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So for a while now I have been setting up a wide verity of ways to join the Z-Reviews community. While these things have been public for a while I don't think they have enough attention and most people don't know about them. (this can be a good or bad thing depending on your faith in humanity)

So here I will be listing all the places fans of Z-Reviews hang out, chat, post and fight about things. Feel free to join!

https://www.reddit.com/r/ZReviews/ - A Reddit style place to show off your gear, ask questions to the community and gain kharma YOU WHORE!.. This is the main hub of the Z Reviews community and you should all be here.

https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/#Zeos - For those of you into old fashion means of communication like sending a morse code telegraph or perhaps carrier pigeon the IRC room is full of Diablo. You will know what I mean when you join.

https://discord.gg/0yyx8Lihn2D4edww - Discord is a voice chat client but really nobody uses it for that. A very organized series of chat rooms exist so you can talk audio, anime, shitposting, catch some leaked reviews and see food pictures....

https://telegram.me/Zreviews - The most active of the bunch the telegram is the only multi platform way to hang out. Check the program out, I love it for all my communications needs. Plus I can send pictures here directly from my phone so...

Pick your poison or stay here.. All alone. (P.S. you don't HAVE TO talk about audio stuff in any of these, just be yourself)


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