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Hello, i have a surprise for next month!
Developed some dakimakura, oppai prints and card sets. (No loli characters, only milf and legal stuff)
BUT: This tier involves shipment, which can be expensive. So i don't know... But i want to do it anyways. I want to run an ecchi store `(^▼^)´↑

Important note: Every patron on that tier gonna get an original Dakimakura, this means direct support to me, since you are helping a lot by getting involved in such tier.

Used to be a nobody, but i want to start with my ecchi store ASAP, now that people notices me. (灬♥ω♥灬)
I can't share shojo content here anymore, nor loli of course. And that means i can't share Pixiv link, but you can find me easily, looking for my @nickname

So, please, share my patreon in your social media, this will help a lot to get more support! (´ε` )♡




An ecchi store?! That sounds pretty ambitious.. but considering your nice skill of mixing cute and sexy I think you’d do it magnificently!


Sure, I'd probably buy a couple of things.


Make a Spotted skunk Daki and id buy it instantly ~~Especially if we get some farts~~