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http://amzn.to/2DZVcUa -- ifi iDSD Nano on Amazon

http://amzn.to/2BUgsJc  --  FiiO Q1 Mk2

http://amzn.to/2BSQhCz  --  Oppo HA-2

Unboxing of ifi Stuff : https://youtu.be/zn7ZRH5q9wA

Wallpaper : https://i.imgur.com/ONSDsrF.jpg


Z Review - ifi NANO iDSD BL (A THICC Portable)

[http://amzn.to/2DZVcUa] ifi iDSD Nano on Amazon [http://amzn.to/2BUgsJc] FiiO Q1 Mk2 [http://amzn.to/2BSQhCz] Oppo HA-2 Unboxing of ifi Stuff : https://youtu.be/zn7ZRH5q9wA Wallpaper : https://i.imgur.com/ONSDsrF.jpg [http://www.reddit.com/r/zeos] -- My Reddit Buying Guides [https://goo.gl/Vx3HsK] -- Join The Patreon [https://www.twitch.tv/zeospantera] -- T W I T C H ! ! [https://twitter.com/Zeospantera] -- Yes, I have a twitter



Wait, so can we build balanced cables from normal 4 pole 3.5mm now? Also, I hate you Z just got this and the 660s. Why is audio gear so addicting?


I just stumbled across the ifi Nano iOne. From what have gleened from your previous reviews, I believe you would be less than thrilled by another dac. This one however may have a couple things you might like: ivory white face plate, a nice big "window" for displaying the "ifi rainbow" of LED colors, and...Bluetooth! Seems like it might be handy as the dac for a stand alone amp. The thing I don't understand is the price. It is the same price as the Nano iDSD BL. Lose the BL amp and gain Bluetooth? Doesn't seem like an even swap...hmmm?


Zeos I have an Onkyo ES-CTI300(BS) with a 3.5 mm balanced end


I think this would work for the adapter CablesOnline 2-PACK 3.5mm 1/8" Stereo TRRS 4-Pole Male Connector with Spring Relief, (CN-018-2) <a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E3GLBEG/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_naNDAbJAXCD22" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E3GLBEG/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_naNDAbJAXCD22</a> along with this Neutrik NC4FX-B 4-Pin Female Cable, Black/Gold Contacts <a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002EDVR1C/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_0bNDAb62D9Z8H" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002EDVR1C/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_0bNDAb62D9Z8H</a>. Well at least I'll try since I just bought one


I'd recommend this USB-C to-go cable for ifi products: <a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01COOQIKU/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01COOQIKU/</a> I use it every day at work between my Galaxy Note 8 and ifi iDSD Micro Black Label and it works great.


Okay I gotta comment on this one as I bought this coincidently the same day Zeos did his unboxing. I was interested in a couple of things about this amp, and I will try my best to explain.


This amp besides being portable had two things that interested me. #1 DSD support. My Schiit setup does not have DSD, and although I fully admit I think that technology will die, I do have a few files in DSD which is a high resolution SACD format, different from PCM. I wanted the option, just because, options are nice. Next is MQA support. Yeah Zeos is right, people are jerking off all over the place for this stuff. Some hate it, some love it. But the quick and easy explanation is this. Just like FLAC is a compressed version of a WAV file that can perfectly be "unpacked" and listened to, MQA is a format to highly compress high definition music files (Studio Masters they say), think 24 bit 192KHZ files. When you use a non MQA device it will send to you as a 16bit 48HZ file, slightly higher than CD quality. The Tidal desktop app on Windows/Mac will actually do a "first unfold" which will kinda unzip it into a 24bit 96KHZ file. They say the Tidal App version of the unfold is not as accurate as having an actual MQA device. Some devices will unfold up to 96KHZm, such as the Dragonfly USB Amps/DACS. However this ifi device will to a full unfold up to 192KHZ. I've seen some titles that high, like the Doors and a few others. Not a lot to choose from. Does it sound better? Eh in ranges, some sound much different, some sound almost the same. Now the last point against MQA which I hate about the format, its also a form of DRM (Digital Rights Management). But all in all, I got this DAC/AMP for its ability to decode DSD and MQA, which give it a big boost over many others in its price range.


i've also got the iDSD Micro BL and I just don't know if I can give up the 3D Jesusness and the bass boost and the gain and the 4 watts and line out and the and the and the...! Please excuse me, I need to use the restroom. Ok, I do have one beef with the micro and I'm curious of the Nano does the same thing. If you dare turn on your Micro before you plug your phone in via usb, the Micro will suck the battery life straight out of your phone Just like Rogue sucks the life out of Wolverine. Wondering if Nano does that.


Yes that happens, also if you turn it on before you plug it into a PC it will drain the battery and not charge


I have the Micro iDSD BL and generally like it, but I only use as desktop. The unit is just too "fiddly" though. It gets old having to check that all those switches are set correctly. The Nano version seems to be a big step forward as it has two items not covered in your review. First, it has the same Burr-Browm DAC (although I'll bet the circuit design is somewhat different). Second it has most of the iPurifier circuitry built in. I bought a separate iPurifier 2 for the Micro and in demanding conditions it does help somewhat. At $200, the Nano is a steal.


Agree with you on that. many of the switches protrude just enough that they get moved and that's not a good thing if your listening to the shp 9500s on it, for example, and woops, I just flipped it to high gain, bye bye 9500s, rest in pieces. Not to mention the very size of the thing. Still, I have several amps that have better form factor and/or smaller and I can't help but grab this one when I go portable. The biggest reason being that I often use phones that need the power, that love the power. Or, I'm just a megalomaniac. I'm definitely going to buy the Nano though. Its just too cheap and to good. Maybe good enough that I'll grab it more often than I think in real life application


Here's an adaptor: <a href="http://a.co/cKNhwlh" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://a.co/cKNhwlh</a>


So much stuff. But can my ears tell a difference is the real question. And can anyone tell without being told all that. Blind.


I got mine delivered yesterday and I'm very happy with it as my first portable dac/amp. I'm making the balanced adapter for it currently.


Zeos, the only difference I have been able to tell easily is more related to the SOME of the Masters sounding different than the "remaster" version they have up. Not saying better, more crisp, more HD, just different.