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Hello Patrons and everyone not a patron! As you may have seen in this video https://youtu.be/yek0UaqinxU I want to try and stretch some videos into multiple "shorter" parts and release daily or with very few gaps in releases. This is because of the new Youtube algorithm and also because I am severely backlogged with items and I need to try and clear out the old, so to speak. 

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The issue comes with you guys and getting everything I have out there, IN HERE for your private viewing. I'd like to maintain at least being able to watch my reviews a full WEEK early before the public release so you have the advantage of nothing being sold out [AKA the Zeos Effect] and to do that I am going to have to dump videos here in clumps. 

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So each video may not get its own post (we will see) and instead a "THESE VIDEOS FOR THIS WEEK" post with several links and you can pick and choose what to watch for the rest of the time. This will hopefully be a temporary system until I get more videos filmed and can clear some breathing room for myself.

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Some video series may have to skip the Patron exclusive status just to get me more time to film/edit/upload the rest of the weeks videos. Just giving a heads up if you see something on Youtube that isn't here every once in a while. 

If you guys have any opinions or suggestions on this sort of content delivery change please let me know. EXAMPLE OF A 3 DAY SERIES

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DAY 1 - https://youtu.be/Dq-SpBua4KY
DAY 2 - https://youtu.be/MHeYpfSLt5k
DAY 3 - https://youtu.be/XW5LGjUV8hY

**The descriptions of those videos are being updated as we speak. 



Do what you think you have to do for success. We will adapt. Just make sure you vote today and get some meatballs from Villa Di Roma on 9th street or I am going to keep bugging you until you do.


more content is always good.


Just upload whatever doesn't fuck up your OCD


I am bad. I binged them all in one go. I like the aune, but will probably get a little bear pocket warmer amp instead


A week is enough time to give us Patrons the chance to jump at a product before the frenzy occurs.


I think batch uploads is the easiest to deal with. Personally, if I were you I'd do something crazy and wait until I have about 3-4 weeks of videos built up in the Patreon section before I started the daily uploads for the plebs on Youtube. This way it gives you a little breathing room and you only have to do a batch upload like once a week. That also means you can go a few days without doing anything before you need to film a few more days worth of videos. Obviously, there will be those time-sensitive videos that will pop up (Massdrop, Indiegogo, Kickstarter, etc..) and you'll have to post those ASAP, but having a large back catalog will give you way more flexibility and will help prevent you from burning out. Daily videos can be a pain in the ass to keep up with if you don't have a back catalog and could result in you having to rush your reviews. I don't think anyone wants to see a rushed Zeos review, I personally like listening to the ramblings of a madman that go off on a tangent for 5 minutes at a time 3 or 7 times a video. I rather listen to you apologize 9 times to someone because you've had their product for 8 months than you getting something and posting a day or two later. Most importantly, do whatever works best for you.


Dump your clumps, I like to binge when I'm in the mood. I get that you'll need to release early sometimes, never bothered me before. (Insert other phrases that sound dirty but are also true here.)


sounds like a good plan to me!


Don't matter to me. Do what you gotta do, man.


Yeah, I like this a lot! Really enjoyed watching all 3 reviews one after the other. If I already didn't own the Fiio Q1Mk2, I'd be looking at the Topping. I really like this new format.


You do you Zeos. One thing I’d ask please is to keep the names of the products in the title for easy skimming / push notification reading.


Wait, so... everything is getting compared to the Q5 now, which is "the new reference", but... you never said how the Q5 sounds compared to other things in its class. Is it better than a HA-2 when used wired? Or can you compare it to some of the better known desktop units?


Its basically an Aune X1s on the go. Ha-2 I think does other things to the sound that I can't put my finger on. I used that exclusively at CanJam in Denver (the Ha-2) and previously I used just the Q5. Both however on Bluetooth. Was still satisfied with each.