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When Latro’s plane finally touched down on the airstrip of his base, he was not at all surprised the place was in lockdown.

“Haaah,” he sighed as he dismounted the cockpit, “I should’ve known those women wouldn’t just sit still like I told them to. Well, let’s hope they didn’t wreck the place while I was out.”

The lack of a gaping hole in the roof meant that at least no powerful Pokémon had been summoned, which probably meant his concept of separating a trainer from his partners was proving to be as effective as he’d hoped.

He started up the display next to the entrance of his aircraft hangar and checked the base’s status.

“No damage, and four registered bogeys all confined in one place using the magnetic cuffs. That’s all of them accounted for.”

He couldn’t help but grin. “God, I love being good at what I do!”

The large, muscular man turned around to look at his plane. “Which do I do first: get the new girls settled in, or drag the rebels back to their spots?”

As he typed in the emergency pass code and opened the door, the monotonous sound of a siren welcomed him.

“Shut down the lockdown. Definitely my first move.”

He quickly made his way to the four gym leaders, which wasn’t hard since they were all confined together inside the armoury, powerless to wrest their hands free from the magnetised cuffs.

As the door opened and the four young women were confronted with his smug grin, their fury rose up again.

“So, you girls didn’t like your room?”

“GET US THE HELL OFF THESE THINGS!” Clair bellowed, thrashing around in a hopeless attempt to pull her arms from the metal table in front of her.

“We’ve been stuck for HOURS!” Flannery complained.

“You’re lucky my mission went as smoothly as it did, or you would have been stuck for days.” He retorted.

“We don’t care about your mission, just remove these cuffs so we can move again!” Sabrina snapped, trying to tear herself free from the airduct she was magnetically glued to.

Latro chuckled. “Easy there, girls. This is not my fault, I warned you to stay put while I was gone.”

“Whatever.” Misty spat.

"I will commend you for making it this far though." The burly man remarked, squeezing Flannery's ass as he walked past her.

"HEY!" She yelped, trying to kick at him but missing her target.

"What? It's your fault for enticing me. Jiggling that hot body of yours in that skimpy bikini."

"YOU'RE the one who kidnapped me on the beach!"

"So what? You feel I should've brought a change of clothes with me? That would be a waste of a good view." He taunted, pinching her butt again.


"Leave her alone!" Clair growled, gritting her teeth as she desperately tried to force her arms to move towards one of the many weapons littering the table.

Latro spotted her efforts. "Must be frustrating, grabbing just one of those might enable you to incapacitate me." He taunted as he walked up behind her.

"Back off!" The bluenette spat.

"Or else what?" He retorted, reaching around to squeeze both her breasts hard.


The feisty dragon trainer tried to lunge her foot into his groin, but Latro caught it and shoved her even closer to the table.

"You might just be my favourite." He whispered, nibbling and licking her earlobe. "Such a strong will."

Clair shivered in disgust.

"Everything you're doing is giving me more reason to torch you once I get out." She hissed.

"It's a good thing you're never getting out then." He said calmly.

"We will! You can't hold us here forever!" Misty shouted.

Although deep down, the four young women were starting to fear they were headed down exactly that path.

"Just you wait!" Sabrina tried to keep their spirits high. "You'll make a mistake one day and you'll live to regret it!"

"Whatever keeps you girls fired up." He retorted with that infuriating grin on his face.

"Aarhhh!" Clair and Flannery shrieked, even angrier than Sabrina and Misty.

They wanted to punch him, scratch him, preferable burn him down to ashes for his boorish groping of their bodies. But the cuffs wouldn't let up.

Their foul moods only amused the red haired man more, it meant tying them up would be a lot more entertaining.

One by one, Latro unlocked his captives’ cuffs by means of a wireless key. One on one and without their Pokémon, the young women had no chance at fighting their assailant as he dragged them back to their room. 

Once inside, he stripped them down to their underwear and upgraded their restraints. As a warning to the other girls he’d just hauled in, the female gym leaders also received some ‘punishment gear’:

Misty ended up writhing around on the floor in nothing but her orange boy shorts and a sports bra. Her wrists and elbows had been cuffed behind her back. Leg irons connected her ankles together, but the chain also looped around her wrist cuffs to less than halve her leg span and trap her in a hogtie.

But worst of all for the redhead was the hitachi wand Latro had taped to the inside of her thigh. The bulbous end was nudging her shorts, and no matter how hard she writhed around she couldn’t dislodge it. There was no escaping the subtle vibrations travelling through the fabric of her underwear, which slowly transformed from ticklish and arousing to irritating, and eventually even becoming maddeningly frustrating.

Within minutes, a small pool of drool was lying in front of her from the white perforated ball gag buckled so tightly into place she could barely move her jaw!

Sabrina wasn’t faring any better. Stripped down to her red thong and lacy bra, the bodacious psychic restlessly rolled around to shield her bare skin from the hard and cold steel floor. That wasn’t easy though, given that Latro had confined her body to a hogtie so tight the soles of her feet were resting snugly in the palms of her hands.

Not just her wrists and ankles had been bound however. Her elbows had been made to touch, her knees and thighs had been lashed together and a rope wrapped around her waist had also drawn in her lower arms and been cinched tight between her arms and back to prevent nearly all sideways movement. 

Furthermore, a long rope wrapped ensnared her sizeable bosom from all sides and had been worked into the elbow ropes to make sure every twitch of her arms would make the ropes around her breasts tighten up.

And to guarantee the poor purplette would be doing a lot of twitching and squirming, vibrating beads had been taped over her nipples and a ridged dildo had been slid up her vagina.

“Mnrnnnn!” The purplette howled into the massive sponge filling up her mouth to the brim, sealed inside by a triple layer of tape and a bandana tied over the lower half of her face.

Flannery meanwhile was stuck on all fours, still dressed in only the sexy black bikini she’d arrived in. The fiery gym leader had been chained to four metal rings drilled into the floor by means of leather cuffs padlocked around her wrists and ankles. Her knockers were swinging erotically as her body thrashed and jerked under the influence of vibrating anal beads and a love egg nestled in her pussy.

The bit gag wedged between her teeth made her feel like even more of an animal, and was proving to be extremely frustrating. Every time she tried to push it out again with her tongue, the smooth cylinder only grew wetter and slippier, causing her tongue to slide past rather than exert any force on it.

I hate this gag already! The redhead thought angrily as the saliva pooling inside her mouth started spilling.

She angrily yanked on the chains holding her arms and bent her flexible body down to try and reach for the buckle behind her head. But Latro hadn’t left her enough room to reach it.

It didn’t help that that posture only made the anal beads more effective, something she only discovered when she first tried it.


When the burly mercenary had stripped a particularly lively Clair of her bodysuit he had discovered a very feminine dark blue bustier underneath, paired with a lovely set of figure-hugging panties.

Her boundless energy had earned her the most impressive confinement:

With her arms in a reverse prayer tie and each leg frogtied, wriggling her way out would’ve been a challenge in and of itself. But when Latro looped 8 ropes around her ankles, thighs, waist, chest, and even her upper arms to suspend the bluenette in mid-air, it had become entirely impossible!

Every move she made, any momentum she tried to build to make the ropes budge and create room to slip her wrists free was stolen from her by the useless back and forth swaying that resulted.

A harness panel gag kept her repeated cursing and screaming to humiliatingly low decibels, but at the same time her nipple clamps and a crotch rope wedging a slowly humming vibrator in her snatch ensured groans were constantly escaping the helpless dragon trainer.

All of the girls’ toys were timed to keep going for several hours, more precisely between 3 and 6 hours. Not one of them would shut down together with the other though, so the girls had no way of knowing how long their plight would go on for.

After his four damsels were back their place and more secure than ever, he brought in the four new acquisitions. He opened up the tail gate of his truck and greeted his four struggling captives.

The first one he turned his attention to was Skyla, who gave him such a foul glare he couldn’t help but laugh.

Although she’d been squirming for most of her waking hours inside Latro's truck, the poor redhead still had her arms boxtied and her legs frogtied. The ropes had felt a little looser, but not nearly enough to wriggle free. 

Elesa in her padlocked leather cuffs hadn’t even managed to make any progress, much to her fury. Hilda and Rosa with their plastic zipties were equally powerless, and had silently been rooting for Skyla to complete her escape.

But with Latro now climbing into the loading bay of his truck, their hearts collectively sank. The red-haired mercenary kneeled beside the bird Pokémon trainer and checked her restraints for any slack or loosened up knots. 

Despite her thrashing around with all her strength, the burly gun for hire had easily quickly fixed any progress Skyla had made and pulled her ropes tighter than before, hiding away the knots even deeper in the ropes.

The young pilot was shouting all kinds of insults through her harness ball gag as she felt her arms, thighs and calves become more rigid than ever. 

Latro picked up his first captive and threw her over his shoulder. The only small comfort the slender girl could take away from her humiliating treatment was that she'd managed to soak the right shoulder of his combat suit with the streams of drool generated.

When Latro lied her down on one of the platforms similar to those for Sabrina and the others, he smirked at the young pilot and her ball gag, shimmering from the excessive pools of saliva.

"You should try to be less noisy." He taunted. "It'll help keep you clean, as well as please your neighbours."

"HMRRGNNN!" The four helpless gym leaders suddenly wailed.

"Then again, maybe they don't have time to care about your loud mouth."

"Fihh-thee shwai (filthy swine)!" Skyla yelled, glaring up at her captor as she squirmed her arms around so vividly her entire upper body shook.

"Sticks and stones." Latro laughed before turning his back on the helpless redhead and retrieving his second Unovian catch.

When he got back to his truck, Elesa had already climbed out of the back of it and was hopping towards the hangar gate. With her cuffed ankles, elbows and wrists that didn't go as smoothly as she'd wished however.

A thin trail of drool could be traced from the back of the truck right up to the slender blonde, courtesy of her large yellow ball gag forcing her to salivate non-stop. She'd long since given up trying to keep the drool pooling in her mouth from running down her cheek.

This is humiliating! She thought outraged. To be forced to hop around in my underwear like some sort of sex bunny!

But the electric gym leader persevered. If she could just make it outside, she was convinced someone or something would pick up on her presence. This was an airfield after all, it had to be quite busy.

The soles of her bare feet had grown dark from the dirt on the floor and were starting to ache after countless hops and bounces. Even her arms were growing tired from having to swing around in an effort to keep her delectable body balanced.

I can't fall. If I hit the floor here, I'll never manage to climb back up!

Her mind was focused on nothing but getting out of that vast hangar. It was the only way she could stave off the guilt for leaving her friends and Pokémon behind.

Someone will discover me. She kept telling herself. And they'll bring the Calvary to rescue the others. Just hold on Skyla, Hilda, Rosa...

The gorgeous model was so focused on her goal that she never even sensed Latro sneaking up on her. Not until he swooped her off her feet in his strong, bulky arms.


"Where do you think you're going?" He mocked the blonde gym leader.

"Puh hee owhh (put me down)!" Elesa screamed, bucking around in his arms in protest.

"Not a chance." He replied, tightening his grip on the model's delicious bod. He even indulged in a friendly squeeze of her perky bosom, protected by nothing but her pale yellow bra.

"HOW HAIR OOH (HOW DARE YOU)?!" She shrieked, glowering at her red-haired kidnapper.

"What? I worked hard to bring you in, doesn't it make sense I deserve a little reward?"

His other hand began playfully kneading her butt, drawing a couple of squeaks from the slender blonde.

"SHOH HIIH (STOP IT)!" She demanded, kicking her legs up and down to try and burst out of his iron grip.

But Latro manage to contain his cuffed captive easily for the whole walk back to the prison room.

Elesa gasped as she found not just her friend Skyla, but four other gym leaders inside.

He's captured THIS many women? What in the world is this man's goal?!

After tethering her ankles and wrists to two rings in the floor using long metal chains, he doubled back to the hangar once again to retrieve his last two passengers.

Hilda & Rosa had barely moved from their spots. They couldn't, thanks to the painfully strict hogtie Latro had trapped them in using plastic zipties, and the tape balling their hands into fists.

Their bodies were so sore from spending hours in that compromising positions. Their hands had even started feeling a little numb.

Mercifully, Latro cut the hogtie zip when he got back.

Hilda and Rosa both let out a long moan as they flexed their wrists to aid the blood flow. The throbbing in their hands was telling them the feeling was coming back, a bit too fast for comfort actually.

But their captor didn't seem to care. "You two need something better than those flimsy straps." He told the captives as he hoisted them over his shoulder and clipped a pouch holding all pokéballs to his belt.

Please, just let it be something a little easier on the wrists! Hilda prayed.

The brunettes got what they wished for, but their new predicament wasn't exactly comfortable either.

Latro had folded their arms behind their backs with their lower arms horizontally aligned and the palms of their hands pressed against the other arm's elbow.

Their lower arms were then wrapped in a thick layer of tape running from elbow to elbow and rendering them completely useless.

His next move had been to line up the girls' legs and tape them up from their ankles to just below their knees. More was then wrapped around their thighs to completely immobilize the young trainers' slender legs. 

Especially for Hilda that felt sticky and unpleasant, since unlike Rosa's opaque black stockings and cute pink skirt, she only had short jeans shorts and bare legs.

The burly mercenary then took a step back, allowing the duct taped cuties to discover how effective their new restraints were.

When they'd calmed down again he lifted both girls off their butts and forced them to kneel in front of each other, pushing their upper bodies together and enforcing the hug by winding dozens of feet of tape around their waists and upper backs.

A muffled moan escaped Rosa as her sizeable breasts were squished into Hilda's more modest pair. 

But Latro's next move was even more flustering. He took gently pressed their heads together until their tape gagged lips touched, then wrapped the dark grey tape around both their heads to trap them into their gag kiss.

"HMRRN??!!" The two girls wailed nervously as their cheeks lit up with embarrassment.

Instinctively, they tried distancing themselves again to stop invading one another's personal space. But there was so much tape enveloping their bodies that was a hopeless endeavour. Worse still, their efforts were causing their bodies rub one another, sending shivers down their spine as their breasts grew hotter.

"There we go. Pfew, hauling in four girls at once is a lot of work." Latro chuckled.

The red-haired gun for hire proceeded to explain to his new recruits how things worked in his base, including the 20-minutes of down time they could request by pressing the red buttons on their platforms.

"You two will have to share your time I'm afraid." He pointed out to Hilda and Rosa. "I didn't account for you two so I had to improvise."

The brunettes moaned nervously. Hilda could just barely spot the button out of the corner of her eye. Hilda had a slightly better view, but she too realized that actually hitting that switch with one of their feet would take a lot of painstaking manoeuvring!

With the briefing complete, the burly man stored his newly collected pokéballs on the rack on the other end of the room, beside the others. Each one was still completely secure in those black metal cages of his, a sight more depressing than any other.

"I'll be heading for some shuteye now. Be sure to behave yourselves. If I get woken up by a lockdown siren I guarantee you'll live to regret it!" He warned before waltzing out the door and abandoning his eight prisoners.

The door had barely slid shut or Elesa pressed her time-out. She had become fed up with her cuffs. It annoyed her to no end that every time she moved her elegant limbs, the one arm or leg that moved dragged the other one along.

Eager to move their bodies freely again, the others followed suit.

Skyla, Rosa and Hilda assumed the blonde wanted to discuss their current situation as well, without having to wrestle each syllable past their gags.

When they turned to look at Misty, Sabrina, Flannery and Clair, their loud mewls and frantic struggles made it clear to the others they were desperate to get out too.

But when they looked closer, the Unovian trainers noticed they were trying to hit their switches, but couldn't reach them!

"Hang on!" Hilda gasped when that disturbing fact sunk in. She rushed to Clair's side. Rosa did the same for Flannery. Elesa and Skyla in turn made their way to Misty and Sabrina.

Once all eight of them were out of their bonds, some of them accompanied by several loud groans as they stretched their tingly bodies, the discussion began:

"We have to escape!" Skyla immediately said.

"Indeed! I'll go insane if I have to return to those cuffs!" Elesa said angrily as rubbed her wrists. They had grown quite sore from all her energetic struggling.

"Tell us something we don't know." Sabrina said annoyed.

"We already tried to break out of here, but this base is filled with traps." Misty lamented.

"It took us two days to make it into one of Latro's weapon vaults. We had hoped to find something inside that could destroy those cages around our pokéballs."

"And? Did you?" Hilda asked hopefully.

"If they had, they wouldn't be here anymore." Elesa dryly pointed out.

Clair frowned, almost insulted by the blonde's tone. "We found the fusebox to this place, but it turned out to be rigged and these cursed shackles we're wearing pinned us to the walls!"

Rosa covered her mouth with both hands as she gasped in horror. "So that's why you all are in so much worse positions than we are!"

"His idea of 'discipline' no doubt." Flannery said with a dark look on her eyes.

Already the four young women were shivering, silently lamenting the moment they would have to return to their sexual torture.

"So what if you failed? This place must be huge!" Skyla tried to keep everyone's spirits up. "There's twice as many of us now. I say we try to find another angle."

"Except we don't have enough time." Sabrina sighed.

"What do you mean?" Elesa inquired.

"Remember Latro's explanation? 20 minutes is all we get. 40 in the morning, but trust me when I say you have other things on your mind than touring this base at that point."

The other girls nodded silently.

After spending an entire night heavily bound and gagged, 40 minutes to shower, stretch your body and enjoy your breakfast just barely covers it!

"Which means the furthest you can walk is 10 minutes from here, if you want to make it back before your timer runs out." Sabrina concluded.

"We have already combed every inch of this base within a ten-minute radius." Misty picked up.

"Apart from Latro's own room and the mess hall, there is nothing else of use." Flannery said disheartened.

"So long as Latro is here, his room is the last place I want to set foot in." Elesa said angrily.

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

Hilda and Rosa confirmed.

"That leaves the mess hall," Clair joined in, "which is basically a vast empty space since no one lives here apart from Latro and his chef."

"There's a chef here?!" Skyla exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, although we've never laid eyes on him." Misty replied.

"Then how about we make that our next approach?" Rosa offered.

"Yeah! If we can convince that chef to help us, we're basically home free." Hilda said enthusiastically.

"Do you really think Latro would leave that man alone with us if he thought that could happen?" The purplette psychic snapped. "We have nothing to persuade him with. And even if we did, who's to say he has anything to offer back?"

"It's better than sitting here tied up and gagged!" Elesa yelled back.

Before the argument could develop further, Clair raised her voice.

"ENOUGH! Bickering won't get us anywhere. Our time is running out, so let's all cool down and join up again as soon as the switches reset."

None of the girls seemed very eager about returning to their platforms. Not surprising, considering what was waiting for them there. Sabrina, Flannery, Misty and Clair were even less willing than the others.

Just how many times are we going to have to let those robotic arms violate our bodies? Sabrina cursed.

I want to go home... Misty whimpered. 

I want to see my Pokémon again. Flannery thought with a heavy heart.

The other foursome felt somewhat uncomfortable seeing their friends with such heavy hearts. Especially Elesa felt guilty for shouting at Sabrina, knowing how long she had been enduring this horrendous situation already.

"Hang on! What if we take those strange vibrating things off you guys before we return to our own spots?" Hilda suddenly offered in an attempt to support her fellow captives.

"We've been theorizing about doing something like that as well, back when it was just gags irritating us." Sabrina responded immediately. "Given the complexity of these sensors, we fear it might trigger something similar to the lockdown if we tamper with another person’s restraints."

"Did you try it?" Rosa asked.

"Are you volunteering?" Flannery countered dryly.

The four new women went quiet. The last thing they wanted was to end up in predicament similar to their senior captives!

"Our time is almost up." Misty changed the subject with a solemn look.

"Then I'm headed for a quick bathroom break." Flannery said. "That stupid vibrating egg inside me is sending my bladder into a frenzy!"

As the redhead dove out of the room, Elesa, Skyla, Hilda and Rosa made their way back to their spots.

Like their predecessors, they tried fighting the robotic arms as they wrapped up their bodies in the exact same manner they had been bound before. But their mechanical strength was too vast, too unforgiving to put up any real fight.

Elesa screamed in frustration as she started pulling the chains tethering her wrists and ankles to the floor like some kind of animal. 

Skyla had started struggling the second her mechanical assailants backed away, but found her restraints were completely secure.

Damn it! How is this possible! I couldn't even make a dent in them!

Hilda and Rosa had also done their best to create some more wriggle room as they'd been wrapped up in tape, but there had been so many arms working around them at such high speeds the poor brunettes didn't know where to look first. In the end it felt like they'd been glued together even tighter than before! Even their lips felt like they were pressing closer together, separated by nothing but two layers of tape for each girl.

They chewed on the newly fitted handkerchiefs to make them settle into place. But Latro's versions felt thicker, rougher, dirtier even.

When the fire Pokémon trainer returned, the four remaining trainers had to make their return to captivity as well.

Skyla, Elesa, Hilda and Rosa shuddered at the sight of those long metal arms whizzing around their fellow trainers, who began whimpering like helpless damsels as their bodies were restrained again, complete with those infuriating sex toys that made them moan and buck like a wild rapidash.

Are we going to end up like that too if we try to break out of here? Skyla wondered nervously. Is that why that man did this to them? As a warning to us?

If he tries to put any of those – those THINGS on me I’ll get my Zebstrika to fry him!! Elesa swore to herself.

We have to get out of here, before that mercenary tries to do those things to us! Rosa thought nervously, squirming frantically against her tape. But that just made Hilda stumble and mewl along with her.

"hmnf! Mnnf mrnn! (Rosa! Calm down!)" The brunette tried to plead. "Mn mnff mrn mhh mnn! (At this rate we'll fall!)"

Elesa and Skyla were just as energetic as their friends. Despite feeling tired from a restless night and countless escape attempts, neither girl had the patience to just sit still and wait for their switches to reset again.

They also felt like they had to do something about their situation. If nothing else, to comfort their predecessors who hadn’t just meekly waited around for help to come either. The Kanto and Jotho gym leaders had clearly tried their best to escape.

Although in the end it had backfired catastrophically.

Sabrina was writhing around on the floor in search of a position which wouldn’t make her dildo rub against her poor labia. But thanks to the nipple vibes she was unable to keep still even if she did find such a pose.

Despite rubbing her knockers into the floor and shivering from the cold metal constantly brushing into her bare skin, she hadn’t managed to dislodge the tiny beads taped over her nipples. Annoyingly, her bra provided too much protection for the small straps of transparent tape. As humiliating as it would be, she’d gladly expose her impressive knockers to the world if it meant getting those vibrators off as well. But her hogtie meant the buckle for her bra was out of reach.

I never thought I’d start missing those cuffs that bastard used on me earlier... I almost regret figuring out the passcode to Latro’s vault. Sabrina thought frustrated. 

If we had tried to commandeer a plane in the hangar Misty and Clair found, we might have been on our way back home now... Why did I pressure the others into following my plan?!

None of the others blamed the psychic however. 

Each girl was angry with themselves for not being cautious enough about exploring that weapons vault. At least, during the moments they weren’t squirming about frantically thanks to the constant buzz from their toys.

Misty kept going over the day in her head trying to find something they could’ve done differently to avoid this outcome. But she came up with nothing. They had worked so hard on a plan to escape this base, but a single moment of overenthusiasm had ruined all their hard work.

You can bet Latro will change the passcode to that weapon storage now. Misty despaired. We’re right back where we started! And if we can’t figure out the code again, our chances at escape are even lower. Even if there are eight of us now...

As the slender redhead rolled onto over to give her aching back a stretch, the hitachi briefly nudged her labia more forcefully than usual.

“Aiieeeee!!” She shrieked, immediately falling to her side in a nervous struggle.

If this keeps up, I might have an accident! She thought with bright red cheeks.

Flannery joined her fellow redhead in howling with frustration.

The anal beads were making and love egg terrorizing her holes were turning her slender legs to jelly.

I can’t take this anymore! I want out of here and see my friends and Pokémon again!

Her bikini was clinging to her hips and breasts. Her constant squirming had made her work up a sweat, not to mention her lovebox was slowly turning moist from the love egg. But with her hands pinned to the ground she had no way of fixing her skimpy attire.

Clair was even worse off, given that the vibrator Latro tied into her snatch was more powerful. And thanks to the painful bite of the nipple clamps, her body was constantly subjected to conflicting stimuli, draining more and more of her strength and willpower.

Thanks to her suspension bondage and the reverse prayer harshly wrenching her arms, the normally calm and confident bluenette had been reduced to a timid and quivering damsel.

This is infinitely worse than my previous position. Back then I could at least do SOMETHING to vent my anger. But right now, I can’t even hit my own time-out switch!

The curvaceous dragon trainer whimpered into her gag as her eye fell on her sealed pokéballs. A deep, dark feeling of dread overcame her.

Are we never getting out of here?!

As the eight prisoners tried to settle into their bondage, a single thought was shared between them:

This is going to be a long five hours...  


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