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After resting and recovering their chakra, the Konoha ninjas began to move. They checked the number of children before waking them up and arranging for them to be returned to their parents.

The leader of Kusagakure, Hiroshi met up with Akihiko and said, "I am not sure how to thank you. Entire Kusagakure is thankful to you and your squad."

Akihiko smiled and said, "I am glad that the children have been united with their parents."

He passed a few scrolls to Hiroshi and said, "These contain dead bodies of kidnappers. You can use them to placate any anger towards you."

Hiroshi accepted the scrolls and thanked him once again.

The Konoha ninjas took their leave and returned to Konoha. After arriving, they went to the Konoha hospital and admitted Mieko and Shunko. Though their injuries were healed a few times, they still needed to be placed under proper medical care for some time.

Akihiko said, "I will report the mission to the Hokage. Sora, stay here and look after the kids. Others can leave. Masaru, inform their parents."

Everyone nodded and dispersed. Only Fujin and Sora stayed back.

Fujin asked Mieko, "How are your injuries?"

Mieko answered, "It isn't serious. It's just that since I had to endure such strong lighting shocks the doctors want to keep me under watch for a few days."

Fujin replied, "That makes sense."

Mieko said, "I'll be out in 4 days. We can form our team then and begin taking missions."

However, Fujin shook his head and said, "No, take a week's rest. We will take missions when you are back to full strength. I'll talk with Toru and Hoka. Also, I have a jutsu I want to perfect."

Mieko asked, "Is it that cannon-like jutsu you used on our opponent?"

Fujin nodded.

Mieko snorted unhappily, "You are getting stronger once again!"

Fujin looked at her with deadpan eyes, "My eyes didn't evolve mid-fight."

A grin formed on Mieko's face. She smugly said, "That's right."

Fujin sighed at her antics. He turned around to leave and said, "I hope your mother takes good care of you, little girl."

Mieko immediately shouted, "Bastard!"

But Fujin had already left. Sora laughed at their antics.

After leaving the hospital, Fujin walked towards his home while thinking, 'I have to talk with Toru and Hoka. And I'll have to do some research to come up with a proper plan to sneak in. If I can't find and learn methods that would assure me of safety and anonymity, then I might have to scrap those plans.

In addition, I also have to learn Vacuum Cannon. And since it needs so much chakra, I won't be able to use chakra for anything else when I train.'

As he was walking in his thoughts, he saw something in the corner of his eye. He turned his head to the right to see a man with long white hair peeking in through a hole. He looked up to see what the man was peeking into. Fujin's eyes twitched as he read the sign. It read 'Konoha Hot Springs'.

The man was peeking into the Women's section of the bath.

Fujin's eyes glowed as he observed the man. His chakra was humongous! He sighed as he thought, 'Pervy Sage… What an appropriate name. A shame that he won't get that name for a few more years. Still, I wonder what he's doing here. Did he come back to report something to Hiruzen? Or did Hiruzen call him back due to the threat of the coup? His presence could make the Uchihas more cautious.'

Jiraiya sensed someone looking at him and turned around. He saw an eleven-year-old boy staring at him with glowing eyes. He thought, 'What does this kid want? I hope he doesn't interfere in my research.'

He was about to continue peeking when the boy's chakra suddenly spiked. He began making hand signs rapidly. Jiraiya panicked, 'What the hell? Since when did young brats begin having Jounin-level chakra? And why the hell is he making hand signs for the Air Bullet jutsu? Does he want to destroy the bath house?'

Jiraiya immediately flickered and appeared next to Fujin and grabbed his hands. He asked, "Calm down kiddo. What are you doing?"

Fujin looked into his eyes and said, "Grandpa said that all perverts must be caught, castrated and tied to a pole to be whipped publicly to death."

Jiraiya's eyes twitched. He asked, "Which crazy old man is your grandpa?"

Fujin replied, "Lord Third. Now let my hands go and accept your punishment."

Jiraiya's eyes twitched once again. He complained in his mind, 'How many young kids is that old man going to fool into calling him grandpa? And since when did he become so righteous? No, this doesn't sound like him at all. He is as perverted as me!'

Jiraiya let his hands go and said, "That old man is my sensei. So stop building your chakra up."

Fujin looked back with deadpan eyes and said, "His students are the Legendary Sannins, not Legendary Perverts."

Jiraiya laughed, "Legendary Perverts? Hahahaha!"

He looked at Fujin and said, "You are lucky that you met Jiraiya the Gallant and not the other two Sannins."

Fujin thought in his mind, 'No shit. One is a pedo researcher and the other is a drunk hulk.'

Fujin looked at Jiraiya with surprise on his face. He said, "Are you really…"

Jiraiya smirked and said, "That's right. You are looking at the one and only."

Jiraiya slammed his hand on the ground. A lot of smoke appeared and from the smoke, a toad appeared. Jiraiya jumped on the toad and moved as if he was dancing. He swirled his hair and head in a manner that he thought was cool.

"I am the hermit of Mount Myoboku. The Wise and Immortal Spirit. That's right! It's I, the Toad Sage, Jiraiya of the Legendary Sannins!"

A look of awe appeared on Fujin's face. He said, "That's cool! But gramps said that even if his students were perverts, he would still chase them down with a stick in his hand!"

Hearing that, Jiraiya's leg slipped and he fell on the toad. He thought, 'The first half doesn't sound like the old man at all! But him chasing with a stick totally sounds like him!'

Jiraiya looked at Fujin and said, "What do you want, kid? You are interrupting my research."

Fujin said, "If you don't want me to tell grandpa about your perverted acts, then you need to teach me what I want."

Jiraiya was amused by Fujin. He asked, "Oh, and what do you want to learn?"

An innocent smile formed on Fujin's face. He said, "Sage Mode."

Fujin's reply shocked Jiraiya. His mouth fell open in disbelief as he heard what Fujin wanted. He forgot to swallow, and the resulting coughs rattled through his chest like a storm, leaving him gasping for air.

He took deep breaths and said, "Kid, go bother someone else. I have no time for you!"

Fujin squinted his eyes and said, "You have to, or I will never let you do your research."

Jiraiya looked skeptically at Fujin and said, "Good luck catching me kiddo."

He made a hand seal and both he and the toad disappeared into the smoke.

Some distance away, Jiraiya appeared. He muttered, "What an annoying brat."

At that instant, he saw a gorgeous lady walking next to him. His eyes immediately landed on her and a lecherous smile appeared on his face.

However, he suddenly heard, "Stop perving around and teach me, old man!"

Fujin's voice wasn't soft. Everyone in the street heard him. Everyone began looking at Jiraiya with disgust. Jiraiya turned around to see Fujin standing behind him! His eyes widened. He asked, "How did you follow me?"

A smirk appeared on Fujin's face as he said, "I have been taught by gramps. Do you think you can get away so easily?"

Jiraiya grabbed a smoke bomb and threw it on the ground and said, "Try following me now!"

Jiraiya appeared under a tree and said, "Finally got rid of the boy!"

However, he heard, "You didn't."

Jiraiya looked up to see Fujin standing on a branch of that tree. Jiraiya disappeared once again! Fujin followed him.

Both appeared in various locations in the village. Fujin tracked down Jiraiya every time. Jiraiya was annoyed, 'Not only does he have a high chakra, but he is also a sensor and can flicker seamlessly! So annoying!'

Realizing that he wouldn't be able to get rid of Fujin, he transformed into a toy bear. Fuji. A few seconds later, Fujin appeared at that location. He looked at the Toy bear and frowned. He muttered softly, "That old pervert ran away! Shit, grandpa will be disappointed with me!"

Jiraiya laughed in his mind as he saw anger and disappointment appear on Fujin's face. However, soon he was terrified! Chakra gathered on Fujin's fist as he punched at the bear with full power.

Jiraiya immediately undid the transformation and moved out of the way. The punch hit the ground and left a massive hole in it! Cracks spread in the ground around it. Jiraiya's eyes widened as he saw how dangerous the punch was, 'What the fuck? Did Tsunade teach him?'

Fujin looked at Jiraiya and completely ignored the damage he had caused. He said with an innocent smile, "Oh, you are still here. I thought I lost you."

Jiraiya complained in his mind, 'Shit, this brat is worse than Orochimaru and Tsunade combined!'

He asked, "Why do you want to learn Sage Mode?"

Fujin said, "Well, I asked grandpa to teach me Sage Mode. But he said that only you know it. So he taught me Wind Vacuum Technique instead. So I want to learn Sage mode from you."

Jiraiya watched with a deadpan expression, 'You didn't answer my question. Wait, those sentences aren't even in sync with each other!'

Jiraiya sighed and said, "I can't teach you Sage Mode either. I was taught by the toads and they won't teach anyone else."

Fujin expected such a reply. He quickly said, "That's fine. You can tell me how to learn Sage mode and monitor me. I'll learn it on my own."

A frown formed on Jiraiya's face. He said, "Sage mode is very risky to learn."

However, Fujin was adamant and kept asking him. Finally, Jiraiya gave up and agreed.

Both flickered to the Training ground. Fujin sat in a meditative position.

Jiraiya said, "Try to feel natural energy around you. And absorb it and mix it with your own chakra. Once you manage to do it, I'll tell you the ratios."

Fujin nodded and began sensing. However, without any help, he had no success. Jiraiya saw Fujin try unsuccessfully and smirked, 'Suzuki Fujin. Sensei told me information about him. Orphan, hardworking, extremely talented with the sword and wind release and has very high chakra for his age. Unfortunately, it looks like he has allowed himself to be very arrogant! This should make him more humble.'

Fujin spent 6 hours trying to sense sage chakra without any success. Finally, he sighed and asked Jiraiya, "Could you give me some tips?"

Jiraiya said, "I already gave you all."

Fujin said, "Can you tell me anything else? Like how do you feel when you absorb natural chakra or anything else that could help me?"

Jiraiya thought for a bit and said, "Now that you say, I do feel a tingling sensation in my back whenever I activate Sage Mode."

Fujin asked, "Tingling sensation?"

Jiraiya turned around and pointed at the center of his back. He said, "Over here. I concentrate my chakra and get a tingling feeling here while activating sage mode."

Fujin was lost in his thoughts on hearing that, 'Tingling feeling… Tingling feeling… Tingling feeling…

It feels like I have forgotten something… something important…'

He sat in the meditative position once again and concentrated his energy on his back. Soon, he began feeling a  tingling sensation on his back. He kept meditating and sending more chakra there.

Jiraiya watched Fujin with curiosity. But soon, his curiosity turned into shock! His mind couldn't form words as he sensed Fujin's chakra skyrocket!

Finally, he gathered himself, 'What the fuck is happening? How can a human have so much chakra? It is exceeding Tailed Beast chakra levels! No, it has already exceeded them! Even Nine Tailed Fox doesn't have so much chakra!'

Fujin chakra kept skyrocketing. Soon, a golden aura appeared around him. He gritted his teeth and focused. The aura caused high-speed winds around Fujin. Even Jiraiya had to move backwards. The winds spread throughout Konoha and every sensor looked towards the training ground where Jiraiya and Fujin were. The chakra was so intense that everyone was scared out of their wits.

Suddenly, Fujin yelled loudly! He let out all his energy. The golden aura around him grew. His hair turned golden! He stood up and muttered, "Right, this is what I have forgotten!"

Soon, lightning began appearing on his body. He said, "It's a good thing that I learnt lightning release."

As soon as Lightning appeared on his body, his energy once again Skyrocketed! It increased by more than 10 times! His chakra spread throughout the universe.

A long long distance away from Earth, there was a settlement in space. This area was ruled by a strong clan. The members of this clan were all very pale and had white eyes. Some of them had a 3rd eye on their forehead. In this clan, an old man opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the earth. A serious look could be seen on his face. He was stunned, "What energy! This doesn't feel like anyone from my Otsutsuki clan! Who unlocked such a huge power?"

Fujin looked at Jiraiya and said, "You can increase the length of your hair, right? Can you show me how it's done?"

Jiraiya was scared shitless by Fujin's aura. He nodded and made hand signs and increased the length of his hair.

Fujin watched carefully and replicated his jutsu without making any hand signs. His hair began growing. They grew up to his waist. And his eyebrows disappeared. He said, "This is the power I want!"

His chakra grew many folds once again. He looked up in space and could sense every being in the huge space in the territory controlled by Otsutsuki!

The leader of the Otsutsuki clan, who was wondering who could have such power, suddenly shivered as he felt Fujin sensing his location.

A grin formed on Fujin's face as he said, "I will be the God of this world! No one can stop me!"

He began laughing like a maniac, "Zehahahahahahaha"

A/N: Happy April Fool's Day



Super Saiyan nice


Lol I was also like wtf since he should know messing with senjutsu can then him into stone and also there’s literally no way Jiraiya would just teach a random person about it


When I first had this idea, I had planned to have this much later (when he'd have enough reputation and power to be ready for Sage mode and be in a position to convince Jiraiya to teach him). Unfortunately 1st April came too soon, lol 😆