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When the owner of those footsteps finally walked into view, Ilsa, Zeta and Beatrix all gasped in unison.

They immediately recognised the tall, elderly man with grey hair and neatly trimmed beard. It helped a great deal that he was wearing his trademark military uniform: white trousers with black leather combat boots. A yet black military vest with gold buttons and a black-and white cape on top of that.


“Greetings, ladies.” He said with a confident smile. “I see my newest invention has proven quite the success.”

“You’re behind this horrifying material?!” Ilsa yelped.

“I am. I call it ‘tape’. It’s been designed to restrain any opponent, no matter how skilled. It’s easier to use than rope, more flexible than chains and as you’ve no doubt discovered: incredibly durable.”

“We noticed.” Zeta growled. “Now get it off us!”

“Not yet my dear.” The grey-haired inventor replied, summoning the few manikins that had survived Ilsa and her team’s onslaught.

Since Alandus was involved in most new technologies, his knowledge was as vast as his reputation. Because of that he had even managed to think up a precaution to the failsafes of Beatrix and the others’ seal weapons.

No person other than its owner could safely touch a seal weapon without permission. But a manikin, being just an animated automaton, did not trigger any response from the sacred weapons.

Zeta, Beatrix and Ilsa’s eyes grew wide as the manikins picked up their weapons. Naturally they all struggled and screamed in protest, but the tape harshly denied their efforts. They were forced to watch their precious possessions being taken away and stored in special caskets.

“Now then, with these safely stored away, all that remains is to deal with you three.” The inventor said as he played with his cane.

On that que, half a dozen burly and scruffy men entered the room. Alandus had hired a gang of bandits to take care of Ilsa and her crew.

“These the girls?” The tallest man asked, who identified himself as the leader.

Alandus nodded. “You remember the agreement?”

“Of course. We can do as we like with ‘em, so long as you don’t see them ever again.”

“WHAT?!” Ilsa and Zeta shrieked.

“Correct.” Alandus ignored the girls. “Now that I have their seal weapons, I have no more use for these girls. Make sure they are never heard from again.”

“And their companions?”

“You don’t have to worry about them. I made sure Eustace and Vaseraga received separate orders. They’ll be on a wild goose chase elsewhere and won’t notice these three have disappeared for the coming weeks.”

The burly bandit nodded. “Sounds good. We’ll have sold these brats off way before that.”

“SOLD?!” Beatrix yelped, squirming around on the floor in panic.

“You got any of that tape stuff left over?” The muscular robber asked Alandus.

“There are several rolls stored in the case behind that machine. Why?”

“Cause it’s handy.” The man shrugged. Although we’ll probably replace their current restraints by something more convenient for transport…”

One by one, the three young women are surrounded by the group of bandits. Teams of five worked together. Three to keep each girl pinned down, whilst the two other burly men slowly removed the tape.

Beatrix, Ilsa and Zeta assumed that was to replace it by rope, but to their horror their captors first took care to remove any parts of the girls’ clothing that had armour in it. Gloves, shoulder pads, leather vests,… Even their shoes or boots weren’t spared, leaving the blushing girls barefoot!

Ilsa was the first to undergo the humiliating treatment, since her friends’ tape took more time to peel away. She had kept focus the entire time her restraints had been coming off, but to her frustration she never spotted an opening to fight her way out.

Once she was stripped down to her white trousers and vest, the two men who’d done the stripping brought out the rope.

Like their team leader, Beatrix and Zeta had come to the same frustrating realization: Fighting back would just waste their energy and risk them getting hurt. So, the blonde and brunette grudgingly allowed the men strip them of their armour. Even though they were still fully clothed, the young women felt naked somehow, surrounded by these unsavoury men without any armour.

By the time Beatrix and Zeta were stripped, Ilsa was already helpless to lift a finger again.

Her arms had been tied together at the wrist and elbows, the ropes cinched even tighter than the tape had felt.

The bandits had used four lengths of rope on her legs, lashing together her ankles, calves and thighs so securely she couldn’t budge them an inch anymore.

But that had just been the preparation for her real predicament. Once the raven-haired girl was unable to put up a fight anymore, they fitted her with a crotch rope. She’d cursed at them for that dirty move, but that had just earned her a stuffed tape gag.

For their final move, her legs had been bent double and pushed towards her body so as to force her into a ball shape. She was kept that way by a very long rope wrapping around her upper body and thighs, and a second rope latching her ankle bonds to her wrist bonds.

Even before the last few ropes were tied, the proud Erune had felt her heart sink.

These ropes are incredibly tight! I don’t think I’ll be able to break out of this…

She turned to look at her friends, but the troubled look in their eyes told her they weren’t any better off.

This time, Zeta was the one who’d ended up in a hogtie. Her elbows were pressed even tighter together than Ilsa’s, to the point of them touching!

Her ankles, knees and thighs were also tied together, so even if the hogtie were to come off, standing up would be a real challenge. Not that she had any chance at that, those bastards had drawn her ankles so far up that her fingers could touch the heels of her bare feet!

The blonde had grunted and moaned in protest, but a cleave gag had put a stop to that.

She’d immediately started bucking around, trying to force some slack into her bindings. But if anything, the knots had pulled themselves tighter.

This is ridiculous! I can barely feel my way around back there, and the knots I’m finding all feel so tight there’s no way for me to work at them…

“Hmrnnnn!” She moaned in frustration, accompanied by a howl from Beatrix.

The brunette’s arms were wrenched into a reverse prayer and her legs were pinned in a frogtie to stop her from kicking at anyone whilst she was being carried.

After the ropes were tied into place, each girl received a cleave gag to keep them silenced.

“That should keep our newest slaves from making any fuss.” The bandit leader said after inspecting the girls’ restraints.

The grin on his face turned even nastier, sending a shiver down the girls’ spines. “Although I think we can add a little something extra to really keep them quiet…”

The rope he tied for each girl was the least securing of all, but at the same time one of the most annoying ones. He’d taken advantage of his henchmen stripping the girls to their bare feet to tie their big toes together.

It wasn’t until the young women started wriggling their feet to test what had happened that they realized how much the toe ties were hindering them. Not to mention the awkward and irritating feeling of the rope biting into their fair skin.

“Aek heesh ohh (take these off)” Ilsa demanded angrily, followed by angry growls from her friends.

The burly man looked down the row of glaring women. “You’re wasting your breath; you know that don’t you?” He taunted.


The group started squirming around again, but the ropes wouldn’t give them an inch.

As I feared, escaping this won’t be easy. Beatrix realized.

These damn ropes are even more annoying than the tape! Zeta thought to herself. But she was too stubborn to just take it lying down, so the blonde kept squirming around until her stamina ran out.

Seeing his captives roll around the floor helplessly was only making the bandit leader more confident. But he wasn’t one for moving carelessly.

“Looks secure. But let’s make sure they’re not acting to wait for a chance to escape.”

“Hmrn?!” Beatrix mouthed into her stuffed cleave gag.

How’s he going to do that?

As the group of men surrounded them again, Ilsa’s eyes grew wide.

Don’t tell me… they’re going to?!

The group of bandits together with their leader grabbed hold of the defenceless young women and started groping their gorgeous bodies.

“HRMNNNN!” The trio shrieked, squirming panicked to try and avoid the many hands fondling them. They give it their all in putting up a fight, but as they feared the ropes proved too strong. They couldn’t fend off any of the bandits’ hands.

Zeta chewed on her cleave gag in rage. She’d give anything right now to go on a rampage and tear these beasts apart. But that just made the bite of the ropes feel more humiliating.

Ilsa was just as angry, glaring at each of the bandits helping himself to her luscious body.

I’ll remember your faces… All of them! When we escape, we will track you all down and haul you off to jail! Or worse…

“Hiiiii!” Beatrix shrieked as one of her assailants pinched her nipples. “HOO FIHEE (YOU FILTHY-)!”

She trashed around on the floor, her hands desperately waving around to grab something, someone, anything.

When the group had had their fill, they left the three young ladies to pant on the floor.

“Yep, they’re not going anywhere. They can’t even stop us from fondling them.” The bandit leader said gleefully. “Get them loaded up.”

The threesome hurled insults at their captors as the bandit leader settled the final matters with Alandus.

Tears of rage formed in the corner of Beatrix’ eyes as she saw the casket holding her seal weapon being carried off whilst she herself was being hauled in the other direction.

Zeta and Ilsa soon followed, after which a blindfold kept them from recognising anything on the journey to the bandits’ lair.

When their blindfolds came off again, the three warriors found themselves on the floor of a dirty room that had only a single bed.

“It’s not exactly luxurious. Especially not compared to what famous warriors such as yourself are used to. But it’ll have to do.” The burly brigand snickered. “Not like any of you are in a position to raise a fuss.”

He roughly removed their gags, but stopped at that. The rest of their bondage remained.

“You fiend! Let us go right now!” Beatrix screamed, kicking her legs angrily.

“I swear, when we get out of here, the lot of you are dead!” Zeta shrieked.

To her anger and frustration, the man just laughed her threat. “I hope you lot can keep up this spirit. It’ll make for a great show if we decide to auction you off…” He said as he closed the door behind himself, not even bothering to lock it.

“Jackass.” Ilsa grumbled, twisting her arms inside the ropes to check if there had appeared any slack.

Now that they were alone again, the other girls didn’t waste any time working on their escape either.

But that didn’t exactly prove very effective.

Zeta in her hogtie barely even managed to move her body, let alone work towards freeing herself. She tried twisting her hands in any possible direction, grunting puffing as her energy depleted from fighting against the ropes.

She couldn’t arch her back, she couldn’t move her legs to get those knots in reach. Nothing she tried worked.

But most annoying of all was the way those ropes tying her toes together got in the way of every twitch of her feet!

Ilsa was in just as bad a state, with her ball tie keeping her from climbing to her feet or crawling towards her friends. Just like Zeta, the toe tie was gradually getting on her nerves.

Why did they even tie that in place? It’s completely useless in keeping us tied down, it’s just plain annoying!

“Hmrggnn! Are any of you getting anywhere?” She asked.

“Not here I’m afraid.” The blonde grumbled. “If anything, the ropes feel tighter than before. And I can’t find a single damn knot!”

“What about you Beatrix?”

“Hmrnng! I can’t move my hands at all!” She complained at her awkward reverse prayer pose. “But I’m confident that as soon as those ropes are gone, I can get out.”

Zeta rolled her eyes. “Well yeah, if I could use my hands, this would be a cinch too!” Zeta remarked dryly.

“And do you also have a hidden blade on your person, like me?” Was the brunette’s comeback.

“What?! Why didn’t you use it earlier?!” The blonde yelped.

“She was right to wait for this opportunity.” Ilsa supported Beatrix. “It would’ve been too risky during transport and right now there’s no one keeping watch.”

The raven-haired Erune shuffled towards her friend, as embarrassing as that movement looked. “What do you need?”

The brunette gritted her teeth as she began squirming again. 

“I’ve been shuffling my legs non-stop since we were in here and it’s about to… fall…. free!”

She cried out triumphantly when the small and thin blade dropped to the floor with a soft ‘clink’.


“But now what? None of us are in a position to wield it.”

“I think I can manage, if you direct me.” The brunette replied as she manoeuvred her legs out from under her and sat on her cute butt. From there, she slowly leaned backwards until she was nearly lying on her back. 

Her plan was to land her hands right on top of the blade handle so she could pick it up. But that could take countless attempts on her own. So she relied on Ilsa and Zeta’s guidance to slowly direct her body closer to the wooden handle. Until finally…

“YES!” She cheered. “I’ve got it!!”

“Great! Now start slicing your ropes apart!”

The brunette swordswoman proceeded to do exactly that. First very carefully so as not to injure herself or drop the blade. But with each gentle scrape she could feel her wrist ropes losing durability.

Zeta and Ilsa watched their comrade with tense bodies, twitching from time to time in response to the toe tie that kept them permanently on edge.

They couldn’t help but glimpse at the door from time to time.

Please don’t let anyone walk in here right now…

Beatrix didn’t have time to worry about any of that though, she had to keep her full attention on cutting the ropes.

Slowly but surely, she could feel her wrists getting more slack. Until finally that liberating feeling arrived.

“YES!” Beatrix cried out in relief. “I can move my hands!”

She immediately started shimmying out of the ropes, but to her annoyance there was quite a lot still left keeping her arms in check.

“What’s wrong Beatrix?” Zeta asked as she saw her comrade still sitting in the same spot.

“I cheered too soon.” She sighed. “My arms feel looser, but there’s more to go before I’m actually free.”

“Then hurry.” Ilsa spurred the brunette. “I don’t think anyone will be back here soon, but we shouldn’t take any risks.”

With her wrists free, Beatrix had plenty of wriggle room to start pushing her arms and forcing some more slack in the rest of her upper body ropes. She gritted her teeth and bore the bite of the ropes as she gradually felt the knots slip into reach, after which she diligently started to work them loose.

“Well done!” Zeta cried out in relief when the ropes on her friend’s body finally fell free. Beatrix hurried to undo her frogties and most of all that annoying toe-tie.

“Oooaahh!” She groaned as she stretched her limbs happily. “This feels soooo good!”

“I can imagine.” The blonde remarked, impatiently squirming around.

“Beatrix!” Ilsa hissed. “Stop wasting time.”

“Sorry.” The brunette apologised, crawling towards Zeta. 

Since she was no longer tied up herself, freeing her comrades went a lot smoother than her own escape. A quick flick of the blade made short work of the main ropes, after which Zeta could work on the rest herself whilst Beatrix freed their team leader.

With all three of them standing free, the group turned to the door.

“It’s not locked, is it?” Beatrix asked.

“No, but that doesn’t mean the coast is clear. There could be a guard.”

“How do we check?”

Zeta came up with a plan:

They cried out for help several minutes on end. The idea was that anyone responding would be caught off guard and overpowered. But no one showed up.

“This must mean they abandoned us.” Beatrix said, eager to get out.

Ilsa peered through the rusty key hole. “I can’t see anyone either.”

“Let’s risk it.” Zeta said. “If we stay here any longer they might come back with a group. And we’re still unarmed so that would be an uphill battle.”

“Agreed.” Ilsa nodded. “But remain on guard at all times. I’ll take point, Beatrix you will be the rear guard. The second you spot somebody, call out their number and whether they’re armed.”

“Unarmed groups of three people or fewer?” Zeta offered as the fight-or-flight limit.

“Sounds reasonable.” The Erune replied.

With that, their preparations were complete. The group very cautiously snuck out of their cell and began moving through the underground base. The floors were dirty, but luckily tiled rather than packed dirt. That made for a solid, flat and stable footing which their bare feet very much appreciated.

The group moved through the base in complete silence, focusing on any sounds that coming their way to avoid being discovered. 

But rather than discover their armour or even a way out, the three cute warriors ran into a bunch of other holding cells.

Zeta gasped audibly as she recognised some of the prisoners.

“Draphs?! They’ve even captured Draphs?!”

Once they noticed the people checking in on them were not with the bandits, the young women that had been quietly sitting in their cells immediately began mewling and squirming. 

Like most Drahp women, they were exceptionally beautiful. No doubt that was why the bandits had captured them all. To sell off at the same slave auction the heroines were headed for.

The cell closest to the girls held two women: Narmaya and Kumbhira.

Narmaya was a warrior who usually wielded a huge katana. However this weapon was nowhere to be found. Her blue eyes, waist-length white hair and silky smooth skin made her look like something of a princess, trapped in that cell. Her horns were dark brown and had the shape of a bull’s.

They had stripped her of her usual leather boots and white silk dress, leaving her in just her traditional black underwear which didn’t do much to hide her gorgeous figure and impressive bust.

Sitting back to back with her was Kumbhira, a young woman with shoulder-length blonde har, long white horns and clear brown eyes. She had a rather tanned skin and (like all Draphs) cute, pointy ears.

Her breasts were easily a full cup larger than even Narmaya’s, and since the bandits had stolen her white and red silk robe, there wasn’t much to hide that.

Given her playful nature, Kumbhira tended to show a lot of skin. She used to only wear white tigh-high socks, black shoes, hotpants that fitted snugly around her tight bum and allowed part of her thong to poke out the sides and a top that barely covered the lower half of her breasts, leaving a large cleavage and showing off a lot of her beautiful bronze and her belly.

But without her shoes, socks and robe, even the cute blonde felt overly exposed.

Both girls were tied back to back using thick, hemp ropes. 

Their arms had been pinned horizontally behind their backs in a box-tie that also drew in their shoulders and incorporated a snugly fitted chest harness.

As for their legs, four lengths of rope tightly cinched them together at the ankle, knees and thighs. Despite their considerable physical strength, neither of the warriors had managed to force the hemp ensnaring their legs to budge. If anything, the knots had tightened up, further reducing their mobility.

The bandits had used toe ties on both of them as well. Just like with the Beatrix and her friends, that piece of string had been a source of huge frustration for the Draph women. Every time they tried to wriggle free and move their legs and feet, that toe tie had been there to irritate them.

Additional ropes were wrapped around their waist and upper bodies to press their backs into each other. Since Narmaya was just a bit taller, that meant her arms rested on top of Kumbira’s. But since their arms were trapped from all sides between their own bodies, there was no room for either of them to pick at any of the knots.

Both girls had been trying to lean their bodies in any angle they could manage, but had never succeeded in opening enough slack to free themselves or one another.

Narmaya let out a long groan in frustration as she tried to look around and see who the women speaking were. But since Kumbhira was the one sitting with her face towards the door, only she had a view. And the gag kept her from getting her friend up to speed.

“Ooh ahrr hoo efhuu (who are you people)?” The blonde tried to ask through her gag. But the trio didn’t understand her properly, much to her annoyance. 

Besides, the three young women had begun inspecting the other cell. In there were three more Draph women mewling at Beatrix, Zeta and Ilsa.

One of them was called Anila.

She had brown eyes long, lustrous blonde hair that had a slight curl in it. Her thick brown horns were shaped like a mountain goat’s. But not even that intimidating feature did anything to damage her adorable appearance.

Sporting a similar sized rack as Kumbhira, but not the same outgoing personality, the spear-wielding Draph was a lot more flustered about her clothes being robbed and her mammaries being put on display for those lecherous bandits. 

It didn’t help that the bandits had tied her face to face with another Draph, squishing her breasts in between their bodies and rubbing them every time the girls struggled.

The other Draph was called Threo.

Threo’s build was more slender and athletic than the others. She was also the shortest of the five. Her long blue-green hair was a great match for her long, thin purple horns which rose straight upwards from either side her head.

Her chest wasn’t as large, but her body was very toned. Her slender legs and slim back gave her a very cute and gentle look, despite her fiery personality. Granted, normally she carried a massive axe around that made her look a lot more intimidating. But right now, stuck like glue to the busty blonde Anila, she looked absolutely helpless.

Both women had their arms tied behind their backs at the wrists, forearms and elbows. A fourth rope ran from their elbows up to their shoulders and along the back of their necks, drawing in their arms and leveraging the elbow ropes upwards to further pin down their arms.

Another rope had been tightly cinched around their waists and connected to the rope on their arms to keep them secure and stop them from fiddling around with any of the ropes tying their legs. There were three lengths keeping those bound together: at the ankles, calves and thighs. Just like with Kumbihra, toe ties kept the girls constantly on edge.

But the bandits hadn’t just tied them up individually. After both girls were helpless to lift a finger, they had lined thee two up so they were lying chest to chest and wrapped several long ropes around their upper and lower backs.

Once they were secure, the men hoisted the girls up on their knees. Due to the height difference, that did mean Theo’s chin rubbed against Anila’s sizeable chest and Threo’s bosom nudged Anila’s ribs constantly.

The cell had barely been shut again before Threo and Anila started squirming relentlessly to separate again.

If we can’t prise ourselves apart, escaping these ropes will be impossible! The blonde thought panicked.

By the time they were discovered by Ilsa and her team, Anila’s normally pristine white underwear and her soft white skin had both become dirty from rolling around the floor. Mostly by being dragged around by an angry and stubborn Threo, who was still refusing to give in to her restraints.

The ropes around their arms were so tight neither of them had had any luck prising their arms apart. It had also proven impossible for them to reach around and work on the other’s rope because their elbows were forced to touch, limiting the reach of their arms.

As Anila had feared: stuck like glue to one another it had proven impossible to untangle the ropes binding their arms and legs. And neither girl dared struggle too vehemently for fear of toppling over and not being able to get up again.

“That’s horrible!” Zeta gasped after taking a good look at the pair of captives. She’d felt bad enough being powerless to move on her own, the mere thought of being roped up together with Beatrix or Ilsa was sending a shiver down her spine.

The thought of constantly rubbing her body up against one of her friends, desperate to escape but failing time and time again...

They must be frustrated out of their mind!

The moment the blonde Draph noticed Ilsa and her team were looking at her and Threo, the busty girl’s cheeks grew bright red with embarrassment.

She looked away to hide from their eyes.

“on’h loog ah me! I’m nage an ihhhi hhhom sihhing in hhis hilhhi cell! (Don’t look at me! I’m naked and dirty from sitting in this filthy cell!)”  She mewled with her cute face buried beneath thick locks of blond hair.

Threo on the other hand was a lot more eager to approach the girls. Maybe because she was eager to get out, having had her fill of rubbing into Anila’s massive knockers. She had never felt bad about her body shape, but being confronted with her blonde friend’s massive chest had been both distracting and disheartening.

Her flame red eyes glared at Beatrix and Zeta as if to say: “Well, what are you standing around for?! Hurry up and let us out!”

The team’s attention was somewhat divided however, courtesy of the last girl trapped in that cell. She was called Aliza.

Even among Draph women, Aliza was exceptionally beautiful. 

Her sleek black horns were similarly shaped to Narmaya’s, but not as big.

Aliza excelled in hand to hand combat, that might have been part of the reason she sported such a stunning, athletic hourglass figure. That body line was only enhanced by her luscious, womanly thighs and long shapely legs.

She was also in possession of beautiful white hair so long it dropped all the way down to her firm buttocks.

Her normal attire were black and red armoured boots, a red and white dress that left her shoulders are and exposed a lot of her thighs, accompanied by white lacy gloves adorned with red ribbons. 

But like her friends, she had been robbed of her clothes and was left in just a red thong and lacy bra that just barely contained her massive knockers, easily the biggest out of the group of captives.

The white-haired girl’s arms had been wrenched behind her back through a very tight elbow tie that made them touch. After that, those bandits had tied her legs together at six places, completely pinning the down without even an inch of wriggle room!

Aliza had already felt completely helpless and humiliated after that, but those bastards had added to her plight by drawing up her ankles up toward her butt and anchoring the last piece of ankle rope to her elbow bonds to force her body into a hogtie with not a single knot in reach of her hands.

For the clincher, a toe tie was tied into place to constantly bother her whenever she wriggled those cute feet of hers.

After spending most of her energy struggling futilely, she’d rolled onto her side because lying on her stomach squished her large breast between her body and the floor, drawing even more attention to them.

From that angle, she had a clear view of the three women that discovered her and her fellow captives. Just like Threo, she didn’t shy away from them. She glared at the girls with her strong, red eyes.

“Wmll? Whht hrm nhh fthndnng hrhhnd fhr? Wnll nhh gmt hf hht hf hmrm hr nht?! (Well? What are you standing around for? Will you get us out of here or not?!)”

Zeta immediately turned to Beatrix and Ilsa.

“These girls must have been brought here for the same reasons as us: to be sold off.”

“HMRN?!” Narmaya yelped into her gag.

“Fhld?! (Sold?!) Th whhm? Whmrm wnll thmn thgm hf?! (To whom? Where will they take us?!)”

The beautiful swordswoman immediately conjured up a mental image of a slave auction lining up her and her four friends, with lecherous men groping and ‘testing’ their goods.

If these bandits sell us off and ship us away, our comrades will never be able to retrieve us!

Anila had come to the same horrifying conclusion.

We have to get out of here! 

Plmhfm rmfghm hf! (Please rescue us!)” The busty blonde whimpered, squirming nervously.

“Hmn! Whtgh hht! (Hey! Watch out!)” Threo warned as the twosome nearly toppled over.

Looking at the panicked bombshell, Beatrix’ heart ached. She’d just been in the exact same predicament after all.

“We have to help them!” The brunette said determined, already checking out the cell doors to see how they could be opened. “We need to find the keys. Let’s look around.”

“Hold it.” Ilsa interrupted her friend. “This isn’t what we came here for.”

“But Ilsa-!”

“It’s too risky!” The Erune hissed. “We stil have no clue about the layout of this place. Even if we got them all out successfully, the group would be too big to move around unseen.”

“Hhen on’h hage us. ush seh us hhhee, he’ll loog hohh ouhh ohn hai ouh." (“Then don’t take us. Just set us free, we’ll look for our own way out.")  Aliza offered.

“Two groups of prisoners on the loose would also divide the bandits’ attention)” Narmaya joined the conversation, after having shuffled around on her butt and dragging Kumbira along so they were sitting side by side near the cell door.

“She has a a point.” Zeta admitted.

But the raven-haired team leader seemed adamant. “We should prioritize our escape, then come back with reinforcements.”

“But what if we are too late that way?!” Beatrix countered heatedly. 

“It’s a risk we’ll have to take.”

“MHNNRNNN!” The group of Draph women wailed.

“Hlease on’h ahanon us!” (“Please don’t abandon us!”) Kumbira pleaded. 

“He can highh!" (“We can fight!" ) Threo stated confidently. “Efen hihhouh ouhh heahons, he ahhe hohehhhul hahhhhiohhs!)” (“Even without our weapons, we are powerful warriors!)” ) 

Ilsa looked visibly uncomfortable. She didn’t want to leave these girls anymore than her friends did. But her responsibility as team leader rested with getting her own girls out safely.

“We could open up their cells at least.” The blonde tried to find some middle ground. “That shouldn’t take long.”

“What good would that do them?” The raven-haired team leader countered. “You can see the ropes trapping these girls. Most of them are in a worse state than we were. They won’t ever escape without outside help.”

“EEY! (HEY!)” Threo and Kumbhira growled, angry with this woman’s dismissive tone. 

Although deep down each of the Draph women kenw Ilsa was absolutely right. They’d been squirming around for the past two days, trying every angle they could think off. But nothing had worked. They truly were completely helpless.

But still… She didn’t have to rub it in! Aliza thought annoyed.

“I still think our best bet is to escape this place as fast as we can, then report this situation to our own command and reach out to the Draphs as well. They will come and rescue them.”

Anila mewled panicked.

“Iou’ll he hoo lahe! Hhe hanihs sai he houl he shihhe ohh soon.” (“You’ll be too late! The bandits said we would be shipped off soon.” ).

Now that they’d heard from Beatrix these bandits planned to cell them, she finally managed to put that comment she picked up on into perspective.

“Hi hhe hime hhe hhescue heam ahhhhifes, he’ll he long gone!” (“By the time the rescue team arrives, we’ll be long gone!”) Kumbhira agreed.

Whilst the conversation had been going, Aliza had by now managed to roll her way to the side of the cell doors. 

The journey had only been a few feet, but by the time she made it the busty damsel was panting and trembling all over. Lying on her side had been a great pose to recover some stamina, ease up the tension on her legs, elbows and back, as well as give her large breasts some room after being squished beneath her body. But shuffling forward in that position had turned out to be near impossible. Her feet couldn’t get any grip, and her arms were so tightly bound she could barely use them at all. Not to mention that her toe tie was there to bother her if she even tried to grip anything with her bare feet!

She’d been forced to roll herself back onto her chest, grunting softly as her luscious mammaries were pressured again. From there she’d started to sway sideways. Back and forth, back and forth, building up enough momentum to roll from her chest onto her side and keep going to lie on her back, supporting herself with her feet and shoulders, pushing her cute butt up in the air.

Just one more roll and I’ll be there... this had better be worth it!

She chewed on the gag to brace herself and pushed herself on to make another roll, groaning as the ropes dug in everywhere they touched her skin. The hogtie rope keeping her legs at an angle started to pull on her arms and arching her back, but she persevered and finally reached her cell door

“(HEYY!) HMRNN” She cried out to get the attention of the brunette standing closest to her. Come ofehh hehhe an hage ouh mi gag.” (Come over here and take out my gag.” )

Ilsa looked at that request with some suspicion. But Beatrix had already kneeled beside Aliza to comply. Her team leader rolled her eyes at that.

What if she decides to raise a fuss, scream for help? All our effort would’ve been for nothing!

Luckily, Aliza just wanted to talk freely rather than wrestle any word past that annoying gag.

“I understand what you are saying.” The silver-haired woman began. “In your position, I would probably decide the same thing: sticking around to save five women whilst unarmed yourself is foolish. But you don’t have to save all five of us.”

“Hhah hhe hell?! i I heahh hhah hhighh?!” (“What the hell?! Did I hear that right?!” ) Threo yelped.

“Leh hehh hinish, Hhhheo”. (“Let her finish, Threo”. ) Narmaya stopped the slender Draph.

"Why don’t each of you focus on untying a single person?” Aliza offered. “That should save you a lot of time. And whoever of us is freed first can stay behind and help the others.”

Kumbira immediately started fiddling around to assess her own ropework. If she could give these women an idea of the state of her restraints, Aliza’s plan would work even better. Her fellow captive Narmaya picked up on that and started doing the same.

But nothing they hadn’t already discovered came from that. The box tie keeping their arms pinned was incredibly secure, with the added problem that the main knots keeping it that way were hidden between their tightly pressed together bodies.

They’ll have to work on undoing the ropes binding us together first, then get rid of the box tie.

That was the analysis both girls came to. 

Let’s hope they take out our gags first, so we can tell them that. Narmaya prayed.

Meanwhile, Beatrix and Zeta had turned to their team leader. But they didn’t even need to keep pleading. The raven-haired warrior had given in. They had already wasted too much time arguing about this.

“Fine. We’ll try to get them out for 15 minutes. But regardless of how far we get, after that time we’re out of here.” She said sternly.

“But-“ Beatrix tried, but she could see her captain was serious.

Zeta placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “We still have the back-up plan. If we can’t save them here, we’ll return with reinforcement. Even if the girls have been shipped off, the bandits will still be here. We can interrogate them.”

The brunette smiled faintly. “I’d love to get a chance at that…”

HINE! Iou hafe a hlan! Noh guih chahhing an geh us ouh oh hehhe! (FINE! You have a plan! Now quit chatting and get us out of here!) Threo suddenly bellowed, thrashing so vehemently she nearly toppled herself and Anila.

To all of the girls’ relief, finding the keys to the cell doors went smoothly enough. Within 30 seconds Ilsa, Beatrix and Zeta were inside the rooms working on the restraints keeping those beautiful Draph warriors helpless.

Beatrix had kneeled down besides Aliza and started by focusing on the hogtie rope. She hoped that if Aliza could mover her legs more freely, more openings to untie other knots would present themselves.

Ilsa meanwhile had entered the other cell, holding Narmaya and Kumbira. Since the two girls were tied back to back, her only option was to start by looking for the knots keeping them trapped back to back.

“Ehy, aehk oww ohh gahhsh fush! (wait, take out our gags first!)” Kumbira stopped the dark-haired woman.

“Eeh gah hehuh hoo (We can help you).” Narmaya added.

Ilsa complied, after which Kumbira explained that the knots keeping them tied together were probably pushed in between their backs. She’d been feeling several small nodules pushing her back every time she struggled.

“We’ll try to lean forward as far as we can to give you a better opening.” Narmaya said. “It wasn’t of any use to us since we couldn’t reach anything, but for you it might make a huge difference.”

“Good idea.” Ilsa nodded. “I’ll try to work fast.”

“Please do, because any move we make comes at a steep price.” Kumbira replied. “These ropes continue to tighten up with every twitch of our bodies.”

“No matter how much we tried to force them, they wouldn’t budge.” Her fellow captive sighed, visibly frustrated.

“Well if this works out like we planned, your suffering will soon be over.” The Erune tried to lift their spirits.

At Anila and Threo’s side, Zeta had begun just circling the girls to see how they had been rigged together. Since those two Drahps were forced to sit on their knees, the blonde had to be careful not to start pulling around randomly, for fear of toppling them over.

“Geh oohw gahh owh fh-ush (get our gags out first)!” Threo immediately addressed the spear wielder.

Once Zeta did, the slender Draph started giving advice about where the ropes felt tightest and where she suspected the knots to be.

“I can feel the most pressure halfway down my back. I think the ropes are being pulled together there.”

“With me it’s a bit lower down, around the small of my back.” Anila added.

Zeta, with her overall view could tell those points were at roughly the same height. Anila was just a bit taller and that’s why the rope was situated lower down on her body.

“Makes sense.” The blonde said. “But it looks like the ropes wrapped around you both also tangle into some of your personal bindings. It looks... complicated.”

“Believe me, it feels even more complicated, feeling around blindly.” Theo grumbled.

“What if we tried to lean away from each other?” Anila suggested. “It might shift the ropes.”

“I think that would only serve to tighten things up.” Zeta countered. “If anything, you should huddle closer together so some slack appears.”

Threo started blushing. “Even closer?! I’m already practically buried in Anila’s cleavage!”

That made Anlia turn bright red. “I-I’m sorry.”

“Just bear with it for a few seconds, I’ll work as quickly as I can.” Zeta promised.

Threo sighed. “Fine. Here goes!”

The duo braced their legs and started pushing their bodies into one another.

A soft mewl escaped the bodacious blonde as her large breasts were squished by Threo’s features, and her breathing caressed her bare skin.

“That tickles!” 

Threo rolled her eyes. “Yeah, you’re the victim here.” She replied, muffled by the mounds of flesh surrounding her face.

Zeta suppressed the urge to grin and instead focused on the ropes.

Next to her, Beatrix hadn’t yet had much luck fiddling around with the hogtie.

“I’m going to roll you on your front again. Bear with it please.”

“Go ahead.” Aliza replied, shuffling backwards a little so she was further away from the cell door.

The brunette gently slipped her hands underneath the buxom Draph’s thigh and waist, slowly lifting her up so she rolled forward and onto her sizeable chest.

“Oooff! I never thought being well endowed could be such a pain in the neck.” She grunted.

“Hopefully you won’t ever have to deal with this again.”

"Uhmm, Beatrix was it?”


“Could you maybe start getting rid of that rope around my toes?” The silver-haired warrior requested, her cheeks flushed with a cute pink colour. “It’s driving me nuts.”

“O-oh! Of course. My bad. I can relate.”

It didn’t do anything to improve her predicament, but getting rid of that constant tugging on her toes was an incredible morale booster for the busty Draph.

“Now, let’s do something about the rest of the ropes.” The swordswoman said, leaning forward to get a closer look.

Beatrix let her fingers run along the hogtie rope, starting at Aliza’s ankles and moving all the way up to her wrists. But to her bewilderment, she couldn’t feel a knot.

Where is it? What am I missing?

“What’s wrong?” The gorgeous fighter asked.

“It’s like this rope isn’t tied at all. I can’t find the knot anywhere.”

“Maybe it’s in front of me. Whenever I kicked my legs, pressure on my waist and groin would form. So I think this hogtie is connected to the rope between my legs.”

Beatrix gasped audibly. “That’s horrible!”

“Yes, it is.”

“I’ll roll you back onto your side to have a look.”

The 8 women continued to work together diligently. But to great frustration of both the captives and the rescuers, the ropes proved incredibly difficult to untangle.

It wasn’t just from the complex rigging or the hidden knots either. Everything was pulled incredibly tightly from all the struggling the Draph warriors had done. That made the knots difficult to untangle with bare hands. Because of that, progress was painfully slow.

Beatrix briefly considered using her knife to cut apart the ropes, but since all of it was so tightly lashed around Aliza, the brunette didn’t dare risk it.

If I slash an artery, she’ll bleed out before we even get near the exit...

Far quicker than any of them expected, Ilsa called time. The 15 minutes had flown by in the blink of an eye.

It felt like the ground sank away beneath the Draph women’s feet. Not a single one of them felt like they could manage the rest of the way by themselves.

“Please! You’re so close.” Anila whimpered.

“Just one more minute. You’re almost there.” Kumbira tried.

“You know as well as I do that one more minute won’t make a difference here.” Ilsa said, hiding her pain beneath a stern façade. She put the gags back into Narmaya and Kumbira’s protesting mouths before closing the cell door, but not locking it down.

Zeta looked away from Anila’s teary eyes and Threo’s accusing glare. “We tried.” Was all she could think to say as she picked up the gag.

“No... please.” Anila whimpered, dread filling her gentle voice.

“I have to.”

“We know.” Threo growled. “But that doesn’t make it easier.”

“Likewise.” Zeta sighed before knotting the gags back in place.

Aliza held her silence. She knew these three girls were heartbroken about abandoning them after trying so hard.

But at the rate of progress, completely freeing her would’ve taken at least 10 more minutes. These women had already risked enough, begging for them to do more would just be selfish.

“I’m sorry.” Beatrix whispered with a trembling voice as she re-tied the gag to cover her tracks. “We’ll come back for you. I promise.”

The silver-haired woman nodded, immediately squirming fiercely to try and exploit the little slack she’d received.

Her friends started doing the same. But to no avail. Even after being separated from each other, Kumbira, Narmaya, Anila and Threo saw no way of undoing the rest of the ropes. And with their gags back in place, coordinating would become impossible.

All five of the girls bit down hard on their gags to keep their frustration from slipping out.

We’ll have to bet it all on those girls returning with reinforcements. Kumbhira realized.

Please, make it out of here you three! Anila prayed.

Ilsa was the one to take point on their way out of the cell block. She snuck towards the door and carefully pulled it open, her friends right behind her.

The gunslinger quietly poked her head outside to see if the coast was clear. But she’d barely had a glimpse when a large hand suddenly covered her mouth.


NO! She thought in despair.

Before she could respond, three more hands roughly grabbed her by the neck and shoulders and dragged her into the corridor.

“ILSA!” Beatrix and Zeta shrieked in panic. But before they could rush out to her aid, half a dozen burly men stormed inside to overpower them.

The girls tried to put up a fight. But outnumbered and unarmed, they barely slowed the bandits down.

“MRNNNN!” The Draph women screamed in horror as they were forced to sit and watch their only hope at rescue disappear.

“NO! Let go of me!” Beatrix yelled as she tried to kick and punch the men wrestling her to the ground. But the tallest of the three handling her had his massive arm clenched around her fine waist, keeping her pushed close to his body so she had no way of doing that.

One of the other assailants focused on wrenching the brunette’s arms behind her back and horizontally aligning them so a third man could cinch a rope around them, forming the base of the box tie they were going to trap her in.

The second they were secure, he pulled the rest of his long rope around her waist to fasten her arms to her back and keep them from lashing out. He came pretty close to her breasts by doing that, both above and below, causing them to bulge a little even if she kept still. But the proud warrior didn’t grant those scumbags the pleasure of her moans.

“Just wait until I escape, you’ll rue the day you took this job from Alandus!” She threatened.

“Sure thing babe.” The men chuckled as they tightened up the ropes around her legs and waist. Beatrix could tell they were pulling everything even tighter than before.

“Aarhh! You sons of- mpfnn!”

“You sound a lot better gagged.” The tallest of the three men taunted, smacking the brunette’s ass.


“Hmrrnng! Hmrn amhnahsh! (You animals!)” Aliza screamed from her cell.

“Fhree ahnmsh hmn, hmm shhh eeh ash-ae ohh orh osheff (Three against one, you should be ashamed of yourselves)!” Threo added, bucking around fiercely.

But their muffled insults were utterly ignored by the men.

Inside the hallway, Ilsa had been putting up a fierce fight against the two men who’d been tying her up. She’d been lashing out in any direction she could to prevent her attackers from grabbing hold of her arms. The raven-haired warrior even got a few good hits in, but every time she thought one of them would go down, the other guy would grab her from behind and try to shove her up against the wall.

Eventually, the unarmed and fatigued Erune lost her fight and ended up lying on the floor with the full weight of both bandits pushing the air out of her lungs and squishing her driving body into the floor.

“Oowww!” She grunted, more in frustration than pain as her arms were harshly wrenched behind her back, where they ended up in exactly the same box tie as her friends.

The second man had crossed her ankles and tied them together before moving on to her calves, knees, hips and thighs. By the time he was finished, the proud gunslinger could no longer so much as twitch her legs!

After making sure she was secure, his comrade rolled her onto her back and forced her to sit upright so he could coil the rest of his rope around her chest and further fix her arms in place. The rope was so long he could loop it around her chest several times, first below and then above her breasts. By bringing those loops together behind her back, Ilsa quickly felt the little movement her arms had left being taken from her.

Since there was enough rope left, her captor decided to run it over her right shoulder and down in between her breasts, weaving it through the chest ropes before bringing it back up and over her left shoulder. He tightened the rope as he moved on, causing the lengths ensnaring her bosom to tighten up even further and make the proud Erune’s breasts stand out even more!

“You lecherous swine!” The gunslinger insulted, twisting and turning her shapely body to try and undo his work. But if anything, the ropes dug in deeper.

This is bad. I’m even more secure than I was in that cell. If Beatrix and Zeta are in equally bad shape, I don’t think even the three of us working together could undo these ropes anymore.

Ilsa glared at her two captors. “You’re all cowards, ganging up on us like this!”

“Call us whatever you want babe.” One the bandits retorted as he took a large rag from his back pocket.

The Erune’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t you dare!”

“Or what? You’ll wriggle at me?” He sneered.

“Aarhhg! Just wait until I-mfpnhnhrr!” The feisty warrior screamed, only to be cut off by the cleave gag.

Just like Beatrix, Zeta was being manhandled by three men at the same time. They had pushed her down on the ground, with one of them leaning his weight onto her legs so he could cinch them together at the ankle, thighs and knees.

Another of them had planted his knee on her upper back, making it easy for the third man to fashion a similar box-tie as Beatrix and Ilsa were ending up in.

"Oooff! That hurts you bastards!" The blonde gasped as the full weight of the burly man pressured her slender body, pushing most of the air out of her lungs

"Good, then maybe you'll learn to stay put next time." The rugged bandit replied as he tightened up the rope he'd wrapped around her upper body. He'd looped it around several times so it dug into the blonde's skin just below and above her chest, making it more prominent than usual. But mainly it made it impossible for her to move her arms in any direction.

"Fat chance! We've escaped before and we'll do it again! Just wai-mphf!"

Zeta's rant was rudely cut off by one of her assailants wedging a knotted cleave gag between her teeth.

"Hashahhs!" ("Bastards!")

With all three girls once again helpless to put up a fight, the bandits dragged them all into the cell block and laid them down side by side.

To ensure none of them would make a fuss anymore, they even added to their already tight bondage an incredibly strict hogtie, AND those nefarious toe ties! 

Even Zeta, who’d been subjected to one before, couldn’t suppress a groan as her chest was hoisted off the ground from the ridiculously short rope connecting her ankle bonds to her chest harness.

The only good thing was that the bandits had secured the hogtie to the chest harness, to prevent any strain on their arms. But that made for little comfort, since the girls had essentially become completely immobilised. Even rolling around on the floor seemed an insurmountable challenge now.

The threesome glared up at the group of bandits.

"Scumhags! HHelease us hhhom hhese hhohes!" ("Scumbags! Release us from these ropes!") Zeta growled.

"Ih iou hhing hhese hill hhheag ouhh shihhih, iou'hhe sohheli mishagen." ("If you think these will break our spirit, you're sorely mistaken.") Beatrix added proudly.

"We're not that worried worried about your spirit though." One of the bandits snickered.

"On the contrary, feisty girls always fetch better prized on the auction." Another man smirked.

The burly men bellowed with laughter as they surrounded the girls.

Their leader walked into the holding block and waved his men to silence. "Looks like you lot did a good enough job recapturing our precious cargo. Still, better make sure you three are as helpless as you look. Can't have you pulling off another escape like that…"

Beatrix, Ilsa and Zeta shivered at the look that huge ruffian was giving them.

What is he going to do?

Don’t tell me…?!

“Guys! Cut apart their clothes! If they have any hidden weapons, I want them found. While you’re at hit, have a good grope to test if they truly can’t resist anymore… Nothing to forceful though. The first man to leave a scratch our bruise on these girls won’t see the light of day.”

Even with that warning, the group of brigands cheered enthusiastically. At the same time, every single girl in that room (including the Draphs), shrieked in horror.

The bandits gorged themselves on the girls, holding them still so they could accurately cut apart their clothes.

None of the girls dared thrash around, since the sharp blades might end up harming their bodies worse than the bandits could.

But as they were stripped down to their underwear, the trio started wondering if that hadn’t been preferable.

Lying on the cold and dusty floor in just her dark blue bra and panties, Beatrix trembled with frustration.

Capturing these guys won’t even be enough of a revenge. I want to executed them on the spot!

Zeta, now exposed in her red, lacy lingerie, felt exactly the same way.

Their captain also got to keep her white bra and tight-fitting shorts intact, but that was hardly a comfort, given what was about to follow.

As the bandits started groping their bodies all over, the three girls squirmed to the best of their ability.

COME ON! At least one of these ropes had to have been nicked whilst they were cutting our clothes! Beatrix hoped. But to her despair, she couldn’t find any weakness in her restraints.

Maybe we should’ve risked injury and just thrown a fit when the blades were near us, so the ropes ended up sliced apart. Zeta regretted.

She could feel one of the ruffians behind her, squeezing her firm butt and letting his fingers run along the inside of her thigh. 

The blonde shivered in disgust. 

"Is hhis hhe onli hai iou can geh neahh a homan?" ("Is this the only way you can get near a woman?") She taunted. 

"Works just fine for me." He replied, smacking her butt. 

"Oohh! HEEI!" ("Ooww! HEEY!") 

"What's wrong? I would've thought for sure you'd be into that." He joked.  

Two of his comrades laughed as they joined him in fondling Zeta's gorgeous body. 

"Hacg ohh!" ("Back off!") The spear wielder screamed, trying to kick, punch or even headbutt anyone in reach. 

Sadly, none of her hits landed. If you could even call them that, they were more like wriggles. 

Rather than deter them, her molesters just laughed at her powerlessness. 

"You're a real hellcat, aren't you?" The most muscular of her gropers remarked. "I hope you get bought by someone who likes disciplining girls." 

"hheam on!" ("Dream on!") Zeta spat, angrily chewing on her gag. 

I hate being gagged! And I hate these bastards for getting away with all of this! 

Ilsa was just as enraged by the bandits taking advantage of their situation, but got no further than bucking up and down, which only entertained her captors further.

“Let’s take a better look at your body.” The man who’d tie her up said, grabbing her hip and rolling her onto her back.

“Hrmgnn!” Ilsa growled, defiantly trying to roll back. Except her body couldn’t work up any strength.

This is ludicrous! I can’t move at all! 

“You’re smaller than that blonde girl, but these are still plenty to play with.” Her captor said, kneading her soft breasts.

The raven-haired girl bucked angrily.

"on'h houch me!" ("Don't touch me!")

“How could I not? You’re so cute.”


Ilsa lost her composure completely and started thrashing around on the floor. The ropes started creaking under her impressive assault. But after half a minute of valiant squirming, the bite of the hemp and her fatigue forced her to stop.

It’s useless. I can’t get out. Damn these ropes!

Not far from her captain, Beatrix had been forced to admit defeat as well. Although her spirit was still as lively as ever.

"All oh iou ahhe ea!" ("All of you are dead!")

Beatrix screamed, her nostrils flaring as she tried to suck in enough air. She was screaming, struggling to escape and trying to dodge her assailants' grabby hands all at the same time.

"Iou can'h hol us hohhefehh!" ("You can't hold us forever!")

"True. In just a couple of days, you'll be sold off and you'll be somebody else's problem." One of the bandits joked.

"Bit of a shame though, to let such fine girls slip through our fingers." Another remarked, his fingers caressing the brunette's waist and hips, tickling her smooth skin.

The swordswoman's hair stood on end.

"on'h houch me hhehhe!" ("Don't touch me there!") She snapped.

"Or what? You'll wriggle some more?" The bandit replied, slapping her butt playfully.

"HMRRNN!! Hoh AHHE iou!" ("How DARE you!")

Inside their cells, the Draph women were feverishly squirming around to hide any progress Beatrix and the others had made on their restraints. The last thing they needed was all that work being reversed. Luckily the men were too focused on abusing the three warriors that had failed in their escape.

I hate myself for thinking it, but their failure is increasing our chances. Threo told herself, clenching her fists to tightly her knuckles went white. But it’s still a horrible scene we have to witness here.

Narmaya turned away and tried to block out the screams. If only they’d managed to free us all, we would’ve outnumbered these bandits. She lamented.

When the bandits finally had their fill, Zeta, Beatrix and Ilsa were dragged into an empty cell and locked in.

“I hope you enjoyed this little test run.” The bandit leader grinned. “Depending on who buys you girls, this might be how the rest of your lives look like…”

The rugged men had barely left the room or all of the girls burst into a furious struggling fit.

This might be our last chance to escape. If they come back to check up on our restraints, all will be for naught! Anila thought nervously.

We have to undo these ropes before those bastards ship us off. Zeta thought determined. Only one of us has to escape. So long as we can accomplish that, we can team up with the others and break out using force.

Ilsa grinded her teeth into the gag in frustration, but the cloth was too thick to tear. It was more to vent her anger anyways.

We should’ve kept working on the Draph women. I made the wrong call here. I can’t let that seal our fate!

The eight young women spent the rest of the day worming around in their bondage. Threo, Aliza and Anila tried working on each other’s ropes, now that each of them could move independently.

"Hhi ih hhei hafe ho huh ouhh gags hacg? He'hhe hashing so much hime ush hhhiing ho unehhshan each ohhehh!" ("Why did they have to put our gags back? We're wasting so much time just trying to understand each other!") Threo complained.

"Ih couln'h he helhe. Hhe hanihs houl'fe ehiniheli shohhe us an hhe unone hhohes." ("It couldn't be helped. The bandits would've definitely spotted us and the undone ropes.") Aliza rationalized.

"I gnoh! Huh ih's shill a hain in hhe necg!" ("I know! But it's still a pain in the neck!") 

"Hhhheo, can iou hhhi ho uno hhe gnoh on mi hhhishs?" ("Threo, can you try to undo the knot on my wrists?") Anila asked.

"I hhing ih's hien in hhe hhohes hhemselfes. I can heel ih, huh I can'h guihe hheach." ("I think it's hidden in the ropes themselves. I can feel it, but I can't quite reach.") 

"Shouln'h I hhhi ho hhhee iouhh shoulehhs hihhsh? Hhah'll gife iouhh ahhms mohhe hhoom." ("Shouldn't I try to free your shoulders first? That'll give your arms more room.") 

"Huh hhose hhohes heel so much highhehh, I on'h hhing hhei'll come unone easili." ("But those ropes feel so much tighter, I don't think they'll come undone easily.") 

"Alhhighh, I'll hohhg on iouhh hans hhen." ("Alright, I'll work on your hands then.") 

Aliza nodded. 

"In hhe meanhime, I'll hhhi ho unhangle hhe hhohes on iouhh legs, Hhhheo. Hhhi ho hol shill." ("In the meantime, I'll try to untangle the ropes on your legs, Threo. Try to hold still.") 

The trio worked tirelessly, trying to ignore their fatigue or the constant feeling of the ropes digging into their luscious bodies, heating up their breasts and clouding up their minds.

In the next cell Narmaya and Kumbira did the same. 

"Gumhihha, I hhing hhe hhohes ahhoun iouhh ahhms ahhe closehh ho coming unone. Hol shill an I'll hhhi ho hinish hhe oh." ("Kumbira, I think the ropes around your arms are closer to coming undone. Hold still and I'll try to finish the job.") 

The blonde Draph nodded. 

"Shooh I lie ohn?" ("Should I lie down?") 

"No, ih'll he easiehh oh iou sih uhhhighh." ("No, it'll be easier of you sit upright.") 

"Ogai." ("Okay.")  

Narmaya carefully strained her own arms, creaking her ropes as she tried to reach the closest knot. 

It had looked simple enough, but to her annoyance that little bud of rope just wouldn't budge! 

And as much as she tried, Kumbira of course couldn't freeze her voluptuous body completely. After all, there was still a lot of rope digging in at all the wrong places. 

"Hol shil Gumhihha! I geeh missing hhe gnoh!" ("Hold stil Kumbira! I keep missing the knot!") The cute Draph moaned.

"Hei! Hhis isn'h eshachli easi hohh me iou gnoh!" ("Hey! This isn't exactly easy for me you know!") She snapped back.

Beatrix, Zeta and Ilsa were in an even worse state. 

"Can ani oh iou mofe?" ("Can any of you move?") Ilsa asked.

Her two friend knew what she meant by that. Obviously, they could move. In the sense of 'squirming' or 'rolling around'. But actually manoeurving their heavily bound bodies into a position that could aid their escape, that was hopeless. 

"Noh a chance." ("Not a chance.") Beatrix sighed.

"I'm hoo eshhaushe hhhom hhesishing hhose hashahhs as hell." ("I'm too exhausted from resisting those bastards as well.") Zeta grumbled.

"Hhen he'll hhesh hohh noh, an hhhi ho hhing oh a hlan." ("Then we'll rest for now, and try to think of a plan.") Ilsa decided.

"He shoul shill hafe hime. Hhhom hhah I heahh hhah hanih leaehh sai, hhe auchion is shill a heh ais ahai..." ("We should still have time. From what I heard that bandit leader say, the auction is still a few days away...") 

However, those two days didn’t bring any change for the poor damsels. They were just filled with failed after failed escape attempt.

Any progress they did make was undone in the evening, courtesy of the bandits stopping by to take advantage of the gorgeous women.

After every round of groping and fondling, they’d check up on the rope and re-tie any knots that had loosened up.

The only time the girls were untied was during the brief moments they were allowed to go and relieve themselves. But even then they were only untied one at a time, and accompanied by at least two bandits.

As the day of their departure came closer, Beatrix, Zeta and Ilsa slowly fell into despair.

No one knows where we are. Headquarters has no idea of this hideout. And we have no ways of getting out of here or reaching out to them.

Those dark thoughts slowly crept into the brave warriors’ minds.

Our only remaining hope seems to be that whoever buys us might be more lax in their security...

And then, it finally arrived.

“Rise and shine ladies!” One of the bandits woke up Beatrix, Zeta and Ilsa. “We’re shipping you off to the auction house today.”

The trio responded by throwing insults at their kidnappers and bucking around when they carried them out of their cell, one by one.

“Don’t think we’ll behave as you want us to during that auction!” Beatrix lashed out.

“We’ll kick and scream, and make everyone present know exactly what you people are up to!” Zeta promised.

“No one will care. It’s that kind of place.” One of the bandits shrugged.

Despite the girls’ resistance, he and his companions carried the girls off with ease and started preparing them for transport. Which meant the three girls were about to experience bondage tighter than ever before.

For starters, their kidnappers taped their hands into fists to immediately cut off any means of freeing themselves.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Ilsa shrieked as she anxiously tried to flex her fingers.

No give.

The dark-haired woman broke out into a cold sweat. Deep down, she’d prayed their transport would provide an opening to escape. They’d probably be left unattended, and in a new room there were definitely going to be new opportunities to explore.

But with her hands like this...

Beatrix and Zeta had come to the same conclusion, and were just as enraged about it.

“Take this stuff off us right now! It feels weird!” The brunette demanded.

“Well it’s about to feel a lot worse.”

After their hands were put out of commission, the brigands slowly took apart all of their current ropework and forced the girls to adopt a position easier to transport. 

"What are you doing?" Zeta demanded to know.

But she was ignored by her two riggers, who instead focused on forcing her wrists and elbows together until they touched, then wrapping the whole length of her lower arms with several layers of their thick, sturdy tape. 

“Owww! That's too tight!” Beatrix groaned as she was subjected to the same treatment.

"Must you always be so boorish?" Ilsa snapped at the other men treating her friends so crudely.

"Will you girls be quiet already?” One of the men barked, shoving a large rag into the raven-haired woman’s mouth.

The gun wielder coughed and gagged from the feeling of her mouth being stuffed to the brim. Instinctively she tried to spit it out again, but the second bandit pushed on her jaw to keep it shut so his comrade could paste several strips of tape over her soft, pink lips.

Apparently, his fellows thought that was a good idea, because the men handling Zeta and Beatrix now produced rag as well.

The blonde’s eyes widened. “NO! You’re not putting that in my mouth! No! I –mnnhh!!”

The girls flailed and squirmed, but with their arms already immobilized they didn’t even slow their kidnappers down.

"Nhhh fhmlmhn mmhfmhrdf! Mhhmf hmf lhw, mhmmn fhr nhhh!" ("You filthy bastards! This is low, even for you!") Ilsa tried to wrestle past her tape.

"Hrm nhhh mhhm hfrhhmd hf hhf?" ("Are you that afraid of us?") Beatrix taunted.

"Not afraid, we just want to make sure you're completely docile when we put you up on stage." One of the men replied casually, tying a large bandana over the tape gag for a final layer.

The girls hated to admit it, but their use of tape would probably guarantee that. Especially the part covering their arms. It felt so solid they couldn’t budge an inch!

With their captives silenced, the kidnappers could move on with their work in peace. They forced the girls to kneel down and stay that way through tightly lashed up ropes, pinning them into frogties.

After that, a tightly cinched up crotch rope ensured none of the girls would be thrashing around to violently. Especially not since they’d looped part of that rope around their taped up arms.

This is really bad. I don’t think we’ve ever been this secure! Beatrix thought nervously.

Even if we’re left unguarded during transport, we’ll be powerless to make a move! Zeta realized.

And the bandits still had more in store!

“That’s about it for the main ropes. Now let’s add some enhancements.”

“Mnhhngmmmnmf? (Enhancements?)”

With that the ruffian meant a tightly done up chest harness that ensnared the cute girls’ breasts from all sides. The criminals pulled it so tight their captives were forced to straighten their backs and thrust out their chests just to accommodate the pressure.

The threesome glared at their captors.

"Rmmhhmm mhhmf hm hngm!" ("Remove this at once!") Ilsa demanded.

"Mhmfm rhpmf hrm hmnfhnm! HMm mhmmn hhhrmf whmn wm mmrmhmhm!" ("These ropes are insane! It even hurts when we breathe!") Beatrix added.

"Fhmgg, pmrhmmrmmd mhnfmmrf!" ("Sick, perverted monsters!") Zeta growled.

But their captors just snickered.

“I’m afraid that you three are looking so attractive right now, we might not just stop at removing the ropes...”

“You still want us to come near?”

The brunette and blonde shivered at the thought of once again being groped all over by these lecherous men. Ilsa on the other hand just started writhing around to see if she couldn’t dislodge any of the ropes herself.

She instantly regretted that as the ropes running underneath her bosom dug into her flesh and sent a painful jolt through her mammaries.


Hearing their fierce captain scream made Zeta and Beatrix flinch.

It’s THAT tight?! They wondered, looking down at their own bulging breasts.

Sure, the pressure is constantly there, but I didn’t think it could get that much worse just by struggling.

“Looks like they’ve calmed down. Let’s move on with the preparations.” One of the men said to his comrades.

The bandits briefly left the three girls sitting in the middle of the room.

It infuriated the girls that their kidnappers were so confident they didn’t even bother keeping a guard posted. But they also had to admit they were right. They weren’t getting out of this predicament. Period.

Several silent minutes passed. None of the girls knew what to say, especially since their gags would just transform it into garble anyways.

What is going to happen to us?

That single question kept haunting them.

After what felt like hours, the bandits suddenly walked back into the room, hauling a large wooden crate on wheels.

“Your transport, ladies.” The man in front announced.

"WHHM?!" ("WHAT?!") Beatrix shrieked in horror.

"Nhhh'rm ghhmng mh lhgg hhf hmn mhmrm?!" ("You're going to lock us in there?!") Zeta cried out.

“Of course. Did you think we were going to carry you? You might look gorgeous, but you’re not actual princesses you know.”

"MMhfmhrd! Wm'rm fmhmll lhmhmhmng hhhmhn mmmhmngf!" ("Bastard! We're still living human beings!") Zeta snapped.

“Not anymore. You’re cargo now.” The man replied coldly.

One by one, the girls were picked up off the floor and lowered into the crate.

As huge as it had seemed, once they were inside there was barely enough room to accommodate all three of them. The result was that the three warriors’ luscious bodies ended up pressed together.

The girls’ cheeks flushed when they realized that every twitch of their bodies caused their perky breasts to rub into one another. Given how sensitive they’d already become from the rope harnesses, that made for some very conflicting feelings.

This is humiliating! Beatrix lamented, trying to lean back to stop squishing her knockers into Zeta and Ilsa’s, only to find the crate was there to stop her.

"MMmh, plmhfm hhld fmhmll. Nhhhr fnhhhmrmhmng hmf mhghmng mm mhmnglm hll hhmmr." ("Bea, please hold still. Your squirming is making me tingle all over.")

"Jhhfm ghlm dhwn, wm'll gmm hhfmd mh mhm fmnfhmhmhn fhhn." ("Just calm down, we'll get used to the sensation soon.") Ilsa tried to pacify her friends.

I hope...

With the girls snug and secure, the leader of the bandit group came in for the final inspection.

“Hope you’re comfortable.” He taunted the glaring women.

Those fierce eyes gave him one last idea.

“You might scare off buyers, looking at them like that.” The burly man remarked ominously.

He beckoned one of his henchmen. “Bring me some blindfolds.”

"WHHM?!!!" ("WHAT?!!!") Ilsa bellowed.

"NH! NH NH NH NHH!" ("NO! NO NO NO NOO!") Beatrix whimpered.

"Nhhh ghn'm dh mhhmf!" ("You can't do this!") Zeta protested.

“Sure I can. Look.” The man chuckled as he slipped the blindfolds into place.

Now sealed in darkness, the girls didn’t notice the perforated lid being installed above their heads until the sound of nails hammering into wood hit their ears.

That disturbing sound really hit it home for them. It was over.

Never once since being captured had they ever truly come close to escaping. And inside this crate, they further from freedom than ever.

They were going to be sold and shipped off, never to be heard from again.

Tears started rolling down their cheeks as they screamed and pleaded through their gags. They continued to struggle, but more out of desperation than defiance.

When the sound of hammering stopped, they could hear the bandit leader address his crew.

“Payout day, boys! Let’s ship them off!”

As the crate started rolling, the trio shared in one last collective scream at the top of their lungs. They didn’t hope to reach anyone. Beatrix, Ilsa and Zeta just had no other means left to out their rage and frustration.


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