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I'm trying to get something else in this month's. So it will probably be delayed until the 4th or 5th. I can extend it the end date if needed. Hold in there. -Z



So what you're really saying is, "hey guys, I gotta lot-o-shit I'm juggling right now and putting together a bunch of electronics that I mail to you fuckers at no additional cost and items I'll probably lose$ on isn't top top on my Zlist of things to-do."


Thanks for the heads up.


My first yard sale. HYPE!ù


Ok, but let's get on it. The Yard Sale is the primary reason I joined here. There's also all those IEM'S you've been talking about that I'd like to see reviewed, especially the Audiofly stuff. When will you offer any of that stuff up for auction? Sorry, I'm getting a bit impatiant. You unbox so much nice stuff and tease with it in your other videos, but it's way too long before you actually get around to reviewing it.


Yard sale! How great! I am laughing at all the bitching about a short delay.


Audiofly sent me most of the stuff and want it back. I can ask if they want to donate it or offer me a discount, then I can include some of it.


How are you today Zeos