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Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all enjoying the exclusive content and rewards here on Patreon. Your support means the world to me and allows me to keep creating and sharing my work with you.

I wanted to take a moment to address something important. When Patreon-exclusive rewards are shared outside of this community, it can have a negative impact on my ability to continue providing these special perks. These rewards are meant to be a thank you for your support and a way to give back to those who believe in my work.

I kindly ask that you please keep these rewards within our Patreon community. By doing so, you help ensure that I can continue to create and share more exclusive content with you all.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Let’s keep this community strong and ecchi!

Best regards, R.H.Cristóbal



I am also excited to introduce a new member to our team.Levi will be in charge of managing Patreon’s content. With his help, our Patreon page will no longer be inactive or abandoned. You can expect more consistent and engaging content moving forward.