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"Aarhh! I can't believe they got in my way again!" Huang Lingyin growled frustrated as she stamped back towards her room inside the IS academy dormitory.

Her plan had been perfect: 

The upcoming week would be a holiday for IS academy. No classes, training or battles. 

That meant the cute Chinese warrior would have all the time in the world to get closer to Ichika, the only male member on their team.

All she needed was to get off base with him, away from prying eyes. Most of all those of her team members, who were also her rivals in love. Chief amongst them: Cecilia Alcott and Houki Shinonono.

Both of them had made more than a few attempts to get close to the talented young warrior, cancelling out each other and Rin’s efforts, much to the brunette’s disgruntlement.

Which was why the upcoming weekend made for such a perfect opportunity. Getting close to him now could persuade him to spend the whole weekend with her!

The slender brunette had gotten up at the crack of dawn, having asked Ichika to meet her near the school entrance the day before. She had used the excuse of needing someone to accompany her during shopping, something she'd noticed Charlotte Dunois do earlier. 

The tall young man had readily accepted, and to ensure her rivals wouldn't get in the way she'd asked Ichika if they could leave with the very first bus into town, before any of them realized what had happened.

Sadly, her plan had fallen into tatters the moment she walked out onto the grounds. Because despite doing her best in getting up as quietly as possible, Cecilia had still picked up on it. The blonde had chased after her, and the ensuing argument about her trying to find out what Rin was plotting at this early hour had brought Houki into the mix as well.

Meanwhile, Ichika had patiently waited for his friend at the school gate like Rin asked of him.

However, whilst the dark haired pilot had been waiting for Rin, another one of his team members had shown up, by the name of Charlotte Dunois. The French exchange student had seen Ichika sneak out of the dorm, and she’d followed after him. When she saw him waiting for someone at the school gate, the penny had dropped.

So, the clever blonde had ‘accidentally’ turned up with 'an emergency', and eventually managed to persuade him to go out shopping with her instead, claiming priority over Rin’s shopping trip!

The text message Rin received soon after had been a crushing blow, and she'd snapped at both Cecilia and Houki to get out of her face because her plans had been cancelled thanks to them.

Neither seemed willing to let the matter go that easily however, and after pestering Rin some more to try and get to the bottom of the matter, the Chinese girl had simply stormed off in a fit of rage.

"I would have been on a bus with Ichika right now if those two hadn't kept me for so long!” She groaned frustrated as she stamped up the stairs to her floor in the dorm. “Instead that cunning Frenchie snatched up the benefits of my carefully laid out plan! Aaarrhh!!"

When she got back to her room she launched herself onto her bed and lied there for over an hour, staring at the ceiling.

"I have to start taking out my rivals, starting with Cecilia and Houki. Charlotte isn't that much of a threat, since she isn't focused on thwarting me as much as the others. But those two actively keep getting in my way! That needs to stop…"

So, the slender brunette decided to spend her now completely vacant day to hatch a plan.

And what a plan she concocted…

That evening late at night, Houki found a letter on her doorstep. It was an invitation from Rin.


I’d like a one-on-one training match with you. Could you come to the training grounds on the edge of campus. We won’t be bothered there.

Winner gets first dibs on Ichika for the coming weekend!”

“Rin wants to hold a mock battle over Ichika?” The dark haired girl said surprised. “She’s getting serious!”

But she had to admit it sounded tempting. If she won the match, she could have a proper date without looking over her shoulder for her competitors!

So, she got dressed in her skin tight battle suit and made her way down to the training grounds.

However, when the slender warrior arrived she found the lot empty.

“Where is she? Rin was the one who invited me! Honestly, she can be so selfish from time to time!”

Rin was close by however, already wearing not only her lycra uniform, but her battle armour as well.

Because the slender Chinese student wasn’t planning on holding a mock battle. This was an ambush.

Carefully hidden away, the brunette waited for the perfect opportunity to strike. When the chance arrived, she rushed out from her hiding place and charged Houki when her back was turned.

The noise of her engine boosters drew the raven haired girl’s attention, making her turn around.

“Rin?!” She yelped, only to have the wind knocked out of her before she could form any response.

The brunette’s strike to Houki’s gut landed with enough force to knock her out instantly.

What’s… going on?

Those were the last thoughts to enter Houki’s mind as she crashed to her knees and lost consciousness.

“Perfect.” Rin told herself. "That’s the first hurdle cleared. Now to get her to my safehouse. Then Cecilia is next!” She muttered determined.

The brunette hoisted Houki over her shoulder and took off as fast as her gear could carry the two of them.

[Forty minutes later]

Cecilia was twirling around in front of the mirror inside her room. She was wearing her newest lingerie outfit: A dark blue negligé, the cups of which helped shape her impressive chest, to the point of winning almost a whole cup size!

“This will definitely pull Ichika over the line!” She mused triumphantly. “I just hope he’ll appreciate this cute little set, and the thong I found to match it!” The young blonde said as she lifted a piece of her negligé to flash the thin line of fabric hugging her luscious hips.

It had taken her four tries over the past two days to finally get the dark haired young man to visit her room. So now that she’d finally gotten her shot at some private time, she wasn’t going to hold anything back!

*knock knock*

“Comiiing!” She chimed, skipping over to her door.

But the bright on her face turned to an expression of shock when she found Rin instead of Ichika on the other side.

“RIN?!” She shrieked, jumping back and covering her bust with her right arm. “What are you doing here?” The blonde frowned at her team member.

“Getting here just in time, it seems.” Was the slender girl’s retort as she stepped inside. “Were you expecting Ichika?”

“T-that’s none of your business!” She yelped. “What we do on our time off is for us to decide!”

“Not if I can help it!” She replied, jumping her rival in love as she produced the rag of chlorophorm she’d kept hidden behind her back.


Cecilia gasped in shock, accidentally inhaling more of the sedative. Almost immediately, her mind started clouding over and her limbs began feeling heavy, making it insultingly easy for Rin to overpower her and wrestle her to the ground.

“hmn fnnhr mnn- (What are you-)?!” Cecilia tried to ask her team member. But the fierce look in her eyes betrayed she wasn’t interest in talking.

Why is she doing this?

Within minutes, she lost consciousness.

After confirming her opponent was out cold, Rin climbed off her and stood up from the mat. “That makes two. I was lucky she was wearing this shameless… thing. It made catching her off guard that much easier.”

The young Chinese student got a dark look on her face. “But it also proves I’m not a second too late with my intervention. No doubt Ichika is on his way here, and God knows what this blonde would have pulled using that- t-t-that underwear thing!” She muttered, her cheeks flushing with both embarrassment and jealousy at the English bombshell’s impressive body.

“I should hurry and bring her to Houki. It’s finally time to pay them back for ruining my plans for next week…”

It was past midnight when Cecilia and Houki woke up again. They were lying in a small shed in the middle of the forest adjacent to the campus grounds.

The cute Japanese student was first to recover from Rin’s assault.

She’d suffered no real damage from the brunette’s blow, but the unfamiliar surroundings confused her. That only got worse when she tried to get up and check where she was, only to find she couldn’t move. Something had been wrapped around her body. Tightly. It felt course and strong.

After testing her leeway, she figured out it was rope holding her prisoner. And quite effectively too.

Her arms had been drawn behind her back, pulled horizontally and cinched into a box tie.

But there were more ropes in place, tighter ones. Two lengths had been wrapped around her upper body, one below and one above her bouncy rack. The higher rope was so long that after it was cinched up between her shoulder blades, the rest had been pulled over her right shoulder, woven in between her two chest ropes to tighten them up further and ensnare her breasts, then back over her left shoulder where it was finally anchored to the back of the harness and the box tie.

Those chest ropes pinned her arms to her side as well, keeping her from wriggling her arms in any direction.

Whoever had captured her had also cinched ropes around her ankles, knees and thighs, completely trapping her legs together.

“Hmn mn HMRNN?! (What is- HUUH)?!” The still groggy Japanese student moaned confused, only to be shocked wide awake when she realized something sticky had been plastered over her lips.

I’ve been bound and GAGGED?!

“Hmnhmee (Somebody)?!” She cried out, wriggling around frantically as she searched for a way out of her ropes.

Houki’s panicked squirming eventually woke up Cecilia, who soon joined her rival in her agitated state. Because she was just as helpless.

The English girl’s wrists had been tied behind her back with rope, palm to palm. The rope had been carefully cinched into place, keeping the knot out of reach of her slender fingers.

For good measure, Rin had also tied the busty blonde's elbows together, further immobilizing her arms and making her large chest push outward a little. With every move she made, her luscious mammaries bounced happily inside her now incredibly tight bustier.

Her ankles and thighs had ended up just as tightly pinned as Houki’s, except her ankles had been crossed so she couldn't even climb to her feet!

She also had a bright blue rubber ball buckled between her full lips to muffle her speech.

Houki's gag on the other hand consisted out of several layers of silvery smooth tape. Less frustrating than Cecilia’s ball gag, it did keep her even quieter than it did her blonde rival.

Due to Houki only having her undersuit for the battle armour and Cecilia her even skimpier underwear, both of the beautiful young women were barefoot.

But whether Rin had kept them that way to ensure they wouldn't run off if they did manage to get loose, or just because she was planning to humiliate them further, they couldn't say.

“Oohi, ash ohih ohn (Houki, what’s going on)?” Cecilia asked confused. Her memories were vague and cloudy, no doubt due to the drug Rin had used to knock her out in her room.

“Mnh hmmn mnn (I don’t know).” The Japanese replied. “Ihm ahmnhhm mh hmnrr hmnaihm hhee frr hm mmch, hmn hnn mm mhhk mh hhrr (Rin ambushed me after inviting me for a match, and then I woke up here).”

That helped Cecilia recover part of her memory as well. “heeh ooh (Me too)!” She yelped. “Ihh ahhah hee (Rin attacked me)!” She growled angrily, rolling around on the ground as she squirmed in her ropes, only to tighten them up even more.

“Oooww!” The cute blonde mewled as her elbows rubbed together behind her back, her back arching uncontrollably as she failed to force the ropes to budge.

It only took the two girls a few minutes to realize there was no way for either of them to escape by themselves.

So Houki began scooting over to Cecilia, leaning her back into the blonde’s so she could try and undo the knot tying her wrists.

But the two rivals got into an argument after only 30 seconds. Cecilia accused the raven haired student of slacking off, perhaps to trick the blonde into untying her instead.

Naturally Houki got angry with that accusation, turning away from untying her to argue face to face.

Like every argument, they eventually ended up discussing Ichika. By that point, neither of the girls were willing to cooperate anymore, turning their backs and to start worming around on their own again. Both of them took care to keep their unprotected feet safe from the rough and dirty ground to avoid any cuts or bruises. But that did put more of a strain on their legs and concentration.

Over time the two young women became more frustrated and desperate to free themselves from their predicament. But no matter what they tried, their ropes wouldn’t budge.

These ropes are too tight! We won’t ever escape just squirming around! Cecilia realized nervously.

After exhausting themselves, the two lied down flat on their back, enjoying the feeling of cool floor touching the heated skin of their alluring bodies.

Houki began blushing as an odd sensation of pleasure began to well up.

“Hmrrn!” She groaned. Focus Houki! You need to get out of here. Calm down!

As they worked on catching their breath, they were interrupted by the door to the shed opening.

Rin, their rival and captor, had returned.

"You two are up already? That's surprising!"

“Hmnn (Rin)?!” The two damsels cried out.

“Ah ahh hooh ho-hih (What are you doing)?” Cecilia asked.

“Hmn mms mhnn (Let us out)!” Houki demanded.

“No. You two need to learn a lesson.”

The two damsels frowned in confusion.

“Ash ish ahow (what’s this about)?” Cecilia asked suspiciously.

“Well, part of it is about you two foiling my plans with Ichika this morning.”

“HMNNM (WHAT)?!” Houki screamed.

“AI HEH IHH (I KNEW IT)!” Cecilia yelled triumphantly.

“Pipe down!” Rin snapped. “This isn’t JUST about today! What I’m trying to say is that you two have been in my way for FAR too long. So you two can consider this as payback long overdue.”

The slender brunette proceeded to drag Houki away from Cecilia and tethering her to the north west corner of the shack using another rope cinched to her ankles.

“MNNN (OWW)!” Houki moaned, kicking her legs in protest.

But Rin had already turned her back on the raven haired girl to do the same to Cecilia.

After tethering the blonde to the opposing corner, keeping her two captives safely separated, Rin took up position in the middle of the room, smirking at both.

“These positions suit you, grovelling at my feet.” She taunted.

“Oohh (You)!” Cecilia growled, pulling at her arms in outrage. But her ropes were too strong.

Houki had had the same response, with the same frustrating failure to break free.

“Don’t bother, without your suits you two are powerless to escape those ropes.” Rin said haughtily. ‘I’m not about to let you two ruin my plans for a second time.”

“EHH USH HOO (LET US GO)!” Cecilia shrieked once more.

“Hmm mh mh-mnhkss, hmn! Hmm mnn hmn mhh mnn! (This is ridiculous, Rin! We should talk this out!)” Houki tried to negotiate.

Forget it. You two more than deserve this. Ichika is mine. And since both of you seem to intent on keeping him from me, you two must be dealt with before you poison his mind further.”

Both damsels began protesting into their gags, saying that she was the one at fault for trying to get ahead of them!

“QUIET!” Rin bellowed, making the two shrink back for a moment. “I can’t believe how stubborn you two are! It’s a good thing I came prepared.” She said ominously as she took a dark red duffle bag from the shelf and began rummaging around in it.

The two bound and gagged girls tried to sit upright, curious about what the brunette was on about.

But when Rin pulled out a small hairbrush, their curiosity turned to confusion.

“Ash hah (what’s that)?” Cecilia wondered.

But rather than explain, Rin knelt beside the blonde. “This will wear you two out enough for me to move on to the next stage of my plan without any fuss. Not to mention how satisfying it’s going to feel for me!”

As the brush neared the bare, unprotected soles of Cecilia’s feet, the English girl realized. And the small knot into her stomach devolved into a gaping pit.

“OHH (NO)!” She yelped, squirming frantically to try and crawl away.

But Rin grabbed hold of the rope tethering her ankles to the corner and dragged her back.


“You’re not getting away.” Rin said gleefully, untying the rope from the hook and using it to force Cecilia into a hogtie.

“Hmrrgn!” The helpless student groaned as her back was forced to arch so far her chest almost lifted off the floor. But even worse was that it completely immobilized her legs and feet, utterly helpless to avoid Rin’s brush.

The first stroke of the coarse hairs tickling her bare skin sent a jolt down Cecilia’s spine.

“Aaahh! Shoh ihh (Stop it)!”

But Rin ignored her plea and began lightly brushing her feet, offering only the lightest of touches to keep her on her toes.

“Aaah hahahaha!” The cute captive began laughing and bucking uncontrollably.

But no matter how hard she tried, the ropes kept her completely pinned down.

After several minutes, Cecilia was in tears. Her lungs were burning from the laughter, so were her muscles from all the forced squirming. The floor beneath her jaw was soaking from the streams of saliva dripping past the rubber ball stuffing her mouth.

“Oh hih eesh (stop it please)!” She begged with whatever breath she had left.

Mercifully, Rin let up for a moment.

The English student let out a long, deep sigh in relief. She began flexing her feet and toes to try and get the tingling sensation out of her poor skin.

Meanwhile Houki was sitting on the other side of the room, trembling in fear that she would be next. The whole time Rin spent tickling her rival, Houki focused on fumbling around with the box tie trapping her arms. But Cecilia’s howling laughter distracted her, as did the ropes digging into her chest stealing her breath.

This is bad! I can’t get out of this at all! And looking at Cecilia she has even less of a chance. We should have worked together before Rin came back. Now we’re both at her mercy!

“Rest is over!” The brunette suddenly declared.

“Haahn?” Cecilia yelped. “OHH! (NOO!)” She protested, rolling onto her back and planting her bare feet onto the cold floor to try and protect them.

But the Chinese captor rolled her back onto her chest with insulting ease. “You’re as stubborn as ever. I already told you you’re not getting away.” She said as she began running her fingers over the blonde’s soles this time, scraping her fingernails ever so gently.

“Hiiii!” Cecilia squeaked, bucking her ass in the air as her whole body flinched in response.

That made Houki flinch from her side of the room as well. The poor girl felt conflicted somehow. Obviously Rin was being unfair to both of them, but she couldn’t help but feel a little relieved she wasn’t the one bearing Cecilia’s predicament.

“Aahhahahahaaaah!” The poor blonde kept howling into her gag, squirming uncontrollably as her feet danced in the tight ropes trying to evade Rin’s nimble fingers.

“OOOHHHP (STOOOOP)!” She cried time and again.

But Rin didn’t let up until the poor blonde was in fear of passing out due to lack of breath.

“Have you learned your lesson now?” She said sternly as she towered over the helpless girl.

“Hmnhmn.” She mewled into her gag, nodding gently as her whole body shivered. Her night gown had become soaked in sweat, and soiled from rolling around on the dusty floor. Whatever fire Cecilia had felt at Rin’s despicable ploy had completely been sapped, along with the rest of her energy.

“Good. Then I can turn my attention to the only threat greater than you: Houki.”

The slender Chinese girl slowly turned around, grinning at her next target.

“Hmnn (NO)!” Houki cried out, trying to climb to her feet as she rolled around on the floor.

Even after all of her wriggling and feeling out the ropes, she’d failed to make any progress. And Rin had just spotted that.

“Hard to move, is it?” She mocked as she untethered the raven-haired girl’s ankles.

Houki began kicking angrily. She refused to be bound like Cecilia had been, that position looked horrible!

But to her surprise, Rin took that rope in a whole other direction than she’d done for the blonde.

The brunette warrior tossed the rope over a beam holding up the ceiling and began pulling on it to force Houki’s feet into the air.

“Hmrn?!” She mouthed into her tape gag, pulling with her legs as hard as she could.

But the leverage of Rin’s construction made it impossible to fight off her captor’s plan. The dark haired girl glared at her rival as she tied off the rope to a heavy work bench, completely out of reach for the young Japanese.

Her feet had ended up hoisted into the air, her knees bent at about a 100 degree angle. An unannounced cold breeze from the cracked window brushed past her exposed soles from every now and then, sending a shiver down her spine every single time.

“Hmrn mnn hmm (Let me down)!” She demanded, thrashing around on the floor as she tried to lower her feet.

“Not a chance. You know what’s going to happen next.” Rin snickered, kneeling beside her prisoner.

“HMNNR!” Houki’s eyes widened, her nostrils flaring as she began breathing heavily.

NO! I don’t want to be tickled!

But the helpless young woman had nothing to say about that. Not with her arms and legs completely immobilized.

Rin started out slowly, like she’d done for Cecilia. First the young fighter began brushing along her heels and the centre of her soles, gently tickling and scraping the Japanese girl’s skin with her slender fingers.

“Hmnn hmn hmn hmnnnnhh!” The raven-haired girl howled into her tape gag, her legs swaying around uncontrollably from the rope suspending them.

But it barely slowed Rin down. She did have to dodge one or two blows to her face however, leading her to pull out another rope to further tether her victim’s feet into place horizontally to completely keep poor Houki from moving her legs.

“Hmrrng!” The dark haired damsel growled angrily, twisting and turning in her bonds.

Rin just enjoyed her futile squirming with a smug look on her face as she pulled out her next piece of tickle equipment: an electric toothbrush.

The curvy Japanese’s eyes almost popped out of her head.

No! No way! You are NOT using that on me!

“Hmnfnmrngghmrngg!” She began bucking and writhing around like possessed, yanking desperately on the rope keeping her feet so helplessly strung up.

Rin giggled at her, turning on the toothbrush.

The dull, monotone hum made Houki’s legs turn to jelly. Her heartrate began to skyrocket as she eyed the countless bristles spinning so rapidly they turned blurry.

The brunette slowly brought the brush closer to her captive’s toes. Inching her way towards her. Closer. Closer.

“Hmnnn!” Houki cried out, squeezing her eyes shut in anticipation.

And then the bristles hit their target, rotating happily into her smooth, soft skin.

“UUUHHHHHHNNNN!” She howled at the top of her lungs. This sensation was incomparable to before!

Oh God! Stop! NO!

“HMNN HMHN HMN HMNNNMMM!” She began laughing so hard her lungs started to ache.

Poor Houki tried everything in her power to avoid the brush, but Rin kept the power on without mercy. She ran it down the length of her bare feet, pressuring her heels more since the skin was thicker there. But the worst moments were when she manoeuvred the brush in between her toes, making the poor Japanese burst into laughter so loud the gag seemed non-existent.

Tears began streaming down the raven haired girl’s cheeks as she bucked and bounced so wildly she almost achieved lift off. That brush was making her lose her mind!

I can’t go on! Please make it stop!

Cecilia began crying out to Rin from her corner of the room. Seeing her rival subjected to that tickle torture hurt her almost as much as the horrifying session she’d endured herself.

“Ihh! Oh ish oww (Rin! Stop this now)!” She pleaded desperately.

But the slender brunette didn’t. Her taunting went on for hours, with each girl getting just enough rest to recover while Rin played with the other. Not that it helped them, because forcing to witness their friend being tickled only made them more anxious about their next turn.

By the time Rin finally felt satisfied, the first rays of daylight had begun poking through the filthy glass of the only window in the shack. 

"Drat! I didn't realize it was this late!" Rin cursed as she tossed her brush aside, leaving Cecilia to breathe a huge sigh in relief as she rolled with her back onto the floor, panting heavily as she tried to cool down the burning in her feet.

Thank the Lord! I feared I was going to go insane if this kept going for much longer!

"I need to hurry and get the rest of my preparations in order before the campus gets too busy." Rin muttered to herself, storing all of her equipment away in the duffle bag.

"Hmn mhnrmhnsh (what preparations)?" Houki demanded to know. “HMRGGN!” She suddenly let out a howl of pure rage, startling Rin and Cecilia alike.

“What’s up with you all of a sudden?” The brunette asked curiously.

HMN MFF MNHH GGH (TAKE OFF MY GAG)!” She growled, completely infuriated with her inability to get even a single proper word out.

“Hmm, I guess I can let you two catch a decent breath for now. I’ll knock you out for transport anyways.” Rin admitted as she removed the tape and ball gag.

“What transport?” Cecilia asked nervously. “What are you going to do with us?!”

"I'm going to sell you off to an underground slaver." Rin replied without any hint of irony, remorse, or doubt.

And that scared both Houki and Cecilia more than anything before.

“You’re WHAT?!” Houki cried out in shock.

“The best way to keep Ichika to myself is to remove you from campus, out of his life.”

"You can't!" Cecilia shrieked, squirming in her bonds.

"People will notice we're missing! Ichika will look for us!" The Japanese added.

"By the time anyone realizes, you two will have been auctioned off to a rich, untraceable master. Did you forget? This entire week is a holiday! No one will bat an eye at you two going back to your homes!"

"Please Rin! Let us go!" Houki pleaded. "We can talk this out!"

"No, we can't." The brunette said stubbornly. "As long as all of us hover around Ichika, no one will make any progress. I'm just striking first to ensure my success."

She then turned to face her rivals. “Speaking of success, I should replace your restraints with something more secure, to ensure you can’t escape while I work.”

“What? No, you need to release us!” Cecilia protested.

But Rin wasn’t having any of it. She calmly swapped both the blonde and dark haired girls’ ropes with handcuffs and leg irons, thereby reducing their chances of escape to zero!

Houki ended up with her wrists cuffed behind her back, the keyholes safely pointed away from her hands.

Cecilia got her hands cuffed in front, but a thin chain locked around her waist like a belt served as an anchoring point to which her handcuffs had been padlocked too.

For both girls, Rin locked their ankles into leg irons and padlocked the connecting chains to the hooks either corner of the room she’d used earlier.

“Rin!” Houki whimpered. “You can’t do this.”

“Forget it, you two may have sweet talked your way into Ichika’s life but I won’t fall for that.” She said coldly.

“This is ridiculous Rin!” The blonde joined in. “Kidnapping us is no way to handle a conflict like this! Just let us go and we promise to conduct ourselves appropriately.”

“Just be quiet you two, otherwise some early bird might get drawn to your wailing. In fact, I think I’ll be gagging you again after all. There’s no point being lenient now.”

“RIN! NO!” Both young women screamed, wriggling in their bonds as their captor pulled a pair of panel gags from her duffle bag, so thick not a whisper made it through anymore after she’d buckled them into place.

The young Chinese student then left the shack to retrieve the transport truck and her disguise to get off base.

Inside the shack, both girls kept struggling valiantly, biting away the pain from the steel biting their slender wrists and ankles. But even after crawling around the room with their limited movement range, they failed to find any sort of tool that could free them. Nothing inside could serve as a lockpick, and the cuffs were snapped on far too tightly.

20 minutes later, Rin arrived to load up an outrageous Houki and a desperate Cecilia.

But their gags rendered the poor girls so mute Rin could ignore their pleas with ease as she rendered them unconscious once more, loaded them into the truck and drove off campus to the nearest town.

The young Chinese transfer student soon arrived at a shady bar of which rumours told it held underground auctions, mostly of orphan girls who wouldn’t be missed. All it had taken was a few phone calls the day before to confirm those rumours. And to Rin’s delight, the ringleader had assured her he didn’t object to a pair of IS academy cuties. Not at all.

The truck arrived around the back of the bar just as the first people were starting to walk the streets on their way to work. There was still over an hour to go before the auction started, giving Rin ample time to deliver ‘her goods’ to the auctioneer to let him set up his trade deals of the day.

Rin never even looked back at her former rivals as the man took possession of the truck, leaving her to fly back using her gear above the clouds so as to avoid being spotted.

[Later that day]

“Alright everyone, we’re coming up on two of my finest lots today!” The auctioneer calmed down his audience. “Two beautiful young women who were… expelled from IS-academy.”

“Oooohh!” The crowd awed as his assistant brought out the still chained and gagged Houki and Cecilia. Both were still wearing their skimpy outfits, which the ringleader had absolutely loved. His expectations for the bids on these two were quite high.

Both of the young women kept squirming and resisting, but they had no real way of escaping. The dark-haired and blonde girls glared at the audience, as if to scare the bidders away.

But if anything, it riled them up even more.

“Woohoo! Give us a twirl you girls!”

“Hey, blondie! Love that nightie! How about you give us a look of what’s underneath?!”

“Calm down please!” The auctioneer called the crowd to order, which it did. Briefly.

“The auction has decided to sell these two girls as a pair. Separate bidding will not be allowed, and the bid starts at 150.000 US.”

“160!” A voice in the back immediately shouted.




The bidding war that ensued was unseen by the auctioneer, or even the mastermind behind the whole operation. Over a dozen people kept shouting out numbers, leaving Houki and Cecilia to gawk at the crowd offering hundreds of thousands of dollars for their bodies!

I didn’t know there were so many wealthy people near IS Academy, much less this unbelievable underground network! Cecilia thought nervously.

Houki had realized something even more disconcerting.

Nobody at the academy even knows of this underground auction. If we get sold here, chances are they’ll never find us!

The raven-haired damsel began squirming around sacredly, fidgeting with her handcuffs for the umpteenth time, hoping beyond hope they would finally give in.

The fear in her eyes and agitation in her movements betrayed to Cecilia that her dark haired friend had drawn the same conclusion she had: If they didn’t escape now, they would probably not get another chance for a long time.

And the numbers just kept climbing higher.

“Nine hundred thousand dollars!” A burly man suddenly shouted, growled almost, from the right of the room.

“Hmnn!” Houki yelped as she saw the beast which for now held the rights to her and Cecilia’s bodies.

I am NOT going home with that freak! She thought determined, pulling at the chain tethering their feet to the floor, making it ring loud enough to surpass the noise of the bidding crowd.

The Cecilia bit hard on her gag as she kicked her legs with all her might, biting away the cold hard steel digging into her fair skin.

All we need is to get that damned chain free from the ring in the floor! The blonde told herself. If we can just run, we might stand a chance.

As slim as that possibility was, it was all they had right now.

But it was as if their desperate display only stoked the fire higher.

“1 million!” A young man shouted.

“1.2 million!” An elderly gentleman immediately countered.

Discounting the horror of what was happening, the two damsels couldn’t help but feel a little flattered at the huge swarm of interest.

But Houki and Cecilia felt rather unnerved as well, because looking around the room told them that the high rollers wouldn’t exactly be good hosts…

Except for one.

“Two million US Dollars!” A silky female voice said from the back of the room, silencing the rest of the room as the men scrambled to turn around and see who’d called out.

It was a tall, red haired woman with an amazingly curvaceous body. A large D-cup chest, luscious hips and thighs, perfectly shaped calves and a water-mouthing hourglass waist. All of that was scarcely covered by a black latex dress that left a deep cleavage and showed a lot of leg. Her 6-inch red high heels made the tall bombshell even more impressive as she stood up from her chair and slowly headed for the stage, her hips swaying hypnotically.

“I take it my bid is the final one?” She said confidently, smiling calmly at the two IS-academy aces.

The deafening silence confirmed that, after which the auctioneer granted the gorgeous young woman her lot: Houki Shinonon and Cecilia Alcott.

Backstage, the ringleader rubbed his hands. “I hope that little pixie with the brown hair stops by with more rivals in the future. She just made my month!”

“You can collect your buys after the auction is concluded.” The auctioneer told the red haired woman.

She smiled playfully at the bound and gagged girls. “I can’t wait.” She said, licking her full red lips playfully with her tongue, shining up the gloss even more.

Houki felt a shiver run down her spine.

Cecilia meanwhile tried to keep calm as she examined their new owner’s entourage.

The buxom redhead had brought half a dozen scantily clad girls in harem and maid outfits with her. It was clear this hadn’t been her first auction. Not by a long shot.

The blonde and raven haired girls were biting down on their panel gags to keep their tears from rage and frustration from spilling out as the auctioneer settled the transaction with the tall mistress.

This is crazy! They can’t do this to us! Houki thought angrily.

Someone will look for us! Cecilia thought determined. Ichika will NEVER give up on us! I just know it!

But that knowledge did little to comfort them as the auction house personnel escorted the two bound and gagged damsels back off stage and into a cell.

Less than an hour later, four burly men showed up to load retrieve poor Houki and Cecilia.

They did their utmost to kick, scream, punch or even scratch their way to freedom, but their chains and gags left them completely outmatched for the four men as they carried them off and sealed them into wooden crates which were then loaded into the red haired woman’s truck.

The massive vehicle slowly got in gear as it left the town and drove even further away from IS-academy, leaving a sobbing duo to dread whatever kind of humiliating life they were about to be forced into.

[4 Days later] 

“Houki-san, Cecilia-san, our mistress requires you.” The head maid called from the bottom of the stairs.

The two young girls grudgingly came downstairs, purely because they’d learned by now that defiance resulted in either going hungry or suffering depraved forms of punishment at the hands of their red-haired owner.

Houki and Cecilia arrived in the lavish living room wearing nothing but snow white, skimpy and demeaning harem outfits along with golden bracelets and anklets which were connected with golden chains, ringing with every step they took.

“You called for us?” Houki said, glaring at the tall and buxom woman who was draped on her couch, her dress barely containing her magnificent features.


“Sorry?” Cecilia replied.

“I’ve told you time and again to always address me with ‘mistress’.” The redhead commanded. “For honour students from IS academy, you two are surprisingly slow on the uptake.”

“Excuse me?!” Houki flared up, as she tended to do whenever her new owner was involved.

“We never agreed to becoming your slaves!” Cecilia said heatedly. “You have no right to keep us!”

“Sure I do. I have the receipt.” The bombshell mocked.


“Behave you two!” The head maid scolded the dark-haired and blonde girls as she walked in with the glass of champagne her boss had requested. “Our mistress is a very kind person, but her generosity requires you obey her.”

“So in other words, we need to act as slaves if we don’t want to be punished.” Cecilia spat.

“That’s pretty much it.” The owner of the mansion replied cheerfully. “It might seem unfair and frustrating at first. But don’t worry. Over time, you’ll come to enjoy life here.”

“We don’t want to enjoy our life here, we want to go home!” Houki complained.

“Well, you can’t.” Their captor said coldly. “And until you accept that, I fear you’ll have to tolerate my lesser side.” The wealthy mistress added, clicking her fingers to summon a few more maids to subdue her newest additions.

Three maids came in to tie knotted cleave gags between Houki and Cecilia’s lips as well as tighten the chains until they their wrists were pinned together, keeping them docile.

“Hmrrggn!” Houki growled, trying to fight off the maids. But they were far too experienced, neither Houki nor Cecilia could even slow them down.

When they stepped back again, their hands were useless and their voices silenced.

“Good, now both of you can take a duster and clean the library.”

“Hmrnnn!” The two protested.

“You two, last warning!” The head maid said sternly. “Either you start doing as you’re told or you’ll face the consequences. Again!”

But Houki and Cecilia both stamped their bare feet on the floor, jingling their chains in the process as they signified they would refuse to obey these ludicrous commands. They were proud members of IS-academy, not servants!

The brunette head maid sighed deeply. “Alright, fine.”

She turned to her boss. “Would you permit me to take care of this, mistress?”

“Of course,” the redhead replied, sipping her wine, “I trust your judgement. You know I do, you’ve earned it through years of exemplary work.” She praised the cute maid, taunting her newest acquisitions at the same time.

“Thank you, mistress.” The head maid replied as she marched over and grabbed hold of both Houki and Cecilia’s handcuff chains.

The blonde and dark-haired girls yelped as they were dragged back to their rooms, moaning in pain as they were forced to hurry along as fast as their poor bare feet could carry them, doing their best not to trip over the leg irons locked around their ankles.

“Ow owwn (slow down)!” Cecilia whimpered as the cold marble stairs irritated her feet.

“No.” The maid said stubbornly. “Even after four days, you two are a hand full. In order to keep you from bothering our mistress, I’ll teach you a lesson.”

“OOH (NOO)!” Houki protested.

“Yes.” The brunette said, guiding her newest subordinates into the room.

Despite their best efforts, the Japanese and English captives soon found themselves helplessly trapped on their beds.

Both their hands had been shackled to the headboard, their ankles pulled toward a corner of the foot-end each. The head maid had taped a pair of vibrating pebbles to both Houki and Cecilia’s nipples, keeping the poor young women squirming around as they tried to keep down their arousal.

But that wasn’t the only layer to their ‘education’.

Because Rin had given the buxom redhead a little hint to help keep her new slaves in line…

“I suppose I might as well try.” The head maid thought out loud, making Houki and Cecilia perk up.

“HMRRN!” The blonde shrieked as she was the first to spot what their captor was talking about.

The matron of the house had brought a brush along!

That sneaky little-! Houki cursed her Chinese rival.

Rin had advised that tickle torture would be a great help at keeping them in line.

As the cute girl dressed in frilly black hovered the bristles near Cecilia’s feet, the helpless blonde girl began squirming around madly. “OWN (DON’T)!” She pleaded.

“Will you behave yourselves in the future?”

“YEHH (YES)!” The two slaves shouted in chorus.

“Wow, that was fast. Guess what that tiny Chinese girl said was right.”

Houki and Cecilia chewed on their cleave gags in anger. 

If I ever get out of here, I’m shipping that little snot over to the tower of London! Cecilia swore to herself.

“I suppose I’d do best to follow her advise, and tickle you anyways to ensure you’ve learned your lesson.”

“HHMMRNNNNNN!” The two young women shrieked in despair as the head maid commenced what would become an hour of turn-based tickling.

She ran the brush over the soles of their feet, along the inside of their thighs and even spent a few minutes caressing their taut bellies and sides.

Both of the helpless young students bucked and howled like their lives depended on it, but they were utterly helpless to avoid their master’s aide.

When both the dark haired and blonde captives were too exhausted to even move, the head maid backed off.

“I’ll let you two catch your breaths now.” She announced to their relief. “I shall return in half an hour, after which we’ll try and see if you two have become more willing to serve our mistress.”

Cecilia and Houki lied there on their beds, biting away their tears of frustration.

But as angry as they felt with Rin, the red haired mistress and of course her number one maid, both of them had categorically decided to take on their servant roles. At least for today. As humiliating as it would be, it still trumped another sessions with that brush…


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