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For those who don't know the Patron funding you have all graciously provided has recently been used to buy equipment for future reviews (lots of it). To help steamroll bigger, future reviews most of the items purchased will be re-sold here to my +$5 patrons at a reduced cost. To make it fair I will do a 5 day "Best Offer" model so everyone has a chance grab the thing they want most and I can hopefully return funds back for next month. If the item doesn't sell here it will be moved to https://www.reddit.com/r/AVexchange/new/ and then after that ebay most likely.

Please PM me your bids and I will announce the winner and put the next item up in 5 days and update the description or comments here with the current high bid daily.

Up today is the Fostex HP-A3 [http://amzn.to/1KQmgXY] a Japanese made Dac/Headphone amplifier combo that has the unique feature of a push-button selector for front headphone out OR rear RCA pre-outs. This means no unplugging and it works great for powered monitors.

People have stated in the interest of fairness I shouldn't release the review before a sale to keep them honest and not influence the re-sell-ability with a better than actual review. Fools know not about thine honesty.  https://youtu.be/UrAPLodcF1s

What do you think?

PS (unless stated otherwise I will pay shipping)


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