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Under normal circumstances, Fujin would use only around 10 to 20% of his chakra to create the Wind Domain. However, since the base was so huge, he used up 40% of his chakra to create it. Even though he had killed everyone in the base, not much chakra of the Wind Domain had been used because no one actually put up a fight. Fujin only had to create Blades of Wind to kill the Kumo ninjas.

Under Fujin's control, the winds began flowing back towards him. Had anyone been alive to witness it, they would have been shocked to see all the winds inside the base suddenly moving back towards the center as if there was a black hole sucking everything.

Fujin watched as the winds began revolving around him at a high speed, forming a hurricane with him at the center. Slowly, the speed of the winds decreased and they compressed together, occupying less and less space. In half a minute, a transparent cloak appeared around Fujin! A cloak made solely of winds!

Fujin thought, ‘While fighting against Orochimaru, I used up all the chakra in my Wind Domain to create a Wind Dragon to attack him after he escaped. It made me realize that even though I can't absorb the chakra back into my body yet, I can at least transform the domain into something that I can carry along with myself.

Though some chakra will still be lost to maintain this cloak, it is still far better than using it for a single jutsu. Not to mention…’

A grin appeared on Fujin's face. The Wind Cloak had some remarkable abilities! Though not as strong as the Raikage's Lightning Chakra Mode, it was still quite a remarkable feat. For any ninja specializing in Wind Manipulation, it would be a dream technique to have in their arsenal!

Fujin dispelled his Shadow Clones, who were outside the barrier, and created a new Shadow Clone with 5% of his chakra. His clone nodded and flickered. Since he had Fujin's memories, Fujin did not need to give him any instructions.

Fujin focused on his Wind Cloak. A second later, he began floating in the air! A wide smile could be seen on Fujin's face. As someone who once lived in a world without any superpowers, there was no way he wouldn't have wanted to fly by himself.

Fujin thought, ‘An unexpected gain from this technique I created is the ability to fly! Even though I could fly a bit earlier using my Assassin's Rush jutsu, it wasn't the same. I had to continuously blast winds from different parts of my body to be able to fly using that technique. And, it was extremely chakra exhaustive.

By comparison, flying using the Wind Cloak is much smoother. Even though the chakra needed to create the Wind Cloak is high, the chakra spent on flying is considerably less. However, there are still some restrictions…’

Fujin suddenly disappeared and traveled through the air at a rapid speed using the Wind Instantaneous Body jutsu. He thought, ‘The Wind Cloak makes using this jutsu much more natural. So, it is very good in terms of flying in a straight line.

However, my mobility in the air is still far inferior to my mobility on the ground. Even though it'll be good against most opponents, I shouldn't use it against someone like Onoki. I'm not sure if I can dodge his Dust Release while I am in the sky. Well, at least not without using the Flying Thunder God jutsu…’

While Fujin moved rapidly across the Land of Lightning, his Shadow Clone collected all the dead bodies in the destroyed base. After storing all the dead bodies in scrolls, he buried the bloodied soil deep underground before removing the Fuin Battlefield seals.

After inspecting everything once, he thought, ‘Good. There are no signs of any battle here. Though Kumogakure might find the bloodied soil with some digging, there isn't much that they can gain from it. After all, they don't have a jutsu like Edo Tensei…’

A peculiar expression appeared on the clone's face as he realized, ‘Actually, even if they revive them with Edo Tensei, they can't get much information. What would the revived ninjas say? Strange winds killed them? After all, they didn't even see me!

Oh well, I'm done here. I wonder who'd be the one to come and discover this empty base…’

Fujin's clone disappeared from the base. After using the Flying Thunder God a few times, he returned to the base in the Land of Frost. He withdrew a couple of scrolls in which he had stored the bodies of the dead Jounins. He retrieved a head from the scroll, placed it on the table in front of him and placed his right hand on the severed head.

Inserting his Yin chakra into the dead Jounin's brain, Fujin's clone thought, ‘Even though Konoha's collection of Lightning jutsus is quite good, there is no question that Kumo is far better in this aspect. Especially the Lightning Chakra Mode!

Though I don't expect any of them to know how to learn that technique, there might be some who know where that technique is stored in Kumo. Ay and Bee aren't in Kumogakure. And my actions should lure out Darui and Yugito. So, I might as well pay a visit to Kumo to borrow a few scrolls. I'm sure they are kind-hearted enough to overlook my actions and entertain me as their guest.’

While Fujin's clone read the memories of the dead Jounins, Fujin traveled straight to the second base on his target list. He stopped around 5 kilometers from the base and created three Shadow Clones. He passed his Wind Cloak to one of the Shadow Clones while Fujin and the other two Shadow Clones moved towards the base.

Just like during the previous attack, the two Shadow Clones split off from Fujin and targeted the patrol camps. Meanwhile, Fujin went straight to the center of the base and activated the Fuin Battlefield! A second later, the clone wearing the Wind Cloak teleported next to Fujin.

In an instant, the Wind Cloak lost its form and winds spread throughout the base! Fujin released some of his own chakra to make up for the chakra lost while killing the Kumo ninjas in the first base and while traveling.

Just like the previous time, no Kumo ninja survived. It was a complete massacre! Once again, no one even saw who their killer was. Fujin once again formed the Wind Cloak and left a Shadow Clone to collect all their bodies before continuing towards the third base!

In the Land of Hot Water, the Raikage's group tried looking for Fujin and other Konoha ninjas around the two villages for a couple of hours. Needless to say, they didn't even see a glimpse of them. Instead, what they had seen confused them even more.

In the affected villages, the people had already been rehabilitated. The Kumo ninjas had transformed into Yugakure ninjas and questioned the villagers. They were shocked to learn that Fujin and the rest had already helped them and left before midnight. They left the village and began wondering what was going on.

Killer Bee said, “Yo, what's this situation, it's causin' some frustration,
No trap found, just a cave, what's the explanation?
Folks in the villages, already rehabilitated,
Konoha's got 'em fixed up, all situated.
Did they finish up the mission, make it back to their land?
Got us chasin' shadows, man, I don't understand!”

All the six Elite Jounins had the same thought as Bee. Each of them experienced a range of emotions. While they were glad that no deadly trap was set for them, they were also remorseful that they missed an opportunity to eliminate such a threat. However, there was one person who didn't experience such emotions. That was none other than Ay!

Ay thought, ‘What Bee said is logical. However, why am I getting this bad feeling? What did I miss?’

Ay had a feeling that he had missed something important. He calmed his thoughts and analyzed, ‘Let me think from the very beginning. First, Fujin openly left Konoha, giving us an opportunity to make a move against him. When we made a move, everything felt like it was a trap set by Konoha.

However, we didn't find any traps. In fact, we didn't even see any signs of combat. In addition, the villagers said that the Konoha ninjas helped them resettle in their villages and assured them that the rogue ninjas were eliminated. At first glance, everything looks natural. However, there is one big problem!’







Big fan of the explanations on how the technique works, the depth of such skills is what has attracted me to fanfiction. Was the flying wind cloak his first experience in flying or has he tried it before? I definitely understand your reasoning about knowledge concerning the lightning cloak. Sometimes it seems you’re directly answering my comments in the story. Don’t like my comment if true. He’d get way too strong if he had more lightning cloak so soon 😂




Thanks :) He could do it with Assassin's Rush jutsu (recall him using it to get away from Roshi's Tailed Beast Bomb). However, it wasn't something that could be spammed as it would drain chakra very easily. So, he rarely used it to fly.

Mohammed Sheekh

would be awesome if fujin kills yugito the two tails jinchuriki and seals the beast within himself. the two tails is the only tailed beast that can compliment his wind, plus she has no real relevancy to the story so fujin is free to do so


Man I read to much fanfiction to recall everything 😂 but yeah sorta I do. I need the pdf of the entire story, my AI buddy and we’ll make a quick simple wiki on the character Fujin and his skills

Mohammed Sheekh

forgot that it takes time for a tailed beast to reform my bad, in that case then the only option is three tails


Could extract it and then seal instead of killing Yugito. Kinda like what Obito did to Kushina.

Mohammed Sheekh

Good point, I don't think he will be getting a better chance to do so than now with the raikage and Bee away


Kudos for the rap


Well, can always create chances with FTG. But yeah, now's a good chance :)

Mr Falcon

Great solution, author san!!!! Wind cloak avoids introducing an entirely different power to absorb chakra, and gives a great opportunity to expand his wind jutsu 🔥🔥

Mugen Strife

ok your killer bee bars are on point well done


Author, do you happen to have any plans for Fujin creating a jutsu similar to the Hozuki clan's Hydrification technique, but with wind? An Anemification technique if you will.


That would be interesting but I’m not sure how feasible it would be


I think I’d require some sort of surgery and come with its own downsides. Remember the clan who got killed by wind and the great weakness Hosuki clan has against lightning techniques


He tricked me, made me think the chapter was longer than it was 😂😂

Rubén López

Well, I didn't expect that ability now. But it makes a lot of sense. Although more than a complete combat use, I like the current limitations, linear movement, Pretty good for retreat and travel at a certain distance, although being the wind of calamity, flying becomes one of the most obvious things, XD. Well, this is pretty good. Personally, I will always bet on the Sambi, if someone is a jinchuriki, it is at a certain point the easiest to capture and possibly the easiest to interact with. Although I know that in general the Jinchuriki in the original story, only 3 were relevant, Gaara, Naruto and Killer Bee, the rest only quick death or off-camera, that was something that the original Naruto had to work on. And in this story I doubt that something like this can be used, for that Naruto necessarily has to take an active part, since it is part of his conflict as a character that they are persecuting people like him, that would be for fanfic that uses Naruto as the protagonist, with a twist in the approach of the story that the work of a reincarnated person and especially one like that of Fujin's personality. Unless the ghost society reaches a certain level in a short time. Maybe the biju later simply walk free.

Mohammed Sheekh

as mentioned before by the comment above, there was a clan that can transform into a gaseous state but would simply die by being blown away

King Scales

It would be cool if he could make his wind domain imitate a susanoo a fight between fujin and madara with susanoo would be crazy


No, would be too overpowered 😅 It'd be something like a Wind Logia. I don't think any fights would be fun if Fujin gains such an ability, lol.


Wind cloak is awesome. Be real with us, the delays have all been because of how long it took you to make that Bee rapping dialogue, right?


I hope he wouldn’t be able to stop himself if in that position


It has to wait till the Thanos fight. Remember fellow subscribers. We Have The Power 💪🏾

Mohammed Sheekh

you can have him talk normally in serious moments, that's what he does in the anime


I think Fujin having the same powers as a wind logia would be cool, but only much later in the story, like right before the fourth war.


Fujin finally created his own cloak and can fly, hopefully he's able to fly as seamlessly as Onoki in the future without the cloak


have Fujin cut his tongue out so he never talks again 🤣

woat is aim

could fujin implement flying thunder god into the fuin battlefield so he can teleport anywhere inside? or is that not how it works

Evrit hansn

Treating the wind cloak like a chakra construct that he can share is cool; now all he needs is some seals to preserve it and he can have it as a part of the fuinbattlefield. Something like the yin seal tsunade uses but for wind not yang chakra?

Mohammed Sheekh

hex we getting a chap today? I honestly don't know how you do it, a chapter a day sometimes two would destroy me mentally lol


😅 Yes. Still writing it though. Should most probably be done in under an hour (2 hrs max)

alex lune

Hello I would to adk if there a a time when you realese yours chapter( experial in this dificult month) or you do it when you can, so we don't have to wait for a chapter that doesn't arrive Obviously this is not forcing you to release a chapter. as many comments say take your time This is just to know if we have to wait for chapters in the day obviously if you took this message negatively then I'm really sorry, I'm new to ron patreon and I don't know all the rules Have a nice day


Generally it is around 16:00 GMT. It can be around an hour early if I finish quickly or can be delayed by 1-2 hours if I'm not done. If the delay is longer than 2 hours, I'll make a post titled 'Delay Notice'.

alex lune

This is probably one of the best fanfictions I've read in the last year, so take your time and give us a masterclass, thank you for this unforgettable pasage, and these crazy laughs guaranteed good continuation for you personally, and I pray everything go well IRL for you