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“Welcome to your first day on the job, Rookie,” The senior Officer Jenny said to the newest member of the police force, who also shared the same name and appearance as her. “I’m the senior officer in this station, so everyone who works here calls me ‘Chief’. But don’t be afraid to approach one of us with any of your questions on things, I do hope to think that we’re all good friends here!”

“Thank you,” the young police woman replied, blushing faintly from her excitement at starting work. “I’m really psyched to be here!”

“As are we,” another Officer Jenny said, as she joined the pair. “Your very first day is always loads of fun! You get to learn so much while on the job, and at the end there’s the traditional ritual for all the new recruits.”

“You mean the initiation ritual? I thought that was just a tall tale that guest speakers at the academy would tell us about, when each of them came to talk about their first day on the job,” the bluenette said in a slightly surprised tone.

“Oh no, this is something that every single Jenny has to go through, when they first start off on the force, or they have been transferred to another station beyond a certain distance;” the most senior Jenny replied.

“And it’s oodles of fun, every single time that they happen,” the second Jenny continued, “The Chief here has thought up a really great game for our own unique version, all of us who have done it agree on that.”

“I see… So what exactly will I have to do then,” the new Jenny asked curiously, wondering just what they had in store for her.

But her fellow officers just giggled as a reply. “We’ll leave the exact details alone, until the end of the day Rookie, after your working hours have ended. For now, let’s get you set up at your desk and then give you a quick tour of the station.”

After that, Jenny was issued with her own personal badge and id (#54659) and she threw herself into her work.

Her first day absolutely flew by, with her both receiving so many instructions and taking numerous notes on the most important things to remember, her head was almost spinning by the end of it all!

“So, you enjoying your first day on the job Rookie,” the Chief asked her newest member of staff, as the shift drew to a close.

“Oh yes! It’s hard to remember every single minor detail, but I think that I’ll get the hang of it soon enough,” Jenny #54659 replied, taking off her hat for a moment and wiping the sweat off her brow. “On the bright side: everything that I’ve been through today was incredibly interesting and exciting. I can’t wait for tomorrow!”

Hearing this, the Chief smiled warmly. “Good! But we all know it can be a bit much on your first day, so don’t be afraid to approach any of us if you have questions or doubts.”

Nodding her head to show that she understood, Jenny smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind, thanks.”

The Chief then clapped her hands together: “So then Rookie, are you feeling ready for the initiation?”

“Wait, we’re still doing that,” Jenny asked; surprised at this question, while looking at her watch. “I’d thought for sure most of our colleagues would have left for home by now.”

The Chief smiled kindly at her in reply. “Normally they would have done so, but nobody ever wants to miss the welcoming of a new Jenny to our group!”

“It’s really that exciting?” The bluenette asked her boss, her left eyebrow raised, a tad bit sceptical.

The Chief nodded her head: “Oh yes! It’ll be great, trust me.”

“Okay… So what’s the goal then?”

Her superior tapped her own nose in a playful manner. “Hmm, to put it simply: You’re going to have to walk a mile in your partner’s shoes.”

This answer was less than helpful to the young officer, her baffled look clearly visible: “My partner?”

The Chief nodded her head: “Yes.”

Jenny frowned: “But we work alone don’t we? Patrolling the streets and such?”

The Chief shook her head: “Do we really? Think about it a little. We do go out on patrol on our own. But don’t we always have somebody to fall back on, in case of potential trouble?”

“Hmm…” The young Jenny pondered this question for a moment, but then it finally hit her, causing her to slap her head in embarrassment: “Of course, you were talking about all our Pokémon… In my case: Arcanine!”

The Chief smiled and nodded her head: “Exactly.”

Jenny smiled back, before a slightly puzzled expression reformed on her face: “Okay, but I still don’t understand how my Arcanine has anything to do with the initiation.”

But the senior Jenny gave her a calm smile. “Just be patient Rookie, all will be revealed in a little while.” She then got up from the desk. “Now come along to the lunch hall. Work’s over for today. You’ve done a great job already.”

The youngest recruit blushed slightly at the praise. “Okay,” She said cheerfully. “I was done with my initial paperwork anyways.”

“Well done Rookie, I’ll go over it tomorrow,” The Chief replied kindly; as she guided the young Jenny to the mess hall.

Jenny #54659 followed her fellow law enforcer and superior officer to the dining hall, where a small party had been set up complete with balloons, snacks and some - alcohol free- bubbles.

Jenny’s colleagues welcomed her heartily once more and the festivities soon got started. 

About an hour into the party, in which, the senior Jenny walked up to her newest member on the force. She was holding a large white cardboard box with a dark blue ribbon knotted around it to keep the top in place.

“This package contains your outfit for the initiation.” The Chief said to Jenny #54659.

“I have to dress up for it? How cute!” She chimed. 

“It’ll be more than cute. “ Another Jenny giggled, followed by an excited whisper going around the room, as each of the other officers present in the room remembered how they felt when they first laid eyes on the contents of their own special boxes.

The new Jenny eagerly untied the ribbon and opened up the box to discover her costume. She felt both of her eyes grow wide as Pokéballs as it was revealed to her:

Inside was a very strange suit, coloured dark orange and with black flares. It was complete with a set of four paws for the wearer’s hands and feet, a tail which could be inflated to make it bushy and even an unusual mask that could be zipped onto the suit itself.

The outer layer of the suit had been covered with a synthetic fur. As Jenny #54659 ran her hand over it in an experimental manner, she quickly realized that this was to make it feel almost identical to the real deal!

All of this would come together to make the suit’s wearer (in this case, Jenny herself) look exactly like her own trusty Pokémon partner: Arcanine. 

‘This is incredibly realistic looking stuff!’ The young Jenny realized as she ran her thumb over the fur and stroked the deflated tail. ‘And the fabric feels quite comfy to wear as well...’ She then paused, as a sudden thought hit her. ‘They’re not going to make me wear this long term, are they?’ She looked at her fellow officers a little nervously.

“What’s wrong?” The chief asked, seeing the nervous expression on her new officer’s face.

Jenny #54659 shook her head: “Its n-nothing. I just didn’t expect the suit to be so... realistic.”

One of the other Jenny’s wrapped her arm around Jenny #54659 to help her relax. “It’s high quality so that you’ll be comfortable when moving around in it.”

“The idea is to make you walk a mile in your partner’s shoes. It should help to give you a much better understanding of your Pokémon and deepen your bond with it,” The Chief added to the explanation.

“By having me get dressed up like one?” Jenny #54659 asked timidly, still feeling slightly flustered by the overall concept which was being presented to her here.

The Chief nodded her head at this: “And acting the part.”

#54659 blinked, feeling totally blindsided by this latest answer, despite everything: “What?”

“We will be making you perform the basic training of a Growlithe or other canine Pokémon: running up ramps and such,” her boss answered gently.

Jenny #54659 just shook her head at this latest twist in the situation. “Really? Sounds… odd.”

“I know it sounds strange, but you’d be surprised by just how effective it really is,” the Chief replied. “Trust me; we have all been through the exact same thing before.”

“If you say so… Guess I’ll go get changed then,” The turquoise haired woman replied.

Jenny #54659 quickly retreated to the changing rooms and then slowly removed her police uniform, unbuttoning her shirt and stepping out of her high heels, and skirt after that.

When she had stripped down to just her plain white underwear, revealing her lovely hourglass figure and long shapely legs in the process, she pulled the suit out of the box and held it out in front of her.

“This thing looks like it would barely fit me… Is it really going to stretch out that far?” She wondered out loud.

But since her colleagues had been adamant it would fit her, she stepped into the bottom half first.

As her legs slid into the skin tight suit the fabric clung to her smooth skin. The inside of the costume felt quite comfortable on her skin, if not a bit tight and the sensation reminded her of a latex glove, but one which was covering her lower body. After pulling it up all the way to her waist and moving her legs and ass about a little, the dark orange suit settled into place.

Jenny #54659 now examined herself in the mirror, turning her back and looking over her shoulder in a curious manner, blushing as she saw just how well it fitted her. “Oh God! My ass looks really good in this!” She then gasped softly.

‘JENNY! What are you thinking of right now?! You’re still at work!’

In a hurry to get that lewd comment out of her mind, the bluenette now quickly slipped both of her arms into those of the suit and began pulling the top half into place. This part of the outfit was just as figure hugging as the bottom, firmly hugging her fulsome chest and accentuating her slender waist.

After zipping up the whole suit and covering up the zipper with the special flap on her back, she then pulled out the small hand pump lying in the bottom of the box and pumped up the tail.

Once that was done, Jenny then stood in front of the mirror again to inspect herself. “I’m starting to see the resemblance a little more,” she mused to herself, briefly twirling in front of her reflection and making the inflated tail wag about excitedly.

‘Ok then… Next up is the mask, I guess.’

This was filled up with foam rubber to help ensure that it would keep its shape. But the inside of it was rather comfortable, and the mouth area even allowed for movement, so she could still speak!

After zipping the mask into the suit, keeping it secured in place, she looked down at the box. There were only the four paws left lying inside, along with a collar sized to fit around her neck comfortably, this collar having a nametag with the name ‘Rookie’ engraved upon it.

After buckling this collar around her neck, while blushing the whole time, the bluenette picked the paws up and gave each of these a quick squeeze. They also had foam fillings to sustain their shape and provide comfort. After she had slipped her right hand into the matching front paw, she then tried to flex her individual fingers as a brief experiment.

It was like operating your hand while it was inside of a really bulky mitten. Gripping onto things while wearing both of these front ‘paws’ would certainly be quite the challenge, but not totally impossible.

“I guess moving around wouldn’t be that hard wearing this,” Jenny said to the Arcanine in the mirror that had replaced her normal reflection, turning around one last time to inspect the full outfit.

Standing on her feet, it was quite obvious that she was a human in a costume. But the outfit was so incredibly life-like, when she knelt down on all fours, it genuinely seemed like she was looking at the reflection of an Arcanine!

‘This suit… it is incredible.’ She thought to herself, feeling an oddly warm and fuzzy feeling bubbling up inside of her.

*Knock knock*

“Rookie? Are you alright in there?” The chief asked in a slightly concerned tone.

“Oh- oh yes!” The bluenette replied hastily, quickly jumping to her feet again. “I just finished getting dressed,” she added as she rushed to the door and fumbled about with the knob to let herself out. 

When she walked back out, the others were all waiting for her, eager to see just how she looked in the costume.

Astounding was the word that came to mind for all of them.

“You look adorable!” The middle Jenny complimented, to which her chief and fellow police officers nodded in agreement.

‘Not exactly the way I’d describe myself,’ the youngest officer thought nervously. After noticing all of her colleagues glancing up and down her suit, she was starting to think that maybe the suits tight fit did a little TOO well in showing off her lovely curves.

“So, ready for your basic training course?” The chief asked the suited woman with a bright smile.

“I suppose,” Jenny said timidly. She’d done the trainer course countless times before, back when her Arcanine was still a young Growlithe, but it had always been from the other side of the obstacles!

“I’ll be your guide for this,” The second Jenny said with a soft smile, “whilst our Chief times you.”

“This will be timed?” Jenny blinked; all this seemed like a lot of work for a simple initiation rite.

“But of course! It’ll a bit of a friendly competition between fellow female officers!” The senior Jenny giggled. “Don’t you want to see how you match up to the others?”

“I hadn’t quite thought of it like that,” The young officer replied. “Okay, let’s do this!”

“Great! Let’s all head for the training hall then.” Her chief replied enthusiastically.

As the group of young women made their way to the obstacle course, one of the other officers now nudged #54659. “Oh by the way: from now on, no talking okay?”


“You’re not supposed to talk when you’re ‘in character’, so to speak.”

“Why not?”

“Well you’re an Arcanine now, aren’t you? They can’t talk.”


“Hush now. Or do we need to use a muzzle to help you remember this rule?”

While Jenny still wanted to ask some more questions, she also wasn’t willing to risk the chance that they would actually follow through with the threat of muzzling her! So, she just folded her arms and nodded briefly to show that she understood what she’d been told. “Hmrr…”

“Much better,” The senior Jenny giggled.

The Chief joined in on the teasing. “You’re free to bark of course.”

“Hihihi, oh please do!” Another of the Jenny’s pleaded. 

The dressed up young officer frowned slightly at the reactions of her colleagues. ‘Are they making fun of me?!’

Luckily the Chief soon cleared things up for her. “Don’t worry so much about all the teasing my dear; they’re all just really excited, because it’s been so long since we’ve had a new member on the force down here. You won’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

The calm, confident manner in which her superior officer spoke now helped to settle Jenny’s nerves. “Thanks Chief,” she said softly.

The Jenny who was walking alongside her pulled on her tail again. “Ah ah aahhn,” she giggled softly, while wagging her finger in a chiding manner: “No talking!”

Jenny #54659 couldn’t help but chuckle herself at this situation. Somehow the yanking of her tail had seemed… comical.

“Arf!” She barked playfully, making everyone cheer for her.

Jenny blushed beneath her mask at this. ‘These girls might not have any ill intentions after all…’

The group of young blue haired officers soon made it to the basic Growlithe training course.

“Okay Jenny, time for you to take up your position. On all fours, of course.” The second in command told her.

Jenny #54659 felt her eyes widen for a moment at this comment. But the answer soon clicked.

‘Obviously, I’d have to do this on all fours. An Arcanine or Growlithe is a wolf-like Pokémon after all…’

“Arf,” she replied, trying to adhere to her character. Her willingness to play along was something that all of her colleagues appreciated greatly!

One of other officers took up their position next to the starting line, where Jenny #54659 had stood countless times, when training her Growlithe.

The bluenette gingerly waddled over to the starting line.

“You ready?” The chief asked.

She nodded, before mentally face-palming for breaking character. But nobody seemed to mind.

“Three, two, one… go!”

Jenny took off like a greyhound out of a track. She rushed up the small ramp and ran along the narrow plank, gingerly putting down her paws, so she wouldn’t lose her balance.

Her tail wagged playfully as she hurried along, making her audience giggle softly.

“You’re doing great girl,” they encouraged Jenny #54659 as she headed for the tunnel. It was sized for an Arcanine so she had no trouble worming her way through. Although her hips rubbing along the hard plastic did make her feel strangely… hot under the collar.

The latex suit was pulling at her hips as she moved, with such force it began wedging itself and her panties into her lower lips! Every step she took was sending a pleasurable ripple down her spine.


Before she’d realized what she was doing, Jenny had groaned softly into her mask, shocking herself to a standstill.

‘Did they hear?!’ She turned to look at the audience, but they were still cheering her on. She began to feel both flustered and excited, all at the same time!

She slowly began moving again, briefly turning to the Jenny who was guiding her, wondering if she’d heard that moan. But that one was still completely into their game as well.

“Well done!” Her ‘handler’ complimented as she guided her along the next part of the course, towards the second ramp. “Up you go!”

The bluenette Arcanine smirked behind her foam rubber mask at this reply. ‘Thank God! I got away with it.’

“Arf!” Jenny barked out loud. She was getting really into it, more so than she’d ever expected!

She bounded up the walkway, almost jumping the last few feet as she reached the highest point in the obstacle course. From there she looked down at a brightly smiling Jenny.

“You’re doing great! Just a few more obstacles!” Her guide encouraged her.

“Arf arf!” Jenny cheered back, moving on to jump onto a large mat and rolling to break her fall.

The latex creaked as it clung to her body, the whole of her outfit remained snugly fitted into place.

“Well done girl!” The Jenny from the side-lines cheered, as did the audience and the chief.

Jenny #54659 was blushing heavily beneath her mask. ‘They’re teasing me, aren’t they?’

“Come on now Rookie, you’re in the final stretch,” Her handler yelled, pointing towards the zig-zag stretch and the training dummy the Pokémon was supposed to tackle at the end.

The adrenaline coursing through Jenny’s body was pumping her up more than during her own training! She dashed towards the thick pillars as fast as she could, flanking them left and right as she zigged and zagged as fast as her legs and arms could carry her.

The faster she moved, the hotter she felt inside the suit. But she didn’t care about that anymore; she didn’t even care about how strange she must have looked to the others. Right now, she truly felt like an Arcanine!

‘This must be what the others were on about… It’s exciting. Actually, it’s amazing good fun!’

Jenny cleared the zigzag stretch and leaped at the dummy with all her strength, knocking it over and then straddling it with her body like the Pokémon were supposed to do, representing them pinning a dangerous crook.

“Time!” Her guide yelled, after which the Chief stopped the clock.

Jenny #54659 was panting hard as she walked off the stage. She was by no means out of shape, but running on all fours had somehow felt far more tiring and straining on the muscles, then using just her legs. When she joined the others, she was too fatigued to get back up to her feet for the first few minutes. For that matter, it didn’t help that she was still feeling strangely aroused…

Luckily for her, the others just interpreted it as her remaining in character.

“Wow,” the Chief suddenly remarked, after looking over her notes. “Your time is second best, only a second and a half after my own!”

The rest of the women present gasped in awe.  “That’s amazing,” one of them said.

“Looks like you’ve got quite the knack for this kind of thing Rookie,” The chief teased #54659.

“Y-yes, I suppose,” The young Jenny replied timidly, shifting on her legs and arms a little. She was starting to recover and now tried to get to her feet. “Can I get out of this thing now?” She asked.

But to her shock, one of the others pressed down her back to keep her down on the ground.

“Not yet, we’ll be grooming you now.” The second in command said enthusiastically, as she and the others kneeled beside her.

“WHAT?!” Jenny yelped in shock. “Is that really necessary?

“Of course! You’ll love it!” The chief assured her.

The group began petting and brushing Jenny, who squirmed about a little, since her body still felt so sensitive from running around in the skin-tight latex suit.

‘Aaahh! Don’t get any closer,’ she thought nervously to herself, as her fellow officers’ hands slowly caressed her back and hips, getting ever closer to her erogenous zones.

‘I can’t tell them why though!’ She realized. ‘I’ll just have to grin and bear it.’

Jenny #54659 clenched her teeth slightly, in order to stop herself from groaning like she had done on the obstacle course, praying fervently the petting session was almost over.

“I never tire of seeing someone in these suits,” one of the others remarked. “It’s always so lifelike.”

“I know what you mean,” the second in command replied. “I still remember when I had to wear it, it made me feel strangely excited, the way I had to run around on all fours!”

“Oh yeah, I totally know what you mean! My heart’s never raced quite like that since,” another Jenny chimed in.

The bluenette in the suit felt her eyes grow wide, as she heard her fellow officers talking about their experiences wearing their own suits. ‘So I’m not the only one who felt like this. It’s perfectly natural.’

“Okay girls, I think the Rookie’s had quite enough of our teasing now.” The chief said. “Now we just have to take the group photo, so I can add it to the others.”

“What?!” Jenny #54659 yelped in shock. “You’re going to take a picture of me wearing this suit?!”

“Of course. We all have one of them.” The Jenny sat to the right of her replied. “We’ll show you the full collection later on.”

The group of women now gathered around their ‘Arcanine’ and posed for the picture.

The young officer forced herself to smile, only realizing a few seconds later that the Arcanine mask hid her face from view anyways.

“Alright, let’s get you back to the dressing room and then we can have one last drink together.” The chief said after the picture was taken.

“Yes please,” Jenny #54659 replied, hurrying along quickly.

“Will you be needing a hand in getting out of the suit?” One of the Jenny’s offered helpfully.

“N-no thanks, I think I can manage it,” The bluenette replied nervously. ‘The last thing that I need is someone spotting just how excited I am after getting…’

With the grooming and photoshoot over, the group of police officers returned to the lunch hall and left Jenny head into the dressing room, to put on her uniform again.

When the Arcanine suit came off, an incredible feeling of liberation now filled the young officer. Her laboured breathing eased up, her legs began trembling and her entire body felt submerged in some manner of warm glow.

“I didn’t realize how tight this suit was,” she murmured to herself as she carefully placed it inside the box again.

‘Still… That was exciting. Strangely so,’ she thought to herself as she put on her skirt and top again. 

With her once being again dressed in a professional manner, she couldn’t resist the urge to call out her own Arcanine: Ember.

“Arrrf,” it barked upon seeing her, acting cheerful as ever; as it laid its head on her lap.

Jenny petted the massive hound. “You really had a tough training behind you, didn’t you?”

Ember nudged her: “Arff!”

“Yes, you!” The bluenette mused as she ruffled his manes a little. “My big strong Arcanine!”

As she stroked her Pokémon, the feel of his fur now sent a shiver down her spine, the likes of which she’d never experienced before!

‘This is sort of similar to when the girls were grooming me! It’s just that now I’m on the other side of the treatment.’

Her Arcanine growled in delight as it licked her cheek. He wasn’t entirely certain where this sudden petting came from or what he’d done to deserve it. But Jenny could see in his big brown eyes he was thoroughly grateful for it.

After about 15 minutes of this, then Jenny stored her Arcanine back in its pokéball and re-joined her fellow police officers.

“Had fun petting your Arcanine Rookie?” The chief asked as she gave her a glass of champagne.

“How did you know I was doing that,” she yelped slightly, wondering how they’d known this fact.

The second in command giggled. “That’s what we all did after our initiation. We told you you’d feel closer to him afterwards, didn’t we?”

Jenny #54659 couldn’t stop herself from smiling. “Yes. You did…”

‘And you were right.’

The bluenette enjoyed the rest of her welcoming party greatly and headed home afterwards. To her surprise, she’d received the suit for her to take along home with her. The chief explained that every Officer Jenny who’d worked at this station had received one of these suits themselves, since it would be kind of awkward for the next girl to be asked to put on a previously used one and that each new one was custom made for that particular candidate.

Jenny took the costume home with her and hid it in the bottom of her wardrobe, planning to never put it on again, once was quite enough for her.

But those exasperating feeling she’d experienced running around while dressed as a Pokémon didn’t let go of her just yet, which caused her to have a few fairly interesting nights…

[Three months later]

Jenny #54659 had been working away at her new position as a police officer in the large city near the south of Kanto. It was hard but satisfying work. She’d managed to befriend her fellow police officers and had become quite loved by the people living in the city.

Luckily, the city didn’t suffer much major crime issues, meaning she had been able to slowly ease into her job without too much hassle.

One day though, she had offered to take on the night shift and keep the station open, doing so all by herself. It was a rotational shift, meaning that every Jenny was supposed to be on overnight duty at least once every month. This time however, the Chief had gotten an unexpected call for an important meeting and she would have to head to a neighbouring town the following day, the day that she was meant to take this shift on. Just as she was trying to decide what she was going to do, Jenny #54659 had helpfully offered to take on this task, thus allowing a delighted Chief to leave work early, in order to prepare for her meeting the next day.

At around 4AM, normally the quietest period of the entire night shift, Jenny quietly retreated to the station’s private changing rooms and she opened up her personal locker; after first setting up all of the cameras which covered locations in the station to keep recording their footage on a cycling loop.

Inside her locker, there was a large grey cardboard box. Specifically, it was the cardboard box which contained her Arcanine outfit that she’d been gifted on her first day.

The bluenette’s heartrate rose slightly, as she slowly lifted the lid up and exposed the latex costume once more. She’d been fantasising about this night for weeks already, ever since her last night shift. She’d had to cancel her plans for that night however, due to an unexpected trainer coming in with a need for some assistance.

This night however, all was calm in the city.

After locking the changing rooms for good measure, Jenny pulled one of the pokéballs on her belt off and she brought out her Zoroark, having decided to add a few additional Pokémon to her team over time from other regions in the world, in order to let her deal with situations in a slightly more flexible manner than most officers; since most only had the one Pokémon partner.

“You know what to do,” she asked the black fox-like creature.

Zoroark nodded its head in reply, and a large cloud of smoke suddenly erupted to mask its presence.

When this smokescreen finally dissipated, Jenny was left looking at what most people would consider to be her exact doppelganger, even when you considered the simple fact that all of the women in her family looked quite alike in the first place.

Zoroark had taken on the form of its trainer. The two of them had spent quite a while training for this kind of situation, with Jenny teaching her Pokémon to copy all her movements and nervous tics, even her manner of speech… everything that it would need to help pass as herself.

“Just like we’ve rehearsed it,” The Zoroark Jenny said to its trainer.

“Good. Let’s get started then,” the bluenette replied, as she quickly stripped down to her underwear.

The Zoroark then helped her to suit up in the costume. However, unlike that first time that she’d put on this suit, her Pokémon then locked the mask and paws onto the main part of the costume; using several small but sturdy padlocks, effectively trapping her inside of it! Another chance from the last time was the nametag on the collar secured around her neck, which read ‘Flare’, instead of ‘Rookie’… 

Zoroark then placed the keys to all of these padlocks inside a small but strong lockbox, with a timer lock built into it, the timer set so that it wouldn’t open up again until after 2 hours had passed, thus ensuring that its trainer would be stuck wearing the Arcanine costume until this timer had run out.

The young police officer then started to crawl through the empty station to patrol about it while she was suited up like this, her final destination being the more advanced obstacle course for Pokémon, shivering slightly at the gentle clinking sound that the padlocks holding everything in place made; as her Zoroark walked alongside her, it keeping an eye out for any potential complications.

“So then, you are you sure you want to go through with this plan of yours? We can ease into this a bit more slowly, if you want to,” the Pokémon Jenny asked her partner.

Jenny nodded her head in response to the question posed by her double, she had made her plan and she was going to stick with it. “Arf!”

This time around, Jenny didn’t even need to remember that she had to phrase her replies to keep in character. She had fitted a high quality voice changer into the mask (one which could be switched on or off via a remote, to allow her speak normally while dressed up); so it would transform her every single word, or even any human sounds that she might unintentionally made, into Arcanine sounds!

“Very well then Flare, we will run this obstacle course and let you experience the life of a Pokémon,” her Zoroark said, taking up position alongside the starting line. “I’ll guide you through it.”

Jenny nodded her head, got into a starting position and wriggled her hips about to warm up. Already the feeling of excitement from her last performance like this was beginning to well up again.

Zoroark now held up their illusionary hand where it was visible to her: “Ready… GO!”

“Arf!” Jenny shot off, rushing towards the hard plastic tunnel that curved and had a slight incline.

The slender officer shimmied through the narrow tunnel, a pleasurable shiver running down her spine as her hip brushed against the plastic from time to time.

When she emerged from the pipe, Jenny reached a ramp which led to a rope bridge. 

“Good girl Flare!” The Zoroark said from the side-lines. “Keep going!”

Jenny hurried up, but had to slow down halfway up the ramp. This was because part of her reward system had kicked in: A small vibrating pebble hidden away inside her pussy.

Jenny had instructed her Pokémon to activate the vibe for just 30 seconds, every time she cleared a hurdle on the obstacle course, in order to help motivate her onwards.

“Hmnnn!” The bluenette groaned as a warm glow started to emerge between her thighs.

‘Not just yet! I still have to finish the course.’

She forced her legs to move, despite their trembling, and soon made her way onto the rope bridge.

“Careful now!” The Zoroark Jenny from the side-lines warned. “Watch your step.”

“Arf Arrf!” The bluenette replied, as she tried to say ‘I know’.

Jenny very calmly traversed the rope bridge, using the limited grip that her paws provided to cling onto the bulky ropes. Mercifully, the sensations the vibe had given her had died down by now.

However, the moment she made it to the other side, Zoroark activated it again.

“Grrrrr!” She moaned, which got turned into a growl by her mask.

‘This feels so good!’ She thought to herself, freezing in place rather than risk having an accident by moving onto the next challenge with her currently unsure footing.

After a minute, Jenny #54659 had gotten her breathing under control again and walked over to the next part of the course: three platforms spaced several feet apart from each other and every new one a few feet lower than the previous one. The Pokémon were supposed to leap from platform to platform and make it back down to ground level that way.

Of course, for a human dressed in a latex suit, that was quite a challenge. But Jenny bravely waddled backwards, got a small run up and leapt toward the first platform.

As she soared through the air for those few seconds, a marvellous liberating feeling overcame her, only enforced by her graceful landing on the padded floor of the first pillar.

However, as she took up position to make her second jump, the vibe kicked back in!

“Ahoooow!!” She howled in surprise, startled by the sudden pleasure spike.

Apparently Zoroark had interpreted that single successful jump as being worthy of a reward, whereas Jenny had expected to get her next dose at the end of the platforms.

“Hmn, hmn, hmnnnrrr,” she groaned softly, crouching down and huddling up to ride out the buzzing sensation between her legs, to avoid falling off the platform.

‘Two more of these before I can even go and take the last hurdle? I might not make it to the end of this course!’

She began calling out to her Pokémon to leave the vibe off for the next few jumps. But of course, her mask translated her attempt into pre-recorded barks, meaning it was just gibberish for Zoroark.

I’m just going to have to endure this…’ The bluenette thought to herself after the buzzing had died down again.

After taking a few deep breaths, she rushed to the edge of her platform and jumped onto the second one.

And sure enough…


The vibe kicked in again.

‘Aaahhhh!!!’ She mewled silently to herself, while biting into her lower lip to keep her climax from bursting forth.

Her breathing had been reduced to excited puffs by now, and her thighs were clenched together so tightly the tail had begun propping itself up a little.

‘This suit… The feeling’s even more powerful this time around than it was the first!’

Jenny didn’t have time to think anymore, her gaze was fixed on the long, narrow road that followed after jumping down from the last platform and the massive hoop that she had to jump through and reach the end of the course.

‘Three… two… one……. NOW!’

She made another run up with whatever strength she had left in her body and jumped the last gap to land on the largest and lowest of the three platforms.


There went the vibe once more.

But Jenny didn’t let herself settle down to endure the buzzing. This time around, she made full use of her momentum to leap over to the final platform with a considerable amount of speed, then made a dash along the walkway; using her speed to help keep her balance.

The buzzing made all her limbs turn weak from all the stimulation, but she kept going onwards, with gritted teeth and sheer determination fuelling her efforts.

‘Almost there!’

The vibrations had barely died down when she launched herself through the hoop and landed on the massive soft mat that marked the ending point of the obstacle course.

And that of course meant the vibe was activated, to reward her again.

“Hmnnn!” Jenny groaned, squirming on the mat in pure frustration. The vibe and the suit were doing wonders for her arousal levels, but it just wasn’t enough to help her finish off!

With the blue haired police officer writhing around, still trapped in her skin-tight suit, Zoroark walked up to its trainer; still in disguise, to carry out its final directive of the evening:

Should Jenny have finished the course below the 5-minute benchmark set for trainee Pokémon, it was to pet and fondle the bluenette.

So Zoroark knelt beside its trainer and started stroking her back soothingly.

“You did a great job Flare,” Jenny dimly heard being whispered in her own voice, “Good girl.”

“Aarrrww,” Jenny moaned in delight, rolling onto her back so Zoroark could stroke her belly.

‘More!’ She thought hungrily.

Pokémon Jenny started caressing her tummy, slowly nearing Jenny’s lovebox.

“Hmnn! Hmmnnn!!” She mewled needily, bucking her hips to coax the hand nearer.

Zoroark responded and began gently pressing Jenny’s swollen labia, empowering the vibrations that were still raging inside of her.

‘Almost there… I’m- I’m going to-‘

“Awoooooo!!!” Jenny literally howled as her climax surged. Once it was over, the bluenette slumped down on the ground, panting heavily as she looked up at her mirror image, while she wondered how much time had passed during the whole experience.

“10 more minutes, until the timer on the lockbox runs out,” Zoroark Jenny replied. “Can you get up?”

Jenny #54659 nodded, after finally catching her breath, and rolled herself back onto all fours; slowly waddling towards the changing rooms.

Once in there, she spotted her reflection in the standing mirror. She was still the spitting image of an Arcanine. But somehow, at the same time the orange and black suit that clung so tightly to her body was making her look and feel more feminine than ever before.

Jenny felt another shiver run down her spine as the timer ran out.


“I’ll let you out now.” Zoroark replied as he opened up the lockbox and took out the various keys.

“Arrf,” Jenny replied, as she lifted up her front paws to let them be detached from the suit; so that she could take the costume off.

‘It’s over…’

The bluenette felt relieved and disappointed at the same time, as she took off the suit and changed back into her uniform. This little roleplay had been everything she’d expected of it… But at the same time, she still felt a little bit desperate for more intensity.

[Two weeks after Jenny made her lap of the training course]

Jenny was at home during the daytime, enjoying a day off from her police work. 

But when evening rolled around, she started getting excited again. It was now finally time for her to initiate the new kinky plan that she had been carefully planning out for herself over the past week.

She called out her Zoroark again, who immediately assumed the form of its trainer, without an order; having been in on the planning process from the start.

“You’re certain that you want to go through with this plan?”

“Yes,” The blue haired woman replied firmly, as she once again retrieved the latex Arcanine costume from her wardrobe.

Jenny was planning to let herself be locked into her Arcanine suit once again by Zoroark, but instead of her acting like a Pokémon while in the safety of the police department’s private training course or at home, she would be getting her kicks from having a little walk outside; while still wearing the suit!

It was the perfect way for her to lift things to an even higher level than ever before. Her Zoroark had grown even better at impersonating her over the past two weeks, so much so that it should be quite possible for it to pose as her trainer, whilst Jenny herself lived out the part of an Arcanine.

The bluenette was fairly certain that an on-duty officer Jenny walking her Arcanine around wouldn’t arouse any suspicion. It was a fairly calm Thursday evening as well, meaning that she shouldn’t meet too many people anyways.

The plan was perfect for as far as Jenny #54659 thought, so much that she’d spent her entire day off looking forward to sundown, since she knew that her walking about in broad daylight like this would be way too reckless.

Thus, the young police officer had spent her day reading a nice book, taking a long relaxing bath and grooming her real Arcanine.

But now it was finally time for her to play the part of a Pokémon… in public.

Jenny retreated to the bathroom and stripped down, all the way this time. She had always planned to slip the vibrating egg inside her snatch and then put her comfy black cotton underwear back on. But as she looked over her nude body in the bathroom mirror, a powerful urge to slip into the latex suit totally naked overcame her.

‘The suit is pretty supportive and warm anyways. I won’t be uncomfortable wearing it nude. In fact, it might even feel better…’

Her nipples already began to harden as she then stepped into the costume’s legs and pulled them up towards her hips, the tight latex clinging to her smooth and supple skin, hugging her slender legs and tight bum.

Moving about, Jenny now gasped, as the cool latex rode up right into her lower lips; without anything in-between them to help dampen the intense feeling.


The young police woman hurriedly zipped herself into the rest of the suit, put on the mask and paws and padded out of her bathroom, already on all fours.

Zoroark clicked the small padlocks into place that helped to keep the four paws and mask securely in place and placed away the keys again inside the leatherette case. “It will be for 4 hours this time, just like you asked.”

“Arf!” Jenny nodded in reply, her speech once again translated into barks by the device in her mask.

“And you’re certain you want me to take the remote with me?” The Pokémon confirmed once more, hinting at the remote control for the vibrator egg.

“Arrrf!” The bluenette replied enthusiastically. She was looking forward to that almost as much as to the walk outside. This was because over time Zoroark had become much better at judging the correct timing for sexually teasing its trainer.

“Very well, shall we head out then?” The transformed Zoroark offered as he now opened up the door to let ‘Arcanine’ out.

She bounded onto the pavement and barked at ‘Jenny’ to follow her.

“Hihi, now calm down there Flare. We’ve got plenty of time,” The Zoroark replied, as it locked up the house and followed the ‘Arcanine’ along the pavement.

As the pair strolled down the moonlit streets, Jenny moaned in delight as her entire body started tingling with excitement.


She started slightly, as her vibrator kicked now into action.

‘Thanks, Zoroark. You really have gotten better at this,’ she thought happily as she slowed briefly, then began walking a bit faster, eager to get to the park.

When the two arrived at the park, it was practically abandoned, apart from one or two joggers who were doing laps; with these being not close enough to suspect anything.

“So, will we play fetch now?” Zoroark Jenny offered, trying to take things gradually.

Jenny nodded her head, curious to see what the game would be like from this side of things: “Arf!”

“Okay.” The bluenette replied, taking out a tennis ball and throwing it out into the field. It also deactivated the vibrator for now, allowing Jenny to speed after the ball as fast as she could.

The reflective strips on the tennis ball bounced the moon and streetlights back, making it easy to see it land in the short grass of the park.

Jenny basically skipped over, relishing the feeling of the bodysuit hugging all of her curves tightly, as her breasts bounced about happily and the inflatable tail wagged excitedly.

‘Where is it? I saw it fall around here…’

The bluenette spent a minute or two running around on the grass, trying to find the location of the ball. But then, when that liberating moment arrived when she spotted it, her face lit up.

‘Got it!’

“Arf!” A yelp of excitement had escaped her as she bowed down and clenched the suit’s jaw around the tennis ball.

She quickly began running back towards her Zoroark, her head held high with pride.

However, when the Pokémon in disguise noticed she’d found the tennis ball:


There the vibe was again.

“Ah!” Jenny yelped, dropping the ball in surprise. She had expected to receive a vibrator session when she returned, not during her walk back!

‘This one’s even more powerful than the one from last time!’

By the time she’d returned the tennis ball to her trainer, poor Jenny was already on the verge of climaxing. “Hmnnn,” she grunted softly, pawing at her trainer’s knee for it to shut off the vibe.

‘Jenny blinked in surprise at this: “You want it off?”

“Awoo!” Jenny howled, forced by the mask.

“Alright then,” Zoroark replied, sounding genuinely confused.

First she teaches me to use it, now she doesn’t want it on for longer than a minute at a time… Trainers are odd beings.

“Should we play more catch then?”

“Arf arf!” Jenny replied cheerfully, already turning around and ready to chase after the ball.

Zoroark chucked it a bit further now, allowing for the bluenette to now enjoy a proper run in her suit.

And Jenny loved every second. The way the wind blew past her almost naked body, the grass tickling her legs and arms a little... 

Now I understand why my Arcanine is so fond of just roaming around in this park!

While Jenny was searching for the tennis ball again, Zoroark carefully turned on the vibe once more. It planned to shut it off the moment its trainer located the ball, assuming the reward system would work more slightly efficiently that way.

Sadly, it soon became distracted by an approaching Pokémon trainer. It was a young girl, who was in obvious distress.

“Oh thank God, officer Jenny I need your help!” She said, her voice trembling and her eyes on the verge of tearing up.

“W-who me?!” Zoroark stammered nervously. It then realized that this human was mistaking it for its trainer, due to its disguise being so effective!

“Of course, you require my assistance. Officer Jenny’s assistance,” it corrected itself, all while it tried to sound more confident.

The young girl looked a little bit puzzled at this odd response, but didn’t pay any more attention to it because she was in a hurry to explain her problem.

“My Pokémon has run away,” she yelped. 

Zoroark’s eyes went wide, its illusion of Jenny doing the same: “What?!”

The girl nodded tearfully: “My Pidgey, it flew off in a panic earlier today!”

“Explain yourself,” Zoroark replied, speaking a little bit more sternly than it should have. “A Pokémon wouldn’t abandon its trainer unless it was being mistreated,” It added on, determined to hold high its own pride of being Officer Jenny’s Pokémon partner.

“W-we were just playing in the park when a wild Fearrow made a ruckus. My Pidgey tried to protect me but was blown away by a whirlwind attack. Another trainer helped me fend it off, but my poor Pidgey flew off in the confusion. I’ve been looking for it all day but I couldn’t find it.”

The young girl started to well up now. “I-I’m so worried. What if something bad happened to it?”

“Don’t worry dear,” Zoroark replied in a much softer tone, now that it knew this girl had truly cared for her Pokémon and it wasn’t due to mistreatment that it’d vanished. “Me and my tr- Pokémon will help you find it,” The disguised Pokémon replied.

Meanwhile, Jenny had found the tennis ball and taken it in her mouth. She had expected the vibe to wear off when she did. But it kept buzzing away.

When Jenny turned around to see what the problem was, the bluenette was so startled by what she was seeing, she dropped the ball again.

‘Zoroark is talking to a girl?! What’s going on?!’

Jenny rushed back over to her Pokémon as fast as she could now, her anxiety helping to stave off the burning climax.

“Arf arf!” She barked, which was a real relief when she realized what she’d almost done in her panic.

‘Thank God I had that voice modulator built in. I almost called out to Zoroark, exposing myself to that young girl!’

Soon enough, Jenny reached Zoroark and the young trainer.

“Is this your Arcanine?” The trainer asked what she thought to be Officer Jenny.

“… Yes.” The Zoroark replied after it realized who the girl was addressing. “We were just having some fun in the park, it likes that quite a bit.”

Jenny sighed into her mask. Zoroark is doing a good job. But why is this girl here?

“Right, we should go and look for your Pidgey.” Zoroark said, hoping this would clue in Jenny enough for her to remain calm for a while.

Sadly, Jenny’s Zoroark was so focused on handling this situation; it never thought to shut off the vibe.

“Thank you so much officer,” the young girl said, looking and sounding extremely relieved now.

‘You’re going to help her out?!’ Jenny now thought to herself; feeling partly proud at the fact that her Zoroark was acting just like a true police officer would, and partly panicked at the thought she might be exposed, the longer that this young girl stuck around them both. ‘How?!’

In her distress, the young bluenette had completely forgotten that Zoroark had taken along her other Pokémon. The balls had been attached to her belt, so when Zoroark Jenny put it on, he had taken all of her other partners along for the ride.

Using the motion Zoroark had seen its trainer use so many times before, the fake Jenny reached for her hip and grasped the first pokéball in the line.

“Arff!” Jenny barked, or rather yelped.

‘Not that one! That’s Ember’s Pokéball!’

Both the trainer and Zoroark looked over at her in surprise, but the clever transforming fox quickly understood Jenny’s hint. Or rather, he spotted the wide shocked eyes and quickly worked out what she was worried about. It then reached for the next ball down, took it and threw it up into the air.

“Come out on Athena!”

With a flash of white light, Athena, Jenny’s Pidgeotto materialized.

“Chiiirrrp!” The large bird chirped loudly as it turned around to look at ‘Jenny’ and ‘Arcanine’ in turn. And immediately, it felt extreme confused.

Because whatever way Pidgeotto looked at the situation, it was clearly Zoroark who was holding onto its pokéball, while its actual trainer was kneeling down, dressed as an Arcanine?!

On reflex, it flew towards ‘Arcanine’ to perch in front of it and take commands from her. Jenny’s eyes shot wide open upon seeing this. ‘No, now’s not the time Athena!’ 

“Arf!” Athena flinched, backing away again, hovering briefly as she waited to see what was going on.

“Athena, come over here and leave Flare alone!” Zoroark now quickly took control of the situation, causing the masked bluenette to sigh in relief. ‘Thank Arceus! You are really on the ball tonight!’

Athena now looked at ‘Jenny’, then over at ‘Arcanine’, it clearly wondering just what was going on here. The bluenette in her latex suit nodded fervently, praying that the young trainer wasn’t looking at her.

‘Go on, listen to Zoroark for now. I’ll explain everything later.’

Since its trainer seemed okay with the situation, her pleading eyes hinting at Athena to turn towards Zoroark, it did just that. The fox Pokémon seemed in control of the situation anyways.

“Pidgeotto, please fly around the park and surroundings. We’re trying to locate a distressed Pidgey. It’s likely hiding in one of the threes.”

“Chirrrp!” The pigeon Pokémon replied, dashing off at high speed.

“It won’t be long before he finds your Pidgey.” Zoroark Jenny assured the young girl standing next to her. “J- I train my Pokémon extraordinarily well.”

Jenny was grateful her mask was so bulky, because it helped hide the vivid blush that was starting to burn up on her face from the praise Zoroark was giving her.

‘Do you really mean that,’ she wondered.

“I hope so.” The young girl replied, now finally laying eyes on the Arcanine beside the police woman. “From the looks of your Arcanine, you’re not bluffing either. It’s extremely well behaved.”

Jenny started slightly upon hearing this reply; all eyes were aimed at her now!

And with the pressure of not being discovered suddenly higher than ever, she could no longer ignore how hard that vibrator egg was buzzing.

“Your Arcanine looks amazing. Its fur is almost shining,” the young brunette remarked as she stroked Jenney’s back.

“Arrrrff!” The bluenette groaned lowly, a sound which the voice modulator she was using thankfully picked up and transformed into a less lewd noise.

As she heard this, the girl let out a soft giggle: “Hihi, it’s adorable!”

Zoroark couldn’t help but grin at its trainer. “Yes, she is.”

‘Zoroark! Don’t tease me like this!’ Jenny thought, biting her tongue to suppress yet another moan.

But she was forced to maintain her role in front of this young woman, so she now nudged her head against the woman’s hand, just like her real Arcanine would do.

“Hihi, good girl!” The brunette giggled at this.

Meanwhile, further back Jenny’s legs were shivering slightly as her climax began bubbling beneath the surface.

“Is something wrong there?” The young Pokémon trainer asked worried as she spotted Jenny’s tail trembling uncontrollably. “You’re not feeling scared of me, are you,” The girl remarked in disbelief.

“Oh my-“ Zoroark yelped as it finally clicked. ‘The remote control,’ it realized immediately, reaching into her pouch and discreetly shutting it off.

“Awooo!” Jenny howled, both for real and through her mask. FINALLY! I thought I was going to pass out from all that stimulation!

“Don’t mind her, she’s just feeling a little frisky.” Zoroark lied. “I haven’t been able to take her out for a walk in some time.

The trainer nodded her head, buying this explanation. “Busy with work?”

Zoroark gave her a gentle smile: “Yes, actually… I only recently started working here, so there’s been a lot to get used to.”

“I can imagine.”

“But my Pokémon have been a big help.”

‘That they have.’ The pet playing bluenette thought happily, rubbing her side against Zoroark to ask for some gentle petting.

“You and your Pokémon share a deep connection.” The girl complimented as Zoroark petted its trainer’s head. “I can tell.”

“She is my dearest partner.” Zoroark replied. “I love her very much, all of my Pokémon actually… Just like my Pokémon surely love me.”

Jenny’s eyes grew wide inside of her mask at this surprising reply. ‘Is Zoroark just replying in the way that she thinks that I’d reply, or do my Pokémon really feel that strongly about me?’

God Jenny wished they were at home right now, where she would be able to speak freely and ask her Zoroark just how much of what it had been saying here was true.

The conversation was cut short however by Pidgeotto’s loud chirps. It had located the Pidgey!

“Let’s go Arcanine!” Zoroark Jenny said, now running off in the direction the sound was coming from, making a flustered Jenny chase after ‘her trainer’.

“Wait for me!” The young girl yelled, running after Jenny and the Arcanine.

After a five-minute sprint, Jenny and Zoroark caught up with Pidgeotto, who was hovering around a large tree at the edge of the park.

“In here?” Zoroark Jenny asked the pigeon Pokémon.

Athena nodded her head: “Chiiirp!”

“Well done!” The Pokémon in disguise replied, pulling out another pokéball. “Gardevoir, come out!”

A beautiful female Gardevoir appeared, looking at Zoroark first and then Jenny.

Initially, it seemed just as confused as Pidgeotto. But its higher intellect (and telepathy) allowed for it to grasp the situation without needing a single hint about what it had to do. It turned to Zoroark just as the brunette Pokémon trainer arrived at their side.

“Gardevoir, can you levitate up there and try to coax the Pidgey down from the tree? It seems to be really scared, so we’ll need your calming presence.”

The graceful Pokémon nodded calmly, and flew up to disappear into the dense foliage.

After a few quiet seconds, panicked and high-pitched chirping could be heard.

“Don’t hurt it!” The young girl cried up into the branches, looking worried. “It’s just scared.”

Zoroark placed a hand on her shoulder. “Do not worry. They can handle it without doing any harm.”

Pidgeotto now flew into the tree as well, hoping to assist Gardevoir in calming the Pidgey down.

The chirping slowly quietened down, until eventually no sound at all came from the tree.

“… Pidgey?” The young trainer whimpered nervously.

With a great rustling of the leaves, a small brown flash suddenly dashed out from the branches. After making a half loop in mid-air, the tiny Pidgey dove straight into the brunette’s bosom, barely slowing down in time not to hurt its trainer.

“Pidgeeey!!” She cried relieved. “Are you okay? I was so worried!”

“Chiirp.” The tiny pigeon Pokémon replied, looking up at its trainer.

“It looks to be unharmed.” Zoroark Jenny remarked.

“Y-Yes it does,” the brunette replied, sobbing softly. “Thank you.”

“No thanks are needed. We were just doing our job.” The blue haired officer replied as her Gardevoir and Pidgeotto landed beside her.

“But still, I can’t tell you how grateful I am!” The girl insisted. “I’ll never forget this.”

“You are very kind to say that,” Zoroark smiled at her. “Now run along, it’s getting late.”

“Okay. Thank you again, officer Jenny!” The girl yelled as she ran off.

The transformed Pokémon continued to wave at the brunette until she was out of sight, after which it returned Pidgeotto and Gardevoir to their pokéballs and turned to its trainer, who was still stuck in her Arcanine suit. “Should we head home now?”

Jenny nodded her head at this question: “Arrf!”

Zoroark let out a sigh: “I’ll take that as a yes. Today has been quite draining. For both of us.”

‘You can say that again!’ The slender young woman thought to herself as the latex suit clung to her body. All the excitement had made her feel hot and sweaty, and the suit was starting to cling to her body even more than usual.

After a slow walk back, Jenny & Zoroark eventually arrived home.

“Arf!” The bluenette barked at her Pokémon, wanting the mask to be removed.

The timer had run out over 15 minutes ago, so Jenny’s helpful Pokémon hurried to open up the case and took out the key that sealed the mask in place and removed it.

“Aaahh! Much better!” She breathed, feeling relived. “This day hasn’t gone at all according to plan, but I feel it was still a success.”

She lifted up a front paw for Zoroark to remove that padlock as well, but to her great astonishment it ignored her and pulled the remote out of her uniform’s pouch.

“Zoroark, what are you going to do?” She asked confused.

“You trained me to use this in order to reward you. Is it not proper you be rewarded after everything you’ve been through, with that other Pokémon trainer?”

“W-wait a minute, I don’t-“


“AAaahhh!!” Jenny shrieked in surprise, sinking to her arms and legs and rolling about on the floor as the vibrator was turned up to a higher setting than ever before.

“Oh God! Oh! Ohhh!” She kept moaning as the climax she’d so painstakingly swallowed down came rushing back to the surface!

“I’m- I’m going tooo-“

She never even managed to finish her sentence. Instead a near-primal growl escaped the blue haired police officer as her climax surged through her whole body.

She then slumped down, panting heavily on the hardwood floor.

Mercifully, Zoroark understood that reaction to be the signal to deactivate the vibrator and then free its trainer from her latex suit.

“T-thank you.” Jenny gasped to her dark fox, which had taken its original form again.

It just bowed its head silently and returned to its pokéball.

After taking a moment to catch her breath, Jenny crawled to her feet and sunk her worn out body in the bathtub for a long, relaxing bath.

The whole ordeal had given her a little bit of a scare, with her kinky secret potentially being exposed to another person on several occasions during the night, which could have had disastrous results for her own reputation and that of the local police force… But at the same time, she had never felt more excited! And deep down, she realized that she would love nothing more than to do the thing all over again, without any major changes made to what had happened!

But there was one more thing to tackle first…

After a long and relaxing bath, Jenny climbed out of the tub and dried off her slender body. She then put on a dark negligée and went to bed. But she couldn’t get to sleep, tossing and turning for over an hour before finally climbing back out of bed, her mind made up on what she was about to do next.

She summoned her Zoroark again. It looked at her rather flustered expression in surprise, having not expected to be called out so soon. Jenny took a deep breath: “I need you help with one last thing…”

About 15 minutes later, Zoroark once again had assumed Jenny’s form and had thrown all up of her pokéballs into the air to let out her remaining Pokémon: Athena, Gardevoir and Ember.

It then reverted to its fox-like body and sat beside its fellow Pokémon, looking at the bathroom door.

A short rustling sound could be heard from the other side, until finally the door was pulled open by an orange paw, one which looked not unlike Arcanine’s own.

The wolf Pokémon got to its feet and growled at the intruder.

“Don’t be scared!” Jenny’s voice came from the bathroom. “It’s me!”

The huge wolf immediately calmed down again, barking happily at its trainer.

However, when Jenny came crawling out on all fours, looking extremely like its mirror image, the young wolfhound yelped in surprise. Its eyes grew wide as it tried to process the conflicting image before him:

What it saw, seemed to be a fellow Pokémon, a fellow Arcanine. It was similar for almost everything, but the colour of it eyes. Those deep turquoise eyes Arcanine instantly recognised as being Jenny’s, its trainer.

“I’m sure this must be confusing for you,” Jenny stammered at her three silent Pokémon, feeling a little uneasy about their potential reactions.

Athena chirped softly. It had been feeling a bit confused, ever since it had first been called out in the park. But back then, Zoroark and Jenny had seemed to know exactly what they were doing, so it had obeyed orders.

Gardevoir’s feelings on the matter were extremely similar to the pigeon’s. It trusted Jenny deeply, which meant it had never hesitated to do as its trainer and fellow Pokémon had asked back in the park. But naturally, it was also fairly curious as to the cause of this odd behaviour and its trainer’s current appearance.

“I guess I might as well come clean to you guys: Over the past few weeks I’ve been indulging in a new kind of hobby… It might sound kind of weird to you, but I enjoy dressing up and posing as a Pokémon. An Arcanine to be more exact. It started a few months ago, when my new friends gave me this suit as a playful way to welcome me into the force.”

Jenny felt her throat close up as her Pokémon silently gazed at her, but she continued onwards.

“B-but ever since that first time, the urge to play the role of a Pokémon has only become stronger. I truly feel at ease whenever I’m like this.”

She looked at each of her Pokémon in turn through the mask’s eyes.

“I just hope you won’t think any less of me,” she said timidly, shifting on the spot uncomfortably.

‘Why am I feeling so embarrassed? Somehow this feels more nerve wracking then walking outdoors.’

Thankfully, her Pokémon suddenly sprang to action. They all rushed up to Jenny and huddled up to their trainer, taking away any doubts of the young woman.

“None of you mind?”

“ARF!” Her Arcanine barked proudly, licking the side of her mask.

“Hihi. Thank you,” Jenny giggled, letting out a long sigh of relief as she now felt Gardevoir’s warm embrace (along with her comforting thoughts) and Pidgeotto carefully perching itself on her back.

“You four are the best Pokémon that a girl could ever wish for… I love you guys so much.”

“And we love you.” Zoroark replied, briefly assuming Jenny’s form just so he could relay the message properly, in a manner that left no room for doubt. “They might not be able to speak to you verbally, like I can, but I hope you’ve managed to get their message nonetheless.

“Oh yes,” Jenny replied with a voice trembling from her happiness. “Trust me, all of you have made that very clear tonight…”


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