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Announcement Video - https://youtu.be/ZXDWv1KAekU

AUCTION RUNS FROM Today to the 10th. Ending on Midnight EST. Procedure to Bid:: V v V v V v V


    1. Make sure you have a Paypal account setup that can send money and accept invoices and has your current address on file.


    2. Write an Email with your "Patreon Name" AND "Location" in the subject to :: ZeosAuction@gmail.com

In the body of the email be sure to::

+Specify your location again (Florida - Ireland - Australia/Melborne - etc)

+List the item(s) you wish to bid on and the bid amount in USD. ($34.66)- You can bid on one item or multiple. Place each bid on a new line in the email. Make it clear what you want. 


    3. USE RANDOM BIDS TO AVOID A TIE! (no whole numbers)


Cowon M2 : $53.32

Stax L900 : $4,434.41

Chewbacca : $2.32  


At any point during the 10 days you can UP any bid or cancel. Make sure to always email with your Patreon name and location in the subject. These are blind and silent auctions which means you will only know if you won at the end of the yard sale. I will not tell you about a loss. 

Please allow up to 2 days for things to be sorted after the end and emails to be sent back announcing you as a winner. If you are a high bidder/winner you will be notified and required to submit your Paypal email and an address ONLY if different than Paypal address.

If you don't win you will NOT be contacted saying so. There are too many bidders to do this all manually, Sorry for the inconvenience.

 The Winner will receive a Paypal invoice and you have 48 hours to confirm and pay. If you are unresponsive you will be bumped off and the next highest bidder will be contacted so stay alert and check your email! 

International bidders please convert all bids to USD and understand you will be charged half of the shipping cost once the cost is calculated. All items will be sent as "Gift" and insured to the value paid.


https://amzn.to/2RvtCo5 -- Emotiva Airmotiv5

https://amzn.to/2QdluIz -- Fluance AI40

https://amzn.to/2IDTawh -- Elegiant Clear thingy

https://amzn.to/2RkFCJS -- Celia & Perah

https://amzn.to/2JA8lXF -- FiiO uBTR

https://amzn.to/2RBRkiL -- MPOW Headphones

https://amzn.to/2JxxPVv -- JBL Nano Patch

https://amzn.to/2RrjtZw -- Infinity BS


Bidding Ends on the 10th. Try not to throw any last minute corrections or edits. Thanks for supporting the channel and happy bidding!



scuse me sir, that elegiant clear thingy link is not the item for sale.


Son of a Bitch they swapped the product but kept the URL.. Its no longer on Amazon.. FFFFFFFF


Thoughts on the daily videos thing: I would love to see daily videos. I think it’s a great idea. I honestly feel like there has been a little bit of a lack of content for the last couple months. Not trying to be negative, just seems like there has been more days between videos. I love zeos- I would never leave the Patreon and I know you have a lot of stuff going on. That being said I would love to see as much content as possible and I would watch daily if there was new videos to watch. Thanks for the awesome videos- it’s my relax - downtime after work thing to watch.


I have been just overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I need to do and honestly doing it MORE will get rid of stuff faster. So I am sort of for this. But every day might be TOO much for some people.


I like the idea of getting the videos early. The yard sale and early access are big selling points of the patreon. I like your stuff cause of your tell it like it is truth. But no matter what you do I will support. My only problem is that I will think patreon support my suffer if they don't feel like they have any advantage over YouTube subs.


Just stagger your content. Have Monday be a review, Tuesday be the sound demo from the review, Wednesday be an unboxing or Q&A, Thursday be the next review and Friday be the sound demo...or something to that effect then repeat. That way you get google to play nice with your content, you hopefully wont burn out, and we get Z everyday in a perfectly acceptable format.


More is good, especially if it helps. Just balance quality though. I would rather have less but get the quality maintained.


Zeos a few months ago someone sent you a Pioneer DAP. Is it on the schedule to review?


It is reviewed. It is getting ready to return home. PS I bought one to have an extra android device around.