we can ensure accurate results. Please be advised, this file will include you delving into the depths of your mind and your fantasies, which we will record and use for future experimentation.

Content Warning: This file includes the administering of a serum, confession, needles, and the suggestion that you must be honest, and that dishonesty will be painful, as well as the suggestion that you will follow commands you do not want to. Includes an amnesia trigger. Please be advised this series is intended as fantasy, and you should not do anything that goes against your moral, ethical, or personal boundaries. 




I don’t know what to say Mistress 🙏🏻


The experiments are so cool, i am always surprised about your creativity Mistress

Michael Samix

Can’t wait for more in this series 🥰


Another amazing file from Mistress! I was worried it would not work as well since I only listened to part 1 once a couple of days ago. Judging from how little I remember, I think I was worrying about nothing 😂