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The straw hat party in honour of Nojiko was as boisterous as any other, so naturally Nami could hear the festivities going on from inside her room. Too bad she had no way of joining in.

The poor navigator was confined to her room during the whole thing, groaning furiously into her gag as the smell of the hotpot made her hungry and the feel of the ropes made her horny.

When Robin finally returned to her captive, two HOURS after Nojiko had left her alone again, Nami was beside herself. She'd been squirming so wildly the gorgeous navigator was covered in sweat, drool and love juice.

She glared at the raven-haired woman, her nostrils flaring angrily.

"Ahow Aihh (about time)!" She growled.

"Oh? Didn't you like the challenge I posited? Don't tell me you were bored, perhaps I should have given you a more demanding task?" Robin taunted.

"EH HEE OHW (LET ME OUT)!" Nami bellowed. And that was just to start of her demands. The helpless thief expected to be released, fed and pleasured.

Robin carefully rolled Nami onto her chest.

"Hmnnn!" Nami mewled as her large and highly sensitive knockers were squished beneath her body, sending a jolt down her spine.

"Sorry, I have to lie you down if I'm going to remove these ropes."

Those were the best words Nami had heard all day.

However, the moment her ankles were freed Robin began tethering them to bottom corners of her bed.

"EY!" Nami protested, kicking her legs to try and prevent Robin from trapping her. But with her reverse prayer intact she stood no chance of fending her off.

With her usual speed and finesse, the nimble archaeologist soon had poor Nami tied in a face down spread-eagle, with a very mean crotchrope but a more merciful chest harness.

"There, that should be a comfy enough position for you to sleep in. I wouldn't let you spend the night in such a harrowing position." She said dryly, no doubt hinting at the strict bondage Nami had used on her for the night.

"Hmrrnnn!" Nami growled. She wasn't grateful in the slightest. "AI UHN-HEE (I'm HUNGRY!)" She moaned.

"And horny as well, I'd imagine." Robin rubbed it in. "Let's hope it helps you learn your lesson. I'll come check up on you in the morning, I'll be busy all night entertaining Nojiko…"

"OHHIIIH (ROBIIIN)!" The orangette mewled, but the dark-haired woman had already abandoned her again.

Nami spent the next hour thrashing and wriggling around for all she was worth, but the knots had been placed near the corners of her bed and she had no way of crawling close to any of them.

Worse still, the more she squirmed, the more she rubbed her desperately sensitive body into the mattress!

Her breasts and pussy were on fire, but there was nothing she could do to alleviate the bite of her ropes, or even provide her any relief.

This is going to be a long night, she really didn't pull any punches this time… 

Poor Nami was left to her own devices for the better part of the evening. It wasn’t until long after everyone else had retired for bed that the bound and gagged navigator suddenly had a visitor. By craning her neck, the orangette could just spot the surge of flower petals in the corner of her eye as they began forming her captor's copy in the middle of the room.

"Good evening Nami. How are you doing?"

"Hmrrnngg!" Was the only response Nami deemed fit.

"Still upset?"

"ESH (YES)!"

"Then you'll be happy to hear I came to win your trust back." The tall historian replied, gently straddling her captive so her own pelvis rested just below Nami's luscious buttocks.

She reached out to rub the small of Nami's back, moving into a relaxing massage.

"Hmnnn!" Nami moaned as she squirmed beneath her captor.

Darn it Robin! I don't want a massage! I want out!

"Mnnnnrrr!" She growled, her fingers fondling the rope for the umpteenth time, sliding along the strong hemp but failing to feel out any knots or weaknesses.

Despite her annoyance with the historian, the cat burglar couldn't deny Robin was working wonders on her exhausted body.

"Ohur (lower)." She eventually mewled.

Robin chuckled, but complied happily. The soft purring of her captive sounded like a melody to her.

But things didn't stick to just a relaxing massage. It wasn't long before the archaeologist reached around to squeeze her friend's massive knockers.

"MHHM!" The orangette yelped. This is NOT what I need right now!

"Ohih (Robin)!" Nami whined. "Eh hee ow (let me go)!"

"No, I'm not finished yet." Her captor stubbornly replied, reaching down to fondle Nami's snatch.

"Hiii!" The cat burglar shrieked, bucking her hips to try and push Robin off.

But the archaeologist clenched her thighs around Nami's to remain firmly in the saddle. "What's the matter? I thought this would be exactly what you need." She teased.

"HMRNNNGG!" The orangette growled, her fingers clenching the rope keeping her spread-eagled to vent her frustration. Robin was right, so completely right. Nami just didn't want it to be true. 

Sadly, her body disagreed.

"Ahah! There we go!" Robin mused as she found Nami's throbbing clit and gave it a tickle. "Nice and firm, I knew you were wanting."

"Uuuuhhhh!" Nami let out a horny groan. Of course I am! You've kept my tits and pussy on edge for over 6 hours straight!

"I know my dear," Robin said in a soothing tone, "it's frustrating, not being able to decide for yourself when your climax arrives."

No kidding!

"But you have to admit, all this waiting makes the moment that much sweeter." The raven haired domme whispered as she kissed her neck and back.

"Aahhh." Nami gasped, arching her back as Robin's lips brushed her soft skin. "Ooohh (Nooo)!"


"Eh ahh oh ahk (Get back on track)!" She complained.

"Sure, sure."

Robin reached down to Nami's lovebox again, gently caressing her labia and nudging her clit.

"Hmnnn!" The orangette groaned as her climax began surging. Finally! Robin might have been annoyed with me for what I did last night… but when it comes to making people go needy she is still the best on this ship!

The orangette began gasping through her gag as her climax started bubbling beneath the surface.


"Hmrrn?!" Nami grunted confused as a small pit developed in her stomach. The weight on her hips had suddenly disappeared, as had that wonderful sensation inside her love nest. She shuffled around on the bed, trying to find Robin again.

Nothing but air surrounded her slender legs and firm buttocks.

The pit turned into a chasm as she realized her captor’s copy had disappeared in a cloud of petals, before giving her that much needed climax!

She's gone?! That can't be!

"Ohih (Robin)?!"


She can't be serious! This is a bluff! It HAS to be!

"OHIH (ROBIN)!" Nami howled, bucking her hips in maddening vexation. "Ish ishuh uhee (This isn't funny)!"

But the historian didn't return.

"HMRPNNFNNFNNGG!" The cat burglar damn near lost her mind.

No… no no no no NO! THIS ISN’T FAIR!!

Poor Nami began crying from desperation. This stunt had been the last straw.

You win, Robin. You're still the top domme on this ship. Just come back and let me out!

But even after calling out to her until her lungs and voice were sore, Nami remained isolated, bound and gagged on her bed. 

The helpless cat burglar rubbed her cheek into the bed to wipe the drool and tears away. She didn't even feel like sleeping anymore, despite being utterly exhausted. She felt confused, overpowered, angry and scared, all at the same time.

After her tantrums had sapped enough of her strength to force her body to calm down, the orange haired damsel began trying to relax a little. But the absence of anger and frustration made room for something an entirely new feeling, one she’d never associated with bondage before: 


Every breath of wind, every creak of the ship suddenly seemed like it could be the harbinger of some disaster.

Nami had never really thought about it, since Robin had always been close by during their games. But being tied up and gagged without a way to free yourself is a very scary experience! Especially when you’re all alone.

The helpless cat burglar began pawing at her ropes again, hoping that the knots had magically slipped into grasp. They hadn’t of course. Robin had trapped her on that bed and on that bed she’d remain. Her voice muted, her mind isolated and her body still in complete disarray.

At least I didn’t make you spend the night alone! The cat burglar complained. It’s eerie, lying here on my own in the dark without being able to move!


Nami’s heart nearly stopped as the creaking sound of her door opening made her whole body perk up.

“Ohih (Robin)?” She mewled, or rather, prayed into the darkness.

“Still awake are you? Good.” The archaeologist said softly.

Robin had indeed stopped by again, only this time it was in the flesh. And she'd brought Nojiko along to boot. Or to be more precise, she’d dragged her there.

"Hmnnrrnnhh!" The bluenette mewled, squirming frantically in the tape she'd been wrapped in. 

Her arms had been box tied behind her back, with a few extra wrappings running above and below her large rack to further pin her arms to her upper body. And of course, the lower half of her face had been thoroughly wrapped in tape to stifle her cries down to a quiet whisper so as not to wake any other crew members.

The navigator’s eyes widened as she heard her friend’s muted screams.

So that's where she was all this time! Torturing me wasn't enough, was it?!

"HRMNHIHH (ROBIN)!" Nami cried out angrily, bouncing up and down the bed with renewed vigour. "EH HUH OOH (LET HER GO)!"

"And miss the chance to play with a pair of girls that look two sides of the same coin? Would you do that if you were in my place?" Robin said dryly.

"Hmrrggn!" Nojiko groaned, twisting and turning in her tape. But it wouldn't let up. "Ai oheeh ahee (I'm sorry Nami). I aih hoo eek ih ahn heeh ooh (I tried to sneak in and free you)."

"Which earned her some penalty time," Robin interjected, "and what better place to sit it out than in your arms."

"Haaahn?!" Both girls moaned in tandem.

What Robin did next took not only Nojiko by surprise, but even Nami. And she thought she'd be ready for anything her dear friend could concoct!

But not even the inventive cat burglar ever anticipated having her spread-eagle ropework replaced by being tape wrapped face to face with Nojiko, complete with her very own stuffed tape gag! 

Robin hadn't skimped out on tape either, wrapping her captives at the ankles, calves, thighs, their lower and upper backs and even their necks to force their gagged mouths to touch for a permanent gag kiss!

To top it off, Nami's hands had been stuck to the bluenette's butt and vice versa, their pussies pressuring into one another with only their orange and blue panties for protection. After Robin finished wrapping them up their embrace was so tight their large, naked bosoms rubbed together with every breath.

"Hmnnn!" Nojiko moaned nervously as she started squirming around to try and give both herself and Nami some room. But all she accomplished was riling up her friend's body even more by nudging both of her erogenous zones.

"Mnnnnrrrnn!" The weather manipulator mewled as her horny body was driven ever closer to the edge.

"OHIH! UHEI USH (ROBIN! UNTIE US)!" Nami protested, her face glowing beet red as her whole body rubbed into Nojiko's. With every twitch of her luscious, quivering, sweaty body, she betrayed to her childhood friend just how desperate and needy she truly was.

This is humiliating! What is Nojiko going to think of me!

But Nojiko fully understood how Nami felt, mainly because she was rapidly getting turned on herself.

"You look lovely together." Robin teased. "I'd say only one more thing is missing, a little something that'll keep Nami entertained… all night long."

Nami's eyes bulged as her captor slipped a vibrating butt plug into her ass. It was already active, though not on that strong a setting. But God, it was effective!

"Hmnnnnrrr!" The cat burglar shrieked, bucking around like possessed and taking poor Nojiko along for the ride.

Nami! Slow down! You’re going to knock us off the bed at this rate!

But her friend was too furious to pay attention to the bluenette’s stifled mewls.

Robin! This isn't fair at all! Nami thought angrily.

The historian grinned contently. "Perfect! This should keep the both of you entertained for the rest of the night."

The pair of captives wailed nervously, creaking the tape as they struggled and wriggled around with all their might. But there was too much of it, and their arousal was sapping too much of their strength.

Stupid tape! Nami cursed mentally.

"Hmnn!" Nojiko suddenly yelped. Just now, Nami had accidentally squeezed her buttocks whilst venting her fury. The Mikan grower frowned at her friend before returning the favour.

"Hiiiih!" The cat burglar shrieked, bucking her hips in reflex, only to nudge her own groin into the bluenette’s and making her yelp all over again.

Robin chuckled as she saw the two young women rubbing into one another. "As I expected. Plenty of fun to be had. Enjoy yourselves girls, but do try to rest up. Tomorrow will be a busy day…"

And with that, the tall and buxom archaeologist left her captives alone to squirm to their hearts’ content.

"HMNNNN!" Both Nami and Nojiko shrieked as they heard the door close.

Now what?! Is Robin seriously planning to leave us like this?! The bluenette thought nervously. I don't think I can live this down! How am I ever going to face Nami again?!

Her dear friend was in an even worse state.

That plug buzzing away in her ass was going to keep her up all night! But it wouldn't do her any good in getting what she wanted: her climax. It wasn't stimulating enough for that. Not by itself at least. However the alternative was even more daunting…

Oh God! I want to cum so bad! But I can't! Not with Nojiko so close to me. What is she going to think of me?! We have to pry ourselves loose somehow!

Both damsels began frantically squirming around on the bed, desperately searching for an area where they could budge the tape clinging to their luscious, glistening bodies.

But there was too wrapped in place, not to mention their gags and Nami's distraction prevented them from properly coordinating their moves.

In the end, all their writhing around accomplished was to further stoke the fire in both their loins.

Worst of all with Nami.

"HMRRNNNNNN!" She called out to Robin, praying she was hanging around to free them once they'd given in.

But just like when she'd been spread-eagled face down on her bed, the archaeologist didn't respond.

I must have really pissed her off. Note to self: NEVER do that again! But that doesn't solve this mess I got myself and Nojiko in. I'm about to cave in here! God! if at least that annoying bead would just stop teasing me!

The orangette bucked her buttocks angrily, almost as if to squeeze the vibe out of her ass.

But to her shock, the vibrator suddenly died down!

It shut off?! Did I do that?!

In fact, it was simple coincidence. Not even Robin was so evil as to keep that thing buzzing away an entire night. It had been programmed to power down after 15 minutes, which it had just now done.

The bound and gagged cat burglar breathed a soft sigh in relief, after which she plucked up the courage to finally stare out straight in front of her, something she'd been avoiding ever since she was taped face to face with Nojiko.

Her deep orange eyes met with her friend's clear blue ones.

"Hm'm fhrrn, Nhjngh (I'm sorry, Nojiko)." She whimpered.

"Hmt'f nht nhhr fhhlt Nhmn (It's not your fault Nami)." The bluenette tried to comfort her. Until she realized this all started by Nami pushing Robin over the edge. "Whnt h mnnhtm... Hmt HMF nhhr fhhlt! (Wait a minute... it IS your fault!)"

The cat burglar groaned loudly. "Hm GNHW! Thht'f whn Hm'm hphlhgnfnng (I KNOW! That's why I'm apologising)."

"Nhh'rm rnght. Fhrrn (You're right. Sorry)." Nojiko replied.

The two young women shared a giggle over their to-and-fro apologies, after which they tried to find a comfy position for the night.

As soon as they settled down, Nojiko began feeling a little more relaxed.

This isn't so bad if you think about it calmly. I mean, it doesn't hurt or anything, it's just annoying and embarrassing.

Nami wasn't as happy with her situation though. She was still horny as hell!

Try as she might, the poor navigator just couldn't get her body to calm down, which led to a lot of twitching and moaning in her gag.

It didn't take Nojiko long to figure out just why her dear friend was behaving so frantically.

As I suspected: Robin really did a number on her. She must have been wanting for hours already, and judging by the desperate tone in her mewling, Robin didn’t provide her the release she gave me... I wish she hadn't tied us up like this, there's nothing I can do to help her now!

However, as Nami continued to desperately writhe around in the tape, rubbing her red hot body into the bluenette's, a lightbulb popped into the mikan grower's head.

"Nmhh (Nami)!"

"Hmn (What)?"

"fhmhh mh rhmhh (Follow my rhythm)."

Before the orange haired girl could ask what that meant, Nojiko began grinding her thighs into Nami's.

"Hmrn?!" Nami yelped as she felt her childhood friend nudging her womanly hips into her own quivering abdomen. She got the gist of Nojiko’s efforts soon enough.

"Hmrr mhnn shhrr (Are you sure)?" She asked with a vivid blush.

"Hmn, whht hrm frnmndf fhr Hmf nht th hmlp mhgh hthmr Hmn thmnr hhhr hf nmmd (Hey, what are friends for if not to help each other in their hour of need)." The bluenette replied caringly. "Hnd frhm thm lhhgf hf Hmt, nhh'vm nmvmr bmmn nmmdnmr) (And from the looks of it, you've never been needier)." She quipped.

"Hmrrrn!" The helpless cat burglar groaned bashfully. It was that obvious huh?

After another nudge from Nojiko's hips, Nami gave up trying to hide her horniness. Instead, she eagerly ground her own pelvis into her friend's, eagerly riding wave after pleasurable wave.
The duo felt themselves burn up, not just from their efforts but from confusion as well. Both girls squeezed their eyes tightly shut to avoid looking at one another for the moment, and to fully focus on getting Nami where she desperately needed to be.

As the young navigator finally approached her liberating orgasm thanks to her friend's efforts, both women shared the same single thought:

This is incredibly embarassing! But at the same time… so hot!

"Hmnn! Hmnnrrrn! HMMMNNNN!" Nami eventually howled into her gag as her climax finally roared supreme. A warm glow settled in between her and Nojiko's hips, proving to the bluenette she’d accomplished her mission. The tanned cutie felt a tingle run down her spine as she was overcome with an odd sense of accomplishment.

Let's hope this'll finally help Nami relax a little. She must be completely exhausted… And then there's still tomorrow for us to deal with!

After the two young women had caught their breath, Nami opened her eyes. Nojiko's deep blue eyes were gazing straight into hers.

"Dhn't whrrn Nhmn, Hm'm hmrm fhr nhh (Don't worry Nami, I'm here for you)."

"Whht dh nhh mmhn (What do you mean)?"

"N mmhn thnngf wnll whrg hht. Rhbnn mnght hhvm ghnm h bnt fhr wnth thnf, bht fhm mmhnf wmll. Fhm whn't hhrt nhh. (I mean things will work out. Robin might have gone a bit far with this, but she means well. She won't hurt you)."

Nami frowned in surprise at that comment.

Of course she won't! I knew that.

"Nhh dndn't thnng Hm whf fghrm hf Rhbnn, dnd nhh? (You didn't think I was scared of Robin, did you)?"

"Nht fghrmd, hpfmt mhnbm? (Not scared, upset maybe)?"

" Nmnthmr. Thnf Hmf hll phrt hf thm ghmm (Neither. This is all part of the game.).” The cat burglar replied. “Hm’ll hdmnt thnf fthnt hf hmrf mhdm mm fhrnhhf hnd, bht Hm hhd Hmt ghmnng. Hm fhpphfm Hm mnght hhvm bmmn thgnng thnngf h bnt thh fmrnhhfln. (I’ll admit this stunt of hers made me furious, but I had it coming. I suppose I might have been taking things a bit too seriously)."

Nami shifted in her bonds, playfully squeezing Nojiko’s butt to try and dispel the awkward tension. To her relief, she responded in kind, followed by a soft giggle.

To think I worried Nojiko like that. Was I looking that angry then?

"Dhn't whrrn Nhjngh, Hm'm jhft h bnt hntfn hftmr hhhrf hf tmhfnng. Hm'll bm fnnm thmhrrhw. (Don't worry Nojiko, I was just a bit antsy after hours of teasing. I'll be fine tomorrow)."

"Thmn lmt'f gmt fhmm rmft. Hm'm ghrnhhf th fmm whht Rhbnn hhf plhnnmd. (Then let's get some rest. I'm curious to see what Robin has planned)."

"Nhh hnd mm bhth. (You and me both)." Nami admitted.

[Moments after Robin abandoned Nami and Nojiko for the night]

The raven haired historian let out a long sigh as she settled into her relaxation chair, picking up the book she'd planned on reading back before Nami and her gotten her wrapped up in their long-term game. 

Seeing her two captives squirming around so needily had made her feel quite frisky herself, not at all ready for bed.

"Let's hope this book can distract me from those two... Haaah, Nami, I hope you realize just how lucky you are with a sister like Nojiko..."

Because what had happened inside Nami's room had been quite the elaborate performance, orchestrated by none other than Nojiko herself!

The bluenette had struck a deal, for Nami's sake. Instead of making her stew through that night by herself, Nojiko had convinced Robin to provide Nami the release which the bluenette knew her sis would so desperately be needing.

The trade-off had been that Robin received dominion over them both, starting right there.

The historian had felt so moved and intrigued, she'd accepted the proposition. However, it wasn't until she got back to her room she realized poor Nami would probably be upset with her for 'tormenting' Nojiko along with her!

"Maybe I shouldn't have gagged them like that, allowed Nojiko to explain the situation. I suppose it'd be best we keep things light tomorrow. Besides, now that the crew is involved, we have plenty of options for some more light-hearted, playful games..."


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