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The next two weeks flew by. As requested by the king, Touya and the others travelled the country to help strengthen relations between the royal palace and its vassals.

Their journey was a great success, however due to having to cover so much ground the group had been forced to travel constantly, never remaining in the same place for longer than a day.

When their journey finally concluded, Touya sent his friends home ahead of him and told them to enjoy a long bath and spend the day relaxing. He would journey on to the palace and report everything to the king.

Although it wasn’t just because he wanted to give the girls their well-deserved rest. The young arch mage had a plan for his dear friends.

Ever since witnessing their games in the viewing room, he’d been eager to join the fray again. But the mission Tsubaki had sent them on meant none of them had had the time to meet up.

But from their interaction with him he could feel the girls were just as hungry for another play date as he was.

The dark-haired hero didn’t know, but on two separate occasions during their travels Yumina and Linze had both stood in front of his tent whilst he was asleep, planning to sneak inside and cuddle up to him! 

They had barely stopped themselves out of respect for Touya’s loyalty to the crown, which kept driving him to journey through the lands despite clearly wanting to spend time with all of them.

I’m sure Touya-san will have an appropriate play date prepared for when we get back. Linze had thought confidently.

Let’s hope the rest of our journey continues to run smoothly. I can barely wait for us to get back home! Yumina had sighed as she had drifted off to sleep that night.

Both girls had hit the nail on the head. Because for a few months now, Touya had had a concept in his head that would spice up their games somewhat. Sadly, there had never been an opportune moment to try it out.

Now that their travels had concluded, that was going to change.

After debriefing the king and making his way back to his castle, Touya snuck inside without alerting anyone so he could spend the day working in secret. He prepared several rooms and plotlines in preparation for his large-scale game.

When the dark-haired mage was finally satisfied with his set-up, he sought out the girls pretending he’d just arrived. By that time, it was already evening.

“You’ve arrived back a lot later than we expected.” Yumina said. “Did you run into any trouble?”

“No, my briefing of the palace just took a long time. The king was delighted with our success, but we ended up discussing some more inland politics.” The young man lied quickly.

“So long as nothing bad happened, it’s fine.” Elze replied. “We’re happy you’re back home.”

“All of us are happy to be back home in fact.” Yae added. “We really missed this place.”

Touya smiled at them. “I’m happy you think so highly of it. Shall we have dinner together then? I’ve missed our chefs’ cooking.”

The group enjoyed a large feast whilst reminiscing about their adventures of the past two weeks. But after sundown the girls began to clearly show signs of their fatigue.

Yumina let out a long yawn just after telling the others about her talk with one of the heads of state in charge of the northernmost province. 

“Excuse me, all of you. It seems I am more tired than I thought.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Elze replied. “I think we’re all starting to feel the impact of our two weeks on the road.”

“I agree.” Linze said. “Shall we turn in for the night, sister?”

“That might be for the best. Good night everyone!”

“Good night, Elze-dono and Linze-dono.” Yae replied, yawning as well. “I believe I shall join you.”

“Me as well.” Yumina added. “Good night Touya-san.”

“Good night all of you. I’ll be up for a little while longer. Tsubaki will be coming by in an hour.”

“Tsubaki-san?!” The girls yelped. “What for?”

“I believe she wants to debrief me about the mission for her own lord. I’ll be sure to let you all know in the morning.”

“Do you want us to stay up with you until she has left?” Linze offered helpfully.

“Oh no, there’s no need! I expect she won’t be here for long.”

“Well, if you’re certain Touya-dono.” Yae replied. “Good night.”

“Good night.”

The girls then left their friend and headed for their respective bedrooms.

Touya meanwhile did some final checks in preparation of his game. He couldn’t suppress the smile on his face for a second.

I wonder how they’re going to respond to my setup...

Linze was stirred awake by a sudden sound coming from the door to their room.

“Sister?” She whispered, nudging Elze gently.

“Hmnn?” The long haired girl murmured, slowly opening her eyes. “What’s wrong Linze?”

“Did you hear that sound coming from the hallway?”

“I didn’t hear anything.”

The busty mage looked at the door. It was still closed.

Or rather, it had already been closed again before Linze woke up, unbeknownst to the twins.

Touya had snuck into the room, using a cloak that rendered him invisible and masked most of the sounds he himself made. He was hoping that using that cloak instead of magic would keep the girls of his scent.

He was currently standing in front of the girls’ bed, waiting for Linze to crawl back under her sheets before making his next move.

When the cute mage finally gave up and closed her eyes again, the dark haired mage snuck up to the cuddling sisters.

He brought out his arms from underneath the cloak, each one holding a rag doused in a new drug he developed. It would render most people unconscious at a mere whiff.

He made sure to push both rags over the girls’ noses at the same time. The two of them gasped in shock as the pungent smell invaded their nostrils, but at that point it was already too late. Their minds started clouding over and their eyelids became heavy.

Who the hell is this?! Linze thought angrily, trying to will her body to fight off her assailant. But her arms wouldn’t respond anymore.

We have to call for help! Were the last thoughts Linze could muster before sinking into a deep sleep.

With relatively little struggle, he captured his first two targets and transported them to the first room.

Later that night, Yae suddenly sat bolt upright in her bed after hearing her door slide open. She peered around her room, but couldn’t see or hear anything.

Was it just the wind? That hardly seems possible.

The samurai glanced at her sword out of the corner of her eye, leaning against the wall at a few feet removed from her bed.

If I jump for it now, whoever is watching me might be alarmed and attack me. Should I pretend to have gone to sleep and lower their guard?

She wasn’t even certain anyone was watching her. They were in Touya’s castle. Very few people would be able to infiltrate this place. It was one of the reasons she always slept so soundly here.

I’ll get back down. If I’m imagining things, I’ll regret climbing out from under these warm sheets...

The bodacious swordswoman pretended to go back to sleep, closing her eyes but listening intently for any movements.

For several minutes, nothing happened. Then, just at the moment she started thinking it had all been her imagination, a hand touched her shoulder.

Her eyes shot open and she burst out of bed. Her intention had been to grab her katana, but a large hand kept an iron grip on her left arm and dragged her back onto the mattress.

A struggle ensued, but without her katana she was at a disadvantage. Worse still, her attacker’s cloak came off and revealed him to be a huge, masked man. Over 6 feet tall and with a massive muscular frame, he easily overpowered the slender warrior who couldn’t use any of her techniques in her disadvantageous position.

“Get off me you fiend!” She shouted, shoving her knee into his side.

The man grunted, but kept his firm hold on her arm and even managed to pin her legs down with his.

After she finally couldn’t put up a fight anymore, he reached for a cotton cloth in his pocket and knocked Yae out with the drug drenched in it.

Who is this man?! Yae wondered nervously as her mind went dark.

Princess Yumina was the only one not to wake up during Touya’s visit. Growing up as a princess meant she never had the need to subconsciously remain alert during her sleep. Thanks to that, the disguised arch mage had a much easier time drugging her bringing her to the room where he’d confined the others.

It also meant she was most panicked when she did wake up. Her head was pounding a little, and when she tried stretching her limbs because they ached a little from sleeping in an awkward position she found they wouldn’t budge.

“HMRNN?!” She shrieked as the haze disappeared from her mind and she realized where she was.

Elze, Linze, Yae and herself were sitting in some kind of cellar, bound and gagged!

All of them were wearing nothing but the underwear they’d gone to sleep in:

Yae was wearing nothing but a cute purple thong. The busty samurai preferred to sleep topless because it felt liberating.

Linze had was a bit more covered. Her nightwear consisted of a set of pale blue panties and a see-through negligée of the same colour which covered her luscious upper body.

Elze was dressed in adorable pink shorts that fitted tightly around her bum. Just like Yae, she was topless because it felt comfier to sleep.

As for Yumina, she was wearing a set of lacy white panties with matching bra.

All four of them had been restrained in the same manner, sitting on a large wooden block with their backs tied to a thick pole.

Their arms were pinned behind their backs in a boxtie, complete with ropes coiled around their upper bodies to hold their arms in place and ensnare their breasts. All of the ropes trapping their arms and chests also made a few loops around the pole behind their backs, making it impossible for the girls to reach out to one another.

Their ankles, knees and thighs had been tied together, cinched up by three coils of rope

For a final measure, their captor had locked their feet in stocks. Not so much for security, but to ensure they wouldn’t be able to dodge the spring-mounted feathers and brushes located right at their bare, unprotected feet!

Not that any of the girls could spot those feathers for now, hidden by the massive blocks trapping their slender ankles and pinning down their legs.

When the young women came to, they started squirming nervously as they tried to recall what had happened. And how it was possible that all four of them were now sitting bound and gagged in a dark and dreary room!

Who was it that managed to break into Touya-san's castle?! Elze thought flustered. Whoever he is, he can tie a knot. These ropes are tight!

The others felt the same way. None of them managed to make any progress whatsoever. The knots were completely out of reach, and every single one of the ropes had been pulled so tight that slipping free was impossible no matter how long they struggled.

What was most frustrating of all was that, despite being neatly lined up, they had no way of assisting one another in their escape. The sturdy wooden poles their bodies had been tethered to meant they had absolutely nowhere to go.

After spending dozens of minutes squirming tirelessly, but without result, the four young women began screaming into their thickly stuffed panel gags. But to their despair they barely made a sound.

Elze and Yumina were frustratedly chewing on the huge sponge stuffing their mouths to the brim and absorbing their cries and saliva alike.

Yae and Linze meanwhile were still screaming at the top of their lungs.

We HAVE to still be in the castle. It doesn’t feel that long since that assailant drugged us. He can’t have taken us far. If we can just call out to Touya, he’ll come to our aid!

But to their despair, the figure to come through the heavy wooden door was not their dear friend.

Instead, a hulking figure in black wearing an eerie white mask walked inside.

“Good morning sleeping beauties.” He addressed the girls in an unnaturally deep voice.

“Mhn mnr hhm?! (Who are you?!)” Yae immediately demanded to know.

“Mrnhss mnnh (Release us)!” Elze added angrily, pulling at the ropes tying her arms.

“Glad to see you two are still so lively.” He mocked the black and silver haired duo.

His faceless mask scanned each of the four girls intently, so much so it sent shivers down their spines.

“I suppose it would only be proper to introduce myself. I won’t give you my name, that could cause problems along the line. But the reason I’m here is simple: I’ve had enough of all of your meddling into local affairs!”

“Mrnn?!” Yumina yelped. Don’t tell me he is one of the rebels opposing the state?! How did he manage to find us?!

“For the past few weeks you lot have been sauntering around the country visiting the various vassals subjecting themselves to the king’s rule. Your ridiculously powerful force of combatants succeeded very well in forcing more loyalty out of those spineless wimps.”

“Thh-sh nhh mhh mn mnhh mhrr (That’s not why we went there)!” Yumina protested angrily.

“Spare me your lies!” The man snapped. “Especially from your lips, princess!”

“Hmn mrr mhh (How dare you!)” Elze growled angrily, kicking her legs but wincing soon after as the harsh wooden stocks rubbed into her soft skin.

The man ignored the warrior and continued his story.

“I suppose I should get to the point of my visit. It’s quite simple: Every city or county you visited has suddenly shown a dramatic increase in support for the kingdom. Conversely, me and my men are a lot less welcome. Do you see now why I’m here?”

The girls were only half listening to their captor, secretly trying to scan their ropes with their fingers and by twitching their bodies to search for a way out. To their disappointment, they made no progress whatsoever.

“If I can get rid of you lot so soon after going around doing the king’s bidding, his royal pompousness king will lose face and my movement will gain more momentum than ever!”

He let out a boisterous laugh as the girls started squirming angrily in protest.

“Don’t bother, there’s no way out of those ropes!” He taunted.

“Mhh mnn sh-hhd (You won’t succeed)!” Yae retorted.

“Thmh-mnh mhh mnn mmh (Touya-san will stop you)!” Yumina replied with confidence.

The muscular man began laughing again. “Why do you think I struck today?” He said, holding up a note written by the arch mage.

As the girls made their way through the slip of paper, their captor gave them the summary:

“That monster isn’t here! That ninja broad who works for him snuck into the castle and took him out to show something she discovered during her mission. By the time he comes back, we’ll be long gone!”

All four girls felt their hearts skip a beat. The note he dangled in front of them seemed to confirm the rebel’s story. And the hand writing was definitely Touya’s!

“Now, before I transport all of you to my own base, let’s make sure none of you can put up much of a fight anymore...” He declared ominously.

He pulled several remotes from his pocket and activated the vibrating toys he had slipped past the girls’ panties whilst they were out cold.

All four of them began mewling and squirming in response. That bastard had switched them onto full force right off the bat!

Shut it off!! Yumina thought distraught. This is too much! I don’t like it!

Unlike when Touya used those toys to slowly build her climax and draw out as much pleasure from her body as possible, this felt more like being forced towards an orgasm! It felt unnerving to the blonde how quickly she lost control of her own body.

Elze, Linze and Yae shared the princess’ feelings. It was only thanks to their age that they had gained a better grip on their own bodily functions. But just because they had a little more control didn’t mean that they were enjoying themselves. On the contrary.

How dare that bastard violate our bodies like this? Elze cursed.

This is a line in the sand not even the most hardened torturers in Eashen would cross! Yae thought frustrated. To abuse a woman’s most primal feelings and turn them into a tool for suffering. This man is a demon!

I can’t stop it! Linze thought desperately. Even though I don’t want to, this thing is making me... It’s forcing me to become aroused!

“Mnnnnnnhhhnnn!” The four young women shared a collective howl in frustration.

But their plight was only beginning.

The masked man walked up to the wooden plinths on which the girls were currently sitting, wriggling frantically to fight his restraints and toys.

After pulling a lever built into the side of his contraption, several mechanical wheels and springs located beside their feet began turning. The feathers mounted on those wheels and springs started brushing their bare, unprotected soles. First very slowly and lightly, but eventually faster and more vigorously.

Needless to say, the tickling threw their bodies into complete disarray!

The feathers ruined their orgasmic mood, but that was far from a relief. If anything, they felt worse!

“Mnnnnnhnn!” Linze wailed as her feet started fluttering around, trying to evade the feathers skimming along her feet and toes. But with the wooden stocks blocking her view she didn’t even know where to dodge to!

This is horrible! At least shut down the vibrators! She pleaded into her gag, though it was lost in loud the cries of her friends. I feel like I’m going to explode!

Her older sister wasn’t faring any better. Her ankles felt raw from continuously smashing into the hard wood locked around them. But she couldn’t help herself. The constant ticklish sensation made her legs spasm without rest.

Yumina and Yae were just as frantic in their struggles, howling into their thick sponges as their minds were driven to the brink of insanity!

Oh God! Just make it stop! I’ll do anything. I won’t resist anymore, just turn off those feathers! The bodacious samurai thought to herself in shame.

Seeing his friends squirm and mewl, a particularly devious thought occurred to Touya.

He smirked behind his mask as he cleared his throat to draw their attention.

“If any of you can’t stand any more, just ask me loud and clear to stop, okay?” He taunted the thoroughly gagged girls.

The four girls glared at their captor.


“HMRRNGGNNN!” They screamed at him in chorus.

They felt frustrated, exhausted, and most importantly full of rage towards this unknown kidnapper.

When I get out of here, I’m slashing that fiend apart! Yae vowed.

I’ll punch his light out!

I’ll freeze him and shatter him into a thousand pieces!

I’ll fill his body full of arrows!

All of them couldn’t wait to escape and pay their kidnapper back for his twisted deeds.

Sadly, right now they were forced to scream ‘Stop!’ at the top of their lungs.

But as they expected, the man just laughed and told them they weren’t being clear enough.

Tears from laughter and frustration started rolling down the four damsel’s cheeks.




Time and time again, they repeated their plea, mustering whatever strength they had left in their bodies to keep up their fight against the ropes, the vibrators and the feathers. 

Until finally, that liberating feeling arrived: The burly man shut off his torture devices.

The foursome slumped against the poles their arms were tied around and started gasping for air, their nostrils flaring and chests heaving.

It surprised the girls, but the intense relief at their ordeal being over –for now– caused them to feel almost... euphoric.

I don’t think even Touya-dono has ever managed to make my heart beat this fast. Yae admitted grudgingly.

Maybe it’s because that brute won’t listen to a thing we say, but I feel a lot more helpless and nervous than normal. Linze thought timidly.

Let’s hope this rebel slips up sooner rather than later, so we can escape and take him down. Yumina prayed silently.

The last image the girls could remember was their kidnapper walking up to them and pressing a cloth over their noses. After a few breaths of the pungent drug soaked into the rag, their minds went blank once more.

When Yae woke up again, her body was already aching as if she’d gone through 10 straight hours of combat training.

The true cause of her pain was more disturbing however.

The raven-haired samurai was hanging in the air, suspended in an extremely straining position. 

Her ankles had been tied to a strong steel rod, spread about three feet apart. Her arms had been pulled backward so her wrists could be tied to those same points on the rod as well!

The pose forced her back to arch to the utmost limit, and if not for the additional supportive belts and chains wrapped around her back and chest the pressure might have been too much for the samurai.

But as it stood, she could barely endure it. So long as she didn’t struggle too vividly, her position was bearable, though that made escape a complete impossibility.

The busty swordswoman turned her head from left to right, nervous at the slightest sound because her blindfold made it hard to determine her captor’s presence.

Since struggling wasn’t an option, she settled for threatening him. There was no gag to hinder her voice because her kidnapper wanted to guarantee she could breathe properly, which would allow her to endure longer.

“I don’t know where you are, but if you don’t release me right now I promise you will regret it!”


“Aaaarhh! Stop hiding you coward!” She shrieked. “You did this to me, take responsibility! Release me from this insane predicament!!”

Not a sound.

Don’t tell me he abandoned me? After restraining me like this?! What if something happens to me? This is WAY too dangerous a pose to be left alone!


This rebel doesn’t know the first thing about warfare or keeping prisoners! He’s just a deranged and selfish fiend!

Touya was in fact present, because he fully agreed Yae’s pose was one that should never be left unsupervised. That was why the samurai had been the last to be tied up and the first one he would spend time with.

But for now, he held his tongue because he wanted to see how his busty friend would cope with the idea of having no one to fall back on.

Yae tried to keep up a brave face. But with her body feeling chilly and painful all over, powerless to save or protect herself, she suddenly felt very small.

Since her captor hadn’t given a sign of life, she had assumed to be all by herself. Because of that, the proud warrior didn’t see the point in keeping up her fearless front.

“Is anyone out there?” She whimpered.

“Of course I am.” That gruelling low voice replied immediately.

Yae flinched, which caused her to moan in pain rather than surprise.


“Yes I did, because I liked the way you wriggled and mewled when you thought you were alone.”

“Bastard!” She spat at him. “When I get out of here I’ll- mpfnnnh!”

His large hand roughly clamped over her mouth to deny her rant.

“I love it that you’re still so feisty! It’s adorable, given how helpless you are.”

His free hand took a firm grab of her right boob, digging his fingers into the warm and supple flesh.

“MHHHNNRRN!” She groaned in anger and pain, trying to dig her teeth into the skin of his hand. But his huge palm had too tight a grip on her jaw.

“mrnn hmmn (let go)!”

“Maybe in a few minutes.” He teased as he began kneading her knockers and playing with her nipples.

Yae tried to fight him, but with her body contorted and her hands forcefully pointed away from her captor, she could do insultingly little to stop him from groping her body.

The dark haired woman shivered in disgust as his hands explored her. Any moment she expected him to move on to even more invasive tactics.

However, Touya was actively resisting the urge to penetrate her. Not just because he didn’t want to risk harming Yae’s feelings by pretending she was being raped. He also feared it would create strife amongst the others. Not in the least Yumina.

But that did leave him at a loss as how to proceed. If he wanted to keep up his villain act a little longer, he had to move on!

Should I test out that newly developed dildo?

The dildo in question was made out of a very special fabric, one which had a very lifelike feel and even absorbed body heat to imitate and actual penis.

He walked around the angrily squirming Yae’s body so he could grab her from behind and pull on her hair.

“Aarhhhr!” She grunted as her neck was pulled upward. “Let go!”

But Touya didn’t, because with her hair in his grip Yae couldn’t look behind her and spot him retrieving the experimental toy from an interdimensional storage room, accessible by a spell of his own design.

Once he had the fake phallus in his hand and it had warmed enough, he made his move.

He slipped the dildo into his captive’s folds, faking a soft grunt at the same time.

Yae gasped audibly, cursing and shouting any insult she could think of as her lovebox was filled up by what she thought to be her assailant’s member.

She bit her lip to stop the tears from flowing, not wanting to grant him the satisfaction of seeing her heart being torn.

But her soft mewls told Touya all he needed to know.

This has gone far enough.

He discarded his disguise, and also reverted his voice to his normal kind-hearted tone.

“Shhh, don’t worry Yae. It’s me, and this is just a very realistic toy you’re feeling.”

As he said it, the arch mage pushed the dildo even deeper.

“Ooaaaaahhh!” The swordswoman hanging in front of him moaned loudly. A moan clearly filled with relief.

“T-T-Touya-dono! Thank God it’s you after all!” She gasped in relief as her hopes were finally confirmed.

Ever since she’d been stuck on that plinth and forced to listen to her kidnapper, Yae had harboured suspicions to this hulking figure actually being their trusted friend in disguise, for several reasons. For a start, Touya’s castle was by no means easy to break into, so how could an amateur rebel manage it?

But the strongest argument for the samurai had simply been her gut feeling. Although her captor acted nasty, she never felt any real evil or bloodlust flowing from him.

Touya’s written note had thrown her off, but even so the bodacious swordswoman had clung to the hope that this was all an elaborate plot.

Now that her friend had finally exposed his true identity, the adrenaline coursing through her body was making her tingly all over.

“Why did you wait for so long before revealing yourself?!” She scolded, her arms and legs twitching angrily.

The dark haired mage chuckled. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist pushing your buttons. I’ll get you out now.” He replied as he gently removed the dildo.

"No!” She yelped, much to his surprise. “Please keep going Touya-dono!”

“Aren’t you exhausted?”

“Yes I am, but I can’t wait anymore. So please stop teasing me!” She mewled, her pussy quivering at the gentle caress of his toy. “Push it deeper! Harder!”

“Okay, if that’s what you wish.”

Yae nodded vigorously, clenching her fists in anticipation of his next thrust.

Her captor started earnestly plunging the dildo in and out, gradually picking up the pace.

“Aahh! YES! Please go on! Don’t stop! AH! AAH! AAAHHH!!”

The samurai’s orgasm came at such speed it took Touya by surprise. And mere seconds after her shriek had emptied her lungs of air, Yae’s delectable body went limp as the exhaustion finally hit her.

Her tall friend just barely managed to cut the ropes and remove the belts raising her up, holding her firmly in his arms as he guided her down to lie on top of him, her back lying on his front.

As he reached around to gently rub and massage her sore but glowing body, Yae sighed contently. 

“That was amazing, Touya-dono.”

“Thank you.”

“Although I still feel a little upset with you for scaring me like that. Especially when I thought I was all alone, or when that large dildo you used entered me.”

“That was the whole goal of this set-up though.”

“I know.” The swordswoman sighed again. “I simply felt the need to tell you again. And I suspect the others will be at least as upset with you for tricking them.”

Touya chuckled. “We’ll have to wait and see.” He said as he flicked his friend’s nipple.

“KYA! Stop that!”

“Make me!”

“I’m too numb.” She murmured.

“Then rest. You did great.”

He wanted to tell Yae there was a bathroom next door, fully prepared for her to use. But the dark haired woman had already passed out from fatigue.

“Wow, I guess that pose was more straining than I expected. Maybe I should refrain from using it again...” The powerful mage surmised.

So instead, he picked the black haired bombshell up in his arms and carried her into the cosily decorated room with dimmed lighting, leaving a note explaining where in the castle she was and how to get back to her room.

[Around the same time Touya had started fondling Yae]

Oww, my head. What in the world was that stuff he used on us?

Those were the first thoughts Elze had when she woke up from her slumber.

It took a few minutes for the haze to clear her mind, and for her to get used to the sticky feeling of tape covering her body.

Whoever her captor was, he had been thorough in restraining her. 

Her arms had been taped behind her back from wrist to elbow, wrenching them tightly together and rendering them useless. 

They were trapped even further by long lengths of tape wrapped around her upper arms and slender chest alike, chafing her bare breasts a little.

The black tape in question was thick and sturdy. Its adhesive was so strong it felt as if it had fused with her skin.

Her kidnapper had wrapped up her ankles in tape and spiralled up the roll all the way to just below her butt, completely sticking her powerful legs together. As strong as they were, she still found them without an inch of wriggle room.

A shiver ran down her spine, but the silver haired warrior wasn’t certain if that was caused by the uncomfortable feeling of the tape sticking to her skin, or the fact she was still dressed in just her cotton shorts.

A dirty rag stuffed her mouth to the brim and three layers of tape kept it securely inside.

The same for a dark cloth covering her eyes, that was also enforced by multiple wrappings of tape. At the very least, her captor had taken care to first lift her hair up so it wouldn’t be caught by the sticky black strips, but that was a very meagre comfort.

This guy really did a number on me. I don’t sense his presence though. Did he abandon me to focus on one of the others instead? In that case, this is my best chance to escape!

The slender warrior started struggling around, testing the rigidity of her tape to see if she could stretch and bend it out of shape.

But to her frustration, because there was so much of it wrapped around her body she couldn’t summon enough strength to tear her restraints.

Elze did discover something intriguing however. As she wriggled and wormed around the floor, she bumped into several small objects littered around the floor.

When she cautiously lowered her feet onto one of them, she could feel some kind of hard rubber grip ending in a thin cold steel surface. What she was touching was a screwdriver.

Did he leave me inside some kind of work shed? 

The smell of the air around her seemed to confirm that suspicion. In fact, the room felt quite similar to one the gardeners’ tool sheds.

From how I’m feeling it hasn’t been long since I was abducted. Maybe he underestimated the time it would take to transport all of us out of the castle and he had to change his plans. It would explain why so many tools are littered around the floor. He probably didn’t bring anything to light the room with him and pushed over a toolbox.

“Mhnfuh (Linze)?” She tried.

No response.

I guess I’m alone in here. Maybe I’m the last one to be transported off the castle grounds. In that case I have to hurry! Hopefully one of these things lying around the floor can help me free myself.

Elze proceeded to gently arch her back so her hands could come into contact with the floor and scan for anything with a handle. If this really was a tool shed, there was a solid chance she could find a pair of secateurs or even a knife, anything with a blade or sharp point that could be used to poke holes in her tape.

At first, her blindly fumbling fingers only made contact with dust and grit. The more she looked, the more she became convinced everything of use was located on the other side of her body. Because every time she cautiously touched down her feet, her soles would brush against something metallic, or wood, or even hard plastic.

Maybe I should try to spin around? But I don’t want to lose what little bearings I’ve gotten inside this room…

However, after another minute of feeling nothing with her hands the cute warrior let out an annoyed grunt.

I’ve had it! I’m crawling forward!

Carefully, much slower than she cared for, the silver haired girl scooted her way forward. She didn’t dare move faster for fear of brushing into something sharp and tearing her shorts or scratching her skin. In addition, she couldn’t risk crawling past that one tool she could use to free herself. So, after every few inches Elze began scanning her surroundings by blindly feeling around with her legs and leaning backward so her arms could have a go too.

Each time she made contact with an object, her heart jumped. And it kept beating quickly the entire time the fondled the thing in her hand, trying to discern its identity and figure out if it could be used for breaking free of her tape.

Is this a pair of scissors? A blade? It doesn’t feel flat enough, more like a trowel.... This won’t help me.

She threw whatever she was holding away, even twisting her torso so her bound form could make as wide a swing as possible and get some proper distance. The last thing she needed was coming across and examining every object several times over.

Her next find was immediately disqualified.

This is pure wood! Useless!

She tossed the wedge behind her and scooted forward again.

By coincidence, her feet landed on something that resembled a pair of secateurs. Or maybe her imagination was filling in the blanks the way she wanted them. At the very least, her feet had just touched something metal and flat, with a hard rubber handle!

This thing might be my way out!

She gripped the small garden tool with her toes and slowly pulled her legs inward, the tape creaking under the bulging of her muscles.

“Hmrnn.” She grunted softly as the tension grew and made it harder to bend her legs.

The silver haired captive started leaning forward, her fingers fluttering nervously as she anticipated that first contact with her possible escape device.

The more she fondled it, the more certain Elze became this newest discovery was indeed a form of rudimentary scissors.

Now if I can just get the safety off so the blades open up, I can start freeing myself.

Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, her fingers trembling from the suspense and adrenaline coursing through her.

This wouldn’t be a bad form of game for us to play...

The thought had drifted into her mind by accident, but it wasn’t exactly welcome.

What are you thinking Elze?! Stay focused! She thought angrily. 

Sadly, due to her momentary loss of focus and flinching in surprise, she’d lost track of her scissors.

Damn it, where was I? WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT?! I should know how scissors work, why can’t I find the safety?!

A very unnerving thought hit her:

What if these aren’t scissors, but something else entirely? Should I discard them and look for something else? But what if I was right after all, will I be able to find it again?

The dilemma unfolding before her was more frustrating than the actual tape bondage!

“UUMMFFMRRR!! She screamed in outrage. MH WHMN MHMM MFHH (I WANT TO SEE)!”

“Having trouble?” A deep voice suddenly interrupted her tantrum.


He’s back?! I was so focused on escaping I never even sensed his arrival!

“You’ve been quite active already, haven’t you? From the looks of it you’ve made your way through about half the tools I left behind for you to try.”

“MHNT?! (WHAT?!)”

You planted these?!

“For what it’s worth, you got pretty close. A few more inches and your feet would have touched a small pocket knife, much easier to use than those rusty gardening scissors.”

So I WAS holding scissors! The svelte warrior thought, half triumphant and half frustrated.

She had been so close to freeing herself!

“I feel so bad for you, I almost don’t want to punish you.”

Elze growled back, kicking in the air in the general direction her kidnapper’s voice was coming from. But she hit nothing but air.

“Still feisty, I see. That’s great news. It’ll make spanking you so much more fun.”


Even before the burly man wrapped his arms around her waist, the cute warrior had begun thrashing and bucking around like wild stallion.

But the overwhelming amount of tape trapping her arms and legs meant she barely even slowed her captor down as he roughly dragged her slender body over his lap.

The silver haired girl grunted as the air was momentarily pushed out of her lungs under her own weight resting on his lap. 

Once she got somewhat settled in, her captor raised his hand and brought it down on her right butt cheek with substantial force.

“MHMRRNNN!” She screamed, bucking all over again. But his other arm tightly clamped her slender waist and kept her pinned on his lap.



He hit her left cheek this time, followed immediately by another slap to her right. That second blow stung worst of all, given that her flesh had still tingling a little from the first strike.


“MMRNNHHHGGGG!” Elze grunted, her first clenched as she exerted any strength she could muster. But the tape binding her arms still wouldn’t let up!

“Alright, that’s it for the warmup.”


“Starting now, you’ll be counting off the strikes. Every spank you don't call out, doesn't count. We stop when you reach 10."




“Well?” Her captor asked. “I’m not a patient man, take too long and I’ll start picking up the pace.”

The furious warrior blew out a fierce breath of air through her nostrils. If not for the blindfold, Elze was convinced she’d have seen herself exhaling steam. Her anger burned so hot she feared overheating!


“MRNN (HEY)!” She yelped.

“I warned you. Next one!”

“RNM (ONE)!” Elze screamed at the top of her lungs before her kidnapper could bring his hand down again.

“Just in time.” He chuckled.


“HMR (TWO)!”



Elze bravely continued to count despite the pain surging through her buttocks, which kept increasing with every strike.

And Touya managed to throw even more oil on her fire.

When his captive had passed the halfway point, his free hand moved from clamping down her waist to clenching her jaw to further muffle her voice.


“mnnnf!” The warrior tried to shout her next number.

But the burly man just chuckled in his deep voice.

"I can't hear you!" He taunted.


You bastard! She cursed at the injustice.

“Mrnnff!” The slender fighter screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Nope, sorry. Didn’t quite understand that.“ Touya sneered.


Elze was positively fuming, but struggling still proved futile. The tape held its ground and all she accomplished was to grind her hips into his lap.

When I get out of here, I’m breaking every bone in his body!

Her assailant’s powerful yet accurate blows continued to target her poor, bright red buttocks. By now they were so sensitive even a gentle stroke of her skin reverberated throughout her entire being as a jolt of electricity. 

The experienced warrior couldn’t remember the last time she’d been pushed to her limits this much, battle or otherwise.



“Wow, that was loud.” Her captor chuckled. “Maybe I should add another layer to your gag.”

Elze tried to buck off his lap, but that just earned her a pinch of her buttocks.


He’s a demon! I can’t take anymore of this, but thanks to his cheating we’re only halfway there and I have no idea when it’ll actually end!

Tears started rolling down her cheek. Her pain, her frustration and rage had reached critical mass. The whole situation was simply too much to bear.

The soft sobbing of the silver haired girl finally made Touya let up. He gently placed his arm on her back and started stroking her.

“You did a great job Elze, I’m proud of you.” He said after deactivating the spell that morphed his voice.

Even with her gag, the warrior’s gasp was still audible.

“Thmhn? (Touya?!)” She yelped shocked.

“Yes. It’s me. You’re safe, Elze.”

Despite the great news she just received, the silver haired damsel still began bucking furiously.

I can’t believe he fooled me for this long!

“Hmmn sk-hrr mhh (You scared me)!” She said angrily, already squirming for him to free her.

“That was the point.” He replied as he removed her gag before picking her up in his arms.

“Well, I didn’t like it!” Came back after Elze took a deep breath.

“But aren’t you relieved right now? And extremely excited?”

The young woman grew silent.

She had to admit he was right. The adrenaline coursing through her combined with the intense feeling of relief was making her whole body tingly all over.

But even more than that. The way her beloved Touya was holding her in his arms whilst she was so thoroughly taped up... It felt... hot.

“S-so, what happens next?” She asked, trying to turn her face in the direction of his based on what she could hear and feel.

“Now I take you back to your room and pamper you. As a reward for your performance.”

She sighed contently. “I’d like that.”

“Then let’s get going.”

Touya started walking along the grounds with Elze in a princess carry, since it avoided putting pressure on her still sensitive buttocks.

As he carried her back to her room, the silver haired warrior couldn’t help but fidget in her bindings a little more.

“Do you want out?”

“N-no, thanks. Now that I know I’m safe it actually feels a bit pleasant. To lie in your arms and be helpless.” She admitted with a blush.

“Did you really have no idea it was me?”

“Not really, or at least not enough to be sure. It’s hard to explain. I did at one point think the situation I was stuck in would make for a good escapology game. That’s when the idea came that maybe this all was a game of your making. But then you surprised me with your low voice and you were so mean to me, which threw me off.”

That last part came out more accusingly than the silver haired girl had wished, but Touya didn’t seem bothered.

“I’m happy my act felt so convincing. Yae had seemed more confident about this being a hoax I played. Maybe I’m getting better as I go along.”

“Knowing you, that is highly possible.” The slender warrior sighed, nestling herself in her friend’s strong arms for the rest of the walk back to her room.

As they walked up a flight of stairs, Elze broke the silence again.

“U-uhm, Touya-san?”


“You don’t have to free me, but taking off the blindfold would be much appreciated.”

“Sorry, that’s the one thing I want to leave on you for now.”

“Typical!” She whined, squirming in his arms a little more. 

He chuckled. “Be patient.” He told her.

The way his chuckle had made his chest shake into her body made Elze feel a bit giddy inside.

I’m so close to him. It’s almost a shame I can barely move.

When the pair finally reached Linze’s bedroom, he traded her tape bondage for a simple set of handcuffs trapping her hands above her head by using the railings in the headboard. He then disappeared from her surroundings to let her get settled in.

She craned her neck to try and see what Touya was doing, but with the blindfold intact that was pointless.

“Touya-san? Where are you?”

“Right here.” Came a from few feet removed. “Don’t worry, I’m not leaving before you’ve had your reward.”

“Then stop teasing me!” She mewled, rattling her cuffs and kicking her legs.

Her friend laughed. “Looks like your energy is mostly recovered.”

“It’s more adrenaline than stamina right now.” She puffed. Her legs felt like lead after all her squirming around on that dusty floor, so just kicking them around had been enough to wear her out again.

“Then how about I start off by giving you a massage?”

She reared up, only to snap back due to the cuffs.


“Haha, careful.”

“Then don’t say things to excite me!” She reprimanded.

“I’m sorry.”

Elze felt the mattress shift as Touya climbed onto it and crawled near her. Her heart was already beating faster despite her friend not having laid a finger on her yet!

When he finally started kneading and massaging the muscles in her right calf, the silver haired girl sighed happily. “That feels great.”

Touya slowly worked his way up to her thigh, then down her other leg. He also stretched and bent her leg to slowly get the fatigue out of her muscles.

“Feel good?”

“Yes. Heavenly.”

The arch mage gradually worked his way up, stroking the inside of her thighs.

“Mrnnn!” She mewled. “You’re teasing me again!”

“I know.” He chuckled.

Elze rattled her cuffs in protest again. “I thought this was supposed to be my reward session?!”

“You’re right, my bad.”

The next thing she felt was Touya pulling on the elastic of her tiny shorts and slipping a vibrator egg into her lovebox. The second that thing activated, Elze began moaning softly.

Her friend meanwhile returned to his massage, pampering her arms and back until she started pining needily.

That’s my cue I suppose.

Touya turned up the intensity of the vibrator egg and turned his attention to the rest of her upper body, giving some special attention to her perky breasts and erect nipples. 


The combination of his soothing hands and the powerful vibrations surging through her labia were so intense, those painful spanks already seemed days away!

“More! More please, Touya-san!” Elze moaned, bucking her hips hornily.

But Touya kept his focus on massaging her body and let the vibrator egg do its job.

When the svelte warrior’s climax finally arrived, his massage served to draw it out for far longer than she’d ever experienced!

This is unbelievable! It feels like I’m going to melt! But at the same time, I don’t want it to stop!



The vibrator inside her turned to yet another higher setting!

And simultaneously, Touya gorged himself on her modest chest, squeezing one breasts firmly with his hand whilst sinking his teeth into the nipple of her other.

If her body hadn’t been so exhausted and so overwhelmed by the intense bliss coursing through her, Elze would’ve begun bucking like a rampant stallion!

But as it stood, she barely had the energy to keep puffing for air.

When her third climax in three minutes time surged, she couldn’t stand it anymore.

“S-stop!” She gasped. “Enough. I’m done!”

Touya slowly toned down the vibrator egg before removing it completely and returned to massaging her tired muscles and rolling her over to give her a deep-working back rub.

“Mnnnnn.” Elze groaned into her pillow. “This is heaven!”

“You deserve it.” The dark haired mage said softly.

By the time Touya moved to remove her tape-enforced blindfold, his cute captive had passed out already. So, the arch mage removed her cuffs, gave her a peck on the cheek and silently left the room to visit her sister.

When the younger twin had woken up, she’d spent the first few minutes squirming frantically against the ropes spread-eagling her atop a hard wooden surface. From the feel of the surface beneath her, she had been pinned on top of a large dining table.

Her wrists had been crossed and pulled above her head, her legs lower were hanging down the other end of the table where thick hemp ropes attached to the bottom of the table had been coiled around her ankles. In addition, even more ropes cinched around her thighs and waist prevented her from shuffling in any direction. All of the knots were situated far from her hands, making it impossible to untie herself.

The chills running down her body told her she had been stripped naked, but more confusing than that were the small, cold and sticky packages covering her luscious curves.

The blindfolded mage had no way of telling, but Touya had covered her body in sushi!

Her taut belly, a thin line along her thighs, and naturally her large breasts were all adorned with tiny fish-based packages, complete with some decorative touches of wasabi here and there.

Because she had no idea of what is was that covered her sensual body, Linze never dared struggling at full strength. As a result, she was pretty much lying in the same spot when the door to the dining room opened and Touya joined her.

“Perfect, right where I left you.” His transformed voice startled the helpless mage.

“Why are you doing this?” She whimpered. “Please let me go.”

“And pass up the opportunity to enjoy a body as magnificent as yours? I think not.” Touya replied.

Linze shuddered, and it wasn’t because of the mild draft her captor had let into the room by opening the door.

“What are you going to do with me?”

“Not much, I plan to grab a bite to eat first.”

She frowned behind her blindfold. “What do you mean?”

“You’ll know in a minute.” 

The voice had move closer by now, close enough for Linze to sense its owner’s presence right next to her.

When he removed the first bite of sushi from her lap and ate it, the penny dropped.

It’s food?! He covered my body in food!

“Mnn! Take those things off me!” She mewled, squirming restlessly on the table to try and knock the tiny pieces of fish, rice and seaweed off her.

But her body heat had caused the cold packages to warm up become slightly adhesive, making it harder to shake them off.

Although that would soon turn out to be an advantage.

Because when the first roll of sushi dislodged and fell onto the table...


“AAHHH!” Elze shrieked as a sharp pain hit her thigh.

Her kidnapper had just whacked her thigh with a riding crop!

"I don’t like to see my dinner spoiled by having it fall to the floor.” He said crudely. “For every piece of food that falls off you, you get another strike."

Linze mewled, her thigh still throbbing from the first strike. “P-please don’t.”

“If you keep still like the sweet and obedient girl you look like, I won’t have to.” Came back, after which the burly man started peppering her hips and waist in kisses as he worked his way up to her breasts.

The busty mage gripped the ropes tying her hands tightly, purely to have something else to focus on than this man’s rude lips.

But when he started drizzling soy sauce over the sushi adorning her breasts and started nibbling and licking up the feast he’d placed there, the silver haired girl couldn’t help but flinch once or twice.

“Tsk, seems like my warning wasn’t clear enough.” He suddenly remarked.

His lack of presence made Linze’s hair stand on end. It could only mean he’d retreated to fetch his riding crop!

“P-please don’t hit me sir!” She yelped. “It was by accident! I didn’t mean to move, but you startled me!”

“Oh, so it’s my fault now, is it?” The voice countered, suddenly coming from the other side of her body.


He cracked the whip into his own hand ominously.

“No!” Linze whimpered. “P-please! I’ll stay still! I promise!”

“Hmrr. Well, I’ll let it slide this once. But only because you’re so adorable.”

The water mage breathed a soft sigh in relief, and her kidnapper returned to her side to further polish off her breasts.

Linze tried to keep still despite her anger and frustration at being abused like this. But since the ropes binding her wrists wouldn’t let up, the voluptuous mage had no other choice.

He’s got me right where he wants me. I’m completely defenceless. I’ll have to bide my time. And pray he won’t take things even further…

She could feel the food slowly disappearing from her skin, every bite followed by playful or rowdy teasing of her incredible body.

But what bothered her most was how his attention made her grows increasingly aroused.

The way that man body peppered her in kisses, nibbled at her buds, stroked his tongue along the inside of her thighs,… Somehow he knew exactly where to touch her so she flinched or yelp nervously.

It was as if he had a map to her whole body! To the point of the silver haired woman becoming suspicious of her entire ordeal.

It’s like he knows me inside and out! No one can be that sharp... Can they?

The more she thought of it, the more certain she became it was Touya currently handling her. No one else, save for maybe her sister, was this good at pushing her buttons.

She wanted to ask her captor about his identity so bad, but didn’t dare for fear of turning out to be wrong. As nerve-wracking the current situation was, it still trumped having her hopes crushed and discovering she really was being abused by an unknown man!

“Please stop this.” She whimpered instead. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I don’t have to, no. But I’d be a fool not to take advantage of someone as hot as you.”

The cute mage started blushing vividly, kicking her legs in protest. Most of the sushi had disappeared already, there was no more reason to hold back. But try as she might, Linze couldn’t free herself.

These ropes are so simple, yet I still can’t do anything! It’s so frustrating! Is this how Yae felt when I tied her to that chair?

After the final two bits had slipped off her body and she received a smack of the riding crop on each tit, the masked kidnapper began groping her knockers to take advantage of their heightened sensitivity.

“A-aaahh!” His captive wailed. But not in pain. This man’s rough hands were proving extremely effective in turning her on!

She did her best to hold back, but slowly but surely Linze could feel her climax starting to build.

When her captor’s tongue slipped down her lovebox, she could barely hang on anymore.

Don’t tell me he is going to make me cum?! I don’t want to! Not by him!

“Please, anything but this.” She whimpered, hinting at her most sensitive flesh being violated.

“Don’t worry Linze, I’ll make sure you feel great.” The raspy voice said, though in a much kinder tone.

That threw the busty mage off. “W-what?”

That sounds like something Touya-would say! Was I on the right track after all? But the voice. It was the same as before... Ahhh! I can’t take this anymore!

“Touya-san? Is it you?” She finally asked.

The dark haired mage reverted to his normal voice. “Yes, it is.” He replied, slipping his fingers into her pussy and fingering her vigorously.

Thank God! I was safe all along.

The busty mage felt so elated by the good news, and Touya’s fingers felt so good inside her that she lost any grip on her body. In a matter of moments, her orgasm surged.

“Aaahhh!” Linze cried out, squirming in her restraints as her climax kept on climbing because Touya continued to fondle her clit and labia.

“More please! Deeper! Faster!” She begged.

And Touya responded magnificently.

His voluptuous friend let out a breathless moan as her orgasm reached its peak, after which her entire body went limp from exhaustion.

Stop, I’m fulfilled. She didn’t even have the strength left to utter the words.

But the acute arch mage figured out himself, and pulled back to let her rest.

“Had fun?” He asked as her removed the blindfold.

“Y-yes.” She gasped with a content smile. “although I was a little scared too. Why did you pretend to be that person?”

“To create an extra layer of suspense.”

“Well, you succeeded. But it still felt a lot better when you revealed your true identity.”

“That was also part of the plan.” He replied, stroking her body.

Linze shuddered. “Stop that!” She giggled. “I’m still tingling all over!”

“Haha, I’m sorry. You looked so cute.”

“D-do you really think so?”

“Of course.” He replied, patting her head. “But I’ll leave you to relax a little.”

The dark haired young man told Linze the password to remove her ropes and set up a portal to a bathroom where a hot bath would be waiting for her.

The short haired mage thanked him and proceeded to wriggle in her ropes a little more, drinking in the last of her orgasmic feelings.

When he’d left the room, Touya started grinning widely.

That’s three successful session wrapped up. Only one more to go. I wonder how Yumina will handle her ‘kidnapper’...

In yet another room, Yumina was struggling frantically. Since she was the last girl to be visited, the pretty blonde had been awake for quite some time already.

Touya had decided to give his princess a real intense experience, since she had seemed to be most absorbed by the scene he’d painted.

He had fitted her with long black latex gloves and thigh-high boots with heels.

Rather than an outfit, he had dressed her in a set of leather straps that described a crotchless thong and cup less bra. Those straps were joined together at either side of her waist.

To help keep the outfit in place, a wide leather belt had been buckled around her waist and a collar had been padlocked around her neck which then buckled to the one strap that came running up between her perky breasts.

A thick blindfold kept the blonde in the dark, like all the others had been. A perforated ball gag ensured she had no hope of containing her drool.

Yumina was forced to kneel by four strong belts wrapped around her legs, the lowest of which had also been hooked to rings in the floor. It trapped the young archer not just on her knees in frogties, but also prevented her from moving a single inch in any direction.

Leather cuffs had been padlocked around her wrists and then connected together by a third padlock, which also locked around a sturdy chain hanging above her head and keeping her hands above her head.

Small vibrating beads had been taped, not on her nipples but on the regular flesh of her small but perky breasts. They were vibrating at full force, meaning that even those less sensitive parts of her bosom remained constantly ablaze.

Even worse was the device she’d been forced to hover above in her kneeling frogtie. It was a long, thin dildo mounted on a small apparatus which drove it up and down at varying speeds. That small penetrative toy constantly taunted her, never digging deep enough to give her a proper rush, but at the same time never allowing her to rest.

Nonetheless, the brave princess never gave up fighting. She clenched her teeth around the hard rubber ball as she focused what strength she could muster.

If I could just free my hands from those cuffs, the rest would be easy!

She fiddled around with the cuffs more times than she could count, but she kept hitting that same snag: the padlocks securing the buckles. The cuffs themselves had been pulled too tight to slip her wrists free, not even after squirming and wrenching her arms around dozens of times.

It didn’t help that most of her energy was being sapped by the various toys meddling with her body either.

The vibrators teasing her breasts kept messing up her concentration, causing her to lose track of which parts of her restraints she’d worked on and which were left unexplored. But far worse was the automated dildo which kept slipping in and out of her pussy, like a dull and unimaginative lover.

I hate this thing more than anything! It just won’t leave me alone! What I’d give for just five minutes of peace...

The slender blonde arched her back, pulled with her arms and bulged the muscles in her legs to the utmost. All of it to lift her shapely figure as high as possible, hoping to remain out of the dildo’s reach.

But even after straining her whole body to the limit, a pose she couldn’t keep up for more than a few minutes, the dildo could comfortably penetrate her most sensitive flesh.

Drool poured out of her ball gag as she let out a long, frustrated howl.

I hate myself for thinking it, but I wish that bastard would hurry up and get here. His treatment will probably be worse than this thing between my legs, but at least it’ll be different.

Her thoughts drifted off to Touya, who right now was on his way on a mission with Tsubaki.

Let’s hope he gets back before this man transports us to God knows where. Not that Touya-san will ever stop looking for me. And when he finds me, we’ll take that fiend down together!

Thanks to her captor visiting everyone else first, Yumina was already on her last legs when Touya finally walked into the room.

"Hmm, seems I overestimated you." He insulted her. "I would've thought a horny little thing like you would last a bit longer." He added to try and get her fired up.

It worked even better than he expected

The usually so well-behaved and polite Yumina threw a stream of insults at her kidnapper, some of which Touya never imagined she’d even know to say!

She ended her tirade with a threat:

“Ooh ehuhr shehh eeh fhhee aigh how, esh hoo ahn aih ush-hahn ooh airr ooh aharr! (You’d better set me free right now, lest you want my husband to tear you apart)!”

But Touya just laughed loudly, which only spurred his cute princess to start growling and thrashing even more vividly.

“You are truly adorable, but also misguided for thinking that a man of his calibre would bother to save you. I mean, he already has those three older girls to entertain him!”

“Uhhr wohh (You’re wrong!)” She shouted. 


“Tooya-sha ihh ehur ahano eeh. Ow ahur oww hon ihh aesh oh oww ahh eeh ash oo how, ehh ihh ehur sh-oh oohih ohrr hee! (Touya-san will NEVER abandon me. No matter how long it takes or how far he has to go, he will never stop looking for me!).” The young royal stated with complete confidence.

To her anger, the man just began laughing again.

“You clearly are still a child.” He pushed her buttons some more. “If he really is that impressive, women will flock to him wherever he goes. It just makes you less relevant!”

“Ih ush ohh (It does not!)” She shrieked, genuinely angry. “Aih off ohya ih aww aih ahrr. Ah hohuh aey ehh hihh ehuh aih ffeehihh! Ohrr aishih ohr aih aihih ooh aek aih shi-hih! Ai ihu EHUR shoh ehiefihh ih hihuh! (I love Touya with all my heart. And one day he will return my feelings! You’re wasting your time trying to break my spirit! I will NEVER stop believing in him!)”

Touya didn’t have an answer ready. In fact, he didn’t have any words. The degree of faith Yumina displayed surprised him. More than that, it moved him. 

What did I do to deserve someone as amazing as her in my life?

The young mage lost his motivation to keep tricking her, and undid his full-body transformation.

Overcome by his feelings, he kneeled in front of her and removed the gag. And before the blonde could utter a single word in surprise, he planted his lips onto hers.

“Hmrnn?!” Yumina yelped in shock.

Since Touya hadn’t yet revealed his identity to her, the slender princess was both shocked and furious at her kidnapper for violating her like that.

You filthy-!

In a fit of anger, she bit her kisser’s tongue!

Touya reeled in pain and pulled back immediately.

"Wha waz zaff fhoor?!" He mumbled with his tongue still stinging.

Yumina’s eyes widened behind her blindfold.


"TOUYA-SAN?!" Yumina shrieked in shock, squirming in her restraints to reach for her blindfold. But the cuffs were still in place, and she couldn’t check if what she’d just heard was real.

The confusion in the princess’ voice made him realize her biting him was his own fault.

“Yes, it’s me Yumina.” He replied, briefly explaining the situation.

Initially, the young archer breathed a deep sigh in relief. But when Touya moved on to remove her blindfold, he was met with a rather angry glare.

“That was a very mean thing to do, Touya-san!” She said infuriated.

“I didn’t mean to upset you Yumina.” He apologised. “The others were a bit angry with me as well, but in the end the rush more than made up for it.”

"But I was so scared!" The blonde mewled. "When I woke up like this, all alone and with that contraption bothering me, I thought that- that- my body was going to- t-t-to …"

Her emotions eventually got the better of her, and the gentle princess started sobbing.

That startled the arch mage somewhat, and he hurried to untie his friend and take her in his arms for a tight, warm hug.

I never meant to scare her like this. Maybe I took things a bit too far for her, she’s younger than the others after all, and has never needed to fend for herself like they have.

As he comforted the princess, he tried to think of a way to make things up to her.

“one day he will return my feelings!”

That bold statement from the princess earlier kept ringing in his mind.

Maybe it’s time I stopped making her wait. Even in Japan, she would be of marrying age by now after all...

The arch mage carried the blonde to the bed and gently lied her down, cuddling up next to her.

“Yumina, I love you.”

“W-what?” She said as her sobbing died down.

“I love you. To be honest, I love all of you. I just never said it out loud because I didn’t want to ruin the friendship we all share. But time and time again, you and the others have made it abundantly clear that we can move on the relationships we have to the next level. The only one who kept hesitating was me, and it’s time I stopped doing that.”

“Y-you mean?”

“Yes. Like you so proudly stated a few minutes ago, I will never leave your side.”

He leaned into her to give her another, gentle kiss. This time the blonde eagerly let in his tongue, and moaned gratefully as he started kneading her breasts and pinched her nipples.

When his hand travelled down her taut belly and along her hips to her nether regions, stroking the soft skin between her thighs, Yumina shuddered.

“More please, Touya-san.”

He nodded. “I know.”

As his fingers stroked the contours of Yumina’s snatch, his lips met hers again.

Despite all the stress and frustration, she was still completely wet, and hungry for his love.

Her dark haired lover stripped himself and crawled on top of her, his erect member already lined up with her lovebox.

The look in her eyes told him there was no need to ask if she was ready. It would’ve only insulted the young princess’ resolve.

“Go ahead, Touya-san. I want you. I want you in me.” She almost whispered.

The young couple simultaneously took a deep breath as they took this next step in their relationship, and Touya slipped his penis inside Yumina’s pussy.

The princess gasped softly as his hard flesh delved deeper, filling up her tight and quivering pussy.

It’s really happening! Were the only words racing through her mind. Touya’s finally going to make love to me!

He started rocking back and forth, driven by both his own lustful feelings and his lover’s soft moans.

Thank God Yumina was already so aroused, because the dark haired mage really wanted her to be the one to come first, and at the rate he was approaching his climax that would be a close call.

In the end, Touya had to clench his muscles to stave off his own orgasm just so the blonde could reach her first. But when that liberating moan left Yumina’s lips, the powerful mage could finally let loose his own desires and bask in his own climax.

He pulled out soon after, lying down beside Yumina so they could spend some time cuddling.

“That was amazing, Touya-san.” She sighed. “I feel so happy right now.”

Not a trace remained of the fatigue or pain caused by her previous ordeal.

“I feel the same.” He said, kissing her cheek and neck several times. “After all this time hesitating, I never imagined things could feel so... so right.”


“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It just sounded funny, the way you said it.”

“Well how would you describe it then?”

“Hmmmn... I don’t know, to be honest.”

“Well there you go!” Touya grinned, causing them both to chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her slender back.

After a few more minutes of cuddling, Touya got up from the bed to get dressed again. He still had some more work to do.

“Should we tell the others about this?” Yumina asked.

“I’ll handle that.” He assured her.

The arch mage promised he would tell the others of his decision, and the next step in their relationship. But the young couple decided to keep the part of their first time a secret. 

Even though they all lived together, and Touya would take them all as his wives in time, some things deserved privacy.

“You just keep resting here.” He said to Yumina. “I’ll return shortly.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I have one last game prepared. A finale, so to speak.” Was his response.

Yumina sat up on the bed. “There’s still more?!”

Her lover smiled. “Isn’t there always?”

The blonde sighed. “I supposed there is.”


“Of course. But I’ll be patient.”

“You won’t have to for long. I’ll make sure to hurry.”

“No need, I might be fast asleep when you get back.” The princess replied as she lied down and closed her eyes to continue enjoying the warm glow spreading throughout her body.

Touya silently left the room and made his way back to Yae, planning to pick up the girls in the order he visited them before.

Since every one of his friends was still conked out from their adventures, he had a very easy time collecting them again.

Using a light sleeping spell, he rendered them unconscious so he could set up his final game in peace.

When they woke up again, all of the girls were lying stark naked on a huge fluffy mattress, one so large it covered most of the floor of the vast empty room he had transported them too.

Each of them had been bound the same way: tightly strapped down using leather belts which had been padlocked into place.

For their upper bodies, a harness of leather of belts functioned as the basis for their restraints.

The harness was centred around a leather collar, padlocked around their necks. From that collar, a single long belt ran along the wearer’s spine, moving between their legs and coming back up in front of their bodies and running in between their breasts. That single length running vertically along their bodies then entwined with four horizontal belts tightly buckled around their hips, waists and chest.

Using the harness as an anchoring point, Touya had buckled their arms behind their backs in a boxtie and using another, wide black leather belt which he padlocked down.

For their legs, no less than four pairs of leather cuffs in varying sizes locked their ankles, calves, knees and thighs together.

To limit their movement range, Touya had also locked a thin steel chain to the padlock connecting their ankles and drawn it up to the boxtie, reigning in their legs so their bodies adapted more of a hogtie position.

Thankfully, he had not gagged any of them. The reason for that would become clear after all of them had come to.

Finally, Touya had also used long thin chains to connect all of the girls together at the back of their harness to hinder them from moving about too freely on the massive mattress.

Naturally, the young women started squirming around on the mattress the minute they woke up.

Sadly, every time they would try to wriggle free the mass of leather belts would creak and tighten around their luscious bodies. Especially the ones wrapped around their chests (just above and below their knockers) and the centre belt running between their legs were distracting the girls from testing their bondage for any slack.

Soon it became clear that their only way out was to undo the many padlocks keeping the whole getup in place.

The keys to accomplish that had been spread out along the huge fluffy mattress they were lying on. All of the keyrings were colour coded, which the clever young women deduced could be used to link each set to one or more padlocks of the same colour.

When the girls finally woke up in their group predicament, Touya was sitting ready for them with the explanation for his newest game.

“Good morning girls!”

“It’s morning already?!” Yae said stunned.

“Yes, you all slept through the night. I guess my kidnapping roleplay was more exhausting than we all anticipated.”

“It sure was.” Elze replied. “But you still have more prepared?”

“Yes. Quite an elaborate setup if I do say so myself.”

The girls started wriggling around trying to test their restraints, but it quickly became clear that only the keys would be any use in freeing themselves.

“Before you get started, please hear me out.” Touya stopped his overzealous captives.

They calmed down and turned to look at their friend.

“All of the keys needed to undo your padlocks are spread around the mattress. You’ve probably figured out already that the colour codes on the keys match your various padlocks. Since every girl has at least three colours on their person, no single key can free anyone. But there are plenty of keys per colour, so you don’t have to worry about one girl hogging one colour.”

“Why would be hoard the keys?” Yae asked puzzled.

“Because of the prizes at stake.” Touya replied.

All the girls now tried sitting upright, curious about the rest of arch mage’s explanation.

“If all of you manage to escape before the time is up, I will take all of you to the hot springs in Eashen for a full weekend of pampering!”

“WHAT?!” They exclaimed in surprise.

“That sounds great!” Yumina chimed enthusiastically, already preparing to scoot towards the closest key.

“BUT!” Touya continued, freezing the girls in place again.

“If only one of you manages to escape, she gets an individual prize...”

The girls held their breaths as they awaited his next sentence.

“Should I come back and there is only one girl sitting free, that girl gets to make one request from me. It can be any wish they desire, and I will grant it. If it’s within my powers of course.”

The foursome gasped audibly.

One request? Linze thought in awe.

Anything we want? From Touya-dono? Yae’s eyes lit up.

I WANT THAT! Elze thought determined.

“AND,” Touya went on, “the runner up gets a prize too: a pampering session, not in a spa but in the castle’s most luxurious bathroom. And I’ll be doing the pampering.”

The girls cheered exuberantly. “Those prizes both sound more than worthwhile!” Elze said excitedly.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s get started!” Yae added, just as eager.

But Touya clapped his hands to draw their attention again.

“I’d like to point out the group prize trumps the individual ones.” Touya continued his explanation. “So either you all get a prize, or only the numbers one and two. If the numbers three and four escape as well, you only get the weekend in the spa.”

The dark haired mage went silent for a moment as he allowed the girls to take in everything he’d told them. He felt quite proud of his intricate escape game.

On the surface it might just seem like an escape race. But he had made sure that freeing themselves would be infinitely more difficult if they went solo than when they tried cooperating. That way they would think twice about just going for the first prize.

Besides, even if one girl would go it alone and succeed, if the others joined forces so they ALL escaped, that girl would lose her individual prizes since the group prize overruled.

That was the reason he provided a second prize as well, to create some more dissention.

Because even if (for example) Yae escaped, Elze and Yumina could refuse Linze's request to work together because they still wanted the runner up prize!

On top of that, there was even the option for Yae to run interference by adding restraints!

But the girls were still too worked up about the possible prizes to think too much about the tactical level of Touya’s game. Right now, all they could think of was the prospect of making that single request with their beloved Touya!

"I take it your silence means there are no more questions?”

The girls shook their heads, assuming he was going to sit down in the chair in the corner and enjoy their show.

“Great! Then I’ll be back in four hours to see what you girls decided on. I can hardly wait!”

“Touya-san?!” The foursome yelped in chorus. They hadn’t expected him to leave right off the bat!

“Good luck all of you!”

Those were his last words. He didn’t even give them a chance to stop him from leaving the room!

“Great, so now what?” Elze said.

“Now we discuss our options.” Yumina replied.

Linze immediately suggested the group join forces. To her relief, Yae agreed.

But Yumina and Elze refused, saying they should first try racing for freedom.

Linze pointed out that Touya would never make it easy enough to escape by oneself.

But her older sister countered that even if that were true, they had plenty of time to test it.

The bust mage continued to insists they should work together.

But before the siblings could start arguing, Yumina threw in the fact that the singular reward was a lot better than the shared one. Even the prize for second place was more than worth the risk.

"But only one person can get those rewards.” Yae interjected. “And as Elze pointed out: everyone going for that prize, and hindering the others’ efforts might risk no one getting free."

"I for one am willing to take that risk." The blonde said stubbornly.

"Yumina-san, won't you please reconsider?" Linze tried. "Won't it be more fun to spend the evening with Touya together?"

"Of course not." Yumina replied. "And none of you feel that way, if you're honest."

The girls went silent.

"See? Besides, we are forgetting two out of four here are siblings. What's to stop you from colluding?"

"We are both arguing opposite points!" Elze said heatedly.

"It might be an act."

"You are being paranoid, Yumina-dono. Even if they worked together, it would still turn out that one of them ended up with the first prize and the other the second."

"Exactly. That's why I was hoping we could all join forces." Linze added. "That way, no one is left behind."

"So you can honestly say Touya's personal reward doesn't appeal to you?" The princess said sharply.


"See? No one in their right mind would discard a chance like that.” Yumina said sternly. “You may argue we should work together. But even that in itself is a risk. We could start off helping each other, only for one of us to make a break for it at the opportune moment!"

Linze's eyes widened. "I hadn't thought about it that way." The kind-hearted mage replied.

Yae had, but had choses to keep silent.

To think she would figure out that angle so quickly. Yumina is craftier than we give her credit for…

"So, now what? None of us escapes?" Elze sighs.

"No, we all try our best to get that lone victory." The princess replied.

None of the girls felt confident about however. Not even the princess herself estimate her chances of success to be all that high.

"Look, we have plenty of time. If later on it looks like truly no one is making progress we can always reconsider. Does that sound like a good plan for now?" Linze offered.

The girls nodded. 

"I can live with that." Elze replied.

"As can I." Yae added.

“Very well.” Yumina declared. "Then for now, good luck everyone!”


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