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The next morning, Touya gently knocked on the door to the girls’ room. Most of them had only just woken up, the only exception being Yumina who’d had an overly vivid dream of running around the castle naked with her hands tied behind her back.

“Can I come in?” The dark haired mage asked. “I’ve had breakfast delivered to the room so we could all enjoy it together.”

“Just a few minutes!” Elze replied as she and the others hastily got dressed and hid away Yumina’s bondage harness of the day before.

When the room was tidy, they invited in their friend and got settled in with breakfast.

“So how was your evening?” The arch mage asked casually. “I’m sorry I didn’t stop by anymore, I dozed off inside the onsen.” He lied.

“That’s fine, Touya-san.” Yumina replied. “We all know how hard you work so you deserved a relaxing evening.”

“We managed to entertain ourselves very successfully.” Yae added with a knowing smile.

The rest of the girls began blushing as they nodded.

“Really? I hope you didn’t forget to have a proper night’s rest?” He joked.

“Of course, Touya-san.” Linze replied. “In fact, once our excitement was over, we all slept like logs.”

“So we’re plenty rested to explore the town today!” Elze concluded.

“I’m happy to hear that, because I wanted to make you all an offer.”

The girls looked at him curiously. “What offer?” 

“I’ve done some experimenting with that light-refraction spell and succeeded in turning ropes invisible.”

The girls gasped as they immediately grasped where Touya was going.

“So my offer was for you all to wear a rope harness underneath your clothes and head out into town that way.”

“So you’ll hide the ropes both under our clothes and using your magic?” Yumina asked to confirm.

“Yes, and if that works out, I was thinking of introducing several other elements throughout the day.”

The dark haired man righted himself as he looked everyone in the eye.

“So, what do you think?”

Each of the girls nodded with a big smile. In fact, they already began feeling somewhat aroused as the feelings of the previous night revisited them. Now that they’d already gotten a taste of public bondage, they really wanted to see what Touya could do to take it to the next level!

“I think it sounds exciting!” Elze said cheerfully.

“I would also like to try it.” Yae added, followed by Linze and Yumina.

Touya smiled brightly. “Then let’s get started!”

As the girls stripped down to their underwear, the arch mage got busy uncoiling four long ropes.

One by one, he fitted his friends with a secure and quite intense harness.

The ropes he'd used had been so long that he could make three trips around their chests. After knotting it off behind their backs, the harness formed a very sturdy and secure frame to ensnare their breasts from below, above and in between. 

“This feels even tighter than that leather harness.” Yae gasped as Touya moved on to Elze.

Yumina and Linze gave her an angry glare for that remark.

“What harness?” The arch mage asked innocently.

“U-Uhh, the one I wore once for endurance training.” The samurai lied.

Touya seemed to buy it because he didn’t press the matter, mainly because he was so focused on getting Elze’s harness just as neat as Yae’s. Given her more modest bust, he had to make sure not to constrict her blood flow.

Meanwhile Yae was puzzled about the long length of rope still draping down her back.

“Should I cut his off, Touya-dono?”

“Not yet, I just want to get everyone fitted with this part, so they can get used to the feel before I tie the rest.” He replied as he took his third length of rope.

Meanwhile Elze tried stretching around to get used to the feeling.

This thing really is tighter than any other harness I’ve experienced. Must be because there is so much rope wrapped around my torso...

“There’s more?!” Linze asked surprised as she studied the already thorough rope bra her friends were sporting.

“Of course, it’s a special occasion after all.” He replied cheerfully as he instructed Yumina to lift her arms momentarily and continued working.

After the arch mage finished cinching up their four harnesses, the girls’ upper bodies had ended up surprisingly fixed in place. Not only did the rope function as a bra, the whole ropework was so tight and strong it even corrected their posture and forced their backs straight and chests to thrust out.

But since there had still been more rope left, they didn’t have much time to test the ropes.

“Okay Yae, I’m going to wrap up yours first.” Touya declared.

“S-sure.” She replied, a little nervous about what else he could have in mind.

The dark haired man started out by taking the two strands of rope dangling from the samurai’s upper back and pulling them along her torso once more. Only this time, the lines ran straight across the middle of her large, supple breasts. He pulled the ropes just tight enough so they wouldn’t hurt. Pain wasn’t their purpose after all, it was pleasure. Because the skilful mage had used his rope to pinch Yae’s nipples!

Not just Yae gasped when she realized his ploy, all the girls in the room felt their mouths fall open as they imagined the constant tingling that inventive harness would bring.

Linze even distractedly started stroking her breasts, sensing her buds were on the verge of growing rock solid, something Yae’s had already done.

“T-Touya-dono.” The raven haired girl stammered as she experienced a similar rush, but more powerful.


“… N-never mind.” She said silently.

I’m not even sure I want him to take those ropes away. I’m sure they’ll prove incredibly frustrating later in the day. But for some reason I can’t wait to find out how frustrating…

Since his friend didn’t object, Touya moved on with the last of his rope. He wove it down her waist in a criss-cross pattern of ropes to envelop her neat hourglass waistline, finally working it into a crotch rope before drawing it back up along her back and anchoring it to the centre point at her upper back.

“There we go! Pfeww, the rope was longer than I thought.” Touya admitted. “But at least I managed to make everything I wanted with it.”

“How does I feel, Yae-san?” Yumina asked curiously.

The samurai tried twisting her body around experimentally. Naturally, that made the harness and crotchrope dig into her luscious body.

“It’s… hard to describe.” She said, running her fingers along the ropes and hooking one underneath to see if she could pull anything for some more slack.

I can still fiddle with it a little. For now. But I’m certain that after a few hours of moving around in it, the whole thing will definitely tighten up all around me!

The samurai’s heart already began beating faster just from the anticipation.

“If you want to know how it feels, then I’ll make sure to hurry up with the rest of you.” Touya broke the brief silence, taking up position behind Elze to work on her.

The arch mage got smoother as he repeated his ropework, Linze and Yumina’s harnesses were complete in a fraction of the time.

“There we go, now to see if my spell works as intended.”

He began gathering magic power and cast his light refraction magic.

The ropes covering his friends began to shimmer for several seconds, gradually becoming see-through and eventually completely invisible.

After putting on their regular outfits, there was no trace of their kinky underwear whatsoever.

“Wow, I had expected the ropes to bulge underneath our clothes and betray their presence, but you can barely see a thing!” Elze said delighted.

“Only when you get really close up.” Her twin replied. “But maybe it’s because I know there’s something underneath.”

“That’s probably the case.” Yumina nodded. “From a distance it’s as Elze said: no one will suspect a thing.”

“Unless they touch us.” Yae countered, brushing along the front of her kimono.

“So we shouldn’t get into scuffles.” The long haired warrior joked.

“I wouldn’t feel confident even in just an argument with this harness underneath me.” Linze replied timidly. “What if someone suddenly does notice and brings it up?! I’d die of embarrassment!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be by your side the whole time.” Touya assured his friends. 

The girls looked at him with gratefuly smiles.

“Thank you for always going to such lenghts to please us, Touya-san.” Yumina said.

“Don’t mention it. It’s partly for my own entertainment anyways.” The arch mage smirked back. ““I’ll have to stick around if I want to add my other toys along the way.”

“Oh, so that’s your true reason? How chivalrous.” The water mage teased.

“Haha, there’s no reason I can’t be chivalrous and playful at the same time.” Touya grinned as he did his final checks on everyone’s outfit. When he was finally satisfied, he turned to his four female friends. 

“Ready to head out everyone?”

The girls nodded and followed the tall young man through the resort and past its grounds to reach the bustling village.

The first half hour walking out in the open felt very awkward, especially since the group had decided to stroll through the public gardens and enjoy the flower beds and sculptures. Since the fields were so vast it didn’t feel crowded, but there were people everywhere.

With the ropes rubbing against their bodies and their clothes only adding to the pressure, each of the girls had the impression they were being groped constantly. It felt familiar to last night, but since the hemp was thicker than the leather straps had been Touya’s harness felt even tighter, stronger than Yumina’s.

On more than one occasion the girls barely managed to stop their hands from wandering around their bodies to stroke the sensitive zones due to being teased by the figure-hugging rope harness.

They also were continually on the lookout for people looking at them funny or pointing their way, fearful of somehow being discovered!

“Should we check out some shops first, or would you prefer to get some sweets?” Touya asked his friends to distract them from that idea.

“I’m still full from breakfast, so I’d prefer checking out the shops.” Yumina replied, followed by a nodding Yae and Linze.

“I’m fine either way, Elze replied.” Looking around the wide boulevard. “Ohh! The clothes in that shop look very cute!”

“They do!” The princess chimed. “Let’s go and try some on!”

“You want to change outfits?!” Linze yelped surprised. “Considering what- what we’re hiding?” She whispered those last words.

“We’ll have privacy in the changing booths, won’t we?” Yumina replied calmly. She was feeling very empowered by the fact that the rope harness was rendered invisible.

Touya smirked from the background as the girls walked ahead of him towards the shop as that penny dropped for him.

Linze, Elze, Yumina and Yae spent a few minutes checking out the clothes. Yumina was the first to settle on a pale blue summer dress she wanted to try.

“I’ll go and get changed… Will you come and see, Touya-san?” She asked with a cute blush.

“Of course.”

The two of them retreated to the back of the store, leaving the others to pick out a dress to their liking.

“No peeking!” Yumina warned sternly.

“Of course not.” Touya promised, sitting down on one of the chairs.

The blonde princess shut the curtain and hung up her cute dress before unzipping her skirt and unbuttoning her top.

When she was stood in just her panties, the cute archer couldn’t resist taking a good look at herself. The harness was completely invisible, but it did leave quite a prominent effect in shaping and enhancing her breasts. She distractedly stroked her body, shivers running down her spine as she felt the hemp.

However, as she continued to look at herself, her reflection suddenly began to change. At first it was so vague she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, but after standing still and studying herself for a few seconds, it hit her!


Linze, Elze and Yae rushed to the changing rooms where Touya was still sitting calmly.

“What happened?” The samurai asked. “We heard Yumina scream.”

They were startled when the princess poked her head through the curtains, glaring angrily at Touya.

“Turn it back on.” She hissed.

The other girls looked from Yumina to Touya in complete confusion.

Turn what back on?!

Did he give her some kind of toy?

“Y-yumina-san.” Linze tried, but she was interrupted by the blonde.

“This isn’t funny Touya-san! Make them go away again!” She hissed.

But the arch mage just smirked. “What for? I’m confident the dress you want to try will hide everything.

“I don’t care! Make the ro- j-just turn your spell back on.” She insisted.

The other girls’ eyes went wide as they realized. 

Touya made Yumina’s ropes visible again!

All of them broke out in a cold sweat as they were hit with the same question.

Did he do the same for us?!

They began feeling around, but naturally the ropes were still there. They had always been there. But now that they were on longer certain you wouldn’t see them if their clothes came off, it seemed like their presence had grown tenfold!

Having the most flexible outfit, Yae peeked underneath her kimono and took a deep relieved breath.

Mine are still invisible.

“I’m pretty sure there are no other customers in the shop.” Touya countered.

“But there are shop assistants!” Yumina growled.

“Which makes it all the more important you check your dress properly before coming out.” He teased.

“You-!” Yumina flared up, clenching the curtains. Already in her underwear, she couldn’t risk stepping out to give him the slap she wanted to dish out so badly.

As always, he’s several steps ahead. So frustrating!

The blonde gave in and disappeared behind the curtains again. She took extra care to check her dress was sitting perfectly; but was more focused on it covering her shoulders and neatly lining up with he waist so it hid the contours of her rope harness than she was focused on its looks.

When she finally felt confident, the cute princess stepped out of the cubicle.

She was greeted by a stream of compliments from her friends, and a very proud smile from Touya.

“You look very cute in that dress.” He said as he got up from the chair and walked towards her.

Yumina’s face went even redder. “If you think that, then hurry up and activate your magic again.” She mumbled. “It feels embarrassing, standing here like this.”

“Standing here like what? No one can see the ropes.” He replied, stroking her back.

She shivered as he pressed the ropes into her flesh. “T-touya-san, you’re teasing me!” She mewled.

“Yes I am.” He grinned.

“I’ve already learned my lesson: just because there’s a spell to hide them it doesn’t mean I should get overconfident.”

“That wasn’t solely the reason I did this though.”

“Then why?”

“Because I felt like playing a little trick.” He laughed.

“Touya-dono, that’s mean!” Yae came to Yumina’s defence.

“We’re already being very brave in going along with your idea.” Elze added. “You shouldn’t change the rules without asking us first.”

The dark haired mage looked at the others, which in turn made them shrink back.

Please don’t turn off the spell on our bodies! 

“I guess you’re right. Sorry Yumina.” The arch mage said, rather surprisingly.

“I-it’s fine. Just hurry up.” She muttered, diving back into her cubicle.

Her whole body was trembling as she took off her dress, but when it came off she was relieved to see the ropes had disappeared from view again.

“Would you be up for a different challenge instead?” Suddenly came from behind the curtains. “I’ve just offered it to the others and they agreed.”

“What challenge would that be?”

A small box slid underneath the curtain. “Pick whichever toy from in there and put it on.”

She lifted the lid. Inside were a small vibrating beads with some clear tape, a pair of nipple clamps, anal beads and even a roll of grey duct tape with stuffing!

On the underside of the lid was a note saying: ‘all of these will be rendered invisible after you close the box again.’

Yumina gasped aubily. ALL of these seem extremely daring!

Touya was sitting back on his chair, waiting for all of the girls to exit their changing rooms wearing the outfits they’d picked out.

Yumina came out first, wearing the cute blue summer dress she’d picked out earlier. The white frill decorating the neck, shoulders and bottom of the dress was a perfect match to the white pumps she’d also found inside the store.

“What do you think, Touya-san?” She asked cheerfully as she twirled around in front of the mage, making her dress flutter.

The bust of her dress was actually pre-formed, enhancing the shape of the wearer’s breasts a little in addition to sporting a sexy but chique cleavage. But that hadn’t been Yumina’s reason for picking it. It was because the hardened and pre-shaped fabric around her chest completely masked the contours of her invisible ropes. It also succeeded in hiding the tiny beads she now had taped to her nipples.

Ever since those gently buzzing pebbles were nudging her buds, she’d been under the impression her ropes had grown tighter. Even worse was the fact her hands constantly had the urge to reach up to her chest.

I never thought I’d have more trouble dealing with vibes if my hands weren’t bound. Normally I can’t do anything about these toys and that frustrates me to bits. Now that I have to consciously restrain myself, they just feel more powerful!

“So, which item did you pick?” Touya asked with eager curiosity.

Yumina opened her mouth to answer, but changed her mind at the last minute.

“How about you guess, Touya-san?” She teased.

Sadly the powerful mage couldn’t prepare a retort, because Yae had just finished changing.

She came out wearing a dark blue plaid skirt with matching top. The top fitted tightly around her large bosom and was so short it revealed most of her taut belly. Just like Yumina, the samurai had found new footwear as well: A pair of stunning black high-heeled boots.

Touya felt his mouth fell open at Yae’s appearance.

“That’s a very brave choice, considering what you’re hiding.” He remarked, hinting at her exposed skin that was still covered in diamond-shape ropework.

“Thank you, Touya-dono. I assumed this would safeguard me from you lifting the spell.”

“Very clever.” The mage admitted, spotting the swordswoman was absent-mindedly tugging on her new skirt.

“Does your outfit not sit well?”

“That’s not it, I’m just… getting used to it”

She wasn’t talking about at her clothes but about the gently vibrating bead she’d slipped up her lovebox. During the first few steps out of the changing room poor Yae feared she’d stumble and fall!

Maybe I’ve bitten off more than I could chew here… The combination of Touya-dono’s harness and this bead is going to wear me out…

Touya spotted the nervous look in Yae’s eyes, but before he could really reassure her their conversation was cut short by Elze’s emergence from her own changing booth.

She had gone for a very casual look, dressed in jeans hotpants with a dark blue camisole that had a frill finish and brown ankle-strap sandals underneath. A black scrunchy had tied part of her long hear into a neat ponytail which she wore high up.

“That looks very cute, Elze-san.” Yumina complimented.

“I agree. It’s sporty, yet casual. Very fitting for you.” Yae concurred

“Thanks everyone.” The svelte warrior replied with a blush, looking at Touya. “Do you think so too, Touya-san?”

“Absolutely! You look adorable in that outfit!”

Yumina and Yae immediately got closer to the warrior. “Which toy did you choose?” The princess asked curiously, so soft it was almost a whisper.

Linze began blushing. “The clamps.”

“Really?!” Yae awed. “That’s very impressive. I didn’t dare use those in public.”

Her blush got even livelier. “I was nervous about it as well, but because those beads didn’t provide the remote I figured I’d be safer with the constant pull rather than giving control of the stimulation to Touya.”

Yumina and Yae gasped.

I hadn’t thought about that!

The blonde and black haired duo nervously glanced over their shoulder to look at their male friend who had hung back to let the girls have their private chat.

“You think he’ll…?” Yae asked the princess.

“I haven’t yet told him what I picked out, so he doesn’t know I’m wearing vibrators on my nipples. But I fear he’ll find out the second he tests that remote.”

“In my case, I fear I already gave away enough for him to figure things out.” The samurai sighed. “I suppose we both played right into his hand.” 

“Cheer up you guys.” Elze tried to comfort them. “This is still Touya, he won’t push you too far.”

The silver haired warrior suddenly felt a lot better about her choice of toy.

“I wonder what’s taking Linze?” She wondered aloud, turning to her sister’s booth.

The rest of the girls did the same, joining Touya in waiting for their last friend’s arrival.

When she finally stepped out, the water mage was wearing a gorgeous pink sweater dress and light brown ankle boots with high heels.

The dress clung tightly to her bombshell figure whilst the thin pattern of vertical lines only emphasised it more. 

“Wow!” Yumina and Yae exclaimed in unison.

“Linze, that looks great on you.” Her sister cheered.

The silver haired mage blushed and looked at her shoes. She seemed nervous for some reason.

“Linze-san? Are you all right?” Yumina asked worried.

She looked up and nodded.

“Are you sure? You look a bit uneasy.” The samurai insisted. “Is it-“ she switched to a whisper- “are you struggling with the vibrators as well?”

The young woman shook her head. She seemed desperate to keep herself from responding to the question.

Touya was the first to figure it out.

“Linze, did you choose the gag rather than any of the teasing toys?”

The rest of the group gasped audibly as they began to study the mage’s pink lips even closer. Since the tape had become invisible and Linze had done such a good job neatly hiding the stuffing in her mouth and carefully smoothing the tape over, it was nigh undetectable. But she had truly taped her lips to remain shut!

The water mage’s grew beet red as she nodded again.

“Mnffpf mnhn mnhh mhnhn hfff.” She mewled. “Mnfn mhn mh mrnhh mnf fmhh nmgg ff, mnhh hmnfshlnhh thhp mhff hh mh-hnmfhnh.”

The girls looked at each other and Touya. “Did any of you get that?”

“I think she said the gag was more effective than she thought. But once it became invisible, she couldn’t pry it loose anymore.” The arch mage translated.

Linze nodded solemnly.

“Of course! Since you can’t find the end anymore you don’t know where to pry it loose!” Elze said, louder than her now glaring sister had wished. 

“Oops, sorry sis.”

“I thought the tape would be sort of the easy way out; but looking at you it might have been the scariest choice of all” Yumina remarked.

“Agreed.” The samurai beside her said. “As frustrating as these vibrators are, at least we can still come up with an excuse for our odd behaviour. You on the other hand will be backed into a corner the minute someone talks to you.”

Linze’s wide eyes immediately made Yae regret she said that.

Luckily, Touya put a reassuring arm around the mage.

“If it comes to that, I’ll be there for her.” He stated confidently.

“We all will be.” Yumina replied. “We’re all in this together, aren’t we?”

“Definitely!” Elze exclaimed.

Linze looked gratefully at her friend. “Mnfh mhnn (Thank you).”

After Touya settled the bill, the five young heroes headed back out to explore the rest of the village.

The group finished their stroll along the boulevard, trying to get used to their various new toys.

It turned out Linze had the easiest time since her gag pretty much left her alone. She’d been anxious about being addressed in public, but when travelling in a group people weren’t likely to do so.

Elze was struggling a bit more with her clamps. Since her camisole was a loose fit so they wouldn’t press through the fabric, her breasts had ample room to jiggle freely as she walked. Because her bra was replaced by Touya’s ropework, constant rub of the hemp only made her breasts more sensitive to the pinch on her nipples.

This is bad. I’m getting turned on, what if people notice it on my face?!

She couldn’t help but nervously glance at passers-by, praying they wouldn’t give her a funny look indicating something was up.

Yumina and Yae had it even worse. Not just because of the constant vibrating on their nipples or labia, but because they had no way of knowing if or when Touya would decide to start playing with their remotes!

The princess threw a frown her lover’s way when he wasn’t looking.

Aaahh, the suspense is killing me! If you’re going to use the remotes just do it all ready, Touya-san! Stupid!

Yae nearly tripped as the bead on her person shifted when they took a corner.

I almost want to ask him to just get it over with. But what if Touya-dono hadn’t considered the idea of playing with the remote? Then I’ll have caused us both trouble!

“How come you’re all so quiet?” The arch mage teased the girls. “Apart from you of course, Linze. You have an excuse.”

“Mnf!” The short haired mage mouthed. Very funny, Touya-san.

“You can’t blame us for not being talkative, given what you’re putting us through.” Elze said dryly.

“Is that really how you see it? Then why are all of you looking so horny?” He countered.

The girls all gasped.

You can tell?!

“Touya-san! Don’t say that out loud!” Yumina hissed.

“Is it that obvious?!” Yae wanted to know.

“Only if you know what’s going on. Don’t worry, I’m keeping an eye out for people. And if worst comes to worst, I can cast a gate spell to take you back to the resort.”

All of the girls breathed a sigh of relief. 

“I hadn’t considered that. Thank you Touya-dono, it really helps.” The samurai said.

“I told you when we got started, didn’t I: I’ll be here to keep you safe. Just leave it to me.” Touya replied, stroking the girls’ backs. Although he also took advantage of the situation to give their harnesses a quick yank, making them yelp and frown.

“You’re such a tease!” Yumina giggled.

“I don’t know how we put up with you.” Elze joked.

Linze was desperate to second that, but her gag got in the way so she had to settle for nodding her head.

With the tension lifted, the group really got into the groove of enjoying their hidden bondage.

They relished in the feeling of ropes digging into their skin, the buzz of their toys or the stuffing of their gag. The unsuspecting looks of the passers-by even made them feel superior in a way, making the whole thing even more exciting.

It wasn’t until they reached a playground that the young women got in to hot water…

As the group walked past a large playground, they were startled by excited cheers.

“It’s princess Yumina!” One of the children yelled when she spotted the blonde.

“The princes!! The princess!” The other kids joined in as they stormed towards the group.

“I know those other people too!” A young boy suddenly shouted. “The ones who look like each other, they always help princess Yumina!”

“So does the nee-chan with the sword!”

“That’s a samurai from Eashen!” A slightly older kid explained with excitement in his voice.

“Wooow! A samurai!”

Within minutes, the four girls were surrounded by excited children wanting to get close to the famous group of travelling warriors.

They were quite taken aback at first, fearful of being found out. Even if they were children, they’d start asking questions if they noticed the ropes under their clothes or if a moan would escape them.

“H-hello everyone.” Yumina began, patting some of the kids on the head.

Elze, Linze and Yae followed suit, not wanting to arouse suspicion by pushing the children away. 

“Hey, hey, do you want to play with us?”

“U-uhm, o-okay.” The princess replied, not knowing what else to say.

The others looked at her in despair.

Why did you say that?! Linze thought horrified.

We can’t risk running and jumping around the place! The ropes will only grip us more tightly! Her sister worried. 

Naturally, they knew Yumina didn’t have much of a choice, but that didn’t make them feel any better.

“Yaaay!” The kids cheer, grabbing the girls’ hands and pulling them along.

They started out nervous at first, but as their first game of tag proceeds without incidents, Yumina, Elze, Yae and Linze gradually get more at ease playing around. They chase the kids around, roll around the grass and the kids down large slip and slides.

Despite their bodies constantly being aroused by the gripping ropes and their various added toys distracting them, the girls gradually get more relaxed around the group of children, giggling and laughing together with them.

Even Touya was dragged into the mix at one point, though he made an effort to constantly keep an eye out in case any of the girls got into a fix.

But on the whole, everything went smoothly. Until one child one child suddenly noticed a strange feeling on Linze’s cheek, causing the short haired mage’s heart to skip a beat when she felt his hand against her.

“Hey, nee-chan. What is this on your cheek?” He asked innocently.

The water mage looked at him nervously.

What do I do? I can’t answer him!

She looked around to see if any of the others were nearby to help her.

Meanwhile, the kid had discovered the tape had some kind of edge halfway up her check and was trying to pry at it. “It feels strange.” He remarked.

“Mnfn (don’t)!” Linze shrieked out of reflex.

Immediately, three other children looked at her.

“What did you say, nee-chan?” A young girl asked. “You sounded weird.”

“I think it’s to do with this stuff on her cheeks.” The other kid remarked.

Linze tried to gently push the kids away, but they were persistent.

Luckily, Elze had spotted her sister’s plight by now.

“My uhh, my sister can’t speak for the moment.”

“Why not?” One of the kids that had followed her asked curiously.

“Is she sick?”

“Should we get a doctor?”

“No! She’s not sick. Please don’t tell anyone about this. It’s a... a game! We’re playing a game, just like all of you.”

Naturally, that just enticed the kids further.

“Can we play too?” They asked enthusiastically.

“M-maybe when you’re older.”

“Awww.” The kids moaned. “Why do we have to wait?”

“What kind of game is it?”

“I can’t tell you yet.” Elze replied, sounding more and more nervous.

Yumina and Yae had gotten in a similar discussion by now, due to one of the kids having felt the rope harness underneath the princess dress by accident.


That single sentence immediately drew all of the kids’ attention. That of the girls too, for that matter. Because they recognised the voice.

Touya had spotted his friends were getting in hot water and had quickly rushed to an ice cream vendor on the edge of the park.

And his idea worked like a charm.

Every single one of the children dashed towards the young mage, leaving the four panting young women to silently thank their friend for saving the day. Even though he’d pretty much caused the problem to begin with!

“Looks like Touya-san kept his promise.” Elze sighed. “He kept us safe.”

“But still, if he had been any later, I might have had a heart attack!” Yae complained. “I think I’ll just discretely remove that vibe now.”

“I agree.” Yumina nodded. “No one’s looking at the moment, and if I have to bear that insane buzzing for any longer I might have a crisis!”

“Ditto with those clamps.” Elze added.

“Mnnrrnnhhf!” A frustrated groan came from Linze at that point. She didn’t have the luxury of taking off her gag. Not until it became visible at least!

They didn’t want to, but none of the other girls could suppress their laughter. 

“We’re sorry Linze, but the look on your face is too adorable!” Her older sister said.

“As soon as Touya leaves the kids, we’ll convince him to remove your gag. Promise.” Yumina assured her.

After saying goodbye to the kids, Touya helped Linze with her gag and the group decided to head back to the spa resort. But on Touya’s request, they took a different route back. The group hiked along the flank of the mountain and through a dense forest.

“Touya-san, where are we going?” Yumina asked, too curious to wait anymore.

“I’d like to know as well.” Yae replied. “Truth be told, I’d love to get these ropes off me as quickly as possible and have a nice long bath.”

“Yes, that would sound lovely.” Linze added, never happier to have use of her own voice.

“I’m just looking for a suitable area.” Touya replied mysteriously.

“To do what?” Elze insisted.

“Organise the last game of the day.”

“There’s still more?” The princess yelped. “What on earth do you still have in mind for us?”

“Something very simple, but exciting.” Was the only information they got out of him.

After a few minutes, they reached a small clearing in the forest, surrounded by several trees of a same size.

“This will do perfectly.” Touya declared as he gathered the girls around him. “Will you trust me once more today?”

The four girls looked at each other and then at Touya.

“We will always trust you, Touya-dono.” Yae swore to him. The others nodded to affirm that.

“Thank you, all of you. Not just for that, but for always going along with my ideas.”

They giggled. “It’s only because we have a great time in doing so.” Elze replied.

“Then let’s hope I don’t disappoint here…” The dark haired man replied as he produced several coils of rope.

Fifteen minutes later, Touya’s four girlfriends were all squirming around, riding their naked, luscious bodies up against the bark of the tree he’d tied them to.

After stripping the girls of everything they were wearing -including the rope harness-, he had crossed their wrists and tied them above their heads using some of the higher branches. Next, he’d bound their ankles together and tethered them to the base of the tree.

An added rope around their waist had pinned them down even further, along with being fashioned into a knotted crotch rope.

When he finished his ropework, Touya finished up with tight fitting cleave gags for all of them and took a few steps back.

Thanks to the trees he’d chosen, the girls were positioned along something of a semi-circle. It gave them a pretty clear view of each other as they struggled.

“There we go, this should hold you secure for a little while.”

The girls stared quizzically at their captor.

“Shohh? Hohw hahh? (So? Now what?)” Yumina asked.

“Now you have to escape. I made sure the knots can be undone, but it’ll take you some effort to free yourselves. But that’s the whole idea.”

“Eeh aff hooh eshaehuh aih owshefuhs (We have to escape by ourselves)?” Linze asked.

“Yes. It’s not a race or anything like that either. Just take your time and enjoy the thrill.”

“Ah aih ashuhhe ooh hihh eeh shi-ffih hehhr, ehohi huh shohh (And I assume you will be sitting there, enjoying the show)?” Yae replied.

“Nope, I’ll be at the resort waiting for your return.”


You’re abandoning us?!

Then what if we can’t get out?!

Touya created a large magic circle on the ground. “This’ll take you back to my room in the resort instantly. I’ll leave it here for all of you after you get out.”

The girls’ eyes widened.

“EEYYH (WAIT)!” They pleaded. None of them were ready to be abandoned yet!

“Good luck!” Were Touya’s last words before stepping into his magic circle and disappearing.

“HMMMNN!” They shrieked, squirming against their ropes. But for the moment, they showed no signs of budging.

He left us! Elze thought shocked.

Just like that?! Linze despaired.

Damn you, Touya-dono!

Now what do we do?! Yumina worried.

Part of their minds were hoping Touya was still nearby, keeping an eye out like he always did. But logically speaking, he couldn’t be. 

His magic circled had to take him to the resort, otherwise they couldn’t use it to do the same. And if he was already several hundred yards away at the resort, it meant they truly were helplessly bound and gagged inside this forest, forced to escape by themselves!

The first to compose herself and start working on her escape was Elze. She began twisting her hands inside the ropes to see if she could create enough slack to slip her hands free. But they refused to budge.

“Mrnnff!” She groaned in frustration.

I should’ve known it wouldn’t be this easy. But Touya-san assured us we could get out. Does that mean the knot is somewhere in reach?

The svelte warrior’s fingers began scanning the rope, making their way along the hemp with trembling anticipation.

If I can’t find the knot, I wouldn’t know how to escape…

Seeing Elze get busy spurred the others on to do the same.

Yae started pulling at her ankles to try and wrest those free. If her legs could move freely she’d have a much easier time manoeuvring her body around to pluck at the rest of the ropes. Sadly, Touya’s ropes weren’t that easily tied this time around.

“Haaah.” She panted after several minutes of ineffectual squirming.

It’s no use, I’ll have to work at my hands first.

She craned her neck to look at her hands, but with her entire body pinned to that tree she couldn’t look up properly.

“Mrrnn!” She groaned annoyed.

If I don’t get a clear view of my wrists, I’ll be working blind! This is going to take ages…

Linze and Yumina had already come to the same conclusion: the hands had to come before anything else. But just like Yae and Elze, they were really struggling to find a starting point for their escape.

After fifteen minutes of no progress, some of them started getting nervous.

Maybe Touya-san didn’t realize how difficult he made his ropes. What if he made them too tight to by mistake?!

That thought crossed most of the girls’ thoughts. All but Yumina to be exact. The cute princess continued to believe there had to be a way out.

And her faith was rewarded.


The girls immediately turned to look at her.

“Nin you nhanahe gho huee youuheuh? (Did you manage to free yourself?)” Linze asked.

“No, hugh I ghhinch I ghuhgh ghouchen ghhe chnogh. Nouu ih I can ghuhgh chicch igh uoohe... (No, but I think I just touched the knot. Now if I can just pick it loose...)”

The blonde archer went silent, focusing intently on her escape. The others joined her, desperate to not fall behind. Because despite Touya said it wasn’t a race, none of them wanted to escape last.

Several minutes in, most of the girls felt like they were on track to untangling their wrist ropes.

*rustle rustle*

“Mrn?” Linze suddenly yelped startled.

The other girls turned to her.

“UUhagh'h uuuonh? (What's wrong?)” Elze asked her sister.

But the short haired mage shook her head and looked to the side.

*rustle rustle*

This time the others had heard it too. Footsteps!

“Mnnnn!” They all gapsed in horror.

Hikers! Or maybe even hunters!

They all began squirming in a panic, tugging at their ropes and biting down hard on their gags to keep their voices down. But the ropes hadn’t loosened up enough yet.

And the rustling sounded like it was getting closer.

We’re going to be discovered! Yae thought anxiously, kicking her legs and twisting her body around despite knowing it was pointless. All she accomplished was make the knot between her legs rub her up harder, so much so that she had to stop moving altogether if she didn’t want moans to start slipping past her gag!

Yumina, Elze and Linze also froze in place.

Please don’t let them come by here.

By now the group was close enough that their voices could be picked up. Not so well that you could listen in on the conversation, but enough to distinguish there were at least three men in the group.

At least, that’s how it sounded. In reality, it was simply Touya giving them a rush. He used amplification magic to make his footstep and voice seem like that of a group.

It worked like a charm. For the entire duration of his ‘hike’ the girls stood perfectly still, listening intently.

Some of them still tried fidgeting with the ropes around their wrists, praying that they’d free themselves somehow so that if those men were to find them, they could at least remove their gags and chant magic spells.

But since they were all so terrified, their fingers trembled too much and they couldn’t concentrate properly. All they managed to do was shift the knots and make them harder to reach!

This is hopeless. We’ll never get out before these people reach us. Please let them take a different path! Elze wished with her eyes tightly shut. 

Yumina did the opposite, she kept staring straight at the direction of the voices with her heart beating in her throat, waiting for that first glimpse.

But Touya never revealed himself to his friends. Instead he made it seem like the group narrowly missed the girls.

After the sounds of footsteps had left earshot, the foursome still waited for almost five minutes before squirming earnestly again. Now that they knew people might pick up their voices, they all tried to keep their moans down to a minimum as well.

Eventually, Linze and Yumina managed to untangle their wrists first. They immediately began undoing the other ropes and their gag, after which they let out a long, relieved moan.

“I can’t believe we didn’t get discovered!” The princess said.

“I know.” Linze replied. “I was so scared when those people started coming near us.”

“Let’s get out of here!” The princess suggested.

“EEEYYY (HEEY)!!” Yae and Elze protested. 

“UUhagh ahough uh?! (What about us?!)” Elze glared at the two escapees.

The blonde and silver haired pair took a look at the others’ restraints. They still had several minutes worth of work it seemed.

“You’re almost there, aren’t you?” The princess grinned at her samurai friend.

“The same for you, sister.” Linze teased. “It would be unfair of us to help you.”

“Non'gh nhehh auounn, Uinghe! (Don't mess around, Linze!)”

“Uegh uh ough! (Let us out!)” Yae demanded in tandem.

“Hihihi, nope. We haven’t heard of any new hikers so I sure you two will be fine.” The archer replied as she turned her shapely back to Yae and walked into the magic circle.

“Buhbye!” She waved before disappearing in a tower of light.

“Good luck!” Linze added before doing the same.

“MHRRNGGGGNN!” The two remaining captives growled, pulling and clawing at their ropes with renewed vigour.

Just wait until we get back to the castle, Linze. I’ll pay you back tenfold! The slender warrior swore.

In the end, Elze managed to free herself first. She was about to step into the magic circle when a shriek from Yae made her turn back.

The samurai had had some ill luck with her ropework. During the stressful episode with those hikers, in her panic she had ended up tugging the wrong end and tightening one of her knots to the point it wouldn’t budge anymore.

Seeing the anguished look in the samurai’s eyes, the warrior couldn’t bear leaving her behind, all by herself.

“I’ll get you out.” She said softly.

“GHhanch you!” The swordswoman mewled relieved.

The second her ropes came off, Yae gave Elze a tight hug. “I was so scared when you walked towards that magic circle. I thought I’d be stuck here!”

“I’m sure Touya would’ve come to check up on you.” The silver haired girl replied.

“W-well of course, but how long would that have taken. Not to mention my humiliation when he’d learn I failed to escape something as basic as this!”

“Hey, we all make mistakes at one point or another.”

“I know. But still, I cannot thank you enough for helping me.” The raven haired bombshell insisted.

“You’re welome Yae, I know you would’ve done the same for me. Now what do you say about us getting out of here?”

“Absolutely!” She replied. 

The two stepped into the magic circle simultaneously, arriving not in Touya’s room but in the changing room for the hot springs. Their clothes were already lying ready, but rather than put them on they were hailed by an excited Yumina and Elze to come to the steamy hot pool.

They had decided to wait for them there, so they could visit Touya together and tell him their thrilling adventure from inside the woods with pride and excitement.

This time, they thought, they’d finally have a story that would surprise the arch mage, who normally was always a step ahead of them in the kinky games…


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