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Hello my Patrons!

Today I hope to show you a newly finished art (or doodle) , Excella Gionne from Resident Evil/BioHazard 5! I also added Sheva Alomar in tribal costume to it :D

It was requested by Sousuke Drake. Thank you for your nice request!
(I picked up that request from a relatively past post)


I'm sorry for recently I did not do Monthly Request Event regularly.
I was feeling the pressure of having to do color illustrations with a lot of dedication.

But recently, by my friend Rebis's advice, I remembered our $10 pledge says I make " art or do a doodle " for request events. 

I think showing doodle is far better than skipping events in busy season.
So this time I did this doodle!

Of course I'll show you more detailed, color illustrations in seasons I have enough time.
(Currently I focus on drawing a new doujin of Tifa & Poison)

Anyway, I wish you enjoy this art.
Thank you for your support!!




Nice! Great job!!!


just incredible

Sousuke Drake

Thank you for choosing my request They look Incredible!