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After taking over your mind, and using you to try take over the world, the supervillain is back with her ultimate plot to correct the mistakes of humanity. With the power of an organism that will make her even stronger, can she finally erase any hope you have of resistance, and complete her goal to bring the world to its knees?

A gooey, squishy sequel in the supervillain series. Includes body transformation, dronification, identity erasure, and lots of layered voices talking about submission, surrender and service. So basically it's a hot mess. You'll love it.

If you haven't, check out earlier entries in the series to get the full effect. This uses a trigger introduced in those.

Uses: "Slime Creature Movement (large and messy)" by SilverIllusionist




I tried to listen to all 3 supervillain files on friday night, but the first two files absolutely broke me and I needed some rest. Finally got to listen to Part 3 and it was wonderful. Thank you for letting me become a part of the hivemind, Mistress!


finishing at the end was so hot, I was sitting in that pleasure for an hour.

jody wales

I am a mindless drone. I do as you command

jody wales

Tell me what to do.

jody wales

Ilive to serve. No thoughts. I obey