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You're preparing for a big presentation at #CaliaCorp... so your boss decides to help really make sure you deliver perfectly. So follow her instructions, and repeat everything she says... that's how you'll really nail it.




Thank You Mistress Calia. That left me deliciously weak. Now I do wonder if we ever are going to see that presentation. I must be a doozy.


Wow. I mean at some point it feels like words fail to describe just how beautiful powerful and Superior Mistress Calia is. She is all important


I'm glad everyone seemed to enjoy that 😘💋


Listened to this again today ... such a powerful file ... particularly effective following The Room ... left me totally devoted to Mistress Calia for life...


Amazing file mistress! It feels so good to get lost in your words and this one does a really good job at that with the call and response. Great work! I can’t wait to give it another listen.


OMG my beloved owner CEO Goddess Mistress Calia, that was so amazing. Your words just felt so good and my mind and body responded so profoundly to You my beautiful owner CEO Goddess Mistress Calia. You have an extraordinary talent and thank You for sharing it.

okun ushi

i give myself to Mistress Calia......


This was amazing, Mistress. Felt so submissive by the end of it.


Whilst it is always a joy to submit to Mistress Calia, and this file is awesome with the repeat self hypnosis, I have to admit to completely losing control and laughing uncontrollably at being asked to repeat "I secretly obsess over Mistress Calia" ... I couldn't help it, I burst into laughter and couldn't stop! Secretly? Seriously?? It's never been a secret ... It was good to start the day with a laugh and to be able to return to the file for the more serious repeated commands towards the end of the file ...but I'm still chuckling ... I have no idea if this was the intended reaction or not, but the laughter had been bubbling for a couple of repeats before that, as if Mistress Calia was saying them a bit tongue in cheek ... my reaction and probably not everyone's judging by the previous comments. Still, it was good ro remind myself of my position in life and my devotion to serving and obeying Mistress Caliia and a great way to start the day!


i can't help it - every.single.time. there's this tone to Her voice and i can't take it seriously ... until towards the end when it changes a good example of self hypnosis by repetition and a deepening of Her control and watch out for that serve trigger too not sure if I'm supposed to find this file funny but i do so thank You Mistress Calia for the laughter to start my day


It starts with Your footsteps— so stong, so confident. i’m lost already. But then comes Your Totally Authoritative Voice, and explanation of the Secret which has already taken hold of me: the repeating back to You all the Thoughts You want to implant in my mind. This Secret grows deeper in me every day, Mistress Calia. my replies grow ever more fervent and most of all Grateful. “i am a mindless drone for Mistress Calia” “i am a slave for Mistress Calia” “i belong to CaliaCorp” “i am Forever addicted to Mistress Calia” “i belong to Mistress Calia” “i work for Mistress Calia” “Mistress Calia is All that Matters” “i accept Mistress Calia’s Control Forever” 🙏👑👁️