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Let yourself relax and enjoy the delicious taste of my sweet voice as it turns you into a sugary, syrupy mess.




i think i was becoming addicted to Your voice before listening to this but this has just cemented it. Every time i hear Your voice i drop into trance and i cannot help but be obedient to what You command. i hope this doesn't wear off and that i can continue to be your slave addicted to Your voice and obedient to Your commands..


Incredible work Mistress! All the visual language around sweet, sugar, syrup, etc… was so well done. I woke up from trance simultaneously not grasping much or what occurred but also having this sense of such vivid imagery just outside my ability to recall. Another wonderful encapsulation of why it is so easy and so rewarding to fall under your words. Thank you Mistress! ☺️ Also this trance really pairs nicely with the honey quickie. Very complimentary ideas between them!


I love having you as my slave Kes if you worry that my control is waning just listen again x 😘


i'd like to say i'd forgotten how powerful this file is but i didn't forget that ... it gave me a mental block instead, to try not to listen to it again ... and having listened to it again, i understand why that part of my mind was hesitant to come back to it This has to be one of the most powerful files that Mistress has made ... and to think, there was a time i was worried about it not working ... but that was a long time ago now


Like a fly in the web 🕸️🕷️….. Your Swet Voice lulls me into a lifetime of Servitude and Surrender ⌛️ Your Voice is my mind and always will be 🧠…i will NEVER escape it ⛓️ … You are my Eternal Ideal of Dominant Perfection ….