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I will try to pause the reviews for the next week or so to setup the new hero10 I ordered. If that can do a better job with the videos these last 2 will be the last of the "new" 4:3 and 30fps. Aiming for 60fps at first and then if I have to stretch it back out to widescreen.

If you have any suggestions leave them below.



30fps is less jarring even with an action cam. Maybe peeps don't want that black letter boxing so they are turned off a little. more resolution makes the jarring and indoor better anyday.


Not a fan of 4x3 format. Makes the video on the phone tiny. I don't mind rotating my phone for landscape. In this mode, everything is just too small.


I feel ill watching your new videos,


I like the 4x3, maybe it's a nostalgia thing. Idk. I say keep it.


4:3 is optimal for me, as I run a 3440x1440 as my main monitor and usually have YouTube open on the right and left I have websites open or if doing a small projects for the LOLs with Photoshop but saying that, Widescreen could be interesting though but as you move around a lot, 60 fps is probably going to be the biggest game changer?