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http://www.schiit.com/products/vidar -- VIDAR

http://amzn.to/2CUboWD -- BIG KNOB

http://amzn.to/2EyRT6a -- PUPPIES

Wallpaper : https://i.imgur.com/UGnToWO.jpg


Z Review - Schiit Vidar [Not Vader. NOT STAR WARS!!! FFFFFFF]

[http://www.schiit.com/products/vidar] VIDAR [http://amzn.to/2CUboWD] BIG KNOB [http://amzn.to/2EyRT6a] PUPPIES Wallpaper : https://i.imgur.com/UGnToWO.jpg [http://www.reddit.com/r/zeos] -- My Reddit Buying Guides [https://goo.gl/Vx3HsK] -- Join The Patreon [https://www.twitch.tv/zeospantera] -- T W I T C H ! ! [https://twitter.com/Zeospantera] -- Yes, I have a twitter



Really happy to see them step into power amps, I have been eyeing the Vidar for like a month now. Currently have a Dayton APA150 for my desk setup, but figured I would explore some nicer options. Also looked at the Emotiva TA-10 other A-150/A-300 from the BasX line. Anyone have any thoughts on what they would use in this case?


Yeah but can it Power my HD650M??? Or do I need two of them and mono block em?


TA-100 would have a less sophisticated amp because it's also a dac/preamp/radio tuner + a headphone output. So if you are looking for just a 2.0 amp, then get the A-150 or A-300. Schitt has top tier audio engineers, but emotiva has more experience making amps. Thats how I see it.


Need a second one to see what they'll do with the 590's


Well at first I thought the same way, but since it is on a desk it might be nice to eliminate a separate dac or headphone amp for an integrated unit. That being said, if I do go for just the amp it would be the A-300. I think at different levels these all offer great value above their prices.


Ah yeahh broke out the 530's! I still need to pick up my pair. Bought it in Japan and my Japanese friend is taking care of them for now. Reason I got em in Japan, they are affordable there and still available, check yahoo auction Japan. They don't ship outside Japan, so have a friend there willing to receive 'em. Sorry this comment is out of topic. Pretty cool amp! There is something to be said for simplicity.


middle east one got me; rofl!


590 are so efficient you would never be able to pull a pair of these close to potential.


A recommendation for the mono-block amps, I enjoy Adcom Whole heartedly. Anything new, or old, It's all fantastic. I've got a couple GFA-535's and love them to pieces. If looking for new: 575se Old: GFA 555. The GFA 555's are better IMO. And they push more than they are rated for ya know.


How do you think this would do on the Forte 3's ? I really like the look of this amplifier and I'm thinking on getting one for my Quartets which are very close to Forte 2 just with 10" woofer and 12" passive. Man that is sexy as Schiit to me!!!


Thank you! when I purchase I will do so through your link.


Is the schiit freya next on your review?


I recommend Schiit for the desk as Emotiva's sometimes have an ever so subtle detectable noise floor, in my experience. No big deal for a home theater set up, but if your eye to eye with your tweeter eyeballs, your likely going to hear it.


You definitely need to mono block each headphone driver with the 2 Vidars. Make sure you trigger the warning siren, stay outside of the blast radius and wear protective glasses.


I'm Canadian but I'd still prefer US, British, Canadian-made audio gear. I'm rocking an Audiolab 8000S and 8000p that were made in England (from when they still were.) Bryston is still made in Canada but it is pricey!


Just curious Z were you running the Vidar from your Tascam with xlr adapters when you were comparing it to the a500? The reason I ask is that according to Schitt the Vidar must be ran by a truly balanced preamp for it to reach maximum volume as a monoblock.